So I was reading a ton of these instead of actually studying and now I'm inspired. So lets see if I remember to update this and everyone can witness my journey which will probably result badly. So, I stress out about everything, if a teacher sets a quiz, ill freak like its a formal assessment being sent to NESA...
I do 4u English, 4u maths, economics and legal and was accelerated in 2u math.
I band 6'd 2u math, which was great but now it has me freaking out about keeping 4u - math is usually my worst subject as I failed year 7/8 math and was always told "if it involves math, you're going to fail" so this whole math thing is all about proving myself... But I feel that keeping 4u is going to be detrimental to my ATAR - and I don't know if I should keep it or not but we'll see.
Doing both 4units was the hardest struggle to get happening - my teachers tried everything in their power to get me not to do it and keep business studies (but I absolutely couldn't stand business), but that only made me want to do it more, I feel that I'm better at maths and English than 'other' subjects. After fighting with my HSC co ordinator I was finally allowed to do it but it isn't the easiest thing - English x1 runs at the same time as math x2, so I'm always recording one lesson at sitting in the other (the Hermione jokes never stop). I've been spending more time in maths as I'm stronger in English, actually now that I think about it I hardly ever went to English...
My goal is to do B Laws/B Com at USyd - which is hella competitive and I probably won't get into it, but we'll see how that goes, and ATAR wise I'd be ecstatic with anything 95 and over.
After the first term my marks were pretty decent but I definitely think I can do better;
English Adv - 84% 19/73 (it was an oral presentation and I cried for weeks about this mark)
English x1 - 100% 1/12 (another oral presentation, I honestly don't know how this happened)
English x2 - Not done yet, but I have a viva in like two weeks that I'm stressing the hell out about
Math x1 - 68% 1/14 (it was perms and combs, induction and binomial theorem and I genuinely think they're my best topics)
Math x2 - 53% 3/12 (complex numbers and polynomials, again, probably my best topics)
Legal Studies - 95% 1/58 (this was like four essays in 90mins, but I really enjoy legal - its like my life)
Economics - not done yet, have it in two weeks and its 3 questions + an essay in an hour - shouldn't be too hard right?
I'm doing only one major work - which I see as something 'fun' and 'relaxing', hopefully it stays that way. Hopefully, I can update this whenever something 'amazing' or 'upsetting' happens and it'll be fun to read this at the end of the year.
Thank you all for reading - hopefully my journey is fun and something to remember,