My main advice: Good job on taking interest in pursuing extra work! My other advice is for you to make sure you don't get complacent and definitely continue to listen in to your future Methods teacher (especially if they're experienced) because they would have exam tips/strategies to tell you!
Key things in Methods to take note of:
1. Make sure you are not just brushing aside your "silly" mistakes. A lot of the times, it's more than that.
2. Try to understand instead of just memorising the process.
3. There are a lot of new content in Methods 1&2 that you would not have seen before in prior years. Avoid skipping exercises and moving onto the next ones because you might unknowingly create gaps that could be hard to fill later.
4. There are many useful videos out there. If you get stuck with a skill, just google and you'll probably find some solid videos made. Seeing it from different perspectives would help in deepening your understanding!
5. Hardest topics in Methods 1&2 are probably certain areas of trigonometry, logarithms, calculus and probability. A bit hard to say because most of the time, students have seen NONE of all those and it's just dependent on how fast they can understand something - it really depends on the individual.
Hope this helps. All the best!