So the million* or so monkeys behind this website have been working tirelessly at a million typewriters to get the notes system of this website running.
At some time on February 3rd to 4th (will give specifics closer to date, or you can even post suggestions for a suitable time)... there will be a 1 or 2 hour maintenance period to synchronise the notes system with the forum, and then we're launching. Live. With notes. Finally. ALSO, if you want your notes to appear FIRST with the live launch, e-mail them to
[email protected] with:
- Subject
- Topic
- A brief description
- Your forum username
And they'll be the very first notes to go live with the site. People who donate notes at this time (I.E. before February 4th) may have custom titles of their choosing (within decency guidelines) on the forum as a token of my appreciation in helping to kick-start the site.
Do any of you have suggestions for anything we should do on launch day? This was mainly to inform you of what's happening, but if you have any ideas that you think we should use, fire away here.
*Million may or may not mean "one" in this instance.