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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2019, 09:30:49 pm »
Hey Whys! completely understand how its like to be stressed about SAC's, I literally started shaking before mine. turns out its not even that bad, teachers just make it seem like a big deal, as long as you study and are confident about the content there is no need to stress, besides, like you said, you are studying more which is great! If you are like me and get stressed in SAC's take your bottle of water and when you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, or feel the urge to look at the clock, take a sip, take a few seconds to yourself and then continue. you've got this! x

Your a dancer? nice! what type of dance/s do you do? I am intrigued!

Party with Cardiiiiii! Yass! no better way to spend a Saturday!

Indian classical dancing :)
(Yes, I am Indian :P)

I'm pretty happy with my study routine now - I get at least an hour (sometimes 2) of study in the morning as I wake up early, and I stay at school till about 6, and my study from 3:20pm to 6pm is very productive. Hopefully I can keep this up!
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2019, 09:41:18 pm »
Indian classical dancing :)
(Yes, I am Indian :P)

I'm pretty happy with my study routine now - I get at least an hour (sometimes 2) of study in the morning as I wake up early, and I stay at school till about 6, and my study from 3:20pm to 6pm is very productive. Hopefully I can keep this up!

nice, not sure what that style is! I will look it up!

Sounds like a great routine! But don't wear yourself out too much! x


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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2019, 05:39:28 pm »
Just want to take a moment to appreciate how you're formatting your posts. You have my vote for most aesthetic journal! ;D

Hope you had a nice day - looking forward to your next entry. :)

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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2019, 10:00:14 pm »
────────────────────── TUESDAY ──────────────────────
Hi friends! It's another tuesday. For some reason, I came home EXTREMELY TIRED and I slept till
around like 6pm. I tried to wake up early too but I was too tired and lazy to get out of bed... aaahh rip.
Anyways, that meant I got like max 2 hours of study today - I'm going to have to wake up super early
tomorrow morning to get my psych homework done (my bad for putting it off though). My teacher for
psych is extremey strict - not doing even a small part of your homework results in a lunch time
detention, even for unit 1/2 people. I had her in unit 1/2 though - so it's all good. Although she's pretty
strict, she knows what she is doing (long-time VCAA assessor) and is super smart and passionate
about psych. I am scared for my psych sac though because everyone in the two clases are very
smart (we do love a competitive cohort -_-). BUT on the other hand, I'm super happy because my
food studies teacher decided to push our sac back to week 7 (in two weeks time!) instead of week
6, which is next week, and when my psych sac, bio outcome, chem outcome and bio prac report
is due. If I'm not dead by the end of next week, I'll be surprised. Sorry for the short entry - I am
tired and I want to get to bed asap so I can wake up at 5 tomorrow and finish my homework :)

Also thanks Joseph41 - glad you like the formatting; I tried  ;D

─────────────────────26.02.19 ────────────────────
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2019, 09:28:33 pm »
──────────────────── WEDNESDAY ────────────────────
Alright, so I did my psych sac today. My first ever VCE sac, over and done with! Now I just have one
more next week for food studies. The questions were okay, luckily I had already encountered them
all due to the extensive practice I did. So hopefully, with god's grace, I only lost a few marks here
and there due to silly mistakes eee. I'm really excited + nervous to get results back. Despite being
happy with my first sac, I'm super stressed because I have an english assessment tomorrow that
I have done basically nothing for, a maths test and a chem test next week that I have also done
nothing for, plus my sac next week. So currently, I'm panic-studying for english. I'm scared I won't
memorise quotes in time. Luckily I have english last period tomrrow, so I have lunch to do some
work on it in case I need to. I'm just scared because you never know what prompt the teacher will
decide to choose. I guess that's the beauty of english. And that reminds me - two days ago we got
back our english diagnostics. It was the worst score I had ever seen for an english essay, and I
completely broke down and was so upset about it for the whole day. I was so used to getting only
highs and very highs, that I wasn't used to getting a few mediums. I was super upset, because
that was probably my worst score on english throughout my Nossal history. Many people I know
would think my score was really good, however it didn't make it past my expectations at all. I have
no idea why my score was so bad. Usually, I wing most of my english essays and get really good
scores on them. For the diagnostic, I prepared for it at lunchtime (so for 1 hour), which is lot for
english by my standards  :-\.

I was, and still am, really upset about the score I received for my diagnostic. I guess it just made
me realise that maybe I'm not good at english anymore, despite it being one of my most, if not my
most, favourite subject (even though I am known for doing no work for it; I remember I wrote only
one practice essay last year and that was because the teacher forced me to). Anyways, the point
is I'm really stressed for tomorrow. I had no time to prepare for my english assessment because I
was solely focusing on my psych sac, as it is my 3/4, and I wanted to do really well for the first
sac. I guess that really backfired, because it's already half past 9 and I've done barely anything for
english. You might ask why I didn't work on it earlier - I came home, slept till 6 because at the time
I thought I deserved it for completing my first sac and was really tired, and ate dinner and helped
my parents out (we are moving houses over the weekend! Super excited, but sad because I have
so many memories in my current house eep). I just want to do the best I can for VCE, but it looks
like I'm already failing in terms of english. So, watch me come home tomorrow and document how
badly I wrote my english essay and how disappointed the teacher will be in me! Luckily I haven't
had her before though, so she wouldn't hold high expectations for me like the other teachers. I
remember last year my teacher was so disappointed that I only got highs for the end of year exam,
and it honestly was the worst feeling in the world. But, overall the diagnostic I did last week was the
worst, because even my friends know I'm good at english. The con of moving houses is I have a lot
of tests + a sac next week I won't be able to study for over the weekend, go me! Anyways, I'm going
to go study now so I don't fail english. Cyaz!

─────────────────────06.03.19 ────────────────────
« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 09:31:42 pm by whys »
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2021-2025: BMedSci/MD @ Monash


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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2019, 05:19:28 pm »
────────────────────── MONDAY ──────────────────────
Guess who has two tests tomorrow for methods and chem and hasn't studied for them at all? Guess
who has a sac for their 3/4 on friday and hasn't studied for it at all? That's right, me! I tried my best
to study but last week was a complete blur, we had this massive as party for buying the new house,
then we started moving in. This whole weekend was taken up moving houses, and yeah it's great,
but it's not so great when you have vce stuff coming up the following week :-\. I'm honestly so sad I
wasn't able to study as much as I usually do, especially since I had to go to extra dance practice as
I'm performing next month so.. . yeah, there's that. The more I think about everything I haven't done,
the more I procrastinate. I mean, I did play a video game for like 2 hourse today, which I regret now.
I wish I could disappear in a poof! and abandon this week, and return for the next. My worries are
growing each second, yet I'm not able to study. There's just so much to do, that I don't want to do
it. This whole week I know I'll be busy helping to move furniture and that sort of stuff around, and I
feel like I will barely be able to study for my sac on friday, let alone my tests that are ToMoRrOw.
I regret everything already, and I told myself I'd enter vce with no regrets. I just wanted to let all
my anxiety off, which is why I decided to come here and make another journal post. I don't want
to fail anything (not fail fail, but yknow, do bad) and I can't afford to fail anything, especially with
my aspirations. I wanted to be rank 1 for food studies, but I guess that's not happening now, right?
Hahahaha1!!!!111111! Time to go make my reference sheet for maths, do my psych homework,
do the chem practice tests, do the methods practice tests, finish notes for food studies, finish my
food studies quizlet, read the chem textbook, do the questions from the food studies textbook,
do food studies practice tests AND learn the dance I was supposed to learn 2 hours ago. I know I
won't finish, like 3/4's of my to-do list, but hey, that's okay! I've already accepted my future failure
for tomorrow and for friday. :)

─────────────────────11.03.19 ────────────────────
psych [50] bio [50]
2021-2025: BMedSci/MD @ Monash


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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2019, 06:18:33 pm »
────────────────────── FRIDAY ──────────────────────
OKAYYY so I did my food studies sac today. I had it last period, so the whole day I was stressing,
studying and thinking about how I didn't want to do the sac. In the end, it wasn't too bad I guess?
I finished 20 minutes before time, which was good, because I checked my answers thrice before
leaving (school finishes at 3:20, but the sac was scheduled to finish at 3:30, so I left at 3:20 as I
had finished the sac). I was a little worried I should have stayed back to check over it a few more
times, but I know there is nothing in my answers I would have changed. I was also kinda annoyed
at the fact that like 3/4 of the things I studied weren't even on the sac! None of the complex stuff I
spent so much time trying to remember was even on the sac. I guess learning all that stuff would
help in the exam at the end of the year, though. I really need to keep reminding myself that food
studies sacs contribute 60% to the study score, not 40% like most other stubjects. So I guess I
gotta get my shit together and focus on doing really well in my sacs. I'm also super excited to get
my psych sac back on monday!! Currently, I'm stressing over learning my dance in time, as I was
supposed to come to class last monday but I didn't, so the rest of the group learnt the dance  :(.
Now, I gotta spend time on learning the WHOLE dance before tomorrow morning so I don't get
in trouble for not learning the dance. I guess it's just a relief my sacs and tests are over, for now.

─────────────────────15.03.19 ────────────────────
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2021-2025: BMedSci/MD @ Monash


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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #22 on: March 21, 2019, 07:56:50 pm »
────────────────────── THURSDAY ──────────────────────
Okay, I can officially say I have not studied for almost a week. I didn't study last weekend (2 days),
nor did I study this monday, tuesday, wednesday or thursday. That's 6 days! And by no studying, I
literally mean, no studying. As in, I didn't so much as glance at my books. This week is full of
activities for us at school, so no classes. I think that made me sort of, idk, slack off and only play
computer games and read and draw for the whole time, whoopsies. It was fun though. Tomorrow,
I'm definitely going to resume studying and slowly cutting off games and the other stuff. I need to,
as I have a lot of school-related stuff next week like homework and assessments for my 1/2's. Oh,
and I also got my results back for my psych sac! AAAHHHHH I WAS SO NERVOUS FOR THIS.
I remember I couldn't even flip over the test (she handed it to us face-down on monday) for a solid
2 minutes. I could literally hear and feel my heart leaping out of my chest, and I was really scared
to get my results back for my first ever 3/4 sac!!! Anyways, I ended up doing sort of bad. When I
mean 'sort of', I mean everyone else thinks I should be happy with my score, but I'm just not. When
I saw my result, I knew I could have done so much better and gotten the top mark of my cohort,
instead of falling short by 2 marks :(. Anyways, it was a good experience, but 11/10 would rather
not experience that sort of nervous anticipation again. I think I'll get my food studies sac back later
next week, which I am both dreading but am excited for!

─────────────────────21.03.19 ────────────────────
« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 12:50:15 pm by whys »
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2019, 09:01:20 pm »
──────────────────── WEDNESDAY ────────────────────
So, today I went on an excursion for bio.I got home at like 3 something, then I slept till 7 something,
and had a shower and then it was 8. Then, I basically procrastinated and asked my 3/4 bio friends
how their sac went (it was today). But yeh, this entry is going to be short because I have a load of
psych homework due tomorrow that I haven't really started, plus I have to write notes for psych and
do this thing for bio related to the excursion. It's also hard to type because my spacebar is playing
up again (I broke it like last year, but then somehow forced it into place) and I have to press it really
hard if I want it to make a space or my writing lookslikethisand thisishowmymessages havebeenfor
the past fewdays. Anyways, cy@

─────────────────────27.03.19 ────────────────────
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2019, 04:04:18 pm »
^Where'd you go for the excursion/what to you have to do for it post-excursion?

AndIhopeyoucanfixyourspacebarsoon! Haha.

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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2019, 04:17:44 pm »
^Where'd you go for the excursion/what to you have to do for it post-excursion?

AndIhopeyoucanfixyourspacebarsoon! Haha.

We went to the Cranbourne Botanic Gardens (sounds boring, I know) and surprisingly it wasn't as boring as I expected, mostly because I was with friends. Post-excursion, we had two assignments to do, one due immediately (as in, next bio lesson) and the other, more longer one due next friday. I'm not stressed about it though, because I already took down notes on exactly what I was going to include during the excursion.

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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2019, 02:36:41 pm »
──────────────────── MONDAY ────────────────────
It’s officially the first day of the school holidays!! I set myself a goal to study for around 3 hours a
day, which I think isn’t too harsh on myself and is a realistic goal, as I still have time for other stuff
too. Can’t wait to binge watch Jane the Virgin + others on netflix lol. But anyways, I really want to
get ahead in my two 3/4s - they’re obviously my current priority and I feel that I’m going well in all
my other subjects. My ultimate goal for this year is to try make the average of all above 90% for all
my subjects. A good foundation in 1/2 builds towards great performance in 3/4 after all! I also can’t
wait to go to my atarnotes lectures, another thing I’m looking forward to this holidays. Most of my
pressure now is from finishing all that holiday homework - I’ve gotten so much, I doubt I’d be able
to finish it all within a few days even if I worked on it religiously. I’ve had massive amounts of
dance practice too, now that it’s the school holidays, plus a performance this friday. So far, life
has been good to me. Hopefully I can finish all my holiday homework and start studying ahead
for my subjects :)

─────────────────────08.04.19 ────────────────────
« Last Edit: April 08, 2019, 03:51:05 pm by whys »
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2019, 05:17:00 pm »
Never heard of Jane the Virgin - what's it about?

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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2019, 02:52:42 pm »
Never heard of Jane the Virgin - what's it about?

In a sentence, it's basically about a girl called Jane who wants to remain a virgin until marriage. Then... things obviously go wrong.
I'm surprised you haven't heard of it, it's really popular. Or maybe it's just popular amongst people our age. Either way, it's overrated, but also really good :)
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #29 on: April 11, 2019, 03:01:02 pm »
In a sentence, it's basically about a girl called Jane who wants to remain a virgin until marriage. Then... things obviously go wrong.
I'm surprised you haven't heard of it, it's really popular. Or maybe it's just popular amongst people our age. Either way, it's overrated, but also really good :)

If it's popular, that explains why I haven't heard of it haha. My pop culture knowledge is absurdly poor.

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.