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Author Topic: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)  (Read 21563 times)

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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2020, 09:05:29 pm »
More than halfway through the holidays! ANd I still haven't done a single practice paper aha.

Update on ADFA application:
I did my interview, and I got recommended!!! So I'm pretty happy with that, but also - that doesn't guarantee a spot at uni :( I have to wait for a letter of offer from ADFA, which could come anytime within the next 2 weeks, up to the DAY BEFORE uni starts. Yikes. I was super stressed about the letter of offer for a few days after my interview - the waiting game is killing me haha. But I guess I'm at peace with it now, there's literally nothing I can do but wait, and hope I'll get a letter of offer...preferably soon ;)
Other than that, gotta keep at my fitness for the fitness test which will happen some time in the future. And ofc keep my grades up...
For the past week or so, I've been focusing on catching up on content, making notes etc. And then I decided to draw the line today - I need to start doing past papers!

But to be honest, it's been an entire year since our last real exam block (prelims....) and I kinda forgot what it's all like. I don't usually make a study timetable unless it's for these big end of year exam blocks, and I didn't even think of making one for TRIALS! Until today...

So now I have a detailed, colour-coded schedule and even though I haven't started the real study yet, that makes me feel better  ;D

I am kinda worried about getting through all the content, but I'll just try my best and hopefully it'll be alright!

Keeping this update short and sweet :)

Good luck to anyone else currently prepping for exams!!
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2020, 09:28:09 pm »
Congratulations! Sounds like you're well on track, fingers crossed you'll get that letter soon! Sounds like you'll just have to knuckle down for trials, but a lot of people are in the same boat (including me lmao). Good luck with your study as well!
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #32 on: July 15, 2020, 10:42:50 pm »
That's such good news!!! Oh gosh Trials...it's good to hear that you're preparing well. I haven't really done any full practice papers either, I'm just still shocked that Trials is so soon and trying to avoid it (not good).
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #33 on: July 16, 2020, 09:44:02 pm »
Thanks guys :))
Sounds like you'll just have to knuckle down for trials, but a lot of people are in the same boat (including me lmao).
I'm just still shocked that Trials is so soon and trying to avoid it (not good).

Haha we all gotta start the study grind :P
« Last Edit: July 16, 2020, 09:48:14 pm by Viktoriak_ »
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #34 on: July 28, 2020, 03:58:10 pm »
28/7/20 - Term 3, Week 3 (TRIALS!!) update
Hey everyone! Apologies for not updating this for over 2 weeks...

Today was officially our last day of school - from tomorrow, it's study leave for 3 weeks! I'm so excited. For study leave, that is - not for trials :P I know it'll be heaps of studying, but honestly it's so nice to be able to organise my time + study at my own pace during the exam season - not having to worry about homework, assignments etc.

These are my trials dates:
Thursday, Friday (30th, 31st July) --> English Paper 1 and 2
Monday 3rd August --> Physics
Tuesday 4th August --> Maths advanced
Monday 10th August --> Maths extension
Thursday 13th August --> Chemistry

I'm pretty happy with my timetable, especially the huge break between maths advanced and ext/chem (gonna be cramming then!! :o)

I've been spending a lot of my time on english lately - too much tbh. This morning I finished my Common mod (1984) quotes table, so now just gotta memorise that and do some practice essays. For Mod A (King Richard 3 + Looking For Richard) I'm using my essay from earlier in the term because I did well + it's relatively easy to adapt to any question I could get. ...and I want to minimise the amount of work I have to do! Mod B (T.S.Eliot) is alright. I've written a practice essay for it, but am yet to compile my quotes + ideas. I'll do that today. Honestly my only goal for english is to FINISH the paper with some decent essays - then I can focus 110% on physics and maths advanced...

I really really really want to maintain my 1st rank!! That in itself is really motivating me to study physics - I've revised all the theory and done a past paper, still not feeling particularly confident with it all though. I printed out 5ish trial papers today to do during this week so hopefully after that I'll know everything back to front! I don't want to put too much pressure on myself though/let myself down - so I'm just going to try my best, and whatever happens, happens. :)

Maths is ehhh. I don't think advanced will be that hard - if I get above 80 for both tests that would be great. I'm just going to keep doing practice papers for maths advanced, and that should be enough practice.
The extension content is much harder and I haven't really revised any of it yet. I do have a FIVE DAY break after maths advanced though in which I can cram extension and chemistry. No worries ;D I do enjoy the extension content more just cos its more interesting/challenging. I suppose I'm not as worried about maths because my ranks aren't as high as they are for my other subjects, chances are if I try my best I'll move up (hopefully...). My maths teacher has been really great though, we've been doing revision in class and he's given us heaps of resources. He also said he doesn't mind what score we get as long as we try our best, which is really awesome and helps w the stress :)

We started doing a past trial paper in chemistry today. Aaand I completely fluked it. I was moving really slowly through the multiple choice, some stuff I genuinely had no idea. I did get a back titration question right though (without revision!) which is nice. Chemistry is the same as maths extension tho - I have a huge gap to study. I've already revised most of the content (i.e. made notes), so if I do some practice here and there this week, then cram next week, I'll be fine.

All in all, I'm trying to stay positive and not stress too much. I feel like so much weight is put on trials - it's only 30% or less. Gonna try my best and hope for the best!

Thank you to anyone who's read this, and if you're also currently doing trials, best of luck!


EDIT. Forgot to mention this, but I quit my study schedule pretty much 2 days in. I simply could not keep up with it! I guess it works for some people, and if it does for you, keep at it! But idk because I like structure, but keeping a schedule was too much pressure and not enough flexibility...
« Last Edit: July 28, 2020, 09:42:39 pm by Viktoriak_ »
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #35 on: August 02, 2020, 08:39:09 pm »
28/7/20 - Term 3, Week 3 (TRIALS!!) update
Hey everyone! Apologies for not updating this for over 2 weeks...

Today was officially our last day of school - from tomorrow, it's study leave for 3 weeks! I'm so excited. For study leave, that is - not for trials :P I know it'll be heaps of studying, but honestly it's so nice to be able to organise my time + study at my own pace during the exam season - not having to worry about homework, assignments etc.

These are my trials dates:
Thursday, Friday (30th, 31st July) --> English Paper 1 and 2
Monday 3rd August --> Physics
Tuesday 4th August --> Maths advanced
Monday 10th August --> Maths extension
Thursday 13th August --> Chemistry

I'm pretty happy with my timetable, especially the huge break between maths advanced and ext/chem (gonna be cramming then!! :o)

I've been spending a lot of my time on english lately - too much tbh. This morning I finished my Common mod (1984) quotes table, so now just gotta memorise that and do some practice essays. For Mod A (King Richard 3 + Looking For Richard) I'm using my essay from earlier in the term because I did well + it's relatively easy to adapt to any question I could get. ...and I want to minimise the amount of work I have to do! Mod B (T.S.Eliot) is alright. I've written a practice essay for it, but am yet to compile my quotes + ideas. I'll do that today. Honestly my only goal for english is to FINISH the paper with some decent essays - then I can focus 110% on physics and maths advanced...

I really really really want to maintain my 1st rank!! That in itself is really motivating me to study physics - I've revised all the theory and done a past paper, still not feeling particularly confident with it all though. I printed out 5ish trial papers today to do during this week so hopefully after that I'll know everything back to front! I don't want to put too much pressure on myself though/let myself down - so I'm just going to try my best, and whatever happens, happens. :)

Maths is ehhh. I don't think advanced will be that hard - if I get above 80 for both tests that would be great. I'm just going to keep doing practice papers for maths advanced, and that should be enough practice.
The extension content is much harder and I haven't really revised any of it yet. I do have a FIVE DAY break after maths advanced though in which I can cram extension and chemistry. No worries ;D I do enjoy the extension content more just cos its more interesting/challenging. I suppose I'm not as worried about maths because my ranks aren't as high as they are for my other subjects, chances are if I try my best I'll move up (hopefully...). My maths teacher has been really great though, we've been doing revision in class and he's given us heaps of resources. He also said he doesn't mind what score we get as long as we try our best, which is really awesome and helps w the stress :)

We started doing a past trial paper in chemistry today. Aaand I completely fluked it. I was moving really slowly through the multiple choice, some stuff I genuinely had no idea. I did get a back titration question right though (without revision!) which is nice. Chemistry is the same as maths extension tho - I have a huge gap to study. I've already revised most of the content (i.e. made notes), so if I do some practice here and there this week, then cram next week, I'll be fine.

All in all, I'm trying to stay positive and not stress too much. I feel like so much weight is put on trials - it's only 30% or less. Gonna try my best and hope for the best!

Thank you to anyone who's read this, and if you're also currently doing trials, best of luck!


EDIT. Forgot to mention this, but I quit my study schedule pretty much 2 days in. I simply could not keep up with it! I guess it works for some people, and if it does for you, keep at it! But idk because I like structure, but keeping a schedule was too much pressure and not enough flexibility...

gurllll you sound like you're killing it!! hears to hoping you keep rank 1 and get good for all the other subjects!! I am geniunely so stoked to hear you're doing past paperS, like everything for school, i Just avoid, I'm really feeling so so inspired by you!! see you later and keep us updated!
Class of 2020: Advanced English, Japanese Beginners, Economics, Music 1, Visual Arts


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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2020, 02:06:05 pm »
gurllll you sound like you're killing it!! hears to hoping you keep rank 1 and get good for all the other subjects!! I am geniunely so stoked to hear you're doing past paperS, like everything for school, i Just avoid, I'm really feeling so so inspired by you!! see you later and keep us updated!

ahh thank you so much, this message honestly made my day :))
Good luck with all your trials!
HSC '19: IPT
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #37 on: August 04, 2020, 05:27:26 pm »
trials update

Just gonna keep this short, but here's how my trials are going...

I had english paper 1 and 2 last thursday/friday.
It was pretty bad to say the least :-\
I studied all Wednesday for paper 1, and was completely drained - english is exhausting!!
Anyway the actual test question was ok - I finished my essay, but left a 5 mark short answer to the last 3 minutes. Wrote something super quickly so probably lost 4 marks there. Ah well.
Paper 2 was pretty much the same - I memorised a King Richard essay, and adapted it to the question which was good. The mod B question was SO OUT THERE it took me legit 7 minutes to understand what it was asking.
I think it was something like "The self as conscious of other possible and impossible selves... Discuss this statement in relation to your prescribed text." Like what....
Yeah so I wrote some stuff (remembered my quotes, which was good...memorised them the night before. Do not recommend), but I only got up to the middle of my second paragraph. Rip.

Then I had physics yesterday - which was honestly alright. There were a lot of dodgy questions. Even if I studied more I don't think I could have answered them, it was applied knowledge. A tad trippy. We had heaps of time to do the questions though, which is good. I tried my best, but honestly have no clue how to feel about it - I could get as low as 60 or as high as 90 ahah.

Maths advanced was pretty damn good today considering I only did 2 past papers (again, do not recommend cramming  :-[). We had heaps of time, and most of the questions were straightforward. I think I got around 80%, just cos some of the probability was confusing... Also there was 2 other questions I couldn't solve all the way.

Now I have FIVE DAYS off! ayyeee! Got maths extension on Monday, then Chemistry on Thursday. I'm going to start studying TODAY though, because I know if I relax, I'll take ages to get back into it. Also I haven't done any study for chem or maths ext - and I know there's heaps I don't know...soo better get moving!

Other than trials, life is pretty good! Haven't heard back from ADF yet, but hopefully will soon. It's actually been nice being off school for a bit, I've been out with ma friends a few times which is nice :)
Corona does seem to be coming back though, I know a lot of schools have had their grad and formals cancelled, really hope the situation doesn't get worse!!

Thanks for reading everyone :))

EDIT: Looking back, this didn't end up being that short... sorry guys
« Last Edit: August 04, 2020, 05:30:15 pm by Viktoriak_ »
HSC '19: IPT
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #38 on: August 05, 2020, 06:01:26 pm »
trials update

hooray and congrats for getting those 4 exams done!! my teacher always says that if you felt the exam was hard, then they'll probably scale it up and you'll end up doing better than you thought you did :D so you probs did way better! regardless, you tried your best which is what matters the most :) good luck for the rest of your exams, and I hope you hear from ADF soon!
2020 HSC: English Advanced, Modern History, Legal Studies, Japanese Beginners, Society and Culture, History Extension


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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #39 on: August 06, 2020, 09:59:44 am »
hooray and congrats for getting those 4 exams done!! my teacher always says that if you felt the exam was hard, then they'll probably scale it up and you'll end up doing better than you thought you did :D so you probs did way better! regardless, you tried your best which is what matters the most :) good luck for the rest of your exams, and I hope you hear from ADF soon!

Ahh thanks, that makes me feel better about it :))
Good luck for your exams as well, and good job on your jap btw, sounds like your smashing it!
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #40 on: August 17, 2020, 03:01:28 pm »
Post trials update.

I had my last exam on Thursday - super stoked trials are over!! :)

Chemistry (my last exam), seemed pretty good. I was looking through 2019 trial papers the day before, and 2 questions I encountered appeared in the test which was very luckyyy

We also got our physics mark back today - I got 77%. Can't say I'm not disappointed, but it was around what I was expecting. Not sure what my final rank is.

So yeah. Heaps of other stuff has happened, just gonna chuck it in a box... sorry for the rant.
So last week we got an email regarding our graduation celebrations. Graduation dinner is cancelled. Only 1 parent is allowed to attend our graduation assembly (i.e. our official graduation), and they have to follow a strict procedure - only come for 15 mins, wear a mask the whole time. Formal was still going ahead but with restricted numbers, max 150 people (even tho our grade has 210 people...).

Today we got an update on all this. No parents to attend the graduation - which will happen in small groups (i.e. w our friends). No formal. Everything's basically cancelled. It just feels so pointless at this stage, like we've been looking forward to it for so long and it's just cancelled.

What gets to me is that we have 1000 people at school, no social distancing, only a few people wear masks. We had a YEAR MEETING today...No social distancing. So if we have all these gatherings at school it seems illogical to say that formal etc. is cancelled because of covid restrictions??
Also the way our principal and deputy were delivering all this info to us during the year meeting was kinda upsetting. They were saying they are doing everything they can to make it good etc., and that this year's graduation celebrations will be EVEN BETTER than any other year. They said the other year's will be jealous of our graduation celebrations. It would've upset me less if they just told us how it is - that it's not gonna be the best, but make the most out of it... But saying that it's gonna be BETTER than previous years feels like they're completely disregarding the situation we're in.

Yeah so everyone was pretty upset today at school.

I don't want to go on complaining though. It is completely out of our control and it's probably safer this way. Also my situation could be a lot worse. I'm sorry if you're reading this from Victoria or elsewhere affected by covid, stay safe and stay strong!

To be honest, I don't really know if I'm upset more about trials (because I don't feel I did that well) or because all our grad stuff has been called off. Either way, I just feel really unmotivated to study...But we still have heaps of content to learn, and I definitely want to start studying for HSC asap (to avoid cramming like I did for trials). I guess I just have to remember that this (i.e. HSC) will all be over soon - literally 8 weeks until HSC starts, then another 3ish weeks of exams then we can chill.

I think it's also important to remember why we're actually doing this. HSC gets us into uni (or whatever you want to pursue in the future), and rn that's the ultimate goal. If we can just keep on track for the next ~2 months then it will make the whole uni thing easier, and I'm sure (despite the official celebrations being cancelled), graduation and finishing exams will still be rewarding.

I'm sorry if this came across as ungrateful or complaining... just needed to get that out.

But yeah not long until the end, just gotta keep working hard and we'll be outta here soon.

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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #41 on: August 17, 2020, 08:51:10 pm »
Hey Viktoria,

Congrats on finishing your trials! It really is the endgame now.

re: graduation and formal, don't feel sorry for feeling bad, you're totally justified in everything that you said! Hopefully, things improve and the government changes their stance on gatherings.

As for trials, it's not over til it's over, ranks only make up half your mark and it won't hurt to take a break in light of the momentous effort you must have put in. Good luck for everything, you'll come back stronger than ever after all this!

« Last Edit: August 17, 2020, 08:56:47 pm by Justin_L »
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #42 on: August 18, 2020, 04:05:28 pm »
Hey Viktoria,

Congrats on finishing your trials! It really is the endgame now.

re: graduation and formal, don't feel sorry for feeling bad, you're totally justified in everything that you said! Hopefully, things improve and the government changes their stance on gatherings.

As for trials, it's not over til it's over, ranks only make up half your mark and it won't hurt to take a break in light of the momentous effort you must have put in. Good luck for everything, you'll come back stronger than ever after all this!

Hi, thank you for your message, it means a lot  :)

You're totally right about trials - ranks are only half and there's still chance to improve.

Not sure if the endgame thing was an Avenger's reference but I couldn't help thinking of Doctor Strange's line hahah

Best of luck with your HSC too!!

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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #43 on: August 27, 2020, 02:40:12 pm »
27/8/20 --> Burnout???
I was going to wait to update until I have my ranks but I felt I need to make sense of this somehow...

I don't know if I "burntout" or if I came close to it... Last week (i.e. the week after trials) I was super motivated, productive and generally on top of things. This week is the opposite - I've been getting MINIMAL work done, and feeling kinda down.

We got our maths ranks back yesterday and mine wasn't that good (it dropped about 5 ranks), which I expected anyway. Also got my physics rank back - I dropped one rank. I know neither of these aren't that bad but I feel I had this whole expectation set for myself, that by HSC I will be doing so well, that I'll have everything together etc.

And honestly, with the mindset I was in, I don't think any rank would have made me happy - like EVEN IF I got first, I might be upset because we haven't finished the module yet or because I didn't get 100%. Anyway, you get the idea.

Last week was really awesome because I was enjoying my study, I already knew I wasn't going to be happy with my trial marks, but I just let it go and focused on prepping for the HSC. I'm not really sure what happened now, maybe I got overwhelmed with the workload, or just started doubting myself. I mean, we're only up to RELATIVITY in physics, we have an entire module to learn after that. And for both physics and maths I'm basically teaching myself. I've been doing so all year (and year 11), and it's been working! It would obviously be easier if I didn't have to, but I think now I just have to work with what I have - no matter where I'm up to in the syllabus, what teacher I have, or what my ranks are - and try my best.

I really really want to keep with this mindset for the rest of HSC, I just want to try my best, enjoy study, then be content with the fact I put in my best effort. But I still feel a negative attachment to my marks... I understand it's normal to feel upset/disappointed with yourself after a bad mark, but I need to let go of it. I also need to let go of the expectation of a certain ATAR. I keep thinking "if only I studied harder earlier", "if only I...., then I could get a better ATAR". But tbh I tried my best this year (given the circumstances and everything else I had going on), and that should be enough, no matter what number I end up with.

Ok so this is getting really long, but in essence I think I "burntout" because I'm still holding on to expectations and possibilities which I didn't achieve. I just need to let go and try my best, remember why I'm studying and not worry so much about the results.

Easier said then done.

Thank you to anyone that read this, hopefully it serves as a reminder to not be too hard on yourself :)

**I'll update my ranks/marks when I get them all back.
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #44 on: August 27, 2020, 04:31:50 pm »
I'm feeling the same with you on this post trials 'burn out'. Though I don't think I ever studied hard enough to really 'burn out', my motivation is out the window. It just feels like those last week of term 4 (in past years) when everyone would throw class parties and teachers would let us do 'research'...except there's still content to learn and hsc exams! but all we can do is just keep on moving, so best luck to you and the rest of this hsc journey!!!!

alice : )
2020 HSC: English Advanced, Modern History, Legal Studies, Japanese Beginners, Society and Culture, History Extension