My personal 2c (I tutor but i'll try to be as unbiased as possible here) is - whenever you're looking at investing in something, whether it's tutoring, buying stocks, buying a personal development course, deciding on which university is going through, you should think about a few things:
1. What do I ultimately want from this? 2. Is whatever I'm investing in going to help me get there? In your case, the answer to #1 might be any of the following
A) Getting a headstart over your peers for future year content
B) Getting into Medicine
C) Satisfy FOMO
D) Other
The answer to #2 might be:
A) Probably will but you could also achieve this by yourself - potentially what you're looking for is a more efficient process (something experienced tutors can help with)
B) Does the tutor have an extensive track record of helping similar students to you achieve this? Do they offer something that actually measurably improves your chances?
C) Potentially not the best reason (if it's your main reason) to go to a tutor because you're likely just wasting money
When you
have clarity on what you actually want from tutoring, and understand whether the services available will actually help you get there - then you can say to yourself whether it would actually be a value-add for you.
This question is very personal and would encourage yourself to think about your individual circumstances but also whether it'll truly make a real difference for you. Plenty of the top-performers invest in tutoring (from anecdotal experience, 70%+ of 99+ ATAR students invest in it at some point in their journey) but there are equally a mixed bag of experiences. Definitely do your own research and make sure that you're choosing the right tutor + at the right time for your specific needs!
All the best