Can anyone please explain the 5 percent rule for the selective exams. If my school is less competitive, does this affect me in any way?
5% rule means a maximum of 5% of your year 8 cohort can enter any selective school during the first round of offers from Macrob, Melbourne High, Nossal and Suzanne Cory given they are in the running. This is for entry into selective schools in year 9.
1. The first round of offers is just by the exam
2. The second round of offers given by the principal's discretion is determined later by interview (not regulated by 5% rule)
For example. Your year level has 200 students. A maximum of 10 people can get into any of the 4 selective schools during the first round of offers. (given they are all in the running)
(continue from the 200 students)
What do I mean by in the running? Let's say all the people from your school who did the exam are all boys (which won't be) and 20 of them do it and all of them want to go to Melbourne High. If only 8 people are in the top 300 applicants after the exam for MHS, then MHS takes all 8 from your school. If 12 people are in the top 300 applicants after the exam for MHS, then MHS can only take 10 people from your school and the other 2 miss out on first-round offers. The 5% rule only cuts people off if there are excess students from your school within the top 300 MHS takes.