Ok so honestly I think most off us think VCE is way too hard in which it isn't... It's actually fairly straightforward, and you can make it pretty easy for yourself and then you will realize how easy VCE actually is.
All the people who I have talked to in uni say that if they did VCE again they would smash it.. Which i think is true.
Anyway so back to accounting. I did accounting and methods last year, and i must say i really enjoyed accounting.
Changed my mind, i guess it will make this more credible but i got a 50 in accounting
The key to accounting is that most of your answers are 'learnt-response' even though vcaa constantly try to tell you it isn't. It is probably the only subject where you need to memorize answers and definitions.
How to do wellOk so this is going to be really simple and straightforward:
1) Do at least 25-30 practice exams- do all pre 2006 vcaa papers
- start from about 2006 and do the company papers
- save the vcaa papers 2006+ for later
- CORRECT PRACTICAL YOURSELF. (Easy to identify where you went wrong)
- GET SOMEONE ELSE (WHO KNOWS ACCOUNTING) PREFERABLY YOUR TEACHER TO CORRECT THEORY - this is really important, you have to know how to answer theory properly, this is the only way to improve
- make a list of questions that you find hard answering, and ASK YOUR TEACHER or you can ask me if you want
2) After you have done 20 odd practice exams, make a word document IMPORTANT- Rewrite all the questions that you got wrong in the practice exams, along with a MODEL answer
- Rewrite any question that you feel pops up a lot (you will know what i mean when you start doing it) with a MODEL answer
- Lastly, rewrite any questions you felt that was a good question, and you have a good answer to
- Get someone to test you, these are the questions that are most likely going to pop up
3) DO NOT DO CHECKPOINTS- please don't waste your time with accounting checkpoints now
- i believe checkpoints are only good for science and maths subjects
- you are better off using your time doing a practice exam
- and i don't like the solutions in checkpoints
4) Fill out the attached sheet, and print out the other one- The printed one, stick on your wall or on your shower wall
TIPS:- take a highlighter into an exam (use it to highlight for example revenues in blue expenses in red, use another colour for dates)
- remember HERMCCG and CURR (it actually helps)
- dont use a pen
- save time (for dates just put Jan 31, shorten depreciation to dep'n and accumulated to acc)
- USE READING TIME (and use it to read the theory questions!!)
- dont ignore a question you dont know, MAKE SURE YOU GET IT ANSWERED OR IT BUGS YOU
- when a question asks for an AP or QC DEFINE THEM (it helps you structure your answer)
- do not talk to anyone about accounting before or after the exam
http://www.mediafire.com/?evgo5ee5j0yp8So basically what i am trying to say is, after you have done practice exams make that word document. Theory is the only thing on the exam where you want to lose marks and the best way to minimize the amount of marks you lose is by making an errors document. Ill try add to this when i think of anything else.
and remember you don't need to ace your exams to get the top score...