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Author Topic: How to Answer the Question  (Read 2475 times)

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How to Answer the Question
« on: July 28, 2021, 06:46:40 pm »
How do I get better at ACTUALLY responding to the essay question instead of randomly regurgitating the module statements and the question, how do I make a good argument.


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Re: How to Answer the Question
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2022, 09:47:59 pm »
I would recommend creating a thesis, which is your overarching argument for the entire essay.
Generally it's placed in the first couple lines of your essay, but really depends on your own formating and style of writing. The thesis should align with the important themes and  ideas being presented in the text.

Next, Pick 2-3 of the most important and relevant themes/ characters/ arguments  for the question and provide relevant quotes , techniques and analysis for them in your body. (You can even use critic quotes as evidence, generally you can get them from your copy of the text itself, like on the cover, if not research)  I would recommend the PETETETAL structure when writing your body, but do what works best for you. When writing your intro, prepare your audience by briefly going over the ideas that you intent to go through. Picture it like going to see a play, when the guy on stage comes to read the prologue they get you settled in and knowing what to expect without immediatley launching into the main act. That's how you've got to win over your markers. (Also do not underestimate the importance of an introduction, #lifelearnings)

Other things: Make sure you write concisely (i.e don't be unecessarily wordy, instead be as clear and understandable as possible) and ensure that you 'enlighten' you marker by your analysis. Using resources on the text you are studying will help you to do this.
Remember your conclusion, link back your arguments to the question and finish off with a bang! Remember, it's your grand finale!

As a final tip, don't be afraid to analyse the question, asking yourself questions about it can deepen your analysis and help adress all points required. Do not preplan essays, but practise essay writing on your texts as much as you can before hand, this will help you know what ideas you are best at analysing and help you decide points you can use on the day of your exams! And plan your essay!

Good luck! Hope this helps!