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June 04, 2024, 07:47:12 am

Author Topic: Should I Stay in Specialist Methods or move to Methods for Year 12?  (Read 2099 times)  Share 

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I am entering year 12 this year and am unsure whether to stay in Specialist Methods math or move down to Methods maths (I am in ACT). I didn't do too badly last year in Specialist Methods as I got an above average final unit score, however last semester I got below average in every assessment. I got a B grade.

Most lessons I didn't understand what was happening and I relied on my math tutor for help. I found it extremely difficult and dreaded attending the class. Because of this, I was planning to move down to methods, but then I received my results and they weren't too bad. Would moving down to methods maths affect my ATAR negatively? Would it be better to stay in specialist methods and do worse but scale up or move down to methods and get better marks? Thank you.  :)