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Re: LM's VCE Journey
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2020, 10:21:58 pm »
T&S 🐼
Your incredibly kind and uplifting message pulled me through for the HHD exam. Thanks for your reassurance and advice.

Entry #5

I tried to make this one short, but it ended up being a lot of word vomit. Apologies in advance.

re: HHD exam. The exam itself was reasonable and it lacked the abstract elements of the 2019 exam. Hardly anything on the SDGs and nothing on the work of the WHO (U4 AOS 2). Although, my answers were lacking depth and clarity. Didn't get to finish the eight marker either (there was no ten!) so would be lucky if I even got 3/8.

I "only" got ~5 hours of sleep the night before the exam, mainly because it was hot and I lay awake with the realisation that I had an exam tomorrow with X amount of hours to revise before I had to arrive at school at 2:30. Not ideal before an exam, and I know this could have been alleviated with more prep.

I walked into the exam room, smiling at the supervisors albeit through my mask, to MASK the tremendous uneasiness I was feeling (it helped that one of the supervisors was my primary school principal and he recognised me after five years). I wanted the feeling of adrenaline that I got before my first SAC. The eustress, not the distress. It wasn't eustress sadly, but I felt a wave of relief when I opened the exam to find quite a generic health and wellbeing question that set the tone for the rest of the exam. Seeing that question made me feel 1000000 times better. I kept an eye on the clock, but only had just over 10 minutes to spare to write my 8 marker. I ended up writing mostly dot points and snuck in all three of the source materials in a quite poor fashion. If only I had time, that could have been the difference between one study score and another one a few points higher.

The two-and-a-bit hour exam flew by, and a wave of relief hit me when it was over. That is the reason why I left the exam room with a smile on my face, even though I knew that I didn’t perform as well as I hoped. My teacher had a few chats to the class about trying our best and being happy with the outcome. That was my overarching goal for the whole year – try my best and do “well” (what even is well anymore?) and I knew that I was an example of someone who almost gave up before the exam and stuffed it up. Next year, the goal is still to try my best and have no regrets. I think after this experience of doing two 3&4 subjects, I’ve grown to be more determined to overcome my fear of failure and use my perfectionism standards to my advantage. I don’t want to put off work or study anymore because, “it’s too hard and I won’t do it to a good standard” or “I won’t do well anyway so there’s no point in trying”. I’d rather use this uncomfortable-ness to my advantage after seeing the negative consequences of succumbing to the pressures it places on me. There’s still Year 12. Another shot. The whole, “let’s do this” attitude will probably start to fade around the middle of Term 1, where I will be bombarded by SACs and my spirits will be dampened a bit. And that’s normal. I’ve got my avoidance strategies that I must use wisely – the playlists, reading, talking with my psych, maybe exercise, journaling to put things in perspective, spending a bit too much time on social media (including AN :P)… and of course the approach strategies of organisation and setting habits around studying. Okay, I think I’m referring to psych a bit too much in this journal. Miss it.

Also had a chat to my HHD friends, mostly comprising of Year 12s. That day was most likely the last day I would ever see a lot of them. It was bittersweet. There’s still social media and time to catch up with them in 2021, but without the common interest of HHD. Everyone who was in that class has a story and are talented in many different ways. I’m sad I’ll never get to sit in a classroom with them again :(

Looking towards the future, this week is head start / ignition into Year 12 week. The subjects I picked (for now) are English Language, Biology, Chemistry, Methods and Further.

I had a chem lesson today, and was almost clueless. That’s my punishment for missing a redox lesson due to study leave :D
I also had a further lesson and am still unsure about whether I want to do it next year. It’s a very different style of maths to methods. I will miss algebra, the weird and wonderful graphs and the breadth of the content. Methods is a whole new world. I’ll probably never need to know how to anti-differentiate an equation or anything like that in my life, but I know it would be an amazing feeling to strive for mastery in methods and maybe even come close. Maybe the decision of which subject to keep will become easier to make after I have methods tomorrow. You can't judge a subject from Chapter 1 of the textbook.

« Last Edit: November 24, 2020, 04:11:09 pm by lm21074 »
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Re: LM's VCE Journey
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2020, 10:25:38 pm »
I just noticed that you mentioned Mathletics in your journey journal.

I haven't heard about Mathletics since primary school.

Wow. Time sure flies.
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Re: LM's VCE Journey
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2020, 12:48:37 am »
Congrats for finally finishing both 3/4 exams! (plus I relate to missing psych, those were the good days!!).

Have a great break!!
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Re: LM's VCE Journey
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2020, 07:19:46 am »
Congratulations LM! SO proud of you <3 Finally found another Year 12 buddy bahahaha  ;D

Looking forward to the next update!
2020: Biology [43]
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Re: LM's VCE Journey
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2020, 08:06:59 am »

I had a chem lesson today, and was almost clueless. That’s my punishment for missing a redox lesson due to study leave :D
I also had a further lesson and am still unsure about whether I want to do it next year. It’s a very different style of maths to methods. I will miss algebra, the weird and wonderful graphs and the breadth of the content. Methods is a whole new world. I’ll probably never need to know how to anti-differentiate an equation or anything like that in my life, but I know it would be an amazing feeling to strive for mastery in methods and maybe even come close. Maybe the decision of which subject to keep will become easier to make after I have methods tomorrow. You can't judge a subject from Chapter 1 of the textbook.

If you're still interested in studying science at a university level you might find methods more useful than you think. While not necessary at Monash, it's definitely been helpful for understanding e.g. reaction rates in first year chem, modelling in third year bio, stats etc. I've even found doing a minor in maths helpful & although I don't need to do multivariable calculus I get more out of reading what approaches were taken in a paper with that foundational knowledge. I'm also a big believer in science as not just the cool things we learn using it but understanding when to reject the null hypothesis & what that means etc which has partially driven my maths studies.

Think about how even in VCE chem you use logs; sure, you can find the pH even if you don't know what a log is but wouldn't you rather understand what you're doing?

Anyway, you don't need methods for your plans & choose the subjects you want to study but that's my 2 cents :)


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Re: LM's VCE Journey
« Reply #20 on: November 24, 2020, 08:57:15 am »
A massive congrats on finishing your HHD and Psych exam!  ;D

Enjoy your well-deserved break! Excited for the next update!


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Re: LM's VCE Journey
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2020, 02:28:36 pm »
Congrats on completing your first 3/4s. No matter the outcome, know that this experience would be invaluable to you for next year. Super proud of you :D
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Re: LM's VCE Journey
« Reply #22 on: January 01, 2021, 11:39:29 pm »
Time certainly does fly! Don't you just miss the Mathletics days?! Did you have a cool avatar with the animated backgrounds?
Thank you so much whys! Congrats on finishing Year 12 and enjoy your well-deserved break! :)
Hey! Thanks for your kind words! Congrats on completing bio this year :) So glad to have another Year 12 buddy on AN! :)
Bri MT
You’ve just got me wondering why we use the log to find pH! I’m planning on doing units that might not / don’t seem like they use methods-y style maths but I wouldn’t mind if they do! There’s always the option for me to take the methods equivalent subject at uni. Thanks for your input :)
Thanks so much Evolio! Congrats on completing Year 12! Have a great break :)
Thank you, angrybiscuit! Right you are :)

Hi everyone!

Firstly, Happy New Year! Can’t believe 2020 is over. :)

The only things I wanted to know on results day were my GAT results. Alas, they will remain unknown for the time being :(

There have been two moods I’ve been experiencing: apathy and a desire to persevere, learn more and do better than this year. I’ve been feeling apathetic about results and school ever since I finished those exams. I’m so drained and I don’t know if I ever want to do an exam ever again. At the same time, I’m nervous and excited to start Year 12. Nervous because of all the content, the SACs, the exams and potentially not achieving my goals but excited to go through Year 12 and learn a lot.

Here's a low-down on how results day went for me.

Got up at 3am. Got up at 6am. Wasn’t because of nerves, because I wasn’t nervous at all. After some coaxing from my parents, I went onto the website. Saw my GA 3 for Health. Cried. If it weren’t for my SAC marks, I would’ve done worse. When anyone asks me for advice for health, I feel like I shouldn't be giving it. Yet, I know where my shortcomings were in my approach to the subject, which mainly occurred around exam time. And I know what I could've done to do better. The feeling of regret is not very nice.

If you had asked me at the start of the year whether I would be happy with the scores I received, I would have said,
 “Hell no.”

This will probably stay a score free journal, but… I got higher than the 38 needed to get into UMEP Psych so hoping I can get in! Not sure what to expect from the program. Not sure how hard it is to get a H1 or H2A.

I’m actually okay with my psych score now haha (it’s not great but not that bad IMO) but big regretz for HHD. My SAC scores and ranking had the potential to get me a better score than what I ended up with, but oh well hahaha. Just a number. I still have five subjects to do next year (and hopefully I can score higher than what I did this year)!

For me, 2020 has been a great learning experience and test of resilience.
me in 2020

Good thing that I’ve come up with strategies now to be able to (almost) not relate to this meme?! Maybe I’ll write a guide on this as an unqualified person

Goals for next year:

Read a book a fortnight – I really want to get back into reading and I happened to have 26 books lying around on my shelf. My goal is to read them all and then donate them and buy a Kindle. Don’t get me wrong, nothing beats physical books but a Kindle will save a lot of space.

Exercise every other day for at least 20 minutes a day – I was pretty sedentary this year, but found that going for a walk / dancing around my bedroom helped boost my mood a bit.

Use my spaces wisely – desk for studying, bed for sleeping, floor for procrastinating. Not bed for studying, desk for sleeping!

Actually drink enough water - to stay alive and thrive

Live in the moment – this one’s less concrete than the others, nonetheless important.

useless ramblings about uni courses and careers (read at your own risk haha)
The generalist degree I’ve wanted to do for a while is Science (A biomedical science major) / Arts (Psychology) at Monash. Now I’m reconsidering doing psych at Monash after hearing bad things (e.g. poor faculty organisation, inconsistency in marking, etc.). I don’t think I want to be a psychologist, but rather study it because I’m passionate about it and use the major as a pathway to teaching psych. There’s also the option of doing some sort of student wellbeing / counselling thing alongside teaching. I could always do a minor in psych and major in something else in the arts component anyway.
I’ve also thought about whether or not I should do an undergrad “career” degree. Don’t really want to do a Bachelor of Education because I’d like some life experience before going straight back into the classroom and try other things before I decide what I really want to teach. I’m also considering nursing and other healthcare careers but I know that as much as I want to do something in healthcare, I have a passion for teaching and secondary teaching (plus careers counselling) is probably what I’ll end up doing. This is why I might just do a generalist degree straight out of high school.
There are things that are holding me back from even pursuing a career in the fields I’m interested in, such as my level of coordination, my people skills and whether I’ll actually enjoy the careers / be good at them.
So, here are the courses I’m considering (no particular order) – the ones with asterisks are the ones I'll have as backups (and they also feature quite a bit of pathophysiology which I find so fascinating).
Sci / Arts @ Monash
Med @ Monash
Nursing / Midwifery @ Deakin or Monash
Nursing / PsychSci @ Deakin
Sci @ Monash – major in psych and dev bio / physiology, minor in another biomedical science or a language or philosophy or linguistics and/or go on exchange
*Biomed @ ACU (This course has core requirements in ethics and philosophy which sounds cool!)
*Health Sci (majoring in biomedical sciences) @ Swinburne (yay to anatomy and physiology!)
Arts / MTeach @ UniMelb (has some cool fields of study and exchange partners. Would probably transfer to Science though, even though the uni probably won’t let me keep the MTeach)

Congratulations to everyone who’s graduated high school / uni / received results this year! So, so proud of you for pushing through in this odd year.

Thank you to all the wonderful ANers for the year on the forum that was! Wishing you all an excellent 2021 :)

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Re: LM's VCE Journey
« Reply #23 on: January 01, 2021, 11:48:21 pm »
Will say this - I bought a kindle in 2019 and I still buy more physical than digital whoops 🙈 good on you for planning to donate old books though! 🥰 (I need to clear out my shelves again - I donated quite a few to the Little Library in Melbourne Central before the lockdowns but have accumulated heapssss since aha :'))

I believe in you, you can do it this year <3
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Re: LM's VCE Journey
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2021, 12:49:42 am »
Hey LM! Firstly, congrats for getting through 2020, it wasn’t easy yet you perservered and that showed through your journal. I’m so proud of how well you’ve done - and it’s okay to feel disappointed with scores. Regret is a normal feeling, but try not to dwell on it too much, because just like you said, you still have year 12 and nothing is set in stone. Year 11 is a great year to try new things and find out what’s best for you, and sounds like you’ve done that, so it’s a win!! I wish you all the very best for year 12 and beyond, and have a happy new year.
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Re: LM's VCE Journey
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2021, 01:29:50 am »
congratulations on getting through 2 3/4 subjects in year 11!

like whys has said it is perfectly fine to be disappointed but I am sure you can use what you learned last year to do even better this year  :D


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Re: LM's VCE Journey
« Reply #26 on: January 08, 2021, 03:25:10 pm »
Congratulations LM for finishing TWO 3/4 subjects this year!Like many of the above have said it's completely okay to be disappointed but you've put so much work in and I hope you are still proud of the effort and the resilience you have shown throughout the once in a lifetime pandemic year. All the best for Year 12 and I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with a fellow Year 12 :D
2020: Biology [43]
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Re: LM's VCE Journey
« Reply #27 on: January 08, 2021, 04:55:01 pm »
Hey LM!

A big congrats on completing 2 3/4 subjects in year 11! That's no easy feat. You really did work hard and it's completely okay to be disappointed with study scores as said by others above. I felt the same too but you've got Year 12 and that's where the real fun begins!  :D You still have an opportunity to do how you want and I know that if you continue to persevere, you will achieve the goals you set yourself.

Actually drink enough water - to stay alive and thrive
Omg, I relate to this goal sooo much!! I literally drink no water at all and it's gotten to the point where I think my body's evolved and can function pretty well without it lol.

I wish you all the best for this year!


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Re: LM's VCE Journey
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2021, 12:22:06 am »
insanipi 📚
Hey insanipi! There's something about physical books that makes them special! I've seen a few street libraries in my neighbourhood, which are pretty cool (but some of the books in them are not really my taste). Thanks for your kind words! I regrettably haven't made much time to read (because VCE :() but I'll start with a nice fiction book to ease myself into it. I hope your reading challenge continues to go splendidly well! :)
whys 🦁
Thanks for your reassurance and support, whys! You have a way with words and making people feel at ease. Have a great year ahead ^-^
Sine 📐
Thanks so much Sine! I sure hope so. Hope your 2021 is going well so far :)
Evolio 🌊
Evolio, thanks so much! Congrats on completing Year 12 (and doing super well), especially in a year like last year! I wish I could say the same about the water (but seriously, this is a sign to go have some haha)! Wishing you all the best for this year ^-^

Entry #I-lost-count-but-it’s-likely-to-be-a-single-digit


On the ATAR Notes forum, there are plenty of options to spice up your posts. Despite it being centered around the Australian education system, the code, "[colour]", is not valid in the all too marvelous BB code. Together, we must stop this! In this essay I will

A friend asked me the other day if I was going to update this journal and there were plenty of voiced hesitations on my end. This is because: a) a few people from school have caught onto it and figured out my identity (hi, people from my school!), b) I feel like I’m going to look back on this and realise how poor my writing is; the cohesion is questionable, and c) I might be boring people. It's interesting how much language shapes identity. I never want to write in a way that makes me come across as a piece of, you know shit.

How's school so far? Fantastic. Keeping afloat, sort of. There are always thoughts that threaten to poke holes in my boat. The feeling-like-an-impostor business (even so outside of school). My brain ridicules me with stories like the, “My teachers think I’m stupid and weird and incapable,” story and the “When are you going to crash the car?”* story. I just need to keep reminding myself that I need to see the thoughts for what they are – words - and defuse them considering they’re not helpful. I need to be careful on the road and give schoolwork my best shot. If it turns out that I do end up not being happy with my score for my subjects, it is okay. Not the end of the world. As long as I can get into a uni course. I just want to go to uni already! Although, I know I'll high school. I am using too many ‘I’ statements eek.

In school, my teachers have been embracing the flipped learning model. The upside of this is that I can try to understand the content at my own pace (especially for chem) and then my teacher can go through the “highlights” of each chapter, yet I kinda miss passively sitting in a classroom, writing notes. Learning via simple diffusion. EngLang, on the other hand is great because my teacher gives us real life contemporary language examples to analyse (e.g. things from social media or the street). Additionally, for the time I put in to learn the content at home and do practice questions and notes, I feel like the workload is a lot. It seems as though it takes me a bloody long time to do things (e.g. if my goal for a spare period is to read the textbook, do textbook questions and notes, I’ll probably only finish the reading, textbook questions and a tiny bit of the notes at best). I’m slightly behind in chem and bio atm (not how I wanted to start the year! *cue my inner voice screaming, “have I sabotaged myself from the beginning?”*. Catastrophizing is fun!1!). For a subject like bio, it’s hard to know whether or not to trust the textbook (which explains everything in nitty gritty detail). My school’s slides lack a whole heap of detail, and the textbook as well as handouts and notes that the school supplied contradict each other in some aspects. Do I need to know about receptor-mediated endocytosis because you did not teach us that? I’ll figure it out.

Ten hours of sleep seems to be the way to go for me. I haven’t been getting that much sleep because it is difficult to go to bed before nine pm, when you have to wake up at quarter to six. Even then, I felt tired. Maybe it’s time to restart the iron and vit D supplements haha, but I don’t really want to go back to the GP for a blood test to see how my levels are doing. The one who did my venepuncture told me to do chemistry and biology, when discussing doing something in healthcare, so here I am learning about galvanic cells (yay!). Unit 3 chem is a bit conceptually difficult at times, but cool so far. Let’s hope the “cool” part of my opinion doesn’t change after the first SAC in two weeks :/ In short, I miss holidays, even though I was in a frazzled state of mind then. There was a sense of tranquillity, rather than the go-go-go state of mind.

On a more positive note, I’ll be doing UMEP Psych next this year (the people who run the program say it like “you-mep” rather than “U-M-E-P” and it took me a second to realise what they meant the first time I heard)! I’m really excited to get a taste of uni life. Now I feel like I’m quoting the advertising for the program. There’s always the enthusiasm due to the novelty of the experience. Just like how I felt when I got my school student ID card and locker for the first time. It took a while to get a photo for my UoM student ID card because I couldn’t stop laughing for absolutely no reason. Weirdly, my friend who's also doing UMEP had a similar experience. At least we didn’t only have one take after queuing in a line on campus. My phone did airbrush my face a bit, and I only realised after I uploaded the photo.
According to the (potentially outdated) UoM subject reviews for one of the units I'm doing, an assignment for it might be to watch a sunset and write about my perception of it. Nonetheless, the units sound super interesting. Perhaps I'm too enthusiastic and naïve?

As I’ve mentioned too many times, it would be cool to incorporate some psych in my future career, whether that be through teaching it, or using it to understand people. My psych said that they use pretty much none of the theory from their undergrad in their career though :(

Since receiving my study scores last year, I’ve realised how little this all means (don’t want to go too deep into that because existential crises are doom and gloom). Yep, the ATAR is important but there are other ways to get to a particular destination, with the added bonus of getting some life experience along the way. So while I’m going to give it my all (for the most part, I say while procrastinating and rambling), I’ll try not to obsess over the numbers. It’s helpful to know if you’re on track to a certain study score / ATAR, but maybe I should just try my best and leave it up to the VCAA gods to decide my aggregate’s fate.

Anyways, y’all are awesome <3

*Reverse parallel parking or entering a busy roundabout make me slightly apprehensive, but I guess it all comes down to practice. The first time I went around a roundabout (on a deserted road, mind you), someone in a very loud car with a turbo engine came out of nowhere speeding behind me and held their horn. Ahhh, the joys of road rage.

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Re: LM's VCE Journey
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2021, 07:56:33 am »
According to the (potentially outdated) UoM subject reviews for one of the units I'm doing, an assignment for it might be to watch a sunset and write about my perception of it. Nonetheless, the units sound super interesting. Perhaps I'm too enthusiastic and naïve?
Yea you're right these reviews are outdated, PSYC10003 has changed quite a bit (i took the subject last year- I will try to write a review as soon as I can)
Instead of the sunset essay, you will actually do an evidence-based argumentive essay; the coordinator will tell you this task will probably be more harder than the sunset one, but it is alot more interesting. For 2020 we had prompt on retrieval practice (i.e. studying by practice tests) and whether this is more effective than current popular study methods.
So you were required to form a contention and write an argumentative essay to support your point of view.
The research for this was exhausting, reading the literature, but nonetheless an important skill to pick up. Overall the assignment wasn't too bad and was pretty interesting (with only 1500 words there is not much you can say).
I am sure you will like the subject, the topics you cover are
1. Learning & Memory (a bit of a repeat from year 12- but we extend our knowledge from VCAA)
2. Sensation & Perception (beyond Unit 2- if you did unit 2)
3. Behavioural Neuroscience (beyond Unit 3- looking at neural systems and how this affects the behaviour- the hardest but most interesting content)
PM me if you have any questions about PSYC10003 I'd be happy to help

Nice to see a positive update, I wish you all the best for this year!
VCE '17-'18
2017: Biology, Psychology
2018: English, HHD, Chemistry, Methods
2019-22: Bachelor of Biomedicine (Honours) @ UoM
My guides:
A quick guide to language and argument analysis
HHD sample questions
HHD 2019 Comprehensive examiner report analysis