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HSC w/ a stresshead {class of '19}
« on: January 24, 2019, 12:29:38 pm »

So I was reading a ton of these instead of actually studying and now I'm inspired. So lets see if I remember to update this and everyone can witness my journey which will probably result badly. So, I stress out about everything, if a teacher sets a quiz, ill freak like its a formal assessment being sent to NESA...

I do 4u English, 4u maths, economics and legal and was accelerated in 2u math.
I band 6'd 2u math, which was great but now it has me freaking out about keeping 4u - math is usually my worst subject as I failed year 7/8 math and was always told "if it involves math, you're going to fail" so this whole math thing is all about proving myself... But I feel that keeping 4u is going to be detrimental to my ATAR - and I don't know if I should keep it or not but we'll see.

Doing both 4units was the hardest struggle to get happening - my teachers tried everything in their power to get me not to do it and keep business studies (but I absolutely couldn't stand business), but that only made me want to do it more, I feel that I'm better at maths and English than 'other' subjects. After fighting with my HSC co ordinator I was finally allowed to do it but it isn't the easiest thing - English x1 runs at the same time as math x2, so I'm always recording one lesson at sitting in the other (the Hermione jokes never stop). I've been spending more time in maths as I'm stronger in English, actually now that I think about it I hardly ever went to English...

My goal is to do B Laws/B Com at USyd - which is hella competitive and I probably won't get into it, but we'll see how that goes, and ATAR wise I'd be ecstatic with anything 95 and over.

After the first term my marks were pretty decent but I definitely think I can do better;
English Adv - 84% 19/73 (it was an oral presentation and I cried for weeks about this mark)
English x1 - 100% 1/12 (another oral presentation, I honestly don't know how this happened)
English x2 - Not done yet, but I have a viva in like two weeks that I'm stressing the hell out about
Math x1 - 68% 1/14 (it was perms and combs, induction and binomial theorem and I genuinely think they're my best topics)
Math x2 - 53% 3/12 (complex numbers and polynomials, again, probably my best topics)
Legal Studies - 95% 1/58 (this was like four essays in 90mins, but I really enjoy legal - its like my life)
Economics - not done yet, have it in two weeks and its 3 questions + an essay in an hour - shouldn't be too hard right?

I'm doing only one major work - which I see as something 'fun' and 'relaxing', hopefully it stays that way. Hopefully, I can update this whenever something 'amazing' or 'upsetting' happens and it'll be fun to read this at the end of the year.

Thank you all for reading - hopefully my journey is fun and something to remember,
meerae  :)
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HSC w/ a stresshead {class of'19}


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Re: HSC w/ a stresshead {class of '19}
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2019, 01:12:53 pm »
Always nice to see another high school journal up and running. Hope you update this regularly! :)

By the way, stressheads unite! *high fives over internet* Used to be an absolute stresshead. (It's better now, although I still count myself as one.) If you go back and check through my Year 12 exam period posts, you'll see some posts I made where I made analogies between me and headless chickens. (Seriously.) Totally get where you're coming from.   
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Re: HSC w/ a stresshead {class of '19}
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2019, 05:48:30 pm »
Always nice to see another high school journal up and running. Hope you update this regularly! :)

By the way, stressheads unite! *high fives over internet* Used to be an absolute stresshead. (It's better now, although I still count myself as one.) If you go back and check through my Year 12 exam period posts, you'll see some posts I made where I made analogies between me and headless chickens. (Seriously.) Totally get where you're coming from.

I will definitely try to update regularly!
*high fives back over internet* I have always been soo horrible, no one even talks to me on exam days because my stress is contagious!!
Hopefully it gets better by HSC time because I can only imagine how I'll be  :-[
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HSC w/ a stresshead {class of'19}


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Re: HSC w/ a stresshead {class of '19}
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2019, 12:03:29 pm »

I just wanted to say good luck for this year. You will get through it and it'll be over before you know it. Trust me, I'm sitting here thinking about the first day of my job and I didn't know I was going to be doing that this time last year.

I really hope you update regularly, it's really fun reading through other peoples journey's! Good luck!
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Re: HSC w/ a stresshead {class of '19}
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2019, 02:57:06 pm »

I just wanted to say good luck for this year. You will get through it and it'll be over before you know it. Trust me, I'm sitting here thinking about the first day of my job and I didn't know I was going to be doing that this time last year.

I really hope you update regularly, it's really fun reading through other peoples journey's! Good luck!

Thank you so much! I am super excited to finish and just be out of high school!
I'll definitely try to update every time something major happens. Thank you again :)
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HSC w/ a stresshead {class of'19}


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Re: HSC w/ a stresshead {class of '19}
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2019, 09:49:55 pm »
I'm so keen to hear how your journey goes, remember you don't just have to update when something huge happens, I know I for one enjoy hearing about all aspects of people's days/lives even the most mundane things people do, so feel free to talk about anything on here! I know I do! It will be amazing to look back not only at the end of 2019, but in a few years time and reminisce about the experiences and memories you had, and 2019 will definitely be an unforgettable ride for us all!!
« Last Edit: February 19, 2019, 04:23:47 pm by mango8 »


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Re: HSC w/ a stresshead {class of '19}
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2019, 05:41:37 pm »
So today marks the end of week 1... for me it was only a day but it was pretty eventful. I didn't realise how much I missed school and I am super glad to be back.

I spoke to my maths teacher about dropping maths x2, but I still want to keep it despite the fact that it could drag my ATAR down. I'm having a meeting with my HSC coordinator next week, I need to decide what I'm going to do soon because I don't want to stress about something that I am considering to drop.

On the bright side, my eng x2 assessment got postponed to week 3, which gives me more time to work on it and to study for my eco assessment which is next week Tuesday..... I'm kinda stressing out for it because I want to come first and its pretty competitive, but we'll see what happens.

I met my new eco teacher today and he's nice, hopefully he can help me achieve a band 6 for eco, which is something I am aiming for.  I have 12 free periods a week, which is amazing, it gives me a lot of time to 'study'. I usually waste time during them and can never find myself actually studying.. any tips on how to actually be focused and use this time wisely?

I can't really think of anything else to update on today, but I am really excited for this year!
meerae :)
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HSC w/ a stresshead {class of'19}


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Re: HSC w/ a stresshead {class of '19}
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2019, 07:07:42 pm »
So today marks the end of week 1... for me it was only a day but it was pretty eventful. I didn't realise how much I missed school and I am super glad to be back.

I spoke to my maths teacher about dropping maths x2, but I still want to keep it despite the fact that it could drag my ATAR down. I'm having a meeting with my HSC coordinator next week, I need to decide what I'm going to do soon because I don't want to stress about something that I am considering to drop.

On the bright side, my eng x2 assessment got postponed to week 3, which gives me more time to work on it and to study for my eco assessment which is next week Tuesday..... I'm kinda stressing out for it because I want to come first and its pretty competitive, but we'll see what happens.

I met my new eco teacher today and he's nice, hopefully he can help me achieve a band 6 for eco, which is something I am aiming for.  I have 12 free periods a week, which is amazing, it gives me a lot of time to 'study'. I usually waste time during them and can never find myself actually studying.. any tips on how to actually be focused and use this time wisely?

I can't really think of anything else to update on today, but I am really excited for this year!
meerae :)

Hey!! Super glad you enjoyed your first week of school!!

I read about your dilemma about x2, and to be honest, I think you should keep trying until you REALLY feel like dropping out. Because for me, I thought all along I was going to drop accelerated 2U maths, but I kept going. Even though I got an average score (82, just gave up two weeks before the HSC), it turned out to be incredibly rewarding. Then again, we are talking about 4U maths, which is MUCH MUCH harder. Talk to you HSC coordinator, and make sure to update us on your decision!!!  :D :D :D

I totally relate to wasting study periods. For Yr11, I just mucked around with friends the whole time. It was great, but I guess if I decided to spend more time studying, I might have gotten better marks. For this first week of school, my first period was a study period!! Sitting down, I first asked myself: what can I do now that my future self will thank me for? Super deep question, but I tackled it down to brushing up on chemistry calculations, and for most of the study period, I ACTUALLY studied!! It was amazing, although I did eventually stop during the last ten minutes. I guess asking yourself this question will give you a sense of direction, and has worked for me so far.

Again, thanks for sharing your journal with us!! I hope you have a great week of school ahead!! ;D ;D ;D
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Re: HSC w/ a stresshead {class of '19}
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2019, 10:53:57 pm »
So today marks the end of week 1... for me it was only a day but it was pretty eventful. I didn't realise how much I missed school and I am super glad to be back.

I spoke to my maths teacher about dropping maths x2, but I still want to keep it despite the fact that it could drag my ATAR down. I'm having a meeting with my HSC coordinator next week, I need to decide what I'm going to do soon because I don't want to stress about something that I am considering to drop.

On the bright side, my eng x2 assessment got postponed to week 3, which gives me more time to work on it and to study for my eco assessment which is next week Tuesday..... I'm kinda stressing out for it because I want to come first and its pretty competitive, but we'll see what happens.

I met my new eco teacher today and he's nice, hopefully he can help me achieve a band 6 for eco, which is something I am aiming for.  I have 12 free periods a week, which is amazing, it gives me a lot of time to 'study'. I usually waste time during them and can never find myself actually studying.. any tips on how to actually be focused and use this time wisely?

I can't really think of anything else to update on today, but I am really excited for this year!
meerae :)

Hey Meerae,
(Coming from someone who didnt have any free periods in year 11/12), have you tried assigning a subject to study for each period?

Writing “to do” lists are also quite helpful for prioritising study & homework. Focusing on getting one small task done at a time can really help with staying focused. They can also provide some hearty satisfaction as you tick items off! If you get through all of your list, revisit your notes or try some past paper questions. If you print off a few full past papers and leave them at your study space, then you could work through as you have time.

Another tip would be to allocate yourself small study blocks (like 15-20 min) with a small break in-between, to build up motivation. Through this method, eventually you may find that you don’t need a break after every block, as you get used to the rhythm.

Hope this gives you a few ideas!
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Re: HSC w/ a stresshead {class of '19}
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2019, 07:54:07 pm »

I read about your dilemma about x2, and to be honest, I think you should keep trying until you REALLY feel like dropping out. Because for me, I thought all along I was going to drop accelerated 2U maths, but I kept going. Even though I got an average score (82, just gave up two weeks before the HSC), it turned out to be incredibly rewarding. Then again, we are talking about 4U maths, which is MUCH MUCH harder. Talk to you HSC coordinator, and make sure to update us on your decision!!!  :D :D :D

I totally relate to wasting study periods. For Yr11, I just mucked around with friends the whole time. It was great, but I guess if I decided to spend more time studying, I might have gotten better marks. For this first week of school, my first period was a study period!! Sitting down, I first asked myself: what can I do now that my future self will thank me for? Super deep question, but I tackled it down to brushing up on chemistry calculations, and for most of the study period, I ACTUALLY studied!! It was amazing, although I did eventually stop during the last ten minutes. I guess asking yourself this question will give you a sense of direction, and has worked for me so far.

Again, thanks for sharing your journal with us!! I hope you have a great week of school ahead!! ;D ;D ;D

The worst thing is, I thought I'd do bad for 4u and just drop it, but I am coming 3rd, which made my decision much harder! I'll definitely update you on my decision! I'm planning to make it before the assessment task because I don't want to sit it if I am going to drop it.

In regard to study periods, I will definitely try that out tomorrow!
Thanks so much! Have a great week as well and good luck for this year!

Hey Meerae,
(Coming from someone who didnt have any free periods in year 11/12), have you tried assigning a subject to study for each period?

Writing “to do” lists are also quite helpful for prioritising study & homework. Focusing on getting one small task done at a time can really help with staying focused. They can also provide some hearty satisfaction as you tick items off! If you get through all of your list, revisit your notes or try some past paper questions. If you print off a few full past papers and leave them at your study space, then you could work through as you have time.

Another tip would be to allocate yourself small study blocks (like 15-20 min) with a small break in-between, to build up motivation. Through this method, eventually you may find that you don’t need a break after every block, as you get used to the rhythm.

Hope this gives you a few ideas!

Hey kauac!
The to-do lists sound extremely enticing, I use them at home and they help get things done. I don't know why I never thought of using them for school. Giving myself breaks usually never works as I tend never to get back into the grind of getting work done, especially when my friends and I have the same study periods.
But will definitely give it a go and let you know how it goes!

Thanks so much!
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HSC w/ a stresshead {class of'19}


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Re: HSC w/ a stresshead {class of '19}
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2019, 10:28:27 pm »
hey just out of pure curiosity, what rank is your school around?


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Re: HSC w/ a stresshead {class of '19}
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2019, 07:49:07 am »
So I have eco today and I am freaking out but im trying to "turn nerves into excitement" or something and be confident in what I've studied. A lot of the grade got lazy over the TWO MONTHS we had to do this task and have left it to the last minute, hopefully me doing It in the first week and having about a month to learn the content and whatnot will work in my favour.
I hope the questions are ones Im more confident in as well... But we'll see what happens! I'll definitely update after school!

Also, I am allowed to use powerpoints for my viva! But I'm also expected to printout a handout of an extract of my short story (which isn't the best story). My viva is next week Friday and I have to start preparing from today onwards!

I have tried using my study periods to actually study yesterday, and it worked, I also found if I sat away from everyone else, I'd be less distracted and would get tons of work done!

hey just out of pure curiosity, what rank is your school around?

I have no idea, but I think its in the top 150 :)

peace out,
meerae :)
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HSC w/ a stresshead {class of'19}


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Re: HSC w/ a stresshead {class of '19}
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2019, 11:12:36 am »

Also, I am allowed to use powerpoints for my viva! But I'm also expected to printout a handout of an extract of my short story (which isn't the best story). My viva is next week Friday and I have to start preparing from today onwards!

Hey, meerae!

Glad to hear that the PowerPoint presentation is allowed for the Viva  ;D It'll make everything so much easier. As for the short story, don't worry if you think it's not your best work! In your Viva, you can reflect on your progress so far and even critique yourself briefly for the story. Explain why you feel it isn't the best representation of your Major Work potential and provide the marker/s with an action plan. Tell them with conviction what you intend to do to improve on it and where it will be heading after the Viva  :) I am more than sure that it will go well  ;D

I have tried using my study periods to actually study yesterday, and it worked, I also found if I sat away from everyone else, I'd be less distracted and would get tons of work done!

Also wanted to put it out there that you could allocate specific subjects to your study periods! I did this during my HSC and it helped me manage my time a lot better. I would assign an equal number of study periods for each subject (except Visual Arts because I did that after school) and complete work during them to avoid having a ridiculous amount of homework for more than one or two subjects  :) Usually, I would put the subject that immediately preceded my study period in that block so I can complete any homework, work on my assignment and write up any study notes right there and then when the content was still fresh in my mind  :) This was really helpful in the long run and eventually, I began to be more flexible with my study periods because I just knew exactly what my priority was for the coming study period and worked with it. Hope this is something useful you might consider  8)

Looking forward to hearing how Eco went! Do let us know  ;D
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Re: HSC w/ a stresshead {class of '19}
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2019, 04:37:19 pm »
Just got home from my eco exam, it went fairly well.

There was one question that was a bit of a shocker, but thankfully it was one I asked in the forums, so I had it answered by Emily!
I have a legal essay due this Friday which I have to start working on ASAP, but I will definitely be taking it easy today to recover from this exam. I also need to start practicing for my viva and make the powerpoint and fix up my extract. We still don't know the panel of teachers that'll be marking, I hope it's English teachers that I am comfortable with and isn't in front of a large audience.

I also met with my HSC co ordinator today, and we went through the pros and cons of dropping each 4 unit as well as the effect it'd have on my ATAR. I'm definitely leaning towards dropping 4U math, but I have until the end of the week to decide. Will let you all know what happens!

Glad to hear that the PowerPoint presentation is allowed for the Viva  ;D It'll make everything so much easier. As for the short story, don't worry if you think it's not your best work! In your Viva, you can reflect on your progress so far and even critique yourself briefly for the story. Explain why you feel it isn't the best representation of your Major Work potential and provide the marker/s with an action plan. Tell them with conviction what you intend to do to improve on it and where it will be heading after the Viva  :) I am more than sure that it will go well  ;D

Also wanted to put it out there that you could allocate specific subjects to your study periods! I did this during my HSC and it helped me manage my time a lot better. I would assign an equal number of study periods for each subject (except Visual Arts because I did that after school) and complete work during them to avoid having a ridiculous amount of homework for more than one or two subjects  :) Usually, I would put the subject that immediately preceded my study period in that block so I can complete any homework, work on my assignment and write up any study notes right there and then when the content was still fresh in my mind  :) This was really helpful in the long run and eventually, I began to be more flexible with my study periods because I just knew exactly what my priority was for the coming study period and worked with it. Hope this is something useful you might consider  8)

Looking forward to hearing how Eco went! Do let us know  ;D

Hey Angelina!
Congrats on teaching at tutesmart! I was hesitant on joining the Sunday afternoon class, but now that I found out its you, I've changed my English class! For the viva, I will definitely add in a bunch of critique for my excerpt. I really hope it goes well!
In regard to study periods, I was actually considering doing this especially because I have so many free periods. Will definitely give this a go!
Will let you know how it all goes!

peace out,
meerae :)
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HSC w/ a stresshead {class of'19}


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Re: HSC w/ a stresshead {class of '19}
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2019, 06:54:48 pm »

So, today was pretty uneventful but I thought I'd just check in.

I have come to a decision about mext2, I am going to keep it for this term and if I do horribly/cant handle it with my other units, I will drop it.
I have also been using my study periods extremely effectively now! I made a timetable where I dedicate each free period to a subject and work to check off to-do lists that I have to complete by the end of the week!

This has been working really well for me, especially for English x1 as a lot of it is more 'in your free time' work.

Thats all I really have to update on right now!

peace out,
meerae :)
2018 hsc; mathematics
2019 hsc; english adv english ext 1&2 math ext 1 legal studies economics

HSC w/ a stresshead {class of'19}