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Author Topic: Nervous for starting specialist math!!!  (Read 986 times)  Share 

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Nervous for starting specialist math!!!
« on: October 06, 2020, 06:24:29 pm »
Hiii I am new to atarnotes and I'd love some advice. I am a year 10 who will be attending EBSS next year and I'm pretty nervous. It's compulsory to do methods and specialist. I think I'll do fine with methods because I've flipped through the textbook and done a lot of the content at my old tutor. I don't go to a tutor anymore, so I'm not sure how to prepare. All I've heard about specialist math is that it's insane and will kill your brain. I'd appreciate any resources and advice for preparing. Thanks so much!!!


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Re: Nervous for starting specialist math!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2020, 08:23:23 pm »
Hiii I am new to atarnotes and I'd love some advice. I am a year 10 who will be attending EBSS next year and I'm pretty nervous. It's compulsory to do methods and specialist. I think I'll do fine with methods because I've flipped through the textbook and done a lot of the content at my old tutor. I don't go to a tutor anymore, so I'm not sure how to prepare. All I've heard about specialist math is that it's insane and will kill your brain. I'd appreciate any resources and advice for preparing. Thanks so much!!!
Hi! Welcome. First of all, Spesh is hard, but not unbearable as some make it seem. Hard work will pay off. In fact, I found Units 1 and 2 spesh easier than methods. Here are my tips (as a current Y12 spesh student)
1. Always work with the formula sheet
This will greatly help you in exams/ tests as your familiar with the content
2. Do your homework!
I know this is obvious, but with spesh, your introduced to so many new concepts that you are completely unfamiliar with. Things like complex numbers, vectors etc. are completely new so you can't rely on prior knowledge to aid you unlike methods.
3.Ch Review is gold
Seriously. The Cambridge Ch Review Qs are amazing for revision. They test both aspects, and mirror the typical style of qs in exams/ tests
4.Have a good foundation in methods
Make sure you understand basics in methods eg. differentiation, factorisation etc. as these skills are assumed as prior knowledge in spesh and thus glossed over despite being crucial.
Hope this helped. :)