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Maya's Vce Journal
« on: April 10, 2018, 09:38:12 pm »
So I've been debating about making this journal for quite some time and today I decided to go for it. I felt like it would be a good way to write my thoughts down and it would be interesting to reflect even though it's  nearly term 2 already.

So a bit about me
This year I'm currently doing 4 vce subjects which are English, Math Methods, Biology and Chemistry. Last year I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to do 2 vce subjects which was HHD and Further math.

Throughout my 2 years in vce HHD  has been and will always be my favorite subject. I enjoyed the writing part of it and the formulaic structural response. It was an interesting subject to delve into. The fact that we had a brilliant teacher also helped. I honestly could not thank her enough for  her help.I feel like in vce a good teacher is essential. This was also the first unit 12 subject which I did in year 10 and I'm glad I picked it. I'm pretty sure that in vce we have always heard that do not pick subjects just because your friends are doing it. This was the case for HHD. I originally picked psychology but changed because of a friend and I do not regret at all. In the end I was happy with my result despite being a lot lower than I expected.

Further Math: I was nervous about doing this in year 11 since I hadn't taken general  math beforehand. I was also happy with my result which was surprising considering that i felt like i had screwed up on the exam.

My end goal is ideally to get in Bachelor of Biomedicine at Monash uni. Ideally I would love a job in the science/medical field but not a doctor.

I like watching tv shows especially kdramas, listening to music, reading novels and writing. I like writing poetry but mainly anything in general.

I'll try to keep this journal updated at least once a week but for now goodbye .

Bri MT

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Re: Maya's Vce Journal
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2018, 08:13:16 am »
What draws you to biomedicine at Monash?


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Re: Maya's Vce Journal
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2018, 10:16:41 am »
What draws you to biomedicine at Monash?

The thing is with me I have always been interested in the science area for a long time. My original dream was to be a medical researcher. I guess I was always drawn in how the human body fights disease. My other option is to do a  bachelor of science.


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Re: Maya's Vce Journal
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2018, 11:00:42 am »
How good is HHD, though? Haha. Glad to have a fellow HHD lover around.

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Re: Maya's Vce Journal
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2018, 01:46:05 pm »
Ideally I would love a job in the science/medical field but not a doctor.
Sounds like myself! :) Never wanted to be a doctor, but I'm still in the general science field.

Hope you're enjoying your holidays!
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Re: Maya's Vce Journal
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2018, 02:06:34 pm »
Ideally I would love a job in the science/medical field but not a doctor.
That's a lot like me, but I was more inspired to follow it due to my own life experiences! :)

I like watching tv shows especially kdramas, listening to music, reading novels and writing. I like writing poetry but mainly anything in general.
What type of music and books do you enjoy? ;D
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Re: Maya's Vce Journal
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2018, 03:54:22 pm »
That's a lot like me, but I was more inspired to follow it due to my own life experiences! :)
What type of music and books do you enjoy? ;D

I  mainly like listening to R&B as well as pop music.However I like listening to all types of music. I like reading YA and fantasy novels.


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Re: Maya's Vce Journal
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2018, 09:12:41 pm »
So the holidays are over and it back to school for another 10 weeks.The holidays were mostly spent studying and attending tutoring or holiday class. I didn't get to go out that much with friends but i had the time to catch up on reading some good novels. I also watched plenty of youtube and did a lot of surfing the net.  With school starting its already busy with tests and sacs. I have a test everyday this week for biology and one for methods on Friday. This term I plan to focus more on Methods and Chemistry since those are my weak areas and i've been neglecting them a lot. I also celebrated my birthday and it was a good day which I enjoyed.
I hope everyone has a  good week.


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Re: Maya's Vce Journal
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2018, 12:14:59 pm »
So the holidays are over and it back to school for another 10 weeks.The holidays were mostly spent studying and attending tutoring or holiday class. I didn't get to go out that much with friends but i had the time to catch up on reading some good novels. I also watched plenty of youtube and did a lot of surfing the net.  With school starting its already busy with tests and sacs. I have a test everyday this week for biology and one for methods on Friday. This term I plan to focus more on Methods and Chemistry since those are my weak areas and i've been neglecting them a lot. I also celebrated my birthday and it was a good day which I enjoyed.
I hope everyone has a  good week.

What type of YouTube videos do you enjoy? :)

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.


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Re: Maya's Vce Journal
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2018, 07:55:13 pm »
What type of YouTube videos do you enjoy? :)

I watch a lot of random stuff.


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Re: Maya's Vce Journal
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2018, 07:49:41 pm »
So the first week of term is now over. It was a short week having started on Tuesday. This week is also going to be another short week because of the Anzac day holiday. The first week has gone by quickly and I've released how easily it is to get distract in free periods by playing card games or table tennis. It doesn't help that most people want to talk and relax. I'm still waiting for term 2 to kick in. Even though it was a busy week, the next 2 weeks are chill.

Now onto the subjects

English: I've released that i'm liking english more this term since we are doing creative. We are reading Frankestine and I find the morals issue particularly interesting.

Biology: The tests we had were alright but i felt that towards the end of the week I was loosing steam and didn't do so well on the last test. The good news is that these were only practice tests, so it would be good to go over my mistakes and prepare.Our next topic is immunity which I find more interesting than the previous topic.

Chemistry. We have a sac coming up next week. Its getting more difficult and confusing as time goes by.

Methods: I felt like the test we do on log was alright but I stuffed it up after getting different answers from my peers.The good news is I can count on the retest to help me through. Methods at our school is extremely difficult with the average being around 40s to 50s on tests.

I hope everyone has had a good weekend!


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Re: Maya's Vce Journal
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2018, 07:16:33 pm »
So its been a while since I last updated and things have been getting very busy.

We had the chem sac. It was alright. I felt like I panicked a bit and left some of the questions out. I also felt like there was not enough time to finish the sac. We got our results back  in 3 days which was pretty quick considering that our english sacs took about 8 weeks to mark. My score was mediocre. I wasn't particular happy with it but I wasn't disappointed either. Our next topic is equilibrium and hopefully I can do well on it.

For methods we got our results back. I was pleased that it wasn't too bad. It was my highest so far this year. We are doing differentiation and I like it compared to other topics. We have a test coming up in a weeks time and the sac the week after. I'm pretty nervous for the sac considering I haven't been doing this year but I hope it alright.

For English we got our sac results from term 1 back. I was disappointed with my mark considering the teacher said I did well.However this gives me motivation to do better on the next sac which is a creative one next week.

For biology doing immunity made me release that I'm not interested in this field anymore. It was a real eye-opener and helped me change my mind in what I want to study considering that I planned to do something that was related immunology.

On another note we had parent teacher interview and it gave me the push I needed to step up my game. The next couple of weeks are going to be extremely busy with sacs and test.

How was everyone else week? 


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Re: Maya's Vce Journal
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2018, 09:32:49 pm »
That always happens to me as well, my last chem sac was marked in less than a week, meanwhile it took my teacher an entire TERM to mark our lit essays, and we only have 8 people in our lit class XD I guess it's more difficult to mark essays especially when reading kids' handwritings (like mine) probably give teachers brain aneurysm....

Don't stress about chem! Can't be worse than my D+ average ;D and congrats on your methods result! Good luck for your upcoming SACs  :-)

Thank you!


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Re: Maya's Vce Journal
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2018, 09:21:59 pm »
So its been about 2 weeks since I've last updated and I feel like year 12 has finally hit me. All the sacs and tests are coming in at once,

We had a test on electrolysis for chemistry and I did poorly. I think I had a feeling I was not going to do that well as we had a methods test the day before which I mostly focused on as well as a bio test on the same day. Our chemistry SAC s next week and hopefully I do much better. I like the current topic of rate of reactions which has a lot more theory and understanding  which I prefer compared to calculations.

We just had our creative Sac for english last week on Frankestine. I enjoyed task and ended up writing a tragic horror story. It was also our last ever attempt at creative in high school. As much as I enjoy creative writing, I feel like that is something I would not do in uni.

We also had our Biology sac this week on Immunity. Originally I hated this topic but I feel like over time as I got to understand it better it began to grow on me. Watching crash course videos helped a lot and made me realize the type of learner I am. The sac was decent. There was no extremely difficult questions. It also did not have multiple choice so there was no questions which could trick me. It was however quite long for a sac. I'm glad that I finished in time though. I also felt a bit of relief since we had finally finished Unit 3. Hopefully Unit 4 becomes more enjoyable.

For Methods we started Anti diff  last week and it was alright so far. This week we are revising for the up coming sac  next week.I'm shits scared since I have not been doing so well in Methods and the teacher has recommended that I drop it but I feel like having made it this far, I may as well continue. The fact that i'm not the worst in the class and that my friends are also in the same boat as I am makes me want to continue it. I also like the vibe of methods class , it was where a strong friendship between me and my friends originated as well as the many inside jokes that occurred. Our teacher is one of the best as well which helps it make it more enjoyable.

I decided to experiment a bit with my learning style by making more colorful summaries and drawing diagrams.I also found that watching videos helped it stick in my mind a bit more. I feel like now I've changed from being more of a reading/writing type learner to being a visual learner.

I hope everyone has a great week!


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Re: Maya's Vce Journal
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2018, 11:49:24 pm »
Good on you for finding out more about yourself and individualizing your study practices. If it helps, it's the right thing!

I'm actually appalled your teacher would recommend you drop methods! You've almost finished Unit 3 (or maybe you have already technically) - what benefit is it to you to give up now?
It's also so sad considering you enjoy the class. The teacher might be too focused on marks rather than the passion and commitment of their students.
I have my fingers crossed for you so stay strong!!

I'll reply to our other dialogue soon hahah
Have a great week !
Sometimes you make choices, and sometimes choices make you.

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2015: Japanese SL [42]
2016: Psychology [43] Philosophy [36] Japanese SL [50] [Premier's Award]
2017: UMEP Further Advanced Japanese [4.5]
2018: Methods [24] English Language [41] Chemistry [31] Psychology [41] Cert III in Allied Health Assistance [4.3]
ATAR: 97.45
2019-2024: Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine @ UNSW

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