Hey Bri MT!
Yep, it was for a niche academic society.
I’ve just stopped drinking milk (the one from cows) with tea/ coffee and from the fridge (yes, I used to be that creature)!
Uni journal P11.
Irrelevant segue: How do you study?
To be honest, even after finishing my 12 years of schooling, I had no clue how to answer this question.
My philosophy was prep early and take the shortcuts. This means, I made tons of timetables (colour coded, of course) and made sure to find all the resources (online, past students, forums) – so I had exposure to reviews by high achieving students, excellent essays, the ‘what not to do’s’, etc.
But I’ve never truly worked hard, studied consistently for more than 2 hours or most importantly, remembered what I learnt the previous year. On the outward, I had excellent notes – neat handwriting, pretty diagrams and very detailed, but I knew I hadn’t truly absorbed most of the knowledge I have written down, as chunks of it were directly copied off the textbook. In my head, I referred to my studying as some sort of ‘cheating the system’; I relied a ton on my school’s sac scaling, wrote from my many memorised essays for the English language and French exams (oop) and floated by year 12 without much ambition.
I would say the gap year after VCE was a godsend to completely detach myself from academics and its burdens; imposter syndrome sprinkled with some anxiety. The quarter-life-crisis in 2019 allowed me temporary relief to be introspective of my motivations entering into more strenuous education.
Cringe idealistic conversation:
Society: Are you excited to start university, ‘a new chapter in your life’?
Moi: Yea, it’s going to be so chill and no way as factorised and rigid as high school.
S: Yep, uni is nothing like high school, you have to take initiative to study, keep up with assessments and you definitely don’t get spoon fed.
M: *panic*
But I don’t even know how to study
S: ‘Shrug’
Figure it out, it’s about time.
From there on I started my random and inconsistent research on study methods. I needed to find an efficient method to learn content without direct memorisation (which I’m terrible at), but most importantly learn how to learn and feel well deserving of my grades that I achieved from hard work (this doesn’t mean cramming for hours – but absorbing knowledge with good time management).
(This sounds like some kid on the internet trying to go on a nerdy journey to find themselves (roll eyes).
But yeth, that is exactly what this is - cue battle music.)
I think I’ll share these methods on my journal (just to hold myself accountable with my research) as I slowly adopt them if they benefit my grades and sanity.
PS: I really want to know who actually reads these entries, cos I think I’m getting far too brave and foolish in writing anecdotal things that can easily reveal me.