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[SPOILERS!] Avengers Endgame Discussion
« on: April 25, 2019, 11:20:26 pm »
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So, the most hyped up and advertised movie of all time came out yesterday. I just got around to seeing it tonight and oh boy is it full of feels.
If anyone sees the movie and does not cry I will not believe you.

My questions for discussion are:
1. What were your overall thoughts on the movie?
2. What was the saddest moment for you?
3. What was the most unexpected moment for you?
4. What was your favourite scene?

1. What were your overall thoughts on the movie?
I was unlucky and I saw a troll spoil Stark dying before I saw Endgame. So I knew that was coming the whole time, BUT I didn't know when and in some ways that made it much more suspenseful. I actually thought that towards the start of the movie when Stark pulled out his glowy thing in his chest that he just killed himself then and there.
But other than that I went in completely blind and wasn't really expecting what I got.

I didn't feel like the time travel was executed in the way I would've expected it to be done where it was just an excuse to save everyone.
I was engaged the whole time and never really knew what was going to happen.

I was literally on the edge of my seat the whole time and couldn't look away from the screen for even a second.
Definitely an amazing pay off of the 21 movies that came before it. And especially when you take into account Infinity War each character got their own moment.

I don't know how they did it, but it is probably the funniest, most engaging and most emotional movie I have seen ever. Everything was done perfectly and well thought out.

2. What was the saddest moment for you?
I think for me the saddest part was actually when Black Widow and Hawk Eye were fighting to see who could kill themselves first. As soon as it was revealed they are going to go back and steal the stones before thanos got them I immediately thought that someone is going to have to die to gain the Soul Stone. I did not expect a fight to be the one to die though and oh boy tears just started flowing as soon as they started battling. I was not emotionally ready for that.

3. What was the most unexpected moment for you?
When they got all of the stones and then I wasn't too surprised when Nebula opened the portal for thanos and his ship to come through but when they started literally shooting down and blowing up the entire avengers building.
My jaw was dropped right down and it came as such a shock.

4. What was your favourite scene?
For me it was when captain america was alone with the entirety of Thanos' army to face and then very quickly the entire team of avengers showed up and just the way that all the characters showed up and were revealed via the portals was just beautiful.
Everyone who was gone was now back and more ready then ever to fight Thanos and win once and for all.
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Re: [SPOILERS!] Avengers Endgame Discussion
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2019, 11:37:25 pm »
1. What were your overall thoughts on the movie?
Very good. Not gonna lie but when they suggested the idea of time travel I rolled my eyes, but in the end they executed it beautifully.

2. What was the saddest moment for you?
When Tony Stark died. I was at a VMAX cinema with around 200+ people and when he was slowly dying, there was a silence from the audience where you could literally hear a pin drop (not joking at all). I can say that that was one of the most beautiful thing I've witnessed in a long time

3. What was the most unexpected moment for you?
When Thanos died in the start. I was really questioning on how they were gonna end the story with him dead already!

4. What was your favourite scene?
Captain America picking up Mjolnir


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Re: [SPOILERS!] Avengers Endgame Discussion
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2019, 11:55:25 pm »
Yeessss need this thread! ;D

1. Brilliant, just absolutely brilliant work. The Russo brothers have done an amazing job, especially given the weight on their shoulders to do this right. Loved the expectation subversion at the start, loved that they did the time travel in a way that didn't make Infinity War totally irrelevant, loved that they paid homage to so much of the MCU in the process. Brilliant. And so funny!

2. Actually the opening! That shit hit me like a tonne of bricks, such an amazing way to start it imo.

3. In a storytelling sense, the use of Nebula. Like, a lot of how the plot went down I'd considered as a possibility, but the way Nebula was used was really clever and unexpected for me. As for an actual moment, bit of a weird one, that final swap between Nat/Clint on Vormir. Thought for sure Clint was gone, but in hindsight, Nat going makes more sense. They'll still do the Black Widow prequel, probably ;D

4. I mean you need to acknowledge the big assemble moment at the end, will surely go down as one of the great moments in film (purely for what it represents, at a franchise level). But (even though I saw it coming) I audibly chuckled in delight when Cap picked up Mjolnir, and the subsequent 30 second sequence was the most badass thing I've seen In a Marvel film. All of the fight scenes involving Thanos were incredible, actually!

As for negatives, I think there were some forced moments. Captain America actually saying "Avengers assemble" was a bit of an eye roller, for example. But I think that you probably need to do those things to properly pay everyone off, right? Any other criticisms?

I'm keen to see the next steps for Marvel. Thor and the Guardians might be cool, if they roll with it. Keen to see Bucky/Sam get some more chances to shine. Keen for sequels for Black Panther and Doctor Strange which we'll almost certainly be getting ;D


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Re: [SPOILERS!] Avengers Endgame Discussion
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2019, 12:03:28 am »
So I saw Endgame today and boy was it a rollercoaster of emotions. I'm usually cynical towards films that try to cram in as many characters as possible just for the sake of fan-service, and while Endgame was fan-service, it wasn't used in a tacky way. It was more like the Russo brothers rewarding the fans for staying with the MCU for 10 years.

Overall Thoughts
I found the first part of the movie a bit rushed. It started off a bit slow with Tony and Nebula and then suddenly they all went to track down Thanos and killed him. Then we have a time jump, so that threw me off a bit. But after that, I thought the pacing was great. While I found the time travelling stuff interesting, my inner physics nerd is screaming the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and how time travel is impossible regardless of all the quantum talk. I also think they kinda overhyped Captain Marvel's role. I remember hearing them talk about how strong she'll be and all but she was barely there in the movie. However, I did enjoy the movie. The action, the script- everything was great. (And this is coming from a cynical, picky film critic lol)

Saddest Moments
Of course when Natasha and Tony died. When Clint and Natasha were getting the soul stone, I kinda figured that Natasha would sacrifice herself. It would've been weird if Clint died instead, considering how he was barely there at Infinity War so Endgame was giving Clint the opportunity to step up. I also kinda expected Tony to die. The MCU started with Tony in 2008 so it would work out nicely if the MCU would end with Tony. Plus, Peter Parker died in Tony's arms so it would make sense if Tony died in Peter's arms (although technically Pepper as well). These scenes were quite sad but I found it amusing hearing everyone around me sniffling in the cinema. (Although low-key, I kinda expected more people to die but then again, Game of Thrones has desensitised me lol)

Unexpected Moments
When Steve was able to wield Mjolnir. Thor always talked about how only those who are worthy can wield Mjolnir, and I remember back in Age of Ultron (I think) Steve tried to pick up Mjolnir but was unsuccessful. I was surprised but thought it was a great homage to that. I am still trying to figure out why Steve was able to use it so I'll let that sit for a bit and over-analyse lol. But the way Steve used Mjolnir was pretty cool and it was funny seeing Thor and Steve swap weapons mid-battle.

I was also surprised to see Clint take on the persona of Ronin, or at least allude to Ronin (whenever I hear Ronin, I can't help but think of FFXV). I think the bow-katana combination was also great. I kinda felt that Clint was always pushed aside, like how in the first Avengers movie we barely saw him since he was been brainwashed by Loki, which was why Endgame was a great time for him to shine. On another note, I love his new aesthetic (the tattoos, the hair, weapons).

Favourite Scenes
Definitely the main battle scene. I loved the part when the camera showed how this was a large-scale battle. And I definitely loved how the gauntlet was passed to various characters so each of them got the spotlight. I also loved the final scene where Steve finally reunites with Peggy. All of my friends didn't like that scene but I viewed that as Steve finally feeling at home at long last. I've always felt bad for Steve because he's always felt like a fish out of water, being thrown into the modern world and can never seem to move on from WW2 and Peggy. And he's always loved Peggy after 70+ years so it was nice to see him finally reunite with her.

Overall, it was a great film. Honestly, what do you expect from a Marvel movie. I'm amazed that the movie managed to deal with so many characters and use their unique traits. I think most of that is because they spent so much time and effort building the MCU and now the time has come for all of the characters to finally meet and work together. I am excited to hear more news about the Black Widow movie and I'd like to see a Hawkeye film (I think it would be great to see him take on the Ronin persona again).

If anyone sees the movie and does not cry I will not believe you.
I did get sad but I didn't cry lol
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Re: [SPOILERS!] Avengers Endgame Discussion
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2019, 12:12:02 am »
I'd like to see a Hawkeye film (I think it would be great to see him take on the Ronin persona again).

Would 100% sign on to a Ronin/Hawkeye film set in the post-snap period. That's the great thing about that time jump - They could have films set in that period if they wanted to down the track! ;D


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Re: [SPOILERS!] Avengers Endgame Discussion
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2019, 08:53:24 am »
Overall Thoughts
Endgame is an absolutely fantastic movie. The Russo brothers have really pulled it off this time, delivering the climax of the MCU in an incredible 3 hour journey. That’s not to say the movie is without flaws, but on a whole, the story offers enough intrigue and good story-telling to complement the epic and sad moments along with the fan service.

Saddest Moment
For me, it was definitely the interaction between Tony and Peter at the end when he died. There is a lot of emotional history between the characters, and it was an interesting reverse scenario to when Peter disappeared at the end of Infinity War.

Unexpected Moment
I was not expecting the callbacks to Captain America: Winter Soldier, but there were a couple and I enjoyed them immensely, as it is probably my favourite MCU film. Particularly when Cap was going down the elevator in 2012 and whispered “Hail Hydra” instead of using violence like he did in the previous elevator scene.

Favourite Scene
Perhaps a bit cheesy, but I thought the most awesome scene was when Cap was standing in front of Thanos’ army by himself with his battered shield and Mjolnir, and then everyone started joining him through the portals. I just couldn’t believe how many of the characters they managed to fit in here. I think nearly every major MCU character was either shown or referenced in the movie, which is incredibly impressive as the fan service didn’t usually feel particularly forced.


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Re: [SPOILERS!] Avengers Endgame Discussion
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2019, 02:06:56 pm »
My questions for discussion are:
1. What were your overall thoughts on the movie?
Fantastic!!! Just an amazing movie - put together really thoughtfully! If I'm honest, in the first 20 minutes I was a bit underwhelmed because it just sped through a lot of important events like they were nothing. But once it hit 5 years time it definitely starting kicking off - and I could understand why they needed to rush through the death of Thanos.
2. What was the saddest moment for you?
TONY STARK dying. I was not expecting to cry as much as I did, but what a noble death.
3. What was the most unexpected moment for you?
Captain America picking up Mjolnir!!! I probably should've expected it due to it being hinted at in Avengers; Age of Ultron - but wow what a memorable moment. I also loved how Thor seemed genuinely happy that Captain America could pick it up - I thought this hinted a little at the increased level of maturity of Thor (seeing as in Age of Ultron he showed signs of worry when Captain America made the hammer slightly move).
4. What was your favourite scene?
I have so many favourite scenes, but my favourite would probably have to be Tony Stark giving Peter Parker a huge hug. So wholesome.


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Re: [SPOILERS!] Avengers Endgame Discussion
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2019, 03:07:03 pm »
1. What were your overall thoughts on the movie?
I'm not sure actually; it's a whole mix of emotions. I was seriously mentally exhausted after (I slept at 8pm [woke up at 11] after sleeping at 1am for most of my holiday). I'm happy that most stuff got resolved (apart from a few holes here and there) and that all of the original six got loads of screentime and that many of their arcs got to go to completion (Steve getting the dance with Peggy). Also, the return of Korg and Miek (like actually bless these guys, they are gems) (playing Fortnite with noobmaster69) and NED (literally a universal treasure) were absolute gold. Still sad over a few of the deaths, but not really; Infinity War was way more crushing in that sense. Probably the thing that stands out most to me is the lack of Gamora and the potential/confirmed addition of Thor to the Guardians, since Guardians 1 and 2 are my favourite movies in the MCU. Really looking forward to Guardians 3 now :D

2. What was the saddest moment for you?
Either Black Widow dying on Vormir or Hawkeye's family disappearing. The former was a nod to the 2012 Avengers where she reveals parts of her past before SHIELD and how Barton saved her and whatnot, and the fact that she did eventually end up repaying him in the saddest damn way possible :(
The latter was just early heartbreak. The cinema was abuzz with the shooting scene, but then they disappeared and you could really feel the tension.

3. What was the most unexpected moment for you?
I don't think there were too many surprises really. Unlike a lot of movies I've watched before, there weren't any real cliffhangers, and deaths were predictable to a certain degree. Probably just Captain America picking Mjolnir and Fat Thor, really.

4. What was your favourite scene?
The last 40 minutes. The whole cinema was going nuts, and it was just absolute fan frenzy, feasting our eyes on true glory and ajsdghvnasdghvalksdjgmvajksdhmgvioawsdghlvkjamhsodlgkvhmawlskzdhmgicanttypeproperlyajdsxfnoucvajwksmdglv

But seriously, the one-liners everywhere were stunning (america's ass, i could do this all day, TAKE THE STAIRS and so many more awhdsfvawjsdklgl i am in awe), reused footage and reused dialogue (you're taking all the stupid with you, I AM IRON MANNNNNN), and from the last battle (the wakanda war chant (was literally muttering Wakanda Forever rhythmically) the wide pan of all the heroes, the women of Marvel all getting together, then the reversal of Peter/Tony moment from infinity war) there were so many. It's impossible to name a favourite scene.

Going forward I really want to get Disney+. Loki, Scarlet Witch+Vision, Hawkeye shows are going to be insanely hyped and I really want to watch them. Guardians 3 as I mentioned already is going to be probably the film I'm anticipating most, then the Black Widow origin story + Far From Home :D still reeling :)
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Re: [SPOILERS!] Avengers Endgame Discussion
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2019, 10:41:11 pm »
I enjoyed how when Rocket was running from the Asgardians, one of them yelled something like 'get that rabbit!'
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