I started VCE Japanese one year ahead (so I started unit 1/2 in year 10), because during that time I thought I was excelling at it and I just thought it was way too easy for me. So now I'm in year 11 and doing 3/4 Japanese.
When I had my first 1/2 Japanese class I already felt overwhelmed, I didn't understand most of the vocab (because I skipped a year). So throughout that whole year I was basically feeling overwhelmed. At that time I was too chill about it, I just ignored my insecurities and told myself I had a whole year to understand it and I had lots of time to study for it. But now, I'm still behind and I'm doing my 3/4. My first SAC is coming up and I did not do well on my practice SAC. So I was thinking to myself, should I start 1/2 again because I'm still in year 11 and if I restart I'll just be relearning everything but I can take my time and I'll be better at it.
But if I restart I will be doing 6 subjects in year 12. Is that too hard to handle? And also I had to do all this convincing with my year 12 coordinator to skip a year so now I just wasted all that time.
I still have a whole year to study for my 3/4 as well. And when I study I study really hard so I'm sure I'll at least do average. If I restart 1/2 Japanese I aim to get 40+ but if I don't and stay with 3/4, I aim to get a study score of 30+.
What do you guys think? Could anyone that has done 6 subjects in year 12 let me know their thoughts on how they handled that? Was it difficult?