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Author Topic: Restarting Japanese 3/4?  (Read 1199 times)  Share 

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Restarting Japanese 3/4?
« on: February 14, 2019, 08:35:10 pm »
I started VCE Japanese one year ahead (so I started unit 1/2 in year 10), because during that time I thought I was excelling at it and I just thought it was way too easy for me. So now I'm in year 11 and doing 3/4 Japanese.

When I had my first 1/2 Japanese class I already felt overwhelmed, I didn't understand most of the vocab (because I skipped a year). So throughout that whole year I was basically feeling overwhelmed. At that time I was too chill about it, I just ignored my insecurities and told myself I had a whole year to understand it and I had lots of time to study for it. But now, I'm still behind and I'm doing my 3/4. My first SAC is coming up and I did not do well on my practice SAC. So I was thinking to myself, should I start 1/2 again because I'm still in year 11 and if I restart I'll just be relearning everything but I can take my time and I'll be better at it.

But if I restart I will be doing 6 subjects in year 12. Is that too hard to handle?  And also I had to do all this convincing with my year 12 coordinator to skip a year so now I just wasted all that time.

I still have a whole year to study for my 3/4 as well. And when I study I study really hard so I'm sure I'll at least do average. If I restart 1/2 Japanese I aim to get 40+ but if I don't and stay with 3/4, I aim to get a study score of 30+.

What do you guys think? Could anyone that has done 6 subjects in year 12 let me know their thoughts on how they handled that? Was it difficult?


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Re: Restarting Japanese 3/4?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2019, 08:52:29 pm »
Although I did VCE Japanese, I don't have experience in repeating a subject, nor do I have any experience in doing 6 subjects in Year 12. I'll let others help, seeing that I don't have a lot of useful advice for you. However, I do know that another ANer, Sarangiya, redid Japanese and wrote an article on repeating subjects, which you can read here.
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Re: Restarting Japanese 3/4?
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2019, 09:03:04 pm »
Although I did VCE Japanese, I don't have experience in repeating a subject, nor do I have any experience in doing 6 subjects in Year 12. I'll let others help, seeing that I don't have a lot of useful advice for you. However, I do know that another ANer, Sarangiya, redid Japanese and wrote an article on repeating subjects, which you can read here.

Thank you so much for that article! Its still early for me as this is the start of year 11 for me so I have not completed any 3/4 units yet. I will give it some more thought, I'll just wait for other people's responses, once again thank you for that article!