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Author Topic: Autime's Jumbled Journal  (Read 24364 times)

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Re: Weekly Journal
« Reply #45 on: November 01, 2021, 10:22:30 pm »
T4 Week 5

I completed the 3/4 English exam last week, I don’t think I did particularly well on it or very badly by my standards. In two days I have the first of two maths methods exams, I’ll go over more probability edrolo videos and take notes tomorrow, as well as do two practice exams. I’ve barely completed any of the goals I set for a few weeks ago unfortunately.

I’m disappointed in myself. Looking back on this year so far, how many of the goals that I set did I actually achieve. Is it even sane to set expectations of myself like getting a 99.90 ATAR or 45 study score for English when I struggle with accomplishing much smaller goals that lead up to those. I won’t try to make any excuses or empty justifications as to why I didn’t do enough work this year because they won’t allow me to do any better next year. The only things I know that contributed to it were underestimating what I needed to sacrifice of myself and overestimating my ability to rise to a challenge.

If I’m able to retake English next year, there are 3 major things I would do differently; utilise the worksheets and other resources given out in class more effectively instead of just filling them out for the sake of getting it done, spend more time thinking about the texts and reading study guides and material because your writing is limited by the quality of your ideas, and I would write/edit more essays on the same topic until I was satisfied before moving on to another topic.

I will make an effort to always underestimate myself and overestimate everybody else as much as I can. I believe that it is possible to still accomplish my goals so long as I’m willing to sacrifice my energy and time, make no excuses, and question my methods. Something I’ve realised recently is that if I fail to live up to what I say then I’m also failing those who choose to believe in me, the expectation isn’t only within myself. I need to move forwards for others as well. (I’m not sure if that really makes sense, but hopefully you get the idea)

T4 Week 5 Goals:
- Watch probability edrolo videos & take notes on important parts
- Complete 2 maths methods exams
- Complete specialist kinematic exercises
- Submit physics practical investigation poster
« Last Edit: November 16, 2021, 08:28:22 pm by Autime »
2021: English [27], Methods [25]
2022: Spec, Physics, Business, English, Data Analytics


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Re: Weekly Journal
« Reply #46 on: November 16, 2021, 11:11:35 pm »
T4 Week 7
Head Start

All my exams are over (English and methods) and I’ve started doing my subjects for next year in a head start program that runs for two weeks.
The subjects I’m doing are (all 3/4):
. English
. Specialist maths (online)
. Physics
. Data analytics
. Business management

I’ve only done one or two classes for each subject with the exception of specialist which opened the website portal today. Following my bad results (by my standards and to my goals) throughout this year, I’ve been doing a lot of extra work each day after school to make sure I’m ahead and can use classes as a chance to review what I know and fill in gaps/fix misunderstandings. I need to become better at time management/using time more efficiently. I feel a lot more focused and productive than I usually do, it might just be because I’m in a different routine from usual or maybe it’s because I’m taking school much more seriously and making an effort to pay attention. I’ll put in as much work as it takes without making compromises and put school work ahead of wasting time so I don’t repeat the same results as earlier this year.

T4 Week 7 Goals:
- ex. 5.1-5.7 questions for physics/make review q.s
- physics worksheets
- business man. ex. 1.2-1.8/make review q.s
- data analytics data tasks worksheet
- ch. 1 questions for data analytics/make review q.s
- read five stories from like a house on fire & answer comprehension/analysis questions
- specialist assigned work/ex. 1A-1G questions
2021: English [27], Methods [25]
2022: Spec, Physics, Business, English, Data Analytics


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Re: Weekly Journal
« Reply #47 on: February 07, 2022, 04:57:56 pm »
7/2/22 | T1 Week 2 - Monday

Hopefully I remember how to write a journal update since it has been two months :P. I performed well below my expectations last year (year 11), only getting a raw 25 in methods and 27 in English. I didn't post an update sooner because I wasn't making any progress and had nothing good to say about where I'm going. But this VCE journal is not about telling others what I've done well, it's to encourage myself to make progress and add accountability by sharing my academic/study goals with others.

It has been a challenge to do work after school, however I think that is because I make it a choice when it should be just what I do, like a habit. I think that I'll update this daily instead of weekly, at least on the weekdays because I got into the habit of leaving everything to the weekend and procrastinating last year. I'll update this in the morning in future and write a review of what I did/how it went at night.

- Specialist Ex. 1B assigned questions
- Complete multiple choice questions in physics worksheet
- Data Analytics exam knowledge questions from PowerPoint
- Write a text response essay detailed plan
- Business Man. RemNotes review

I forgot to do the Data Analytics questions, so I'll do them in the morning tomorrow. I felt that my productivity went down a lot after 7:00 PM, but I was still able to plan an essay without too much difficulty, I doubt that I'd be able to write a full essay though. To combat this, I'll wake up a bit earlier and do some studying then instead of staying up late. I need to catch up with some specialist exercises, so I'll be putting in extra effort in. I'd call today mostly a success and I look forwards to tomorrow (as well as to sleeping).
« Last Edit: February 08, 2022, 11:08:36 pm by Autime »
2021: English [27], Methods [25]
2022: Spec, Physics, Business, English, Data Analytics


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Re: Autime's Jumbled Journal
« Reply #48 on: February 08, 2022, 11:07:18 pm »
8/2/22 | T1 Week 2 - Tuesday

I'll be updating this in the mornings instead of in the morning / review at night since there would be nothing new for me to write about in the mornings, and also probably switch back to weekly updates as I get into a stable routine of studying. That aside, today I worked on specialist textbook questions and data analytics questions. I still will complete the exam knowledge questions later, I slept in today and didn't get them done. Instead of taking notes, I've begun to use mind-maps to organise concepts in subjects since they're easier to look back on and require a higher level of thinking to make than notetaking (at least from how I take notes). I've caught up a lot in specialist and should be up to date by the end of tomorrow or the next day. My business management teacher is pushing for us to use Edrolo videos as a resource, however I've never found the videos helpful in business since its easy to understand the concepts, but I'll use the practice SACs/exams there for revision.

To-do tomorrow:
- Specialist ex 6G + videos
- Specialist 1F & 1G part 1 + videos
- Data Analytics exam knowledge questions from PowerPoint + Q7-9 from textbook
- Write 1 text response essay (untimed)
- Collate paragraphs of essay examples into one document
- Complete physics worksheet
- Make mind-map for motion in physics
- Bus man. make mind-map for business foundations
« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 08:18:12 pm by Autime »
2021: English [27], Methods [25]
2022: Spec, Physics, Business, English, Data Analytics


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Re: Autime's Jumbled Journal
« Reply #49 on: February 09, 2022, 09:22:17 am »
Welcome back Autime!

Glad to see you are back with your journal entries, I'm super excited to see what you achieve this year!
Literature, Methods, Further, Chemistry, Legal Studies, Psychology, Classical Studies, Physics


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Re: Autime's Jumbled Journal
« Reply #50 on: February 19, 2022, 09:04:00 pm »
19/2/22 | T1 Week 4

So much for updating this in the mornings 😅, I've been able to stick to a studying routine (literally studying every day until I'm too tired to be productive [if you call that a routine]) so I'll update this weekly. I had my first unit 3/4 SAC for this year in business management. I had already completed about 3 practice SACs, analysed the example answers, and had revised the content, so I was semi-confident that I would be able to get an okay mark in the SAC going into it. The SAC was on Friday, so no results have been given out yet, I think that if I get any marks taken off it will be because of silly mistakes / forgetting minor details. I'm still a little behind in specialist, but should be able to catch up tomorrow. I have a SAC for physics this week (and I think English as well next week) and I'm not familiar with a lot of the content, so I'll need to revise for it.

When writing essays, it feels like being able to write faster is not hindered by the quality or quantity of my ideas, but instead by my ego or self-critic when writing, as if taking time to critique my ideas internally before I put it on paper slows me down and makes it really painful to write sometimes. It's kind of like making an excuse in my head that what I'm thinking about is not good enough and that I should take more time to think about it before writing it down, which is somewhat immobilising and not useful. Whatever the case is, I think I just need to write more and stop overthinking.

T1 Week 4 Goals:
- Write 7 text-response essays [timed] (only did 1 or 2)
- Physics review all relevant ch. 5/7 text book Qs
- Complete physics worksheets
- Watch all relevant motion physics edrolo videos (only watched one)
- Complete specialist 4A-4F exercises / videos
- Business management ex. 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 Qs
« Last Edit: February 28, 2022, 06:23:00 pm by Autime »
2021: English [27], Methods [25]
2022: Spec, Physics, Business, English, Data Analytics


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Re: Autime's Jumbled Journal
« Reply #51 on: February 28, 2022, 06:39:54 pm »
28/2/22 | T1 Week 5

I received my results for the Business and Physics SACs, I got 100% and 91% respectively. I'm glad I didn't make any stupid mistakes in business, but was disappointed in physics that I completely mis-understood how to answer one question that I could have done if I read what it was asking properly. There is the English text response on 'Like a House on Fire' tomorrow, so I'll be writing one practice essay today. Luckily the teacher has let us bring in a page of ~30 quotes to the SAC. I went through the stories from the anthology that we are reading to categorise quotes by their themes and it has been very helpful for making connections between the texts and noticing smaller symbols or events in the stories that I would otherwise overlook. I'll keep this relatively short since I should be working on writing the essay now.

T1 Week 5 Goals:
- Business ex. 2.4-2.10 Exam practice Qs
- Specialist 4F-4H + 3A-3B Qs & Videos
- Write 1 text response essay
- Finish quotes sheet

- Write 3 Article analysis essays
- Data analytics ch. 1 / 2 remaining questions
- Physics energy worksheet
- All energy exercises in textbook / other practice Qs
« Last Edit: March 08, 2022, 09:31:15 pm by Autime »
2021: English [27], Methods [25]
2022: Spec, Physics, Business, English, Data Analytics


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Re: Autime's Jumbled Journal
« Reply #52 on: March 08, 2022, 09:28:40 pm »
8/3/22 | T1 Week 6

I completed barely any of the goals I set last week, mainly due to procrastination and not being disciplined enough. I got my English SAC results today received 22/30 for it, I'm very disappointed in myself for this. I know that what dragged down my mark the most was not being able to write a full essay. I didn't write a third body paragraph and rushed the second one a bit to fit in a conclusion. Even if I can ace the exam and future SACs, I would probably only be able to rank second at the most. To improve the text response essay, I should have spent more time coming up with ideas and connections by planning while adapting a base essay to fit with different prompts in preparation.

Realistically, there is no need for me to aim higher than an ATAR of 90, however some part of myself wants to struggle and push to reach higher if I'm capable of it. I know that there is a lot to be learnt from suffering and I don't know if I would regret not trying, but I'll choose to keep on trying to exceed whatever the requirement is despite it not being necessary. I have been feeling depressed and haven't felt like doing anything, but I think that I must commit to this if nothing else since it impacts my future. I think focusing too much on a number isn't good for school or goals in general since it can make you focus on and appreciate the process less. I'll do my best to get ahead for the remainder of this week since I have fallen behind in some subjects and should ideally be ahead of my classes to have more time to revise.

T1 Week 5 Goals:
- Business ex. 2.4-2.10 Exam practice Qs
- Specialist exercises up to circular functions
- Data analytics finish practice SAC 2 & textbook Qs from Ch. 1&2
- Write 3 Article Analysis essays
- Physics energy & circular motion worksheets
- Physics energy + circular motion textbook Qs
« Last Edit: June 19, 2022, 09:33:00 pm by Autime »
2021: English [27], Methods [25]
2022: Spec, Physics, Business, English, Data Analytics


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Re: Autime's Jumbled Journal
« Reply #53 on: June 19, 2022, 09:31:35 pm »
19/6/22 | T2 Week 9

Why I haven't updated this journal recently
It has been a long while since I last updated this. I wish I could say that it was because I was so busy studying that I didn't have time to think about this, and that might have been true for the first week or two since I last updated this journal, but the main reason for my not updating this journal is because I fell into a rut of procrastination and time wasting. I wasted my time watching anime and YouTube, and playing games when I should have been working on specialist, my data analytics SAT, writing essays for English, or anything else productive. Fundamentally I think I had forgotten something which has driven me in the past, I forgot that you need to make sacrifices in order to break bad routines. The bigger or longer the change is, the greater the sacrifice needed.

Another reason I haven't been updating this in a while is because I want to be able to say "I'm making progress now" or "I'm doing well in this or that", or something along those lines because I don't want to portray such a bleak image of myself or bring any negative thinking to these forums. But, that isn't the truth. I'm not in a great place right now, I have to finish my Data Analytics work this morning because of putting it off all weekend and am probably a month behind in specialist. I also need to improve my skills in English writing a lot more and probably could have put in more effort for the last SAC I did, the creative response. In business, while I'm probably scoring the best in the cohort, or at least second best, I could have done so much more if I had been more committed throughout the year. With physics, even though the subject is not one I aim to do so well in, I can likewise do so much better than I currently am. When you're wasting your time, you don't see the immediate consequences of your actions, if we did, maybe nobody would ever waste a second, but not knowing the outcome doesn't make your responsibilities go away. They will catch up to you eventually and you will face  whatever consequences are a result. I haven't been holding myself accountable enough and have wasted too much time, I haven't been writing in this journal because I wanted to be able to rise to my false expectations of what I should be able to do, regardless of reality, without making the necessary sacrifices.

So, now I am writing because I don't want to be fake. I believe that I must be honest with myself in order to move forwards. I owe it to whoever decides to read this (if anyone does) to show how I have accomplished whatever I end up doing and express this VCE journey that I am on in a sincere way. I will let my results speak for me, so I'm not going to say "I'll start making sacrifices now" or "I'm going to work hard from now on" or any wishy washy words like that. I'll do what I can because that is what I must. Whatever results follow I will report on here. I'll worry about bigger goals once I'm up to date.

I did cross country a while ago and came in sixth place, so I'm able to go to the next level up since I came in the top 10 or so. While training for the next stage, I injured my right knee. I think it's likely IT band syndrome, so I've been using a stretch band to do a lot of hip and glute strengthening exercises because the pain is usually caused by problems with those muscles or your running form rather than the actual knee. This happened around 10 days ago and the pain has gone down to the extent that it doesn't cause me much discomfort to walk, but running is still quite painful and I'm definitely a lot slower than I was before getting this injury. I'll still go to the cross country event, which is on this Thursday (the same day as my school's formal), but I doubt that I'll do very well.

I've been working on my Data Analytics SAT, it is a research project which we get about 4 months to work on and develop. I have to collect data, make documentation, and make designs for representing my findings for the task. I'm doing my SAT on the question "Why do some schools have higher median study scores in Victoria?", so I've collected a lot of data from VCAA and other sources relating to SES scores, cohort sizes, median study scores (of course), and some primary data collected from my own sources. Right now, I have to complete part 6 (of 10 parts) of the SAT by tomorrow's lesson, which involves transforming the raw data into graphs and information which I will use in the final solution.

In business, I'm up to date and will work ahead a little bit, but really need to focus on Specialist mainly for now since I am so far behind.

For Physics, I am probably ranked third or fourth in the cohort, which isn't too bad, but could have done a lot better in a SAC for special relativity if I didn't forget that the speed of light is constant for all frames of reference. I also need to catch up with physics work as I am unfamiliar with a lot of the content and have some questions to complete from a few exercises.

I recently completed my creative response for English on the text "Extinction", but it could have been a lot better. I don't think that it will be graded too badly because I have a somewhat creative idea for the piece and any alterations I would make to my writing would only be minor changes of language choices and technical elements to more closely mimic the original text. The next SAC in English is the oral presentation, I'll probably do it on some issue related to education in Australia as I did last year.

Right now my main focus is Specialist, Physics, and a bit of Data Analytics work.

T2 Week 9 Goals:
- Complete most of Data Analytics part 6 for SAT + assigned work
- Specialist Ex. 6G, 6H, Differential Calc. Learning check, 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E
- Physics Ex. 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and motors worksheets
« Last Edit: July 11, 2022, 06:51:45 pm by Autime »
2021: English [27], Methods [25]
2022: Spec, Physics, Business, English, Data Analytics


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Re: Autime's Jumbled Journal
« Reply #54 on: June 20, 2022, 05:38:11 pm »
Hey, just know that you're amazing for picking yourself back up. Its really difficult and you did it. Well done!

Keep going fam, you got this. Just under half a year to go :) Keep pushing and the rewards will follow  ;D

 - jinx_58
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Re: Autime's Jumbled Journal
« Reply #55 on: July 11, 2022, 07:35:24 pm »
11/7/22 | T3 Week 1

First day back from term 2 holidays was today, wasted a lot of time in physics today because of the slow pacing of the class and my own distractibility. Apart from that, I felt that I was generally productive at school. There is a bit of holiday work that I still need to do, so I'll be finishing that up in the next few days, specifically spesh, english oral presentation, business practice SACs, and a task for data analytics. The longer I get through the year, the less I care about my ATAR, maybe because the course I'm thinking of doing doesn't have a really high requirement, or since it becomes increasingly beyond my abilities to increase that number past a certain point. The main reason is probably that I'm becoming more interested in other components of life outside of VCE. Things like learning cooking, practicing keyboard, finally getting my Ls (I know, I should already have them), improving my communication / social skills, and of course becoming familiar with content that I could be studying next year at uni.

For now though, I should get back to my work and keep at it until the final exam is over. I wish all the best to whoever bothers to read this (if anybody), good luck with your studies or other goals.

T3 Week 1 Goals:
- Spesh 7G-H, Ch. 7 LC, 8A-E, Ch. 8 LC, 9A-G
- Finish oral presentation script & recording
- Submit task 7 for data analytics
- Ch. 8-10 questions for physics
2021: English [27], Methods [25]
2022: Spec, Physics, Business, English, Data Analytics