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Math Resources?
« on: March 18, 2021, 05:49:04 pm »
I have an exam coming up soon and I realised I have no idea how to find exam style questions for maths. I have heaps of trial papers but it's not productive looking through them to find the ones for a specific topic. Does anyone have any websites or any free resources that could allow me to find exam questions for a specific topic e.g. Trig functions, further differentiation? Thank you :)


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Re: Math Resources?
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2021, 06:22:57 pm »
There aren't too many resources that are sorted by topic. The ones that I can think of off the top of my head are teacher worksheets, textbooks, subject repos from your school, and AN topic tests (it's not a plug, it's just because it's sorted). Other more obscure sources may include exams from other schools, but these are generally tough to impossible to get, and you can't guarantee other schools teach topics in the same order or even include the same array of topics in a particular exam. Your school's past papers for that particular exam might also be very handy.

With trig functions, you're best served asking for your teacher's help or trawling through unsorted resources on your own, while for differentiation I seem to recall there being a worksheet with 100 integrals, so there might be something similar for differentiation. Otherwise, it might be easier to do something similar to searching for trig resources.

Good luck with your exam!
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Re: Math Resources?
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2021, 04:09:19 pm »
Hey, welcome to the forums! It's not often that we get a parent so we hope you're here to stay :)

I did note in the post above that '... exams from other schools but these are generally tough to impossible to get, and you can't guarantee other schools teach topics in the same order or even include the same array of topics in a particular exam'. Typically, some schools may also forbid sharing and some schools using papers written by an external company have them copyrighted. Sharing papers of the latter form is strictly prohibited on the forum. Students usually obtain them from other students in other schools and usually after Trials, so this actually isn't the best place to ask (if at all), unfortunately. Any questions related to getting papers that aren't NESA papers I'll probably skip over too, for the most part.

As for less well-known sources, if you find yourself out of resources after those your daughter's school provides and those NESA supplies, it's easier and more effective (albeit less cost effective) to find small books to study out of. It's not the best solution admittedly, but if you find yourself running out of resources again (and even before purchasing such books), you're probably either focusing too much on the one subject and neglecting others, or studying too hard altogether (which is very unnecessary in any case). While I think it's great you're invested in your daughter's education, it's important not to be 'over-concerned'; I'm sure she's doing fine (unless she very clearly isn't for whatever reason). If your daughter has any questions, encourage her to pop them in the relevant threads on the forum! Everyone here is willing to help out ;D

Hope this helps and everything goes well - any further queries, drop them below :)
HSC 2018: Mod Hist [88] | 2U Maths [98]
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