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Re: journey to self discovery
« Reply #75 on: October 03, 2020, 05:58:38 pm »
Hey angrybiscuit! I'm so happy you updated  ;D

I feel as though I’m not doing enough. Not enough practice exams, not enough revision. I’m finally given an opportunity to be able to complete copious amounts of exam study (i.e. quarantine and online schooling) but I didn’t do anything significant. If anything I am studying less than I have last year. I keep pinching myself for not taking the opportunity while I had it.
I relate so much to this! Everyday whenever I take a few hours break I feel the back of mind yelling at me to the point I can't even enjoy the break. I can't wait to go back to school so I don't have to feel like I have to study 24/7.  You're doing great, just hang in there until school starts.

Have a great one, looking forward to the next update, and hopefully frustratedbiscuit will turn into delightedbiscuit <3
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Re: journey to self discovery
« Reply #76 on: October 04, 2020, 12:48:54 pm »
Heyooo angrybiscuit!
Was so excited to see an update! And CONGRATS on getting your Ps! Enjoyyyy the new found freedom!!

I seriously have nooo clue how it became October.....like imagine....if COVID didn't exist we'd be doing our English exam in LESS than a month. But still 37 days seriously scares me...

Doing exams are so bloody frustrating nowadays. I get rid of a lot of questions because they’re not in the study design but sometimes it’s difficult to discern whether or not it’s not in the study design or it’s just because I really don’t know it myself. Grr my problems seem so small compared to others but I’m always so frustrated. Hence ‘angry’ in my name though it should be ‘frustrated’ but it doesn’t have the same ring to it.
I seriously feel you on this - it really annoys me there's no full VCAA exams we can do. I hope you'll become a happybiscuit soon!! Just keep at it, I'm positive everything will work out in the end.

Anyways very excited to go back to school though I can’t help but think that staying at home during term 4 to do practice exams is more enticing. But I’ve been rotting in my study for some time now so I’m more excited than bummed out
Me too. As much as staying home to do exams sounds good, I think we'll all benefit from getting some motivation from school.

Thanks for the update - I'm sure everything will work out soon! Have an awesome start to the term  :D


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Re: journey to self discovery
« Reply #77 on: October 18, 2020, 02:49:32 pm »
Hey hey angrybiscuit!!🥰

I'm so excited to see a journal update!

This is a big MOOD. You are definitely not the only one that is experiencing this. It feels like I've taken a short nap in August and then BAM we are in October!!😕
Also, congrats on getting your P's!! That is a big achievement and definitely worth celebrating over😃.

I can spiritually relate to this! It is SO frustrating trying to do exams to time, especially since sometimes you can't tell if something is in the study design or not. It can get quite confusing too and don't worry, you are not the only one who is angry 🤣. Sometimes I can't tell if VCAA has made studying for exams easier or harder...

Let's stress together bro😭. English is that one subject that no matter how much you try, it creeps up on you SUPER QUICKLY. It's like trying to run away from a racecar sometimes🤣
On a side note, the hypothetical journal title "angrybiscuit needs to learn to be kinder to herself, she’s trying but she cannot help but hate herself: a saga." literally sounds like a whole television series you would binge-watch with a good batch of popcorn. Give yourself some self-love cause you deserve it🥰

I absolutely believe in you angrybiscuit and that you will most definitely reach your goals in style!! You have GOT THIS and it is totally alright to have a break when you need it. Thank you so much for the journal update and I'm defs looking forward to seeing another one in the future🥰
Hey ash!!
Your racecar english analogy is SPOT on... 22 days now omg. October has 0 chill. On a side note, it would be a good series only my life is reality TV worthy HAHA

Thank you so much for your encouragement! Hope exam period is treating you well also.
I've been waiting for an update! ;D

I looked at the date and wow :( it still feels like the middle of the year to me. Time goes so fast and everything is just going by like a blur. Congrats on getting your P's! I'm nowhere near 120 hours, so hopefully I can drive more on the summer holidays.

I definitely agree, honestly, a part of me will always wish that study designs weren't cut because it's just so much harder. I have so many gaps in my knowledge so I can't tell if it's off the SD or if I just have no idea, so I can totally relate to that. And that English exam is slowly creeping up on us... we can all share our hate for this subject together. I'm so glad I'll never have to write another text response essay in my life after this year. 37 days are going to go by in a blink though 😭 - I need more time!

Same, I absolutely cannot wait to go back to school! Although the extra revision is nice, I think I need some motivation and I want to see my friends too.

Have a lovely weekend angrybiscuit, and don't stay angry for long!
Hi whys!
Getting your Ps is a must. The freedom is great ;D so make sure to get onto those hours after the exams!!

The only thing that is getting me through exam revision is the fact that in 22 days time will be the last time I will write a ridiculous comparative/text response/argument analysis EVER. I cannot wait till "PENS DOWN" and I am freee from english 😂. I am so glad I have someone to lament over English, it is truly horrible.

Thanks for your reply whys! Hope exam revision is going well :)
Hey angrybiscuit! I'm so happy you updated  ;D
I relate so much to this! Everyday whenever I take a few hours break I feel the back of mind yelling at me to the point I can't even enjoy the break. I can't wait to go back to school so I don't have to feel like I have to study 24/7.  You're doing great, just hang in there until school starts.

Have a great one, looking forward to the next update, and hopefully frustratedbiscuit will turn into delightedbiscuit <3
Hi potato!!
Ahh yes, at this point in time I feel like if I'm not studying I'm wasting my time. But I'm learning, slowly but surely, that breaks are necessary and that I don't need to feel guilty over them.

Thanks for the reply, I'm a happier biscuit now :)
Heyooo angrybiscuit!
Was so excited to see an update! And CONGRATS on getting your Ps! Enjoyyyy the new found freedom!!

I seriously have nooo clue how it became October.....like imagine....if COVID didn't exist we'd be doing our English exam in LESS than a month. But still 37 days seriously scares me...
I seriously feel you on this - it really annoys me there's no full VCAA exams we can do. I hope you'll become a happybiscuit soon!! Just keep at it, I'm positive everything will work out in the end.
Me too. As much as staying home to do exams sounds good, I think we'll all benefit from getting some motivation from school.

Thanks for the update - I'm sure everything will work out soon! Have an awesome start to the term  :D
It's so difficult to wrap my head around the fact that if it wasn't for COVID, our english exam is in 11 DAYS. October is going 100km per hour in a 40km zone.....

Thanks for your kind words... hope exam revision period is treating you well <3
Thank you all for your kind words, your support means the absolute world <3

October 18th 2020

22 DAYS are you joking. I think I'm set for Section A and Section C, I am pretty confident I can write to time. Will it be good? Who knows, but as long as I can get an essay written in an hour, I'm all set. I am, however, very concerned about comparative. We did our SAC just over a week ago and what a disaster. I know, I know I'm lamenting over my disastrous english sacs once again but this one was definitely bad. It absolutely sucks to see people write 4-5 pages when you only do 3... I feel very unprepared for Section B and I hope I can improve with the time I have.

On a positive note (because we desperately need some here), my two maths are coming along nicely. I'm getting used to VCAA style questions and I'm content with how I'm travelling along. With biology and psychology, I am less confident but I'm getting there. I just need to fill in some gaps in my knowledge for Unit 4. It's a lot more difficult because of the study design changes but eh.

I don't usually do study score predictions because for my school, I don't know if they're marking too harshly or marking too easy. But as of right now here's how I think my scaled study scores will be in terms of rank (highest to lowest). Chemistry will be without a doubt my highest, so I'm hoping it will pull up my atrocious English ss.

English (duh)

That's all for now. Hope you're all doing well. Let's hope the restrictions ease up in time for us to have a COVID safe celebration/graduation... we deserve it.

- (happy but anxious)biscuit
somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
carl sagan


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Re: journey to self discovery
« Reply #78 on: November 02, 2020, 10:23:57 pm »
November 2nd 2020
Feeling a lot of feels right now.

Just finished my last day of high school last week and so many emotions just came by me. I can vividly remember the first day of high school (cliche I know). Getting lost in the school corridors, couldn’t even find the toilets. Being at awe at the older year levels.

My first muck up day that I experienced I remember thinking that in 5 years' time I’ll be the one trashing the school and here we are. Sooo many emotions last week.

Overwhelming joy. Let’s be honest. The prospect of graduating is incredibly exciting. The fact that I have just finished 6 years of high school just blows my mind.

Sadness. My friends and I are all coincidentally going on to different universities and different paths. I can’t pretend and say that we’ll remain as close as we are now but the prospect of forming new friendships is so scary. Like the thought of not being close by to the people I’m used to and love so much is absolutely petrifying.

Fear and apprehension. I’m not ready for the real world. I want to crawl under the protective wing of my teachers telling me what I should do and lifting me up when necessary. Who’s going to pick me up when I fall down? Who’s going to push me out of my comfort zone? I know I certainly will not. I’m lucky to have such incredible teachers to the point where finding my own feet will be difficult. I don’t think I can do that all myself.

Absolute anxiousness. With the english exam in 8 days and nowhere NEAR ready all I am feeling is absolute FEAR. This is not how I would imagine finding myself so soon prior to exams.

So right now I am a crude mixture of good and negative emotions. I've had a couple of days off in preparation for the last days of school and was a very nice break but now I just feel numb.

As for exams I do english everyday, 1 maths exam and 1 science exams. Personally, I’m proud of how I’m handling things with making sure I eat healthily, stay active and sleep for 8 hours every night. These ensure I keep sane.

Fingers crossed by the time I enter the english exam I’ll be feeling more prepared.
somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
carl sagan


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Re: journey to self discovery
« Reply #79 on: November 08, 2020, 05:23:26 pm »
November 8th 2020
Not me writing this entry instead of studying for english oop. Anyways, 2 days!! I can almost taste freedom, the sweet relief from the shackles of english that has taken me prisoner for 6 years now.

The thought of never having to write a bloody text response/comparative/argument analysis essay under timed conditions just excites me.

Anyways, time marches on mercilessly. It does not care whether or not I have dreaded exams soon. I feel prepared but unprepared. Definitely not as prepared as I would have liked. I felt like this week went by with a blink of an eye… anyone else felt this? Probably just me. Anyways on to my subjects.

Surprise surprise, my worst one is comparative and I don’t think I can improve with the time that I have so I’ll just accept it and move on. I’m sick of writing essays however, which is why I am going to spend tomorrow just revising and going more in depth with my texts. That being said how I feel going into Tuesday is how I could feel if i walked into a geography exam, completely unprepared and clueless. But I’ll fake it and trick myself into thinking I’m ready.

Gonna squeeze both methods and spec here because I’m performing relatively similar in both.

My methods silly errors are absolutely unforgivable and with two weeks to exam there is no hope for me to remove them. Absolutely none. My teacher laments over how I can full marks in tech free exams if I eliminate them, but instead I accumulate so many deductions. Wow. Every method I’ve tried to reduce them are futile, my mind skips over TINY details that become my downfall. I never pick up on them no matter how many times I go over my paper it’s so bad.

Medea’s downfall may be her hubris, mine is silly maths errors.

On the other hand, my silly errors in specialist is more forgivable. It’s that subject where you can technically lose a fair few marks and still do alright. Hoping to scrape by a 30 but that sounds a little too optimistic.

Why does experimental design have to exist?? My narrow mind cannot comprehend what needs to be improved upon or what needs to be controlled…

Just need to work on tightening my understanding and revising my weaknesses. I’m making stupid little errors that just infuriates me.

I am very afraid for the extended response :D My teacher who has been a VCAA examiner for 20 something years tells us to write like there’s no tomorrow. I write 3 pages for the extended response and he wants me to write another two. ANOTHER TWO? This is longer than my english essays.

He likes to scare us that quantity is as important as quality so I’m trying to broaden my knowledge so I can write endlessly for this question. I also need to focus on mental health because I have forgotten everything :D

How unfortunate that my sciences are all next week then followed by maths. Oh well, the countdown to freedom begins. 12 days to go :)
somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
carl sagan


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Re: journey to self discovery
« Reply #80 on: November 08, 2020, 10:39:20 pm »
November 8th 2020

Why does experimental design have to exist?? My narrow mind cannot comprehend what needs to be improved upon or what needs to be controlled…

I remember you said this about chemistry and you still did great!

I think you being so “insightful”- I don’t know what it’s called but being aware of what you don’t know and fixing it is exactly why your gonna do well! Good luck on your 3 exams this week- it’s such a rare situation cause heaps of people do bio or psych early, all my friends laughed at me hehe.
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“I’m free to be the greatest one alive” ~ Sia
2020: English | Methods | Biology | Chemistry |              Psychology | ATAR: 0


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Re: journey to self discovery
« Reply #81 on: November 10, 2020, 03:33:11 pm »
I remember you said this about chemistry and you still did great!

I think you being so “insightful”- I don’t know what it’s called but being aware of what you don’t know and fixing it is exactly why your gonna do well! Good luck on your 3 exams this week- it’s such a rare situation cause heaps of people do bio or psych early, all my friends laughed at me hehe.
AhHHA someone caught me complaining about experimental design AGAIN this is embarrassing 😂  I'm sure you and I know the pains of anything experiment related like research methods.

Yes we are unfortunate in our situation ;( Thanks for your kind words, good luck to you as well!

November 10th 2020
Expect me to actually be on here a lot so I apologise in advance for this thing popping up in the unread posts thing.

Did I just walk out of that exam with 3 half-assed essays? Yes I did. Did I walk out with a big smile on my face? Also yes. Regardless of how I go I'm happy because it's over I'm FREEEE (from English that is). I cannot be happier, I feel as though a million pounds has been lifted off my shoulders. To say that I'm reinvigorated is an understatement. My skin is clear. My crops are thriving. The sun is shining.

"Ready" to face psych and bio next. I'm pumped and refreshed. I've done 15 exams each and I think I'm set to go. Though my teacher has been nagging me for the last section of the psych exam so I'll spend the little time I have preparing for that.

Funny, the only thing getting me through exams is the thought of finishing it.

Good luck year 12s :D
somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
carl sagan


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Re: journey to self discovery
« Reply #82 on: November 10, 2020, 06:53:45 pm »
Great job angrybiscuit!! All the best for your psych and bio exams :D
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Re: journey to self discovery
« Reply #83 on: November 10, 2020, 09:25:28 pm »
So so proud of you for getting through!! One (dreadful) exam done, just some more to go!! Loving your mindset - you are definitely ready for psych and bio and I believe in your ability to do well.

All the best for the rest of your exam period!
psych [50] bio [50]
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Re: journey to self discovery
« Reply #84 on: November 13, 2020, 08:22:53 pm »
Great job angrybiscuit!! All the best for your psych and bio exams :D
Thank you! Congrats on completing bio as well! I'm sure you aced it ;)
So so proud of you for getting through!! One (dreadful) exam done, just some more to go!! Loving your mindset - you are definitely ready for psych and bio and I believe in your ability to do well.

All the best for the rest of your exam period!
Thank you whys!
You and I would celebrate the most for finishing English. Hope bio went great... though I know you aced it ;)
Best of luck for everything else!

November 13th 2020
I’m (almost) halfway there! Done with my sciences ;D

MC was a disaster. Won’t be surprised if I lost the bulk of my marks here. It was just so strange and so.. specific. I remember being so flustered, reading over the question 10 times before going with my gut and moving on. The short answer were like long answers AHHA they need a lot of writing. I remember flipping to the next page and seeing MORE lines and MORE questions like it never ended.

Nonetheless, I walked out of it content with my performance, I wanted a hard exam knowing that the A+ cutoff will help me push close to my dream of 40.

Contrary to Psychology, I walked out of that exam with a pit of sickness in my stomach. It was doable for sure and ATARNotes and the rest of the state will agree in it’s suspicious easiness in comparison to the shit show of psych. I knew what that would mean, my careless errors will get the better of me and will cost me. This would mean students would need to claw their way up the rankings to get the high 40s. Don’t have high hopes for this one.

Still holding on to the hope of 38-40. I’ll be satisfied with that.

My post-exam blues don’t last long however. They are quickly replaced with euphoria, sheer relief and excitement. It is so strange not having to revise for them anymore, like I lost a leg or something. But it’s welcome news as I inch closer to freedom. This time next week, I’m a free person (dramatic I know)

I am MOST scared of methods. I am petrified of this subject. My silly little errors will EASILY add up and cost me my SS…. I’m using what little time I have to be more meticulous but it ain’t working 😐

I am not at all stressed about this subject. I don’t have extremely high hopes for it, I only want a 30 and my exam scores show that I’m on track for that. Yes I know it’s bad to have this lax mindset but I’m not extremely mathematically inclined.

Again, I don’t want to be too optimistic. My philosophy has always been to aim low, hit high. Try my best and expect the worst, that way I won’t be too disappointed. It’s a shitty mindset, but it has worked time and time again.
somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
carl sagan


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Re: journey to self discovery
« Reply #85 on: November 20, 2020, 02:54:42 pm »
November 20th 2020


How do you fuck up an exam that bad???

That was embarrassing. My brain was simply not functioning. Forgot how to find x-intercepts. Didn’t think about the easiest conceptual things. Interpreted the question in terms of which areas to find wrong. In short, absolutely ✨fucked✨

I left that exam defeated. But I was determined to pick myself up for the next day, erase it from memory like it never happened. Open a new clean page whatever because I was in shambles

I woke up that day feeling r e f r e s h  e d. Unfortunately, the exam was during 3pm aka the time when my battery runs out and must take a nap. MC was shit (guessed like most okay). SA was alright but probability ran me over like a truck. Pretty sure I messed up the entire question. I can’t even have anyone mention this subject without flashbacks on the questions I got wrong and how I could’ve approached it differently etc.

Overall, I’ll be really lucky to get anywhere near 35. Like really lucky

A hugeee contrast to methods. Exams were doable and on the easier side which I was grateful for after the onslaught that was methods. I left the exams feeling content.

Overall, I think I’m on track on getting a 30

After that two weeks of tragedy, it’s time to get back to the drawing board because at this rate I aspire to be like my chances of getting into medicine: very slim. I entered my predicted scores into a calculator and I am looking at around mid to high 96 which is pretty high for my school’s standards so I am content.

Right now my preferences have yet to change. But radiography, science/commerce and science/computer science are looking very probable right now.

This brings me to the “end” of the academic side of this journal. Crazy that today I officially have finished 13 years of education. These past 5 weeks alone were insane but the process of it and the relief of finishing was nonetheless satisfying.

I have a bucket list I want to complete, books to read, movies and shows to binge, a fitness goal I want to work toward.  No amount of exam failure can challenge my happiness right now.

I’ll update this sometime before the ATAR is released, put out a sappy reflection or something. I’ll see you all then. All the best.

EDIT: Sorry mods if my language is too crude. Do let me know if this type of vulgar language is not allowed, will remove them promptly :D
« Last Edit: November 20, 2020, 06:06:33 pm by angrybiscuit »
somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
carl sagan


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Re: journey to self discovery
« Reply #86 on: November 20, 2020, 03:41:51 pm »
Congratulations angrybiscuit! :)
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Re: journey to self discovery
« Reply #87 on: November 20, 2020, 04:20:55 pm »

CONGRATS angrybiscuit!!! Enjoy the well deserved break  ;D
« Last Edit: November 20, 2020, 05:53:48 pm by ArtyDreams »


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Re: journey to self discovery
« Reply #88 on: November 20, 2020, 05:06:29 pm »
AHHH! Woohoo! Congratulations Biscuit on completing year 12 that's must be such a reliving feeling. Great to see such a positive attitude, no matter how you went. I hope you enjoy all the free time, you totally deserve.
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Re: journey to self discovery
« Reply #89 on: November 20, 2020, 06:58:59 pm »
Congratulations angrybiscuit sossooososoos proud! Enjoy the break and looking forward to your next update <3
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