Welcome to ATAR Notes Aisha
How about you start off by giving us a little bit of background info about yourself (e.g. subjects you're doing, what you plan on doing post-school, hobbies etc?).
I'm sure you're nervous about what next year will bring - but rest assured there are plenty of supports available to you throughout the year. Good luck!
Thanks for the tips Aaron, I had no clue where to begin!
Hello Everyone,
So to begin, let me start off with a little about myself:)
I am currently in year 11 and am completing:
-Units 3/4 Biology
-Units 1/2 English
-Units 1/2 P.E
-Units 1/2 General Maths
-Units 1/2 Methods
-Units 1/2 Chemistry
This year has been a rollercoaster for me. At the start of this year, I really enjoyed all my subjects and was constantly reminded not to only focus on my 3/4, which I did so. I started getting my 3/4 sacs back and I did not really think about ranking at all, but though to myself, I just need to get an S in my yr 11 subjects, no biggy:) "I can try hard next year, I just need to focus on bio". A sentence, i deeply regret feeding myself.
My biggest heads up for anyone doing a 3/4 in year 11 next year:
Do not only focus on it, as in year 12, you will be completing another 5 or 6 3/4, in which you will have to focus equally on.
Anyways aside from that, My dream course in university would be to study Cosmetic surgery

I really enjoy playing sports such as netball and soccer. I have always been a huge fan of cake decorating and plan to decorate cakes, in the near future, as a hobby.
My VCE biology exam is on Friday. I tried so hard throughout the whole year in all my sacs , but now for the exam, I have seem to lost all hope and motivation. Does anyone have any tips or tricks , to get me back on track, in these very last few days
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