Quick Question - How does a depreciation in the AUD result in a fall in the TOT? Is it because, we are receiving less foreign currency for our exports or need to use more or our currency to buy imports?
Any help is greatly appreciated 
We don't receive the foreign currency, we receive Australian Dollars. But yes, we do need to use more of our currency to purchase those imports - provided that we continue to actually purchase those imports at the relatively higher price level (in terms of our currency).
A depreciation of the Australian dollar means that exports are relatively cheaper in terms of foreign currency, increasing demand for our exports - thus increasing the export price index. Likewise, Australian imports become relatively more expensive in terms of our currency, reducing our demand for imports - thus reducing our import price index.
Since TOT is calculated as ((export price index)/(import price index) * 100), we should see a rise in the TOT.
... i think....
I'm pretty sure they would ask the question the other way around - i.e. how does a fall in the TOT lead to a depreciation of the AUD?.
( I say this because my notes don't say anything about the Exchange rate influencing the TOT, but rather the TOT influencing the Exchange rate ) - You would answer by saying that if the TOT is falling, it reflects export prices falling faster or rising slower than import prices, which in itself reflects a decreased level of demand for the AUD relative to supply - causing a depreciation of the AUD.
If I'm wrong please let me know cos I kinda forgot about all of it right after my sac