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Author Topic: School against 3/4 Methods in Year 11  (Read 4970 times)

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School against 3/4 Methods in Year 11
« on: July 25, 2019, 09:43:06 am »
Hi everyone,

This year I am doing accelerated Methods 1/2 in year 10. I'm getting consistent marks around 90 (dipped at semester exams with average 80), so I'm not doing the best, but I'm certainly not struggling. I would like to take Methods 3/4 in year 11 because I enjoy the content, and am confident I can handle the workload.

The problem is, my school is vehemently against accelerating with mathematics (as well as the hard sciences), even though we are allowed to accelerate in other subjects. The school has told me it is most likely a hard no for me to accelerate unless I've been getting 100s for each SAC. I like maths, I pursue it in my spare time, I just haven't been getting full marks for all my tests (either because I'm in over my head or I've been less motivated to properly complete tests because I dislike my teachers). And in terms of my other subjects, I consistently get >90s for all of them and >95 for some of them.

There isn't much hope for me according to what I've heard from other teachers. I will just have to argue my way through course counselling. What do you guys think? Is there any way I can debate my way to 3/4 in Year 11, or have I deluded myself to think I have a chance with pursuing mathematics (in highschool, in university, in the workforce)?

Bri MT

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Re: School against 3/4 Methods in Year 11
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2019, 01:42:11 pm »
If teachers have said it'll be unlikely that you convince them they're probably right but if it was me I'd fight for it anyway. Try to get your classroom teacher on your side (if they aren't already) as their opinion will likely be taken seriously by the people making the final decision.

By taking methods 3/4 early you:
- will learn earlier what it's like to study a 3/4 subject & what strategies work for you, benefitting your later 3&4 studies
- will have better memory of your 1&2 studies (important since methods 3/4 leans heavily on units 1&2)
- have one less subject to do in year 12, giving you more time to study for your others (you can argue that  your academic record shows you're a dedicated student who will use this time effectively) or to complete another subject
- if you don't achieve a score you're happy with you can retake the subject in yr 12, learning from your mistakes in year 11

I managed to convince my school (which doesn't like people studying by distance ed) to let me study eng lang 3&4 by distance ed when eng lang is a subject they had intentionally stopped offering years ago. I was told that the chances of me succeeding were low but I kept pushing and chasing them up on it, and eventually I got in.  You might be able to convince them too so don't give up now :)

have I deluded myself to think I have a chance with pursuing mathematics (in highschool, in university, in the workforce)?

Wait, what? The school might not let you accelerate 3/4 but how would this stop you from pursuing maths in uni or the workforce?


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Re: School against 3/4 Methods in Year 11
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2019, 04:24:10 pm »
I think Bri's post above is really good, and has some great advice. I wouldn't give up. I think it's important to explain what you perceive to be the benefits, though, and maybe even set out a plan of how you'd approach the subject? Do you know why your school is so against it?

P.S. My school was vehemently against me dropping a certain subject through VCE. I made a case for it (outlining pros and how I'd address cons etc.), and eventually they agreed. Definitely not saying this will happen for you, but certainly think it's worth a go. Keep us updated!

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Re: School against 3/4 Methods in Year 11
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2019, 05:25:04 pm »
Thanks to both of you! First off, I was seriously doubting my ability to pursue maths (which I thought I had a passion in), because of the reasoning that if I was really meant for this, I would get full marks for every test. It became somewhat of an identity crisis.

Do you know why your school is so against it?

I think they are afraid of students messing up and not getting good marks on the exams, and think maths is too content heavy of a subject to accelerate. In line with this, although there were plenty of humanities, business, and english subjects available for acceleration in Year 10, the subject I really wanted to do - physics (along with chemistry) were not available for acceleration. When I asked, they said students in year 10 are not mature enough to do well in physics and chemistry.

Some other reasons they gave me:
- We think students do better if they study methods 3/4 and specialist 3/4 together. (From my perspective, I would prefer to do methods 3/4 first so I can focus all my attention on it, then do specialist 3/4 the following year).
- From past experience accelerated students don't do well in methods 3/4.
- We only accept top of the line students. (this year only 3 students accelerated, apparently all averaging 100s).
- Students are not mature enough to handle the workload of an accelerated maths subject.

They were also trying to convince me to do further mathematics for some reason.

Bri MT

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Re: School against 3/4 Methods in Year 11
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2019, 06:29:16 pm »
Sometimes schools try to get students they see as high achievers in maths to do further since it's the 'easy maths' so that they get high scores - maybe that's what's happening here?

Not getting 100% all the time definitely doesn't mean maths isn't for you. Seriously, people make mistakes & being good at maths in uni or in the workforce isn't about your highschool test marks. In some ways its better for you to go through making mistakes and learning how to overcome them now rather than not having practice moving forward and learning from it, when everyone makes mistakes later.

My school didn't run spec at all so I can't really comment on how well it works with methods but imo if you truly aren't prepared for the workload for the subject then its best to find that out in year 11 rather than being slightly more prepared and finding out in your final year. And the high workload argument could be used as a point for doing it early...

Good luck :)


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Re: School against 3/4 Methods in Year 11
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2020, 09:58:09 pm »
I am starting a study group for math methods unit 1&2. Are you perhaps interested in joining?
Also for your school issue let your parents/guardians talk with the school. You know when parents/guardians talk with the school , it is better. Good luck.

Kind regards,