Hi, I'm a year 11 currently doing Unit 3&4 legal and I need help currently I've got my S but I'm not doing so well does anyone have any advice? I really struggle at answering questions over four marks. Any good resources anyone can recommend?? I'd really appreciate it. Good luck to everyone else doing VCE especially the year 12's
If your issue is with the content I would recommend Anki or Memrise, both of which use spaced repetition. This will help in memorising content however if you know the content but struggle w/ how to answer questions then this might be useful.
Here's some advice I was given by a past student relating to different task words, now this isn't foolproof but its a general guide to help you make sure you are hitting the key points (ie. answer, explanation, link to stimulus material, pros/cons etc) for the different types of task words:
Outline, describe, explain, identifyWill be 2-3 mark questions
Looking for:
One sentence answer to the question
Minimum 2 sentences
1 point: definition/answer the question
½ point: explanation
½ points: use of stimulus material (if applicable)
Discuss Can be 4-6 mark questions
Looking for:
Definition/answer the question (possibly asking about 2 key concepts)
Advantages and disadvantages (Must explore the pros and cons of the question)
1 point: definition/answer the question
2 points: advantages x2
2 points: disadvantages x2
1 point: using the stimulus material
DistinguishWill be a 4-6 mark question
Similar to discuss
About comparing 2 different concepts
Looking for:
Key concept number 1
Key concept number 2
Comparative language (in contrast, conversely, on the other hand, similarly)
Use of stimulus material
1 point: concept 1
1 point: concept 2
(distinguish between 2 different characteristics)
1 point: link the two with comparative language
1 point: use of stimulus material(of it is a 6 mark question it mean you have to distinguish between 3 different characteristics)
DiscussCan also be a 10 mark question
Requires more detail, a longer answer and more points
At least 3 points for, 3 points against and detailed explanation
EvaluateSimilar to discuss
Very similar to an essay like structure
Looking for:
Introduction: give an answer the the question, like a contention in English
3-4 points for advantageous
3-4 points for disadvantages (if you only do 2 for each you looking for a max 8/10
The difference between ‘discuss’ and ‘evaluate’ is that ‘evaluate’ requires a conclusion. Use ultimately as the beginning of your conclusion
You must come to a verdict (like a judge!)
1 point: answer the question
3 point: 3-4 advantages
3 points: 3-4 disadvantages
1 point: a conclusion
1 point: use of stimulus material
1 point: for a question this long, it will be a combination of structure, flow of your writing or the detail of your explanations
to what extent’(these questions usually have a second task word)
When answering a ‘to what extent question’ it is as simple as answering:
To a significant/minimal/medium extent…
Of course, you need to follow up with answering question as well
Hopefully, this made sense?