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Author Topic: ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ moonie's vce journey  (Read 9672 times)

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Re: ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ moonie's vce journey
« Reply #30 on: December 04, 2019, 09:27:38 pm »
i'm back! its been a long month since i last posted on here,, but hopefully the results come out decent
so ive got one exam left until im officially done with exams this year - finally phew (edit: i'm finished nowww yayy!)
even though im not feeling the most confident about it hopefully it'll be okay,, ive got 2 days to study for it and finish up for the year yay!
i feel like this is gonna be a long post bahahaha,, aight lets get ittt

so its been 12 days since the bio exam and i refuse to open one of the bio exam solutions because i dont wanna know yet bahaha it was the start to exam season for me as it was my only 3/4 this year!
review of the exam tho - so first of all it is not anything like i had expected,, can i ask,, why was there like only half the study design on the exam?? i really did put all my effort into revising, studying, doing prac exams but only half of it was relevant?? bruhhh,,, i mean at least its done now but it was a ridiculous exam. 2nd of all,,, ahaha as soon as i opened section b i was caught off guard and i kinda think i wrote the wrong answer,,,, i think i did okay, as i think i couldve done better but yk nothing we can do about it now~
i think i couldve done it better by time managing better,, i think i spent too much time planning my answers that i almost ran out of writing time yikes
but all in all, it was a good experience for next year and i don't regret doing bio at all - if anything im really glad that i did it in yr 11
aight now i kinda wanna write like a bio 3/4 advise post or smt bahahaha

aight so like normal exam week begins with english,, the beloved english ahahaha
i think i did better than i expected, i actually finished within time frame (2 hrs for 2 essay - a language analysis and comparative)
i honestly should tried and practiced before the exam but ran out of time - whoops,,
yea not much,, just pretty happy with how i went - for the first time i wasn't panicking about an exam ahahah
i think this year for english i didnt really learn much : (( and didnt get much feedback all year,, i didnt even get feed back on any of my sac even tho i asked : (( overall it wasnt the best year for english

wowwwee i actually made it through the academic year for chem~ pretty impressive if i dont say so myself bahahaha jokesss
this year chem has been the most difficult - then spesh ahaha - but i think its been pretty enjoyable (for the most part). once again for this subject i didnt learn as much - or more so the thing i learnt didnt stick to memory as much as i would've liked,, my teacher wasn't bad but they weren't good either. they didnt really teach as efficiently,, there was just a bunch of worksheet and we were suppose to just know what we were doing,, but dont worry i did end up asking for help one on one which was more effective - i learnt much more and got lots of clarification that way so im glad~
the exam itself was pretty okay - there were a few qs i didnt do as i wasnt sure how to do it but its alright,, i think im happy that i had approached more questions than i would usually and actually tried to do the qs. overall chem was pretty okay this year, it was hard (expected) but also fun in some aspects, i learnt i was good at titrations ahahaah

okay this one is a big shock,, how did i manage to pass this year ahahaha??? i kinda did the wrong thing and decided to focus on bio only instead of doing my other subjects and spesh has probably taken the worst from it,,, i actually have no idea how i managed to do spesh. im definitely not continuing it next year even if i wanted to (cause of the school) but i dont regret choosing it. often i find that many do regret choosing a subject, but i think it should be looked at from a different perspective, i think we should see it as an experience. in saying that i have learnt a lot through spesh, even if i wasnt spesh it self - i learnt more about myself in a way ahahaahahaha next,,,
the exam itself was very long - apparently no one finished it - and it was hard (as expected),,, yikesss but other than that i sorta went in with my limited spesh knowledge and tried my best. overall i dont think spesh is for me even if i really wanted to do it last year~ no regrets, im glad i did choose it this year

what a year, computing was actually one of my spontaneous decision i made during the last day of term?? i literally jumped into the class a day before the class ahaah and no regrets at all. i wont say im good or anything at computing but i did get to learn more coding, something i was interested in since yr 7. this year i learnt c# while previously i had learnt python and it was actually fun. it was more theory than i had expected but it was worth it cause i got to learn lots from it!
onto the exam, it wasnt actually too bad,, i think i did mess up one code and a pseudocode but its alright! hopefully my results come out decently ahahahah overall very funn

okay so methods exam was okay,,, i did skip a few questions having ran out of time but thats okay! hopefully my exam wasnt too bad
this year for methods i didnt do as well as i wouldve liked but i did pass so thats good i guess,,, i think the exam was pretty long but at least its over now
i dont have too much to write on methods, just glad that im continuing it next year

anyways,, so thats the end to my long evaluation(?) of this academic year, it has been different and new to me but it was exciting in a way - i made new friends, learnt lots and finally this year has come to an end~
i hope all those who still have exams do their best - best of luck for you guys! and for everyone who has finished all their exams - you've done well, sit back and relax now that its over!

moonie out ヾ(☆▽☆)

Hey Moonie! Love reading your journal! ;D It is so rare to see people that are doing Computing! How do you find the subject? Do you plan to continue it onto next year and if so would you do software dev or informatics?
I feel you for Chem on a spiritual level. (We can suffer together it's alright :P) All hail the CAS calculators for providing some sanity into Methods.
Out of all the subjects you do, which one do you enjoy the most and why? You have an awesome mixed bag of different subjects :D

Snow Leopard

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Re: ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ moonie's vce journey
« Reply #31 on: December 04, 2019, 10:06:08 pm »
I reckon next yr chem will be the hardest and then methods ahahaha so i gotta focus on those!
for the holidays, ill probably chill, try finish as much holiday hw before new year and just relax i guess, how about you?
Same, hang out with the fam, catch up on some reading (for fun 8) ) and maybe even start drawing again ::)


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Re: ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ moonie's vce journey
« Reply #32 on: December 12, 2019, 02:05:02 pm »
ohohho hellooo,
so after this very long year i have decided to possibly pause/close this journal,
though i havent been on here for long nor have i written much, i really appreciate everyone who has read through my journal and everyone who has commented! it really made this year fun and exciting! idek if anyones reading this but thanks for dropping by moonie's vce journey!

hopefully will be back to writing next yr, but for now ill stick to reading other journals!

moonie out!
[journal on pause]
« Last Edit: April 06, 2020, 10:22:21 pm by moonchild »


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Re: ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ moonie's vce journey
« Reply #33 on: December 13, 2019, 10:18:33 am »
ohohho hellooo,
so after this very long year i have decided to possibly pause/close this journal,
though i havent been on here for long nor have i written much, i really appreciate everyone who has read through my journal and everyone who has commented! it really made this year fun and exciting! idek if anyones reading this but thanks for dropping by moonie's vce journey!

hopefully will be back to writing next yr, but for now ill stick to reading other journals!

moonie out!
[journal on pause]
Hey Moonchild!
Hope you enjoy your break over summer before getting into year 12.
Also good work on completing a 3/4 subject this year - Hopefully you're happy with the score and even if you're not, remeber that by doing the subject now you will be much more wiser interms of how to study and aproach exams which will really help you next year interms of getting better results.
Looking forward to seeing this jounrnal pick back up next year  :)
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Re: ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ moonie's vce journey
« Reply #34 on: March 08, 2020, 11:08:33 pm »
hellloooooo! moonie is back 8)
welcome to my 2020 journal!
(after a couple of months of being absent)

so its really been six weeks since school has started and six weeks since i've begun my last year of schooling  ;D
i'm quite excited to see whats in store for this yr and hope that all will be well :) i'm also really starting to feel like competition(?) like others have become quite competitive now that we're in out last yr but i guess thats expected!
i've been hit with a few sacs so far nothing too bad, but i feel like i should make better use of my time, maybe be more productive?? ahahahaahaha i feel like i should be much more productive :)

for english this yr my teacher isn't the best, i honestly don't feel as confident for english as i could be, but i'm trying to reach out to other teachers?? idk i'm kinda nervous because i'm not close to any teachers,, if anyone has any advice on how i can approach them pls lmk!! i'm also a bit nervous for my text response sac coming up next week because i honestly don't feel prepared for it, i plan to write a few practice essays and get them checked,, hopefully that goes okay! alsoo my creative sac mark came back and i'm quite happy with it, its better than i expected so i'm very very happy about that ;D

im honestly really happy with how lote is going : )) i really didn't have much expectations but now i'm really hoping lote will be good :) i'm really glad my teacher is really nice and is always willing to help! i don't have much to talk about for lote tbh ahahaha, just that its going well! i've got my first sac coming up this week so i'm kind of nervous but i hope it will go well ;D

software dev:
an upgrade from computing from last yr hahahaa :) this yr i'm doing software dev and honestly its pretty interesting and i enjoy class, i still have no idea what to do for my SAT but that isn't till a while later, if anyone has any ideas lmk!! the subject is actually really fun

personally, methods so far has been the most difficult to do, just saying up to date is quite hard?? like it feels so fast for one exercise and chapter,,, so far my results for methods aren't looking too great, and i'm quite disappointed tbh but it's okay i'll just have to focus more and work harder! i'm really hoping the next test will come back better than my last few!

so chemm ahahahah i have no words,,,, currently its second hardest to methods, i didn't do too badly for my first sac but it could've been better, i think after the first sac i've learnt a few things,,  especially to approach my teacher when i don't understand content and things they are explaining,, honestly chem is going better than i expected and i hope i'll continually progress and improve through the yr!

okayyy so that was quite a long post, ngl if u made it here congrats bahahah jkjk
but thats a summary i guess of yr 12 so far ALSOO I AM LOVING MY FREE PERIODS (wow imagine having a full day bahahaha :o)
i hope to be updating this every 2-3 weeks bahaha hopefully i can stick to that plan :))
anyways,, as always

moonie out ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ


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Re: ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ moonie's vce journey
« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2020, 10:22:46 am »
Hey Moonie!! ;D

It's amazing to see that you are back in action on your Journey Journal!
It's really good to hear that you are doing fine and keep up the amazing work :D.

for english this yr my teacher isn't the best, i honestly don't feel as confident for english as i could be, but i'm trying to reach out to other teachers?? idk i'm kinda nervous because i'm not close to any teachers,, if anyone has any advice on how i can approach them pls lmk!!
Definitely reach out to other teachers! It helps get you a better understanding and might even give you another perspective that you probably would have never thought on your own. Try going up to them when they are free and ask for their opinion on an essay/essay-plan for a prompt? I doubt they will say no!

Software dev sounds really good! What is the type of stuff you do?

but thats a summary i guess of yr 12 so far ALSOO I AM LOVING MY FREE PERIODS (wow imagine having a full day bahahaha :o)

Looking forward to another update soon!


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Re: ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ moonie's vce journey
« Reply #36 on: March 14, 2020, 10:28:37 pm »
Hey Moonie!! ;D
heheh hey hey heyyyy :D

Software dev sounds really good! What is the type of stuff you do?
yes yes software is very funn :) in class we code and learn the theory behind it which is actually interesting :)


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Re: ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ moonie's vce journey
« Reply #37 on: March 24, 2020, 10:41:33 pm »
helllooooo and welcome back to another ep of moonie's vce entry mooniee here :)
idk who reads this but howdy, hows everyone doing? i hope everyone is doing well and is safe! (especially with the whole covid-19 situation!
soooo as today is officially the first day of term 1 holidays - it feels really weird, it kinda feels like a weekend not really a holiday - but hopefully i can be productive in this holidayyy! heres a snapshot of how vce is goinggg

we recently just had our text response sac and honestly i'm not too happy with how the sac went, i think i got too nervous before the sac (especially bc its the first timed one for eng,,,),, i hope this doesnt effect my end ss too badly,,, but at this point theres nothing i can do about it, so im trying not to stress too much about it,,,,
we've also just started on language/argument analysis(??) which i feel kinda rusty on so hopefully i can get some practise on it before we get back to school (whenever that is,,,) overall eng is going okay, not as well as i would like but not too badly either

by far my favourite subject, i enjoy it a lot! which i honestly didnt expect i've been trying to do some exam papers for it and im pretty happy with how its going! alsoo,, because i enjoy it, i feel like im spending too much time on it instead of other subjects - i think i really need to fix this and manage my time better

its also another subject i enjoyyyy :) i dont have much to say about itt,,, oh i still havent thought of anything for my SAT so hopefully something will come up over the holiday 8)

methods oh methodss,, i really cant do it ngl,,, honestly i havent been doing too well on my tests for methods and i really need to improve if i want a decent score at the end of the year - i definitely think i have to spend more time on this subject just because i feel like my understanding and foundation for the subject isnt good at all and the pace is really fast, im honestly not too happy with it right now, but hopefully things will be better! i have to do lots and lots of practice :)

no further comments so chemm,, okay so its still hard as ever and i still dont understand it (send help i cry sometimes jkjk) but  it's okay right now, even though our teacher goes through the content pretty fast, i'm still working on asking the teacher when i need help - but with the situation right now it seems a bit hard, hopefully things will be okay :)

sooo with the start of the holidays i really hope to get things done, alsoo the whole online learning thing - no words - cant wait for my zoom/meet classes ahahaha this is definitely okay,,, not intimidated by having the teachers face right THERE we did a trial of how it would work and IM NOT READY lmaoo,,
anyways, hope everyone stays safe through this ambiguous time, hopefully it passes soon so that it wont effect all of us yr 12s too much!

moonie out  8)


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Re: ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ moonie's vce journey
« Reply #38 on: March 25, 2020, 09:43:44 am »
Hey moonie! ;D
You wouldn't believe how excited I was to see a new update

idk who reads this but howdy, hows everyone doing?
Howdy partner! Sort of in the same boat as you but managing along~

Good on you for getting through your Text Response SAC! Don't worry, I'm sure you did absolutely amazing so no need to stress. (I have the same mood for English, not the best but not badly either). Might be good to do a bit of revision during the holidays to help you feel confident by the time you get back. ;D

It's really good to hear that you are enjoying Lote and Software too!! I admire anyone that can do a language cause it sounds like a lot of work but it will definitely pay off.
alsoo,, because i enjoy it, i feel like im spending too much time on it instead of other subjects
This is literally me too bro don't worry :P

no further comments so chemm,, okay so its still hard as ever and i still dont understand it (send help i cry sometimes jkjk)
Let's cry over Chem together bro ;). If Chem doesn't kill us both it will definitely be Methods. You can do it!! B E L I E V E!

sooo with the start of the holidays i really hope to get things done, alsoo the whole online learning thing - no words - cant wait for my zoom/meet classes ahahaha this is definitely okay,,, not intimidated by having the teachers face right THERE we did a trial of how it would work and IM NOT READY lmaoo,,
anyways, hope everyone stays safe through this ambiguous time, hopefully it passes soon so that it wont effect all of us yr 12s too much!
Oh lord the whole virtual school thing is honestly one of the biggest shocks in my life. It's so funny having your teacher's face super close to the camera and it can be super overwhelming. IM NOT READY EITHER BUT WE GOTTA GET THROUGH IT. I literally just had a mini-meeting with my Physics teacher and I tried so hard to take it seriously but it didn't work. At this rate, we will be graduating on Skype lol.

Stay safe moonie and good luck for your studies! Love your updates and please continue to update more in the future. You are going to do amazing and I'm sure of it.  ;D


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Re: ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ moonie's vce journey
« Reply #39 on: April 06, 2020, 10:31:55 pm »
howdy here to update my journal during this very chaotic time for the world :)just a short little update - not like my usual updates bahahaha

so during this holiday i really have had no motivation to do work, which isnt good at all,,
i've begun doing some of my homework but i just don't feel motivated at all aaaaaaaaaaaa
- i have been watching the ATARNotes lectures :)) +1 for education bahaha i'm really thankful to all the tutors that took their time out to run lectures for us
- i have also been reading and finding different ways to study for my subjects better, i felt that in term 1 i didn't do as well as i would've liked and i'm not too happy with some of my results, so i'm trying out ways to study for my subjects
- im trying to work through my to do list this holiday in terms of studying and homework, i think ive been doing stuff to do with studying but not actually the homework assigned (does that make sense??)

anyways, i really hope to catch up to all the work i'm behind in and finish all the assigned homework as we prepare to head into term 2 :))
i also hope everyone stays safe during this time :))
moonie out
« Last Edit: April 06, 2020, 10:40:40 pm by moonchild »


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Re: ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ moonie's vce journey
« Reply #40 on: April 06, 2020, 10:51:56 pm »
I hope you're finding time to relax as well during these holidays! It's not all about work ;)


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Re: ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ moonie's vce journey
« Reply #41 on: April 07, 2020, 11:57:02 am »
I hope you're finding time to relax as well during these holidays! It's not all about work ;)
Thank you ;D bahaha i'm trying my best to balance the both but i find myself more on the procrastinating side :P


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Re: ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ moonie's vce journey
« Reply #42 on: May 12, 2020, 10:04:57 pm »
Helloooo its moonie here!!
Its been quite a while since ive updated on here - but im back with another entry!
long post ahead proceed with caution bahahahaSo this morning the announcement many of us have been waiting for about going back to school was released - and so in 2 weeks time guess all vce students are heading back in school,, tbh im not too sure how i feel - i actually dont mind the online classes now after doing 5(?) weeks of it im kinda getting use to it + its much warmer and comfy at home TT_TT i think overall there are pro and cons of the whole situation
Im just slightly worried about all the sacs that are waiting for me when i get back,,, but hopefully in the two weeks i have left of remote learning i can catch up, finalise everything so far and head into school a bit more organised!

OH and before i forgettt THE STUDY DESIGN CHANGES - honestly some are really great but there are also some changes that im not feeling to great abt HOWEVER i am glad they decided to lower /even by a little/ the things we have to learn and essentially master for the exam!

okay so lets get onto the updates nowwwww  ;D
we have one sac left before we dive into unit 4 so im pretty happy about that - however the sac is lang analysis so im not feeling tooo confident about it,,, hopefully with enough practice I'll be able to do decently ! im feeling pretty okay about eng these days so i think thats good? Im also really glad they took out orals tbh - its not exactly my strong point, but i did hear from school that we still have to submit something for the AOS.

my current fav subject rn tbh! for lote, we are beginning to prepare for orals which is starting to make me a bit nervous but its okay! We also just did a prac sac for AOS3 /the essay one/ and im pretty happy with how its going! We have another prac sac next week and once we're back at school the teacher said we'll be doing the actual sac,,,, fun times - hopefully lote continues going well! i am a bit worried because i feel like im not doing enough but hopefully once i get organised i can fit in more time to study

software oh software,,, for classes right now we have just started AOS2 for U3 which is pretty okay because we just completed a sac just recently! im pretty okay with how it went,,,, i spent so much time on practicing and trying to get it working so hopefully everything is okay when the teacher goes to mark it! I'm also still suck on ideas for my SAT pls send advice, help anythinggg Overall, its going okay!!

oh dear methods,,, i really am struggling with methods right now - im not doing well at all in the subject and im feeling quite discouraged tbh about it,,,, im really worried about the sac that might still be happening sometime soon. I feel like ive really hit a slump for methods, ive got no motivation to do the subject at all and feel very much sad over it,,,, also with the change of taking probability out im actually a little sad because it was a topic i was feeling good about but i guess now all i can do it try harder,,,, i really want to do decentlyy TT_TT

im surprisingly doing okay in chem,,,, im actually really surprised, there are many areas which i have to brush up on and i also need to start making my final final set of notes and also revise and stufffffff - chem just seems to go very very fast! it sucks im falling behind in chem a bit butttt hopefully i can catch up soon! Alsooo it kinda sucks they took out biochem from the sd,, i was loooking forward to it!

Overall, term 2 so far has been okay with the remote learning - im actually kind of enjoying it! im lowkey not looking forward to going back to school just because i felt like i had more time with the online classes to do work and study. A downside is i havent really been getting up and out of my seat a lot,,,,,, yikes but will get onto it soon hahah
I've also been hit by the realisation that we only have a few weeks of term 2 left before we head into term 3 which means we are heading into the second half of our final year - that to me is absolutely crazy because wow its so fast! I'm lowkey beginning to feel more stressed but hopefully it will be okay! This whole year so far has just been absolutely crazy and so fast im-

Anyways, that's it for my entry today~
Hope everyone stays safe and healthy, remember to wash your hands!
moonie outttttt  ;D

« Last Edit: May 19, 2020, 04:18:45 pm by moonchild »


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Re: ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ moonie's vce journey
« Reply #43 on: May 13, 2020, 08:34:41 am »

Im just slightly worried about all the sacs that are waiting for me when i get back,,,

Woah your so lucky your school didn’t have SACs at home! I’ve had so many! Does your school usually do one sac per AOS or 2 per AOS alike mine. If they do 1 I guess that’s why they could wait bc they don’t do many SACs anyway. I’ve heard some schools do 4-5 per year per subject but we do 4 per unit!
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Re: ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ moonie's vce journey
« Reply #44 on: May 13, 2020, 02:03:49 pm »
Woah your so lucky your school didn’t have SACs at home! I’ve had so many! Does your school usually do one sac per AOS or 2 per AOS alike mine. If they do 1 I guess that’s why they could wait bc they don’t do many SACs anyway. I’ve heard some schools do 4-5 per year per subject but we do 4 per unit!

heyy! i only had one sac at home (for software) but other than that ,,, im thankful i didnt have any others - i cant imagine having to do sacs online tho thats crazy stufff! we normally have one per AOS /i think/ i hope your sacs went well!!  ;D