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Re: I received a 99+ ATAR - ask me anything.
« Reply #45 on: March 25, 2018, 11:07:53 pm »
Hey I am in year 11 and I am stuck on my biology assignment.

Do you know what a hydrophilic channel is and what the function of a alpha helix structure.

Hey there! Welcome to ATAR Notes :)
I think your question would probably be better suited to the VCE Biology Question Thread - Joseph41 didn't actually study Biology at high school! Reply to that thread with your question, and someone should be able to help you out soon :)


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Re: I received a 99+ ATAR - ask me anything.
« Reply #46 on: March 26, 2018, 10:30:25 am »
Hey, this Q&A thing is really cool - it's like a nerd's version of a Reddit AMA haha

Did you go to a "good" (academically oriented) school or get tutoring or anything like that? And do you think that having those kinds of resources is as relevant to your ATAR as many say it is?

How much of a role does sucking up to your teachers and writing what the examiners want to hear have on the total result? Do you think that in any of the subjects you did that there was a bias towards certain ideas and ways of answer questions?

Have you watched the show "My Year 12 Life"? If so, what did you think of it?

Hey! Glad you're enjoying it - thanks for your questions. :)

Did you go to a "good" (academically oriented) school or get tutoring or anything like that?
Depends what you classify as "good". Traditionally it gets a median study score of like 31, which I guess it technically very slightly above average? It's nothing special, but not the worst - very similar I'd imagine to many other public schools. My graduation year was one of the best in the school's history, and we just snuck into the top 100 according to Better Education. So in summary, yeah, I consider it a good school, but it's far from being a good school, if you know what I mean (not trying to be obtuse - just difficult to portray that it's a fine school without being incredible via text haha).

I didn't get any tutoring in Year 12, no. I had a Methods 1/2 tutor briefly in Year 11 but that was my only experience receiving tutoring throughout high school. Is it necessary to do well? No, definitely not. Can it really help a lot of people? Yeah, absolutely. I think tutoring, like a lot of other things, is a very personal thing - and it would be irresponsible of me to say that it's absolutely necessary or absolutely pointless, because it means different things to different people. Despite not getting tutoring at all throughout Year 12 and doing fine without it, I see the benefits of it almost every day.

And do you think that having those kinds of resources is as relevant to your ATAR as many say it is?
Depends who you're listening to and what they're saying. But for context, I think it's more than possible to do extremely well without going to a school that gets amazing results and without paying hundreds of dollars per hour for additional resources. There are many instances of this, including on these forums. I think it's hard to deny that going to certain schools has a strong correlation with higher ATARs, but what does this mean, really? I honestly don't know if my ATAR would have been slightly higher or considerably lower had I gone to a "better" school.

In ~Year 9/10, I flirted with the idea of going for selective schools and stuff, but ultimately decided against it, and honestly I think that was a great decision. Come Year 12, I loved being at my school, being involved with leadership and all that jazz. Honestly, I think high school is about way more than marks, and you have to make an educated decision about what's best for you.

How much of a role does sucking up to your teachers and writing what the examiners want to hear have on the total result?
I don't think you need to "suck up" to your teachers; I think you just need to demonstrate diligence and a willingness to improve, and be respectful. Basically, just don't make their job unnecessarily difficult, because it's difficult enough as is. They just want to help you, and being respectful of that is really all it takes. No need to compliment them all the time and take apples to class lol. They're the ones marking your assessments, so if nothing else, it just wouldn't make sense to be ratty toward them.

Writing what the examiners want to hear - yeah, I think this would play a big part. Basically your question is, "how big an impact does writing the correct answers have on the exam?" And when put like that, the answer is obviously, "quite a lot". If VCAA/NESA specify definitions, you've got to use those definitions. If there are buzz words that'll get you marks, use those buzz words. To me, this is all part of "playing the game". Sometimes it sucks, and sometimes I felt like I was just regurgitating information a bit, but it's all part of it and just something that has to be done.

Do you think that in any of the subjects you did that there was a bias towards certain ideas and ways of answer questions?
Yeah, I'd say so - but I learnt which ways were preferred, and then used those ways. Seemed to work okay! Haha. I think there are a couple of parts to doing well in Year 12 subjects:
* Learning the content
* Answering questions in a suitable manner

It's all well and good to know the syllabus like the back of your hand, but if you don't use that knowledge/content in an appropriate (according to VCAA/NESA) way, the whole thing is pretty fruitless. That's why it's so important to inspect examination reports, work closely with your teachers etc. to perfect your answer structure.

Have you watched the show "My Year 12 Life"? If so, what did you think of it?
I have absolutely no idea how this is the case, but no, I honestly haven't seen a single minute of it. Blows my mind to this day haha - it's high on my to-do list but I just haven't got around to it. I don't even know why I didn't watch it when it was on initially; the times must have been inconvenient for me.

Have you watched it? If so, what did you think of it?

Questions... so many questions..... hmmmm.
Well here goes nothing a series of questions that are varying, interesting and thought-provoking for you :).

  • What is the book (or books) you've given most as a gift, and why? Or what are one to three books that you have greatly influenced your life?
  • How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? Do you have a "favorite failure" of yours?
  • What is the one of the best or most worthwhile investments you've ever made? (Could be an investment of money, time, energy, etc.)
  • What advice would you give to a smart, driven highschool and/or university student about to enter the "real world"? What advice should they ignore?
  • When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, or have lost your focus temporarily, what do you do? (If helpful: What questions do you ask yourself?)

G'day zofro! Thanks for your questions.

What is the book (or books) you've given most as a gift, and why? Or what are one to three books that you have greatly influenced your life?
I seldom give books as a gift, and even if I did, they probably wouldn't strongly reflect my personal preferences. I'll speak briefly about the book I most recently finished, plus my favourite book.

* I just finished After Bali by Jason McCartney. McCartney was a professional footballer who survived the Bali bombings. He suffered burns to 50% of his body, was in a seriously critical condition for a period, and then somehow made it back to play again at the highest level. This book has been sitting on my bookshelves for like five years but I hadn't picked it up until recently. Couldn't put it down. I was only eight at the time of the Bali bombings, so my understanding of it was pretty limited, and this book gave a pretty comprehensive run-down of them. Definitely gave me perspective and in an unexpected way, has helped me personally over the last little while.

* Throw a blanket over a bunch of George Orwell texts, but my favourite is Keep the Aspidistra Flying. On first reading, it really hit home that societal structure isn't inherent, and the way we are is largely a result of conditioning - not nature. I enjoyed the Comstock's war on money dependence, and also could identify with parts of his personality, which is perhaps why I like it so much. If I were to gift a book based on my own preferences, it would probably be this one. It's one of Orwell's lesser-known novels, but I really enjoyed it, and have read it on multiple occasions.

How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? Do you have a "favorite failure" of yours?
Difficult question to answer, just because I'm not really sure what constitutes a failure.

I mean, I've had some pretty difficult periods personally, and I certainly think I'm stronger as a person now as a result. Being in difficult situations has helped me to be more objective, and to be able to detach myself from situations I'd previously have been drawn into.

I was in a relationship for just under two years before ending it through Year 12, and I struggled with that "failure" for quite some time. Now, I'm very happily with the love of my life, and we're approaching 4.5 years together. I definitely learnt a lot about that first relationship in terms of communication and honesty, I think (in the not bottling up emotions sense).

I was always pretty good at school tbh, but "failed" in my own eyes in some respects. My school had this thing where the top like 20 students or something from each cohort were awarded with a prize at the end of the year, and I was never selected in that group. This was pretty weird for me coming out of primary school, where I'd always been one of the top few in the class. I think this made me work harder and figure out how I studied best, which put me in good stead for VCE. I ended up being the Year 12 dux, and also achieving the highest ATAR my school had ever had at that time (since usurped).

I don't think I have a favourite failure, to answer your question directly. There are very many things I've learnt from in my life, and I'm sure there'll be many more in the future. I make mistakes regularly - numerous times daily - but I think everybody does, and that's just part of life. Perhaps what I'm working on most actively at the moment is relevant here: not taking mistakes to heart too much, and taking a step back from them to see that mistakes are not the end of the world.

What is the one of the best or most worthwhile investments you've ever made? (Could be an investment of money, time, energy, etc.)
Relationships of all sorts comes immediately to mind. I don't think you can make a better investment of time than in relationships.

Thinking pragmatically, working hard through high school has paid off for me, I'd say. I've tutored, worked several jobs and received scholarships as a result.

What advice would you give to a smart, driven highschool and/or university student about to enter the "real world"? What advice should they ignore?
I don't think you should ignore any advice. That's not to say you should act on everything you hear, but thinking about advice is a good process IMO. Taking something in and deciding against it isn't the same as ignoring it IMO.

For high school students:
* If you're planning to study at uni, think carefully about what you actually enjoy, and what you want to pursue in your life.
* Try to get involved where you can, and don't just cruise through uni like I did in a sense. Some of the most important traits for the workforce are things you'll pick up in non-academic parts of university life.
* If you're at uni, I'd really recommend working part-time. Seriously.
* Don't be afraid to reach out for help if you're having a tough time making the transition to uni/work. This can be really difficult, and it can honestly creep up on you heaps. It's important to take care of yourself first and foremost.

For uni students, largely the same, but:
* Experience is experience, and your first job certainly doesn't need to be your last one.
* Organise your finances. The sooner the better.
* Don't be afraid to reach out for help if you're having a tough time making the transition to work. This can be really difficult, and it can honestly creep up on you heaps. It's important to take care of yourself first and foremost.

I'll also note here that I'm only in my second year of full-time work myself, so take all of this with a grain of salt haha.

When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, or have lost your focus temporarily, what do you do? (If helpful: What questions do you ask yourself?)
* Go for a walk
* Drink water
* Mindfulness
* Take a break and just do whatever
* Draw
* Write
* Sport
* Read

Depends on the situation a bit, but those things about are good circuit-breakers for me. I think the key is to just take your mind off things and try to focus on something else for a short period.

Hey Joseph41 !

Any tips for what to do on mid-sem break for uni??

Hey nice!

Laws/Biomed would obviously be pretty hectic, so I think the number one thing I'd recommend is, if possible, take a genuine break for a few days. Work permitting, give yourself permission to get away for a bit. You still have a bit of the semester to go, and then SWOTVAC, and then exams, and trust me: you don't want to start breaking down come the end of the semester (physically or otherwise). So yeah, I think it's probably in your best interests to genuinely recuperate if you can. But what's your workload like at the moment in terms of assignments and readings and revision and everything else? How are you finding first year so far?

In terms of revision, I usually found mid-sem a good time to either catch up or get ahead a bit, depending on the situation. I'd forecast a few weeks ahead and see what was on the horizon. For example, if I had three essays due within the same week in like a month, I'd get started on one or two of those - even if it was just dot-pointing potential topics or resources to use. Doing this gave me a bit of breathing space later on, and this was helpful.

In saying that, I spent my entire mid-sem in my final undergraduate semester in Japan, so I definitely didn't study all the time or anything like that haha.

Hey I am in year 11 and I am stuck on my biology assignment.

Do you know what a hydrophilic channel is and what the function of a alpha helix structure.

Hey, welcome to ATAR Notes. :) I'll just agree with what K888 has said above. I didn't study Bio myself (a regret!), so I've never even heard of a hydrophilic channel haha. But I really recommend asking in the HSC Biology Question Thread if in New South Wales or the VCE Biology Question Thread if in Victoria, because somebody there will definitely be able to help you. :)

Looking forward to seeing you around the forums!
« Last Edit: March 26, 2018, 10:37:46 am by Joseph41 »

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Re: I received a 99+ ATAR - ask me anything.
« Reply #47 on: March 26, 2018, 10:48:13 am »
1. What is your motto in life?
2. Do you think the whole leadership team (warner, lehmann, smith) should step down? (obligatory cricket q)
3. What is your greatest achievement?
4. If you could have a million dollars (with the condition that you had to stay on a desert island for 2 years, would you do it)?
5. Do you class the actions of smith and bancroft in the same level as Maria Sharapova and Lance Armstrong's actions?
That is all :P
(sorry additional q, forgot it before)
« Last Edit: March 26, 2018, 11:01:42 am by EEEEEEP »


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Re: I received a 99+ ATAR - ask me anything.
« Reply #48 on: March 26, 2018, 03:05:44 pm »
1. What is your motto in life?
2. Do you think the whole leadership team (warner, lehmann, smith) should step down? (obligatory cricket q)
3. What is your greatest achievement?
4. If you could have a million dollars (with the condition that you had to stay on a desert island for 2 years, would you do it)?
5. Do you class the actions of smith and bancroft in the same level as Maria Sharapova and Lance Armstrong's actions?
That is all :P
(sorry additional q, forgot it before)

1. What is your motto in life?
I don't think I have a motto as such. Here's one I've stolen off David Mitchell, though ;):

"One of the codes I live my life by is that my appearance should be in no way noteworthy, but then again, not so un-noteworthy as to be, in itself, noteworthy."

In all seriousness, I think like, patience is something I value very strongly, plus loyalty and empathy. I'd say they're probably three of the things I try to centre my life upon (whether successful or not is another question), but I'm not sure I have a neat little motto to share. I really like these lyrics from The Avett Brothers, though, and this is what I'll share instead (relevant, I think):

"If I live the life I'm given, I won't be scared to die."

2. Do you think the whole leadership team (warner, lehmann, smith) should step down? (obligatory cricket q)
I think anybody who was involved should be suspended for at least a year, so yeah, I guess so. And if they don't step down, they should be pushed. Smith should never captain Australia again. I think Bancroft is somewhat of a victim in all of this, and the current punishment given to him is appropriate (plus probably an internal suspension for a game or two).

The whole thing has honestly diluted my passion for Australian cricket (probably temporarily, but still). I've seen a lot of people point to precedent in Faf, Afridi, Ashes 2005 etc. but like, I don't really care what other teams have done - all I care about is that the integrity of Australian cricket has been damaged, perhaps permanently. I'd happily sacrifice on-field performance to have a team willing to play by the rules. And not just willing, but actively endeavouring to do so.

3. What is your greatest achievement?
Toughy. At risk of being repetitive, I'd like to say the friends I've made along the way, in addition of course to being with my lovely girlfriend. My second thought is winning our U16 cricket premiership haha, which was also my very last game of junior cricket. It's one of my absolute favourite memories in my life, and something I'll always cherish.

Academic stuff, whilst nice, isn't that meaningful to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely proud of what I've accomplished and have worked hard to get to this point, but I like to think my life is broader than just academics haha.

I'm also really happy with what we've achieved at ATAR Notes. These forums are incredible - seriously - and I don't think they've even been in a stronger position than they are right now. We have so, so many users who make amazing contributions, and who I really hope will continue to do so for years to come. I'm in a fortunate position where, with the other admins and broader moderator team, I can sort of guide the direction of the community, and that's a big privilege. Seeing users develop over time from lurker to posters to regulars to moderators is a huge thing, too - and one of my favourite parts of being involved with ATAR Notes. For example, being able to NatMod somebody like K888, who has made endless contributions to this community - that's a really great feeling.

4. If you could have a million dollars (with the condition that you had to stay on a desert island for 2 years, would you do it)?
I need more information here. What are the stipulations of the island? Am I alone? Am I comfortable? Can I work?

5. Do you class the actions of smith and bancroft in the same level as Maria Sharapova and Lance Armstrong's actions?
I think performing-enhancing drugs and ball-tampering are separate issues, but I guess both fall under the broader umbrella of cheating. I don't know that much about the Sharapova or Armstrong cases, but I'd say they're similar to a degree despite some pretty fundamental differences.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2018, 03:24:31 pm by Joseph41 »

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Re: I received a 99+ ATAR - ask me anything.
« Reply #49 on: March 26, 2018, 03:18:02 pm »
4. If you could have a million dollars (with the condition that you had to stay on a desert island for 2 years, would you do it)?
I need more information here. What are the stipulations of the island? Am I alone? Am I comfortable? Can I work?

5. Do you class the actions of smith and bancroft in the same level as Maria Sharapova and Lance Armstrong's actions?
I think performing-enhancing drugs and ball-tampering are separate issues, but I guess both fall under the broader umbrella of cheating. I don't know that much about the Sharapova or Armstrong cases, but I'd say they're similar to a degree despite some pretty fundamental differences.
;D, love the answers

Do people work on deserted islands? HAHA (No, you can't work on that island)
As for Sharapova and Arnstrong.... Sharapova  failed a drug test at the 2016 Australian Open (was banned for 2 years and a bit from competing) and Armstrong was found to be doping (and had his titles stripped off him).


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Re: I received a 99+ ATAR - ask me anything.
« Reply #50 on: March 26, 2018, 03:20:36 pm »

Do people work on deserted islands? HAHA
As for Sharapova and Arnstrong.... Sharapova  failed a drug test at the 2016 Australian Open (was banned for 2 years and a bit from competing) and Armstrong was found to be doping (and had his titles stripped off him).

Yeah, I'm broadly aware of those situations, but don't know the specifics much more than that. Doping is fundamentally different to ball-tampering, but as I mentioned, I guess they're two different branches of the same umbrella of cheating. Has Sharapova said she did it intentionally? I don't think so - wasn't what she took legal up until a little while before she failed the test? In that sense I guess the cases are quite different.

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Re: I received a 99+ ATAR - ask me anything.
« Reply #51 on: March 26, 2018, 06:15:26 pm »
What do I do if I have a bad teacher for biology?
Thanks  ;D


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Re: I received a 99+ ATAR - ask me anything.
« Reply #52 on: March 26, 2018, 06:27:17 pm »
How many hours did you study every day?


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Re: I received a 99+ ATAR and a perfect GPA - ask me anything.
« Reply #53 on: March 26, 2018, 06:38:55 pm »
Bit broad, but how did you study during uni?
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Re: I received a 99+ ATAR and a perfect GPA - ask me anything.
« Reply #54 on: March 26, 2018, 07:31:50 pm »
But what's your workload like at the moment in terms of assignments and readings and revision and everything else? How are you finding first year so far?

At the moment it's very full on hahahah. I have 3 assignments due within the next month and a bit  :// I know once I start them though it will be easier to get done, so I'm kinda looking forward to the mid-sem break just so I can stop stressing about finding time to actually make a start. There's also so much content so revising by summarising notes from lecture slides is very time-consuming, but does feel very satisfactory when I finish and can tick it off my to-do-list.

First year in general is pretty fun so far (only week 5 though lol) !! Just the social side is super busy !!! I've met so many new people and there have already been so many social events, but it's a nice break from seeing the same people everyday in highschool. The workload isn't unbearable but it does keep you busy (especially the readings for law ahhh).
But overall, I'm managing ! Just need to get on top of the assignments >:(
2017 ATAR: 99.00
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Re: I received a 99+ ATAR and a perfect GPA - ask me anything.
« Reply #55 on: March 26, 2018, 08:09:04 pm »
Hey I was wondering if you ever did poorly in a school assessment in Year 12? Like is it possible to have stuffed up one school exam and still achieve a +99 ATAR? Thanks


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Re: I received a 99+ ATAR and a perfect GPA - ask me anything.
« Reply #56 on: March 26, 2018, 09:06:19 pm »
G'day zofro! Thanks for your questions.

What is the book (or books) you've given most as a gift, and why? Or what are one to three books that you have greatly influenced your life?
I seldom give books as a gift, and even if I did, they probably wouldn't strongly reflect my personal preferences. I'll speak briefly about the book I most recently finished, plus my favourite book.

* I just finished After Bali by Jason McCartney. McCartney was a professional footballer who survived the Bali bombings. He suffered burns to 50% of his body, was in a seriously critical condition for a period, and then somehow made it back to play again at the highest level. This book has been sitting on my bookshelves for like five years but I hadn't picked it up until recently. Couldn't put it down. I was only eight at the time of the Bali bombings, so my understanding of it was pretty limited, and this book gave a pretty comprehensive run-down of them. Definitely gave me perspective and in an unexpected way, has helped me personally over the last little while.

* Throw a blanket over a bunch of George Orwell texts, but my favourite is Keep the Aspidistra Flying. On first reading, it really hit home that societal structure isn't inherent, and the way we are is largely a result of conditioning - not nature. I enjoyed the Comstock's war on money dependence, and also could identify with parts of his personality, which is perhaps why I like it so much. If I were to gift a book based on my own preferences, it would probably be this one. It's one of Orwell's lesser-known novels, but I really enjoyed it, and have read it on multiple occasions.

How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? Do you have a "favorite failure" of yours?
Difficult question to answer, just because I'm not really sure what constitutes a failure.

I mean, I've had some pretty difficult periods personally, and I certainly think I'm stronger as a person now as a result. Being in difficult situations has helped me to be more objective, and to be able to detach myself from situations I'd previously have been drawn into.

I was in a relationship for just under two years before ending it through Year 12, and I struggled with that "failure" for quite some time. Now, I'm very happily with the love of my life, and we're approaching 4.5 years together. I definitely learnt a lot about that first relationship in terms of communication and honesty, I think (in the not bottling up emotions sense).

I was always pretty good at school tbh, but "failed" in my own eyes in some respects. My school had this thing where the top like 20 students or something from each cohort were awarded with a prize at the end of the year, and I was never selected in that group. This was pretty weird for me coming out of primary school, where I'd always been one of the top few in the class. I think this made me work harder and figure out how I studied best, which put me in good stead for VCE. I ended up being the Year 12 dux, and also achieving the highest ATAR my school had ever had at that time (since usurped).

I don't think I have a favourite failure, to answer your question directly. There are very many things I've learnt from in my life, and I'm sure there'll be many more in the future. I make mistakes regularly - numerous times daily - but I think everybody does, and that's just part of life.Perhaps what I'm working on most actively at the moment is relevant here: not taking mistakes to heart too much, and taking a step back from them to see that mistakes are not the end of the world.

What is the one of the best or most worthwhile investments you've ever made? (Could be an investment of money, time, energy, etc.)
Relationships of all sorts comes immediately to mind. I don't think you can make a better investment of time than in relationships.

Thinking pragmatically, working hard through high school has paid off for me, I'd say. I've tutored, worked several jobs and received scholarships as a result.

What advice would you give to a smart, driven highschool and/or university student about to enter the "real world"? What advice should they ignore?
I don't think you should ignore any advice. That's not to say you should act on everything you hear, but thinking about advice is a good process IMO. Taking something in and deciding against it isn't the same as ignoring it IMO.

For high school students:
* If you're planning to study at uni, think carefully about what you actually enjoy, and what you want to pursue in your life.
* Try to get involved where you can, and don't just cruise through uni like I did in a sense. Some of the most important traits for the workforce are things you'll pick up in non-academic parts of university life.
* If you're at uni, I'd really recommend working part-time. Seriously.
* Don't be afraid to reach out for help if you're having a tough time making the transition to uni/work. This can be really difficult, and it can honestly creep up on you heaps. It's important to take care of yourself first and foremost.

For uni students, largely the same, but:
* Experience is experience, and your first job certainly doesn't need to be your last one.
* Organise your finances. The sooner the better.
* Don't be afraid to reach out for help if you're having a tough time making the transition to work. This can be really difficult, and it can honestly creep up on you heaps. It's important to take care of yourself first and foremost.

I'll also note here that I'm only in my second year of full-time work myself, so take all of this with a grain of salt haha.

When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, or have lost your focus temporarily, what do you do? (If helpful: What questions do you ask yourself?)
* Go for a walk
* Drink water
* Mindfulness
* Take a break and just do whatever
* Draw
* Write
* Sport
* Read

Depends on the situation a bit, but those things about are good circuit-breakers for me. I think the key is to just take your mind off things and try to focus on something else for a short period.

First of all, thanks for the awesome answers.

It was interesting to see your take on "failures"  and I agree with your last passage that I bolded and made it red from your answer to that question because more people should take this viewpoint on failures/mistakes.
I too also love George Orwell's novels, I'll be sure to give Keep the Aspidistra Flying a read soon. *Looks at the stacks books on my desk.... :)*

Thanks for the AMA, I wish more of these in the future. Is it time to bring back Mod AMAs for the newer mods?
Jack of all trades, master of none.
Hence why i'm in all these different threads and boards.


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Re: I received a 99+ ATAR and a perfect GPA - ask me anything.
« Reply #57 on: March 26, 2018, 09:50:05 pm »
Hey Joseph,
Currently in year 12 atm and I seem like my marks are pretty decent, however I feel like I'm losing the motivation to study now
1) Would you have any tips as to how i'd be able to tackle demotivation?
2) Why is it that some people are unable to see their academic potential while others around them can?
3) Is it possible to achieve 95+ atar even if one scores pretty average in their Half yearlies?


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Re: I received a 99+ ATAR and a perfect GPA - ask me anything.
« Reply #58 on: March 27, 2018, 07:30:06 am »
In your opinion what are the top 10 Universities in Australia and why?
And, when you really have no idea what you want to study/be/do with your life, then how would you suggest going about looking at options for uni?


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Re: I received a 99+ ATAR and a perfect GPA - ask me anything.
« Reply #59 on: March 27, 2018, 09:26:35 am »
Is it still possible to get a 35 and above study score if you fail the first SAC that's worth 20% of the outcome mark?