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Re: University of Melbourne - Subject Reviews & Ratings
« Reply #720 on: November 22, 2018, 01:35:43 pm »
Subject Code/Name: LING10001 The Secret Life of Language  

Workload:  2x1 hour lectures per week, 1x1 hour tutorial per week (excluding week 1)

Assessment: x3 problem solving assignments (morphology and syntax, semantics, phonetics and phonology, respectively) totalling 50% of marks, and a 2 hour exam worth 50% at the end of the semester.

Lectopia Enabled:  Yes, with lecture capture

Past exams available:  One sample exam

Textbook Recommendation:  An Introduction to Language by Fromkin et al is prescribed. There are several editions of this textbook, which cover more or less the same content. Therefore, to save yourself a hefty fee at the Co-op, I’d strongly recommend that you either borrow the book from the library, or use the online e-book. While the textbook often goes into more detail than the lectures, I still found it helpful to complete the weekly readings. Even if the book fails to explicitly impart insightful knowledge, it helped me substantially for the curveball assignment questions.

The subject manual, however, is an absolute necessity. The style of exercises mimicked what students could expect in the assignments and the exam. After a particular topic had been completed in the lectures, Barbara would then release the relevant manual answers. 

Lecturer(s): Barbara Kelly, and a handful of guest lecturers.

Year & Semester of completion: 2018, semester 2

Rating: 4/5

Your Mark/Grade: H1


This subject was coordinated superbly. Before every lecture, Barbara would upload a copy of the slides to the LMS, which provided students with the opportunity to get an initial idea of what could be expected. Given the amount of content covered in a single lecture, this made sure I didn’t get too lost. In relation to the content itself, there is a wide breadth of topics offered. These included morphology, syntax, language diversity, the brain and language, semantics, phonetics, phonology, historical linguistics and first and second language acquisition. While some of these were conceptually challenging, the mini practical tasks in the lectures helped to relieve confusion. In addition to this, the tutorials were spent working on the exercises in the manual. This time is extremely beneficial. My tutor would give students about 5-10 minutes to solve a problem on their table, and then report back to the class, where we would solve the exercise collectively. In this way, everyone had the ability to contribute, make errors and learn from these, and listen to the questions and feedback of others.

Unfortunately, not all topics were assessed on the final exam or assignments. Therefore, I will cover the main topics in my explanation below.


This essentially studies the formation of words, and their internal structure. For lovers of meaning, this was a fascinating unit- especially when languages other than English were studied. For example, kiqeht’al translates to ‘we recognise them’. The fun part is, you are assessed on your ability to decode these words from a data set, and determine what each of the morphemes represent.


Syntax examines how strings of words come together in a sentence. Tree diagrams will become very familiar during this topic. While these are discussed in the lectures, and are elaborated on further during the tutorials, I felt that my grasp on trees wasn’t complete. But then I discovered Evan Ashworth on Youtube, who explained these (and many other areas of linguistics) extremely well. He takes nothing forgranted, and will take the time to carefully articulate the reasons behind each of his steps. Highly recommended!


Centred around meaning, I maintain that this unit was the most ambiguous of them all. You will learn some mindboggling things, such as how not all synonyms are ‘real’ synonyms. You will also learn what is implied or entailed in speech, and why there are a myriad of categories for antonyms. My best piece of advice for the relevant assignment would be to explain, explain, explain. Cover all bases and you can’t really go wrong. If you don’t, the tutors will deduct some easy marks.


The study of sounds. As tree diagrams are linked to syntax, the IPA chart is linked to phonetics. Perhaps the biggest downfall of this subject was the misleading information given to students before the exam. Students were told that an IPA chart would be provided in the exam, and that learning it was not necessary. Yes, an IPA chart was provided- but the fundamental categories were blank. Therefore, it is essential that you learn the manners and place of articulation well.


Phonology is a natural extension of phonetics. Students will study how there are rules governing the types of sounds that a single letter can produce. For example, when we say ‘s’, we only have the mental conception of the sound ‘s’. In reality, we may be producing a ‘z’ sound, depending on the types of sounds surrounding that final ‘s’. Compare ‘bags’ and ‘bugs’. Without a firm knowledge of why and how this happens, the assignment will prove difficult.

Historical Linguistics:

This topic studies why language changes, why words change, and why sounds do. But what is essential for this area, is that you memorise the common, natural sound changes. For example, what happens to a voiceless stop when it is surrounded by vowels. The lenition chart provided in the lecture slides is a bible for this. So, learn it well. While many students tended to discount this topic as a prominent exam contender, do not treat it as such. Barbara likes to insert pockets of historical linguistic knowledge in the exam to see who was paying attention.

Overall :

On the whole, this is a fun subject for anyone interested in language. It challenges, excites and inspires  :)
« Last Edit: November 23, 2018, 07:15:43 pm by clarke54321 »
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Re: University of Melbourne - Subject Reviews & Ratings
« Reply #721 on: November 22, 2018, 03:04:22 pm »
Subject Code/Name: BLAW10002 Free Speech and Media Law 

Workload:  1x2 hour lecture per week, 1x1.5 hour tutorial per week

Assessment: x1 assignment totalling 30%, a 2 hour exam worth 60% at the end of the semester, and a 10% attendance and participation mark.

Lectopia Enabled: Yes, with lecture capture

Past exams available: Yes, 2017

Textbook Recommendation: There is a subject reader available at the Co-op, which amalgamates all of the relevant readings. However, Jason will also upload each of the weekly readings to the LMS; meaning the reader isn’t a necessity. I personally found it more convenient to print the weekly material off the LMS, instead of lagging around a heavy reader.

Lecturer(s): Jason Bosland

Year & Semester of completion: 2018, semester 2

Rating: 3.5/5

Your Mark/Grade: H1


Free Speech and Media Law provides students with an excellent opportunity to gauge their interest in law, and whether they will pursue the Juris Doctor after their undergraduate. While it cannot be denied that the reading is heavy and the content is often perplexing, there is a great reward when students can finally appreciate a particular area of law. The topics covered include, the rationales of free speech (as a foundation), defamation, sub-judice contempt, suppression orders, journalist sources, privacy, racial vilification, and technology in the digital age. Although Jason is an engaging lecturer, and often details these areas well enough, I had to work especially hard to grasp a topic in its entirety. So, in addition to the readings, I often found it helpful to locate academic articles through Discovery or go and visit my tutor for consults. Perhaps the extra effort required to do well in this subject is the dividing factor between students who enjoyed the subject and those that regretted this choice.


Covering the topic of defamation, this 1500 word assignment requires students to respond to a fictional case study. This assignment relies upon students having a sound knowledge of defamation fundamentals in Australian law. Therefore, you must understand the elements of a cause of action (identification, publication and defamatory meaning), the defences available in a claim (the variant qualified privileges, fair comment, truth justification, innocent dissemination), and how Australian defamation law compares to American law.

Given that no sample is provided by the faculty, or even a rough outline, structure caused me havoc in this assignment. While tutors will introduce you to the traditional legal IRAC method (issue, rule, application and conclusion), this was only done verbally. Naturally, this conflicts with the whole point of the IRAC method, which applies to written language. Ultimately, however, I just decided to adhere to my instincts, and categorise the material as I desired. As I received a H1 in this assignment, it obviously didn’t turn out too poorly. Just ensure that you are thorough with the detail- be rigorous with your case law/statute law footnotes, get straight to the point, and ensure that you are consistently entwining the law with the context of the case.

In relation to referencing, it is advised that students follow the Australian Guide to Legal Citation. However, be aware that you don’t need to follow it to the letter. I thought I had to do this, and drove myself crazy trying to hunt down relevant page numbers for case law that is 200+ years old. Hint: these pages don’t exist online. So, just mimic the examples on the assignment sheet. 

Just finally, do try and plan this assignment well. You need to be astute to the details to determine plausible imputations. I spent a week just outlining everything I would write. This made the writing process much easier, and meant that I wouldn’t find a major disaster mid-writing, which would set me back.


Jason treats the lecture in week 12 as a revision lecture. And what I discovered (as I had anticipated) in the exam, was that his explanation of each area is targeted at the exam prompt. Thus, it is critical that you pay attention to the direction of his discussion, and where he is particularly pensive.

In the exam you will write 2 essays. Given that the exam is open book, and you are thus given the opportunity to bring in pre-prepared essays, I would strongly recommend that you determine your two topics weeks in advance of the exam. As I discovered after the first assignment, the standard is ridiculously high in law subjects. So, to contend with the competition, it is key that revision is taken seriously.

As some kind of framework for revision, I used the prompts from 2017. I deconstructed these and worked through relevant evidence from readings, potential interpretations and more importantly, how I would put this all together. Above all, clarity is needed. Some tutors even told me to put headings above each new argument. Shock horror. This would have been a sin in VCE English or Literature. Also, the lecturer seems to be big on the stylistic choice of ‘firstly, secondly, thirdly’ in introductions. At the crux, they are just stressing the importance of establishing a clean argument. And doing this prior to the exam, will be very helpful! The restricted timeframe and usual exam pressure won’t foster an insightful thesis statement.


Choose this subject if you have an interest in the way the media and free speech interact in a legal context. Going into this subject, I was apprehensive about whether or not I was vehement enough to have an opinion on this type of subject matter. But the more I learnt, the more comfortable I felt voicing my opinion in tutes and on the page. 
« Last Edit: November 22, 2018, 03:08:52 pm by clarke54321 »
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Re: University of Melbourne - Subject Reviews & Ratings
« Reply #722 on: November 22, 2018, 05:00:58 pm »
Subject Code/Name: GERM10002/GERM20005 German 4 

Workload:  2x1 seminars per week, 1x2 hour seminar per week

Assessment: x1 writing test totalling 20%, x2 listening tests totalling 10%, x1 reading test totalling 15%, x1 oral assessment totalling 5%, and a final examination worth 50%. This will differ slightly for second year students, who are required to submit x3 200 word journals throughout the semester worth 10%, collectively.

Lectopia Enabled: NA

Past exams available: No, but a work sheet with exam ‘indications’ was provided.

Textbook Recommendation: Essential German Grammar is required. This book provides some excellent grammar exercises, which are often employed when a new concept is being introduced. Nifty grammar tables are also contained within.
Lecturer(s): NA

Year & Semester of completion: 2018, semester 2

Rating: 4.5/5

Your Mark/Grade: H1


After almost enrolling in German 6, I am glad that I gave myself the opportunity to revisit some fundamental elements of the German language in German 4. This subject covers anything from relative pronouns, the passive voice, adjectival nouns to the imperative. Both tutors were charismatic individuals, who sought to instil their knowledge of the language in students at every stage. The subject becomes increasingly interesting after the film, The Comedian Harmonists, is introduced. This becomes the focus of most tutes after week 5, where cultural elements pertaining to the Weimar Republic and WWII are explored. Owing to the novel vocabulary/ideas this topic provoked, the grammar exercises became substantially more exciting.

Fortunately, the class sizes were appropriate, and fostered an environment, where students felt comfortable exchanging German. Some of the tutors like to nit-pick work as they roam around the classroom. While this sometimes becomes irritating, it is nice to have insight from native Germans, who are willing to share their thoughts on what is or is not typical German. 

Writing Test:

There wasn’t much direction given for this test. And so, when I first saw the test, I was surprised that students weren’t asked to write a composition of some sort. While there was the opportunity to write your own sentences, most of it was ‘fill in the gap’ style. That was one of my main issues with this subject. I do not believe that competency can be assessed via this style. Regardless, if you have worked hard to understand the relevant grammar leading up to the test, you should be fine.

Listening Tests:

The first test was in the form of multiple choice. It was a very accessible test, which saw the average hover somewhere around 90-95%. A vocabulary list is provided on the LMS to assist with the more challenging words and phrases. While memorisation of this list wouldn’t necessarily ensure that you would pick the correct answer, I found the list helpful for enhancing my own vocabulary. You never know when the words/phrases will come in handy (source: the reading test vocabulary sheet helped me add a new dimension to my essay in the exam).

The second test took the form of ‘fill in the gaps’, and was slightly more challenging than the first test. It relied more on students’ holistic knowledge of German vocabulary (ie. which gender does noun X have).

Reading Test:

The reading test was centred on the Comedian Harmonists. Again, it was in the form of multiple choice. The text was fairly demanding, and necessitated a ‘global’ understanding of the piece. That is, you must be able to pick up on the implications to determine the correct option. Although my result was fine, I was surprised with the tutor’s rationale behind one of the options. But nevertheless, some things are simply subjective.

After the test, it is handy to use the material (based on the Comedian Harmonists) to strengthen your text-specific vocabulary. This is particularly helpful for the oral examination.

Oral Exam:

While this is only worth 5% (regrettably), it is worth preparing for this thoroughly, in light of the exam. Prior to the exam, students will receive a list of potential questions. Only 2-3 will be picked during the actual assessment. In my opinion, the assessment was slightly unconventional. It consisted of yourself and a partner both sitting before the tutor, who would ask each student different questions. It seemed to add to intimidation, as each student would be comparing their own responses against their partner’s.

Final Exam:

The exam was fair. It covered almost every grammatical concept we had covered over the semester, and asked students to write a composition at the end. If anything, silly mistakes under exam pressure will be the only factor weakening your score.


Like I mentioned above, I am glad I took German 4. The concepts are explained extremely well, with enough examples and time for adequate consolidation. In conjunction with the enthusiasm of the teaching staff, this subject has encouraged me to study German further at university.
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Re: University of Melbourne - Subject Reviews & Ratings
« Reply #723 on: November 23, 2018, 02:59:56 pm »
Subject Code/Name: CVEN90050 Geotechnical Engineering

Workload:  1x 1-hour weekly lecture, 1x 2-hour weekly lecture, 1x 1-hour weeklyish tutorial and 2x practicals

2 online assessments (5% each)
2 lab reports (14% and 7%)
Retaining wall design group project (10%)
3-hour end of semester exam (60%)

Lectopia Enabled:  Yes

Past exams available:  Yes, no solutions

Textbook Recommendation:  None, lecture notes are sufficient

Lecturer(s): Mahdi Disfani, ARUP geotechnical team and various other guest/industry lecturers

Year & Semester of completion: 2018 Semester 1

Rating: 3.5 Out of 5

Your Mark/Grade: H1

Didn't see a review of this subject so hopefully this brief review is useful to those who will take this subject in the future.

Lectures and Tutorials
Mahdi covered revision on the soil mechanics component of Earth Processes and Systems Modelling and Design in the first week. Revision was quite brief so if you feel there is a gap in your knowledge its best to take out your soil mechanics notes from previous studies and start revising. But to be honest, as long as you know how to calculate total and effective vertical stress in soil, you'll be more than prepared to tackle the content in this subject.

Mahdi then covered consolidation and geotechnical strength in weeks 2-6. A lot of the content for these components should feel familiar if you took Earth Processes for Engineering. All in all, I think Mahdi did a good job in explaining the concepts and there was an adequate amount of examples presented in the lectures to help you understand the content.

Weeks 7-10 covered lateral earth pressure and retaining walls. Mahdi decided to bring in ARUP's geotechnical team to teach these components of the course. I felt like the quality of lectures varied greatly. The MSE section was covered very well with slides relevant to the tutorial problems and a lecturer easy to follow. But other sections were at times either too fast paced, slow paced or confusing. I believe the problem is that a lot of the slides were adopted from previous years rather than being written by the lecturer themselves. Furthermore, it didn't help that there were discrepancies between what was presented in lectures and tutorials.

The last two weeks covered compaction, pavement design and liquefaction. I felt that the content was quite rushed and didn't get much out of it. In regards to the exam, as long as you know how to design a pavement using a design chart and know what numbers to plug into the liquefaction related equations you'll probably be fine.

I can't speak too much about the tutorials since I only attended one of them. As per usual, tutorial problems and solutions are posted on the LMS.

My main gripe with this subject is how the teaching staff refuses to answer any questions in regards to assessments. Don't expect much help from the discussion board. This subject made me realize how great the structural teaching team is in providing assistance.

However, if you know what you're doing, then you'll be able to get through the assessments without much problem.

The quizzes were give away marks, as long as you're up-to-date with the lecture content and tutorial problems it shouldn't be too difficult.
The lab practicals weren't particularly difficult, my only gripe was the vagueness in what was expected from students.
The group design project was quite time consuming so I recommend finding a group of mates you work well with.

The 2018 exam tested literally everything covered in the course . When I say everything, I mean everything. If 2018's exam is indicative of future exams, make sure you go through all the content covered in assignments, tutorials and lectures in preparation for the final exam. Since you aren't given a formula sheet, try to memorize or at the very least be able to derive formulas that were covered in the course.

My best advice for preparing for the exam is to not tunnel into working through tutorial questions exclusively but to go through the lecture notes and assignments as well.

A good subject that gives you an introduction into consolidation, geotechnical strength, retaining wall design, pavement design and liquefaction but was hampered by the mixed quality in guest/industry lectures and lack of assistance. Furthermore, it wasn't clearly communicated to students what was expected of them in the final exam.


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Re: University of Melbourne - Subject Reviews & Ratings
« Reply #724 on: December 04, 2018, 01:34:22 am »
Subject Code/Name: MAST10008 Accelerated Mathematics 1

Every week:
> 4 hours of lectures (2 hours + 1 hour + 1 hour lectures)
> 1 hour practice class
> 1 hour computer laboratory class

> 6 written assignments (15% total, equally weighted)
> MATLAB Test (5%)
> Examination (80%)

Lectopia Enabled:
Yes, with document camera capture.

Past exams available:
Yes, 10 available (2009 to 2018) plus many MAST10007 Linear Algebra exams (see comments for explanation).

Textbook Recommendation:
Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version, 11th Edition (Howard Anton & Chris Rorres) is a great textbook for reading and selected questions, but is not required. You are given a problem booklet, the lecture notes, the practice class sheets and the computer laboratory sheets, which is more than enough study material.

Dr. Alexandru Ghitza

Year & Semester of completion:
2018 Semester 1

4.5 out of 5

Your Mark/Grade:
First Class Honours (H1)

Important Notes: MAST10008 Accelerated Mathematics 1 is the first of two subjects in the first year accelerated mathematics stream. Taking both MAST10008 Accelerated Mathematics 1 and MAST10009 Accelerated Mathematics 2 is equivalent to taking the three subjects MAST10006 Calculus 2, MAST10007 Linear Algebra and MAST20026 Real Analysis. MAST10008 Accelerated Mathematics 1 covers all of MAST10007 Linear Algebra, and selected parts of MAST20026 Real Analysis and MAST10006 Calculus 2 (where the rest is covered in MAST10009 Accelerated Mathematics 2). The accelerated mathematics stream requires a minimum raw score of 38 in VCE Specialist Mathematics, or equivalent (roughly, top 13%).

This was, by far, my favourite subject that semester and is a great way to introduce strong maths students into the world of university maths. Unlike secondary school, you are not protected here by omitting difficult concepts. In university you are taught maths rigorously and Alex is very careful to cover everything. Further, content is also covered very quickly even with the extra lecture each week, so it will be very important that you stay on top of things and are studying regularly. There is a fair chance you won't understand some difficult concepts upon first presentation, and so it is also important you follow up with questions during consultation times, reread notes, do practice questions, etc.

I think the lectures were amazing. Alex delivers them very well. However, given the pace of the subject, it means losing focus during a lecture is very unforgiving since you will probably not catch up. You are given the notes to the week's lectures on the weekend. You should print these and annotate them as Alex does.

Practice Classes (Tutorials):
Tutorials were my favourite classes. You are given a problems sheet which you work through in small groups of 2-3 on whiteboards. The solutions are then given to you at the end of the class. You should also use these classes to ask questions about content you do not completely understand. Your tutors are your friends!

Computer Laboratory Classes:
Here, like the practice classes, you are given a booklet to work through on your own where you complete tasks to build up your knowledge of MATLAB. The only reason I don't give this subject a 5 out of 5 is that sometimes, this class can be a bit boring if you have previous experience in programming.

In week 12, you will take a short 45-minute test on MATLAB. The questions there are designed to test your ability to use technology to solve simple Linear Algebra questions.

All assignments are handwritten (as of 2019 since 2018 presented with technical issues with online assignments, and so Alex gave up on it). Generally there are a wide range of questions - some are very accessible and there will always be one question to separate out the cohort. It's important to realise that assignment questions are not the same as exam questions, and so it's important that you do not start assignments the night before they are due. The questions are not necessarily straight forward and trust me, Alex generally designs questions to make you think and ponder for sometimes many hours before making any sort of progress.

Worth 80%, this assessment is the most important of them all. You have no calculator and no notes - just a pen and some script books, and 3 hours to yourself. The exam is fairly straight forward if you have done the work prior to it. But even with poor preparation, you are not doomed. The exam is always designed so that it is easy to pass, but hard to score well in. There are enough questions there that are accessible and easy to make progress on. But, there are equally many questions that will really test your ability and push you to think.

Overall, I think the accelerated stream is generally a hit or miss for most people. You will either like it or dislike it - there is not much in between. However, if you put in the effort, I believe the subject is very enjoyable.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2018, 12:07:51 pm by dantraicos »
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Re: University of Melbourne - Subject Reviews & Ratings
« Reply #725 on: December 05, 2018, 05:03:05 pm »
Subject Code/Name: BCMB30001 Protein Structure and Function 

Workload:  3x 1hr lectures, 1x 1hr tutorial (sometimes), 1 computer practical session

Assessment: 5% computer tutorial worksheet, 20% assignment, 2x 10% MSTs, 55% final exam

Lectopia Enabled:  Yes, with screen capture etc.

Past exams available:  Yes. Plenty

Textbook Recommendation:  Mike Williamson “How proteins work?” 2012 Garland Science (A pretty good book for certain sections of the course)

Lecturer(s): Paul Gooley, Mike Griffin, Danny Hatters, Isabelle Rouiller and Gavin Reid

Year & Semester of completion: 2018 Sem 2

Rating:  3.8 Out of 5

Your Mark/Grade: H1

Let me first say that the review given by vox nihili is pretty good already. I write this review just because there have been slight changes in the course in terms of who's lecturing and the assessment. As the previous review pointed out, each module has its own seperate distinct elements that don't connect with each other too well. Having gone through functional genomics, you'd think that this subject would be manageable but this subject is a beast on its own. The content of each lecture is pretty hard to grasp so don't feel too sad if you didn't understand it when you left the lecture. In fact, don't be too sad if you don't even attend the lectures. When I attended the lectures in week 10, there were less than 10 students coming in a class of about 100. This subject expands on the content covered in the 1st few weeks of 2nd yr biochem covered by Paul (in 1st sem) and Terry (in 2nd Sem). This includes the primary, secondary, tertiary structures of proteins and all the beta hairpins and folding principles covered. It's a tough subject and I feel it's necessary to go through each lecturer just as vox nihili has. However, you do get a sense of special knowledge as mentioned and it's nice to see the various techniques used to study proteins. It's also noteworthy that I felt knowledge of chemistry (Equilibrium including Gibbs and kinetics principles) and a bit of physics helped in doing this subject.

Paul - So nothing has really changed much from what the previous reviewer has stated. Paul is an NMR expert and it can be pretty hard to understand the principles of NMR. However that's okay. My advice is to not get too bogged down by the principles but focus more on how to interpret the results of NMR data. In my opinion, it felt Paul was a bit too intellectual in his lectures and it was hard to really grasp what he was saying. Sometimes, you should really just read his slides first and then think about what he's saying. It also helps if you try and find the actual published paper he uses in lectures to understand the results. My final advice to those doing this subject is NMR cannot determine structure by itself. You need some structure template to work with in order to gain information about the structure dynamics. This section was hard to follow but it's amazing what we can really do to understand proteins.

Mike - Most of my friends found that he was pretty dry to listen to. His focus was mainly on structures found by X-ray crystallography and SAXs as well as principles on enzymes. A bit of physics would be useful as he goes through constructive and destructive interference using X-rays on proteins. Perhaps what makes Mike's content hard is that the 3 topics mentioned above don't have much link with one another making it hard to review.

Danny - Danny focuses mainly on folding principles and how we can observe them through FRET and stopped flow experiments. If you've went through molecular analysis of cell function, you'll see that this is an expansion of the content. As mentioned, Danny is more focused on seeing whether you can apply these concepts into biological experiments which is great. He wants you to apply knowledge and not simply regurgitate. In doing his exam questions, they feel like questions that you would see in the lab subject. He's one of the nicest lectures out of all of them and you can tell that he does his best in giving you the best learning experience.

Isabelle - Unfortunately, this was the year Terry was replaced. Now this is good and bad. This was good because we wouldn't have to go through his really difficult exam questions and this was bad because we didn't get to see his fun lectures. Isabelle is an expert in cryo-EM and it makes sense to include her because this is one of the leading technologies now used to visualise proteins. However, what makes her lectures poor, and I have nothing against it, is that her french accent was strong and made the lectures difficult to follow. BUT! You can tell from her lecturing style that she tries her best to educate. This is shown by how detailed her slides are and everytime the lectures ended early, she would always give time to go through her review questions and provide answers to them. While I didn't attend her tutorial (and i wish I did), she apparently used Legos in order to try and build structures of proteins and I really wish I came for that! Her content went focused on cryo-EM, structures of motor proteins like dynein and kinesin as well as signalling proteins (huge advantage if u did BCMB30004).

Gavin - Now Gavin is apparently one of the leading experts in Mass Spectrometry in Australia. Unfortunately, his lectures were not great. The flow of his lectures were so poorly connected making it hard to follow. In addition, if you were watching him on lecture capture, he doesn't use the pointer as with other lecturers making it difficult to follow. The saving grace of Gavin is that his questions are basically the same every year so there is really no surprise when you do his questions in the exam.

Now each lecturer has their flaws but in my opinion, when you sit down and stop complaining, you'll see that the techniques used to study proteins are pretty amazing. It highlights how much we've really progressed with biochemistry and the papers each lecturer have highlighted have shown us what we've been able to determine. And it's pretty cool. While the content of this subject is hard to grasp, I think it's so much better than what you've learnt in functional genomics. It's a special knowledge that informs you what have we done to understand biology and it is really the foundations of drug design.

Tutorials- Honestly, I felt like these were sort of a waste of time and didn't attend most of them. Perhaps the most necessary tutorial to attend was the PyMol tutorial because it gives you the necessary skills necessary for the assignments. The tutorials given by Paul were pretty helpful in getting your mind thinking about how NMR works and what questions to expect. Danny does hold an interactive session on a paper where you'll input answers on your phone. I honestly wish the tutorials would switch to this direction. If I'm not wrong, some tutorials did involve people working in groups (not too sure) and it may be helpful for those who enjoy that.

Computer lab - In comparison to BCMB30002, this was poorly conducted. During the prac, no effort was made to use the microphone or the main computer. So we were pretty much left to do our own thing based on written instructions and we could ask Paul and Mike for help if needed. The focus of the assignment was to get used to PyMol and write figure legends. Honestly the latter wasn't an issue because these are the same figure legends you would write in 2nd year techniques. There were issues imo in understanding questions but you could just ask help from Paul. The assessment isn't too strict and you would get at least 4/5 for this assessment.

Assignment - The assignment is a bit more straightforward in this subject and you'll be asked to answer a few questions. Each lecturer has their own assignment with their own set of questions. You'll be asked to use PyMol to create a figure they want and write a figure legend. Honestly, it's hard to say whether this was an easy assignment or not. I remembered overthinking a lot for this assignment and found it a pain because Gavin made our questions so vague. Perhaps what helped most was that piazza was setup so we could ask questions to clarify with one another the meaning of some questions. In terms of grade dist, me and my friends did very well so I can't really say whether this was easy or not.

MSTs - Honestly, I find these tests a huge pain and they were also held on the day of my Adv tech pracs. The MCQs were written in such a way that penalized you so harshly. Those who have done PHYS20008 would know how this feels. You'd be given a series of statements and you'd be asked to choose the option with the correct combination of statements. It's a huge pain because there were moments I was penalized for missing 1 fact out of the 4. I could not score a H1 for either MST because of this. The good thing about these MSTs is that they each only contribute 10% so managing a pass doesn't create too much damage. Consider these MSTs like concept checks to see whether you're progressing and catching up with the content. They don't really measure how well you do in this subject. Oh and there is no SAQ section anymore.

Exams - This has been changed to 2 hours. It comprises of both an MCQ and SAQ section. Our exam was held in the 1st week of the exam period. It was a real pain because we only had 2 weeks to go through Gavin's poor lectures and review everything that we went through already. Initially, the preparation may feel like a pain especially when you have to go learn some intricate details but I think what helps in this preparation the most are the past exam papers given in the library. You'll see that the questions given are somewhat similar and it gives you an idea what each lecturer wants to ask. Surprisingly, I didn't really have an issue with time just like BCMB30002. Some people did so I may not be the best example. All of the questions are very fair here unlike the MSTs. My advice is writing more does not always equate to more marks. You may just be wasting time and losing marks in other sections. Just be relevant. To be honest, I feel like they should've included questions where they would ask which techniques would be appropriate to probe certain experimental questions. It would be the best way to examine if you really understand what each technique can do.

Overall, the subject is hard. If you're doing advanced techniques in molecular science, you pretty much will have a tough sem. Definitely hard but the content is pretty interesting to learn. In entering a BCMB major, I always wanted to see chemistry being applied in biological contexts. While I didn't get to see too much of that, this subject was closest thing to it. It was great seeing principles of equilibrium, spontaneity and polarity being applied to understand proteins. I don't give this subject a too high rating because I feel like the content can be disengaging for so many people in this subject. One could sense this when you compare lecture attendance on the 1st day to last day. Unfortunately, it's a must for those wanting to do a BCMB major which is very restricting. As I said with Adv Techniques, if you managed to go through this subject and appreciated everything taught, give yourself a pat on the back, you survived what i think is the 2nd hardest subject of Biochemistry.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2018, 05:13:58 pm by dddknight »
BSci @ Unimelb (2016-2018)
Year I: BCMB20002 BIOL10004 BIOL10005 CHEM10009 HPSC10001 MAST10010 PHYC10005 UNIB10006
Year II: ANAT20006 BCMB20002 BCMB20003 CLAS10004 FOOD20003 MUSI20150 PHRM20001 PHYS20008
Year III: BCMB30001 BCMB30002 BCMB30004 BCMB30010 NEUR30002 NEUR30003 PSYC10003 SCIE20001


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Re: University of Melbourne - Subject Reviews & Ratings
« Reply #726 on: December 08, 2018, 03:55:52 pm »
Subject Code/Name: ISLM10002 Islam in the Modern World

Workload: 1 x 1.5 hr lecture & 1 x 1 hr tutorial per week (2.5 hours per week)

Assessment: 1 x 800 word Take Home Test (worth 20%), 1 x 1500 word Journal Exercise (worth 30%) and 1 x 2000 word Major Essay (worth 50%)

Lectopia Enabled:  Yes, with lecture capture. We were told that there was no lecture capture by the lecturer, but the link was found by visiting echo360 and going through other subjects. The Lecture Capture Link was added to the LMS later.

Past exams available:  N/A

Textbook Recommendation:  ISLM10002 Subject Reader - available from the Co-op for ~$43. Not really recommended, can do without it.

Lecturer(s): Dr. Muhammad Kamal

Year & Semester of completion: Semester 2, 2018

Rating:  4.9 out of 5

Your Mark/Grade: H1 (82)

Comments: TL;DR - This subject is great overall - the workload is much lighter than your typical breadth subject and provides an interesting insight into how a religion, such as Islam, is coping with the challenges of modernity.


There were 12 lectures for the subject. These covered interesting topics, such as:

Weeks 1-3: Historical Background

Week 1: Belief and Practice in Islam
Week 2: Origins and Developments: Islam, Muslim Empires, Movements and States
Week 3: Issues in Islamic Legal Thought

Weeks 4-5: Colonialism and the Muslim Response

Week 4: Post-Caliphate Reformers
Week 5: Contemporary Thinkers

Weeks 6-12: Contemporary Issues - this is where the bulk of the subject lies, as the subject primarily deals with the religion and it's impacts in the modern world. Weeks 1-3 provide more of a background into the faith.

Week 6: Mass Media Islam
Week 7: The Status of Women and Human Rights
Week 8: The Question of Palestine
Week 9: Jihad and Militancy in the Muslim World
Week 10: The Struggle for Democracy
Week 11: Muslims in the West: The Case of Australia
Week 12: Islam and the West: Where to from here?

I found each lecture pretty interesting. My favourite for the subject was Week 7, which was about women's rights. I also chose this topic for my major Essay - as there were many avenues for discussion. It was also a topic that I found pretty easy to sustain a 2000+ word argument for.

I found the lectures quite stimulating. It was more so conducted as a class, where we could stop and interrupt to add our own options. Dr Kamal was always happy to hear the points of views of the students and even called on us to question it. It is not that important to take that many notes from each lecture, however I would strongly advise taking detailed notes for the first 6 weeks as this comes up in the take home test. From memory, the take home test was due in Week 8, so two weeks to answer 5 questions with a paragraph each is totally reasonable. I found the marking to be quite harsh for this, with the overwhelming majority of students scoring a H2A for this assessment. I only barely managed a 16/20 (H1), but this only came after a review of my original work (15.5/20 - H2A). However, I think it's important not to stress if you do not receive that many marks for this, as it is only worst 20% of the subject.

From Weeks 6-12, more of the material covered was for our own knowledge rather than the assessments. Some of the lectures ended early but there were many points of discussion regarding the different topics. You could chose to write anything that is mentioned in the lectures for your major essay, and I would recommend doing a topic that is based on the lectures. Why I stress this is because it is much easier to find resources that answer the topics and the points they need directly. I found all the answers to my major essay in the Subject Reader and was glad that I bought it as it helped push me over to the H1 mark.

I would just like to stress that this subject takes a very academic focus, and is not a theology class, so to speak. Some information should be taken with a grain of salt, as it does not represent the ideology of some Muslims. In fact, a small amount of information is slightly incorrect and I would always recommend going back and fact checking some of the "facts" that Dr. Kamal states. He emphasises that it is just his opinion, and most should be regarded as such until checked with primary religious texts/sources.


The tutorial program links some of the discussions of the lectures with other theory and practice. I found the tutorials helpful in providing an alternate point of view, as you can learn a lot from other students and what they have to say (and consequently, use that in your essay OR assignments). It also provides a great opportunity to engage with your tutor and ask them questions about how they want the assignments to be written (as they are marking it). However, I found that there was only one tutor for the subject (Dr. Sirin Yasar). She was helpful in many aspects, but I found that sometimes the standard was quite high for our work and, as previously mentioned, it seemed like the entire tutorial class got H2A's for their assignments across the ball. However, I didn't find all the tutorials helpful. You need to go to at least 80% of them, so try and make use of them while you can. The best thing that came out of our tutorials was the friend groups that we formed ahah.


As mentioned above, there are 3 assignments throughout the semester.

Take Home Test (800 words)                              20%   Due Monday, Week 8
Journal Exercise (1,500  words)                         30%   Due Monday, Week 11
Major Essay (2,000  words)                                50%   Due Monday, Week 2 of Exams

Assignment details are:

Take Home Test (20%)

Students will be assigned a series of five questions in week 6 of teaching period. Answers to be submitted in week 8. Mark: 16/20 (H1)

Journal Exercise (30%)
You must select three of the assigned weekly readings and for each reading write a 500 word reflective response.  Mere summary of the reading will not receive a good mark. You are expected to discuss issues raised in the reading. If you feel it is appropriate you may also decide to critique (appraise) the reading. If you do please stick to the quality of the arguments and evidence offered by the author rather than addressing the writing style. Your focus must be on the reading you have chosen to respond to, but in order to deliver a high quality response you are advised to read around the subject dealt with, starting with the other readings linked to the week, both assigned and additional. It is recommended that you wait till after the relevant class discussion has taken place before completing a response in order to take advantage of insights generated by the class. It is also recommended that you do not attempt to complete your responses at the last minute but space them out through the semester. You can submit 2 responses of 750 words each (which is what I did). Mark: 23/30 (H2A)

Major Essay (50%)
Select one of the essay questions and write a 2000 word answer in essay format.
An essay is an extended intellectual engagement with a particular question or topic. It must demonstrate not only an ability to write to an acceptable standard but, just as importantly, an ability to think to an acceptable standard. You are required to research the relevant issues, and to show evidence of that research in the form of appropriate reference and quotation. You are asked to query and evaluate all that you read and, through a critical engagement with it, develop your own opinions and ideas. These ideas must be argued and substantiated by rational means, and in a logical order. Your argument must have a clear structure. You will lose marks for errors in spelling or grammar.
Your essay will be assessed on the following criteria:
The quality of the research completed on your chosen topic
The quality of the insights into your topic that you display
The quality of the analytical and critical thinking you display
The quality of the arguments you present and the evidence you use to defend them
The originality of the insights and arguments that you display
The quality of your writing style (the clarity and elegance with which you present material and arguments)
Appropriate adherence to scholarly conventions
Grammar and spelling.
Mark: 42/50 (H1).

Why the subject lost 0.1 of a mark is because there is no clear rubric as to what is actually expected of you and where you could lose marks. I found little to no comments and many ticks throughout my first assignment and lost 20% of the overall mark.

What is also important to note is that Dr. Kamal gives the Major Essay topics in Week 3 of Semester, and it is due during the examination period. It is the first assignment you receive, so you may as well start working on it!! I had to do it in between my CHEM10004 (Chemistry 2) and PSYC10004 (Mind, Brain and Behaviour 2) exam, which only gave me 5 days to complete it all! It was stressful indeed. Interestingly, you receive the final assignment first, so finishing that and giving yourself a lot of time to practice is important.

A note about scaling:
Everyone in the subject received a 1 mark bonus added to our final grades, which could push change the overall letter grade. For me, my overall mark for the assignments was 81/100 which was then bumped up to 82 for the subject.

Overall, a fantastic subject and an interesting breadth! This was my first breadth and I really enjoyed it. I would recommend that you do not slack off in the subject, especially with the assignments. It is not as easy as a H1 as one would like! But with a bit of effort and practice, you could definitely score highly :D


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Re: University of Melbourne - Subject Reviews & Ratings
« Reply #727 on: December 08, 2018, 09:57:45 pm »
Subject Code/Name: MAST10009 Accelerated Mathematics 2

Every week:
> 4 hours of lectures (1 hour each)
> 1 hour practice class

> 2 written assignments (10% total, equally weighted)
> Mid-semester Test (10%)
> Examination (80%)

Lectopia Enabled:
Yes, but only the lecture slides. The lecturer uses the whiteboard so it's best to attend.

Past exams available:
Yes, 10 available (2009 to 2018) plus many MAST10006 Calculus 2 and MAST20026 exams (see comments for explanation).

Textbook Recommendation:
None. The lecturer provides his own text guide, which is essential. It's available at the university Co-op Book Shop.

Prof. Barry Hughes

Year & Semester of completion:
2018 Semester 2

4.5 out of 5

Your Mark/Grade:
First Class Honours (H1)

Important Notes: MAST10008 Accelerated Mathematics 2 is the second of two subjects in the first year accelerated mathematics stream. Taking both MAST10008 Accelerated Mathematics 1 and MAST10009 Accelerated Mathematics 2 is equivalent to taking the three subjects MAST10006 Calculus 2, MAST10007 Linear Algebra and MAST20026 Real Analysis. MAST10008 Accelerated Mathematics 2 covers all of MAST20026 Real Analysis, and the remaining parts, (which is pretty much all of) MAST10006 Calculus 2 (where the rest would have been covered in MAST10008 Accelerated Mathematics 1). The accelerated mathematics stream requires a minimum raw score of 38 in VCE Specialist Mathematics, or equivalent (roughly, top 13%).

Just like MAST10008 Accelerated Mathematics 1, I thoroughly enjoyed this subject and was by far, my favourite subject of the semester. Students should be careful though. MAST10009 Accelerated Mathematics 2 is much more difficult in comparison to MAST10008 Accelerated Mathematics 1. This subject develops the theory behind many very important parts of mathematics in mostly chronological order. The content here is covered very quickly, and it is highly unlikely that at students will not digest everything upon first presentation. There are even comments about MAST10009 Accelerated Mathematics 2 being one of the hardest first year subjects due to its pace, and because it covers around 1.6 subjects worth of material. It will be very important that you stay on top of things and are studying regularly. This subject is very unforgiving if you fall behind even for strong mathematics students. That being said though, taking the subject is has been an amazing journey, and I strongly encourage students to take it if they are up for a rewarding challenge.

Barry is very interesting and delivers lectures very well. However, given the sheer amount of content that needs to be covered, sometimes, he necessarily needs to skip a few details, and so you have to teach yourself (as well as utilising consultation regularly). This is the only reason I didn't give this subject a 5 out of 5. Barry essentially uses lecture slides and walks you through the concepts. (All notes are in the text). He then does the examples on the whiteboards (which can sometimes be frustrating given the whiteboards are not recorded). You should take notes only on the examples. You can annotate your text if you like, but not much more is required. Your focus should be on listening and understanding what Barry is saying.

Practice Classes (Tutorials):
Tutorials were awesome, though since the questions are essentially from the text, if you are prepared, this class can be pointless. Nevertheless, it can be fruitful to answer questions again with a tutor watching your logic and reasoning so that they can make any necessary corrections. In this class, you complete a set list of questions in groups on the whiteboards. Selected hints / solutions are found at the back of the book, but you will find them useless if you don't understand the content in the first place. You should consult your tutor and/or utilise consultation hours should you need assistance.

All assignments are handwritten. The questions on the assignments are generally of high difficulty. Although it will seem like some are easy, do not be fooled. There are small nuances everywhere to catch those who are not focused. Like most mathematics at university level, assignment questions are not the same as exam questions, and so it's important that you do not start assignments the night before they are due. The questions are not necessarily straight forward and trust me, Barry will make sure you have thought about it for days before coming up with a solution.

Mid-semester Test: The mid-semester test might just be the worst score you will ever get on a mathematics test. If you are not prepared, you will not score well at all. The test contains content from the first 20 lectures (or first 5 weeks) of the semester. It's 45 minutes long, and is generally around 40 marks. (40 marks in 45 minutes as opposed to 40 marks in 60 minutes in VCE).

Worth 80%, this is a massive assessment. You have no calculator and no notes. Only a pen is required. The exam, unlike the mid-semester test, is much more straight forward if you have done the work prior to it. The exam is always designed so that it is relatively easy to pass, but hard to score well in (just like MAST10008 Accelerated Mathematics 1).

Overall, I think MAST10009 Accelerated Mathematics 2 is a very rewarding subject if you put in the effort. It's also a subject that is really the turning point in most students' mathematics education. After completing the first year accelerated stream, students generally come out with a deeper appreciation for higher mathematics.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2019, 10:27:29 pm by dantraicos »
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Re: University of Melbourne - Subject Reviews & Ratings
« Reply #728 on: June 19, 2019, 12:00:26 am »
Subject Code/Name: ANCW30011 Underworld and Afterlife

Workload:  One 2 hour seminar per week and weekly 1-2.5 hour "lectures" (explained below)

Assessment:  3 Forms of Assessment:
1) Document Analysis 500 words 15% due week 5
2) Research Essay 2000 words 45% Due Week 8
3) Take-Home Exam 1500 words 40% Due during the examination period (this semester was released 17th June 9am and due 18th June 11pm)

Lectopia Enabled:  No? There arent normal lectures, but weekly videos

Past exams available:  No, no exams were available but they are very simple questions and easy to write

Textbook Recommendation:  There is no text book, they release their own 'textbook' which has all the readings for the week (which is all on LMS)

Lecturer(s): Parshia

Year & Semester of completion: 2019 Semester 1

Rating:  4 out of 5

Your Mark/Grade: (Optional) Document Analysis H3, Research Essay H2B, Essay TBD

Comments: Ok, so this is my very first review so bear with me... Plus I'm an accounting major so did this as a breadth

Lectures:   The lectures are recorded in multiple 20 minute sections with Partia delivering the material. The delivery was interesting and he had some very interesting points. These lectures provide the first step to understanding the material, its kinda of like giving you some background knowledge and he explores some key parts of the reading material (i watched the lectures and took notes, then read the material).

Seminars: Every week, you really have to read all the prescribed materials otherwise you will be completely and utterly lost. The class is 100% discussion and you will be lost in it all if you haven't read the materials or watched the lectures. Writing down EVERYTHING can be incredibly helpful and will help a bit (not very much for me) for the first two assessments but is an incredible asset (yea i do accounting...) for the exam. The seminars can be look at great or a waste of time sometimes
Partia will initially ask basic questions about the material to kick off our thinking then will bring out some 'complex' questions (still many are veeerrrryyyy simple) where you will discuss in a small group and then "present" back to the class. The class environment in this semester was incredible. I've never experienced this before in commerce subjects. Everyone on your table backs you up with your arguments if you struggle, even other tables will politely 'butt in' to add or dispute (then at the end kinda attacked you when you make some friends so it was great!).
This can really get you thinking and analysing the texts but the second hour will get incredibly draining because the groups present the exact same info and will quickly get repetitive (a lot of us worked the first hour then did our own work in the second).

1) Document Analysis: was based on one week, i think week 4? but was straight forward. I really struggled with the writing i think because i have never written anything like these before.
2) Research Essay: You're given 5 questions from the first half of the semester and write on one of them which are all based on one different week of the semester. I got a good grasp on the writing a few days before it was due so my first half was utter shit, then got really good, then i got drained from working on it for so long and it became shitty again.
3) Take Home Exam: Wow this was so easy (i am still waiting for my grade). It requires NO research and (I'm quoting from the LMS and Parshia) "it doesn't require original ideas". For week 7 onwards, i cannot stress how important it is to look ahead and choose 2, 3 even 4 weeks that you find most interesting and take FURIOUS notes throughout. I mean FURIOUS. Write absolutely every breath and every letter down. With the lectures, write it all down word for word. When you have the exam released COPY AND PASTE. I did absolutely no preparation for the exam and it was a breeze writing it because all the info i had for it was from discussion and lecture. You are expected to use primary sources and secondary sources from the LMS (everything you've already read). My favourite week was week 12 where you assess similarities in contemporary films and ancient myth (i found this incredibly interesting). I recommend reading the last week in advance, writing down the movies and watch them! It would definitely help as i haven't watched some of the movies i talked about so used knowledge from the lecture, seminar and readings.

Overall, its a really interesting subject and I've learnt a lot of really interesting information. Its honestly a pointless subject (for me, but i can 100% see its merit if you're an arts student) but i am quite glad I've done it. It quickly turned from a joke subject to one that i actually wanted to do the work for

6/7/19 UPDATE - OVERALL 70%
« Last Edit: July 06, 2019, 09:21:49 am by beaudityoucanbe »


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Re: University of Melbourne - Subject Reviews & Ratings
« Reply #729 on: June 19, 2019, 12:33:40 am »
Subject Code/Name: ACCT10002 Introductory Financial Accounting 

Workload:  One 2 Hour Lecture, One 1 Hour Tutorial

On-line Quiz (1)   Individual   2%
On-line Quiz (2)   Individual   3%

These are quite annoying. I did poorly on the second one because it was unclear ho to fill it out (to me at least). I never liked online quizzes and would've much preferred a 10% MST or a second assignment

Practice Set Assignment   Individual   15%
I messed this up big time. I think a lot of students did. No explanation for how to use the accounting software (Xero) was provided, only like four 5-minute videos. I followed those and got it all wrong (ended up getting 7/15). Then when i frantically did it all manually, i got it all 100% correct which really hurt but i got some consolation knowing i messed up from the software not knowledge.
Tutorial attendance/participation   4%
Tutorial random exercises   2 x 3% =6%

Tutorials are painful (explained later)

End-of-semester exam   70%

Lectopia Enabled:  Yes, with everything recorded. Other lecturers wouldn't record the second screen and would draw on it or explain stuff but everything was recorded.

Past exams available:  Yes, 6 exams with solutions were provided!

Textbook Recommendation:  Recommended: Carlon, et al (2018), Financial Accounting- Reporting, Analysis and Decision Making, 6th Edition, Wiley.
I didn't get it and don't feel very disadvantaged at all

Lecturer(s): Warren McKeown - great lecturer. Knew he had to compete with Noelsy and was great. I enjoyed listening to his lectures

Year & Semester of completion: 2019 Semester 1

Rating:  4.5 Out of 5

Comments:   Overall its a repeat of IFA, with a lot of information repeated and with a little more detail
Lectures: 5/5. Warren was great and his slides were awesome. Had perfect amount of info and can add dot points from what he says. The lectures were very robust and had so helpful. He explained everything very clearly.

Tutorials: i absolutely dreaded them. My tutor struggled to get through the entire tutorial work and was very slow in getting through it. When he asked questions, NO ONE ANSWERED. 0 discussion was had, it got to the point where i grew so sick of it and was answering pretty much every single question which sped it up. I only showed up for the 10% and to get my answers and leave.
The tutorials are released a week before and were quite helpful. I found them quite straightforward. I highly recommend doing it all and consolidating your knowledge from the answers and tiny discussion had in the class. There are a lot of questions but they are broken into 3 categories: "REQUIRED to be completed before tutorial", "SHOULD be completed" and "MAY be discussed". I just did them all
The random exercises is just one question from one week of the tutorial so it isn't very hard to complete it and get a good mark for em.  Should be a guaranteed 9% if not 10%.

Week by Week Outline of Content
Introduction, Conceptual Framework and External Reporting
Double Entry Recording
Accrual Accounting and Adjustments
Non-Current Assets
Share Issues/Changes in Equity
Statement of Cash Flows
Accounting for GST
Course review and Revision questions


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Re: University of Melbourne - Subject Reviews & Ratings
« Reply #730 on: June 21, 2019, 03:06:26 pm »
Subject Code/Name: ECOM30001 Basic Econometrics

Workload: 2 × 1 Hour Lecture per week, 1 × 1 Hour Tutorial per week

2 × Group Assignments, 10% each
1 × Mid Semester 40 minute Multiple Choice Exam, 10%
Tutorial Participation, 10% (5% Attendance, 5% attempting pre-tute work)
2 hour End of Semester Exam, 60% (Hurdle Requirement)

NB: Lecture/tutorial content and assignments/exams are identical to the masters subject with the same name (ECOM90001), however masters students don't get tutorial participation marks and instead their exam is worth 70%. This subject and ECOM20001/Econometrics 1 are also a non-allowed subject pair. 

Lectopia Enabled:  Yes, with screen capture, although I think in a lecture theatre with dual screens you may miss out on some of the stuff currently being projected. You'll have access to everything, but this may make the actual lecture a little less clear.

Past exams available:  2018 final exam and practice questions for the final and mid sem exam provided, all with extensive solutions. 2016 past exam also available on library website, but no solutions.

Textbook Recommendation: No mandatory requirements, but lectures reference Principles of Econometrics, 5th ed by Hill, Griffiths, and Lim. I was able to find the 4th ed online, and barely used it. A few others are also recommended in the subject guide, but it's all optional and buying any textbook is definitely not necessary.

Lecturer(s): Andrew (Andy) Clarke

Year & Semester of completion: Semester 1, 2019

Rating: 4 Out of 5

Your Mark/Grade: H1 (85)

Comments: Overall I found this to be an interesting and well-organised subject. Some of the content was fairly difficult to grasp, but the assessment itself was not too bad at all, and mainly required knowledge/understanding of the various properties and procedures taught, and well as interpretations. It was often stressed in lectures that we don't need to reproduce the complex proofs and algebra presented, and that it was just there so we could see where things came from. R is the language used, which is a plus as this is one of the languages used more in the "real world". Downloading R studio (it's free :) ) is very recommended, if not vital. However, you're not expected to come up with your own code or anything, you'll pretty much just need to copy certain aspects from the lecture slides and/or tutes for the assignments (which can done in groups, but I'll assume no one who's taking the time to read subject recommendations wants to be "that person" who doesn't contribute :P ).

Major topics were:
-The Basic Linear Model (Statistical properties, hypothesis tests, model specification)
-Dummy (Indicator) variables
-Time Series
-Stochastic Regressors (Issue of Cov(X,ε) ≠ 0)
-Panel Data
-Count Data
-Binary Outcomes

Involved being talked through the slides/theory, with examples that often included R output. Extra accompanying handwritten notes were also often used and posted to the LMS. Andrew was a great lecturer and explained things well, although (as is the case with most uni subjects) extra time is needed to review, process and understand everything. There was quite a lot to sort through in the lecture slides which made reviewing it a bit harder, but it wasn't a major issue.

Very R focused. You're given access to the questions and R script beforehand and expected to use the script to attempt to answer the questions, which the tutor will take the class through. Don't worry if you don't get everything before the tute. I openly admitted to my tutor I wasn't on top of everything in terms of understanding the tute stuff and still got full marks for attending all the tutes and trying the questions beforehand. My tutor explained things very well, sometimes even better than in lectures. I definitely got value from attending, beyond the 10% participation marks. However, given most of it was done on R, I felt most the tutorial questions weren't that helpful for exam revision.
Note the first tute doesn't count towards your participation mark, and is pretty much an easy intro to R session, reviewing some basic statistical concepts you're expected to know like correlation and types of functions.

Can be done in groups of 1-4 with people in your tutorial. Despite the horror stories you hear about group assignment, I honestly found doing it in a group helped with certain things I didn't understand yet, although everyone contributed fairly which isn't guaranteed to happen (But if your first group isn't good you don't have to work with them on the second assignment). Assignments were a bit more challenging than the exam IMO (although this may have been from my understanding during the semester vs during the final exam), and as mentioned above required you/your group to create your own R script, which must be added as an appendix to the assignment. That being said, marks were pretty good overall (From LMS, assignment 2 average was 30.73076/35, median was 31.00/35).

Mid Semester Exam
I expected this to be online since it was MC and so many other economics subjects do this, but it was treated as a formal mid sem in Wilson Hall under exam conditions. Focused on the 'Basic Linear Model' topics. Practice MC questions were provided, which were much harder than the actual test. 40 minutes was more than enough time to complete and check everything. I believe Andrew said the median was 10/12 and the mean was close to that too.

Final Exam
Focuses on the major topics listed above from Dummy Variables onwards. Apart from undertaking F- and t- hypothesis tests, the content from the mid semester exam is not directly examinable. As was the case with the mid sem, the practice questions provided were much more difficult and theoretical than the actual exam. The 2018 exam was a fair representation of what to expect. However, as stated on the LMS, exams solutions are intentionally far more extensive than what is needed for a "perfect answer".
No real surprises on my exam. The focus is on understanding/explaining properties of the models/variables, the implications of violating the standard MR assumptions, basic calculations/interpretations and tests. R output is provided to answer questions, but everything you need from it is very straightforward (especially since you've seen it all semester). There is also a formula sheet (for the mid sem too), meaning you don't have to remember the exact detailed of formulae/models, although you still need to know how to use them.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2019, 04:29:00 pm by M909 »
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Re: University of Melbourne - Subject Reviews & Ratings
« Reply #731 on: June 23, 2019, 01:53:48 pm »
Subject Code/Name: PHYC10003 Physics 1

3 × 1 Hour Lecture per week
1 × 1 Hour Problem Solving Class (Tutorial) per week
8 × 2.5 Hour Labs throughout the semester

10 × Assessable Online Homework Tasks, 15%
8 × Labs incl Pre-lab work, 25% (80% Attendance and 50% Overall Result Hurdle Requirement)
3 Hour End of Semester Exam, 60%

Lectopia Enabled:  Yes, with screen capture

Past exams available:  Yes, past 11 years, all with solutions

Textbook Recommendation:  Prescribed text is Fundamentals of Physics, 11th ed by Halliday & Resnick. Can be easily found online. I used it a little bit at the start of semester and found it helpful, but got too busy to keep up at the end and feel (pre-mark release) I survived without it.
A lab/logbook is necessary to purchase ($8 from a website linked on LMS before the semester started). The handbook is also available to purchase (Also $8), but the entire content of the handbook can be found on the LMS so purchasing a hard copy is not vital.

Lecturers: Dr Philip Urquijo (Week 1-4), Prof Harry Quiney (Week 5-6), Prof Geoff Taylor (Week 7-12)

Year & Semester of completion: Semester 1, 2019

Rating:  4 Out of 5

Your Mark/Grade: H1 (80)

Comments: I really enjoyed this subject, though there are definitely many who don't. I did VCE Physics in 2016 so my knowledge was probably a little rusty compared to most of my peers. During the semester there were times I felt it'd be easier if my knowledge was fresh, but I think by the end I had caught up through the subject's coursework and it wouldn't have really made a difference. The content extends upon some of the topics taught in VCE, and also introduces some new stuff, particularly rotational motion, friction, special relativity (unless that was your chosen area of study in VCE) and optics.

Major topics were (more info in handbook):
-Waves and sound
-Special relativity

Such parts were definitely more useful than others... I'd recommended current students to just do what works for them in terms of watching/attending lectures. There were also demonstrations in lectures which could be helpful in aiding/applying your understanding (but not vital), which can't really be visualised by using the lecture capture. I felt the main takeaway would be the formulae, examples and basic definitions and concepts. Quite a lot of content in total, so falling too behind  on the content in the slides isn't advisable.

Problem Solving Classes/Tutorials
Basically the same deal as a maths practical/tute. You get into groups and work together on the whiteboards on the handbook questions, while the tutor walks around and helps out. Trying the questions beforehand is recommended, and you'll probably get more out of the class if you do. Basic answers can be found in the handbook, then more in depth solutions are put on the LMS at the end of the week. That being said, I still gained from attending (both when I was up to date and doing the work beforehand, and when I was behind), but I don't think skipping a few hurt me too badly.

The total mark allocation is slightly complicated, but basically each of the labs is 3.125 marks (25/8). Of this, 20% (I.e. 0.625 marks) is from the pre-lab work. From this, half (0.3125 marks) is given for submitted the pre-lab questions on time (At least 10 min before the lab), and the other 0.3125 marks is from your actual answers. The pre-labs were 2-4 very basic questions, usually multiple choice, on the content of the prac and/or the basic physics theory behind it.

In the actual labs you'd work in groups of 2-3 to complete the experiment, collect results/data and write a report. Definitely read the pages in the handbook on the relevant lab before, but don't stress if you don't understand everything as your demonstrator will talk you through it at the start and show the group how everything works. The handbook also contains an example prac which you can base your report structure on, as well as what to do and key points to note down as you do each particular experiment.

As someone who struggled with the practical report writing side of science in high-school, it got easier as the semester progressed, even though I often felt like I was missing stuff and/or not doing it right. Also, half the marks were basically participation marks (For following safety procedures, working well as a team ect.), so if you turn up and do your best/engaged with it, you'll probably get a decent mark regardless. I thought I completely failed the first lab (I struggled with what to write, barely talked about the physics concepts, and my group got 30 m/s^2 something for Earth's gravity!  :o) and ended up with 70% for the actual lab work (I.e. Not including the pre-lab stuff), which only improved from there. Prac content didn't always relate to what was currently being taught it lectures, but everything you needed to know is provided in the lab book and is fairly straightforward.

Homework Assignments
Done through WileyPLUS, with access through the LMS (no extra purchases required :))). Some easy stuff and some very difficult stuff that was beyond the exam standard. 3 attempts for each question which also helped. I found them to be a good way to help me get my head around the lecture content and keep up to date.

Follows a pretty standard structure from year to year, so having all those past exams available is very helpful (not that I had time to do most of them...). A formula sheet with most the stuff you need is provided. A major exception to this was the constant accelerations formulae from VCE + a few others - I derived and/or memorised the constant acceleration ones them and wrote them on my exam at the start which worked for me. Therefore, focus more on understanding what everything means and the actual physics definitions and explanations behind things (There are worded questions too). Fortunately not a hurdle which was a relief during the lead up to the exam, but the exams are honestly not too bad; 3 hours was also more than enough time.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2019, 03:39:24 pm by M909 »
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Re: University of Melbourne - Subject Reviews & Ratings
« Reply #732 on: June 24, 2019, 12:42:10 pm »
Subject Code/Name: MULT10018 Power (Arts Foundation)

   • Lectures: 2 x 1 hr per week
   • Tutorials: 1 x 1 hr per week (except week 1)
   • Workshops: 1 x 2 hr per week (for 3 weeks)

   1. Annotated Bibliography: 500 words (15%)
   2. Research Essay: 2,000 words (45%)
   3. Take-home Exam: 1,500 words (40%)

Lectopia Enabled: Yes, with screen capture

Past exams available: Nope

Textbook Recommendation: All required readings are made available on the LMS for free, including the Arts Foundation Reading Pack.

Lecturer(s): Andrew Dawson BEST LECTURER EVER, Mediya Rangi, + 3 guest lecturers

Year & Semester of completion: 2019 Semester 1

Rating: 4 Out of 5

Your Mark/Grade: H3 (68)


Power is one of the 6 Arts Foundation subjects (Power, Reason, Language, Representation, Identity, Aboriginalities). It's the most political out of the six, and is highly recommended for politics / int'l relations / sociology / anthropology (the main lecturer, Andrew Dawson, is from the anthropology department). The general consensus is that students who choose Power are either (i) Aiming for Law; or (ii) Hoping to lead a Marxist revolution against the state in a few years' time.

Power introduces students to the philosophical and sociological aspects of political thought, specifically Marxism. It looks at how power is exercised, accepted, and challenged. Key thinkers include Karl Marx DUH, Max Weber, Michel Foucault, & Erving Goffman.

All Arts Foundation subjects also integrate 3 different disciplines from the Bachelor of Arts into its content. For Power, these are Political Science, Gender Studies, and Geography.

I went into this subject expecting the worst, as AF is generally seen as a waste of time. Despite that, I loved Power, and while I disagreed with the Marxist content, I found it to be incredibly intellectually stimulating.


If you've read my university journal, you might know about my man crush on Professor Andrew Dawson, the main lecturer. He is an absolute legend. Even if you don't do Power, his lectures are worth going to anyway. Andy was very engaging and you can sense his enthusiasm from a mile away. I gave Power a really high rating, and it's all because of him. Sit at the front row for maximum enjoyment.

Lectures for weeks 1-4, delivered by Andy, looks at Rationalism, Capitalism, & Nationalism. Weeks 5-10 are delivered by guest lecturers, looking at State and Power (Political Science); Sex and Power (Gender Studies); & Space and Power (Geography). Finally, in weeks 11-12 Andy and Mediya comes back to bring everything full circle.


Maybe it was just me, but I found tutes to be a waste of time. We mainly just answered questions from the subject guide. My tutor was Charity - she was very knowledgeable on the subject, and very helpful if you approached her individually, but in terms of collective discussion tasks, hers weren't the best.

Skills Workshops

For all BA students, you're required to attend 3 x 2hr workshops. Pro-tip: Put them in the first 3 weeks of the semester, as that's before assignments start coming. I had left mine to weeks 7-9, in which case they became redundant.

Skills workshops are a waste of time, sadly 100% attendance is required to pass.


Assignment 1 is a 500 word annotated bibliography and it's said to be the easiest you'll ever get. You're given a list of prompts and is required to analyse 3 different types of sources which relate to your choice of prompt, and to comment on their relevance, currency, reliability, etc.

Assignment 2 is a 2000 word research essay. The prompts are the same ones from assignment 1, so you can start this very early on. You're required to go into detail about your topic - the more depth, the better.

The final exam is the exact opposite. Instead of depth, you're required to show the breadth of your knowledge. The exam has a very short time limit. In 2019, we got the prompt at 9am Tuesday, and had to submit it by 5pm Thursday - so we had about 1.5 days to write it.

Final thoughts

Power is definitely one of the better AF subjects. While I wouldn't have done it had they been optional, I'm glad it was what I went with. As a History & Economics major, this subject somewhat clashed with the content (particularly Economics), but I learnt quite a lot from this and engaged in a number of very thought-provoking discussions.

In short, if you're into political and philosophical debates, or are aiming for law/politics, then Power is the one to go for.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2019, 11:03:17 pm by hums_student »
2019-21: Bachelor of Arts (Politics & Int'l Relations / Economics)


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Re: University of Melbourne - Subject Reviews & Ratings
« Reply #733 on: June 24, 2019, 12:58:42 pm »
Subject Code/Name: HIST10012 The World Since World War II

   • Lectures: 2 x 1 hour per week
   • Tutorials: 1 x 1 hour per week (except week 1)

   1. Primary Source Analysis: 500 words (20%)
   2. Research Essay: 2,000 words (50%)
   3. Take-home Exam: 2 x 750 words (30%)

Lectopia Enabled:  Yes, with screen capture

Past exams available: Nope

Textbook Recommendation: Required & recommended readings can all be found on LMS. There is no official textbook, though I recommend The Global Cold War by Odd Arne Westad

Lecturer(s): Hannah Loney

Year & Semester of completion: 2019 Semester 1

Rating: 5 Out of 5

Your Mark/Grade: H1 (80)


The World Since WWII covers all major int'l events from 1945 (VE/VJ) to 2001 (9/11). Background knowledge of WWII is useful, but not necessary.

Initially, it starts off as history, but progresses into politics as the events get more recent. Key topics includes decolonisation, proxy warfare, Stalinisation, nuclear warfare, neoliberalism, globalisation, human rights, counterculture, political Islam.


It's incredibly content-heavy, and Hannah moves through at supersonic speed. To put things into perspective, the entirety of the Vietnam War and the Korean War, including background and aftermath, are covered in 50-minute lectures. You're required to teach yourself the more in-depth content through the weekly readings.

Hannah is very engaging and clear in the way she presents the content. She also talks incredibly fast so RIP to anyone taking notes by hand. A large number of sources (both primary & secondary) are cited in her lecture slides. Make note of all of them! They will be useful for the final exam.


My tutor was Michael, though I also went to Toby's tutes. Michael was fun and engaging, and covered many useful background info, but tute discussions lacked depth. Toby was more on the serious side but goes in-depth with discussion and offers a lot of different perspectives. Michael focuses more on the background of the events while Toby looks more at its implications. Michael was philosophical while Toby was more political. On the whole, I thought both were great, but preferred Toby's.

I really recommend going to extra tutes ran by different tutors to get a variety of views. Yes, it does mean an extra contact hour or two, but it helps a lot with...


Assignment 1 is a 500-word primary source analysis on one of the two readings for week 1, which are the Long Telegram and the Novikov Telegram. You're required to talk about its reliability and historical context, and most importantly, form an overall contention.

Assignment 2, the 2,000-word research essay, contributes the most to your grade. You're given a choice of prompts covering every single lecture topic, from which you must choose one. Topics can be niche or broad, and there's a good variety so you're guaranteed to find one you like more than the rest.

The exam comprises of 2 essays, 750 words each, where you're required to answer the prompt while tying together all 12 weeks of content. No additional research is required, you only need to use the readings and the sources cited in Hannah's lectures.

Please remove if not allowed: In the spoiler tag I've put the 2019 exam topics to give a general idea of what to expect.
1. What was the most significant social transformation in the period from 1945 to the present, and why? What were its international implications? 
2. What was the most significant political transformation in the period from 1945 to the present, and why? What were its international implications?
3. What was the most significant economic transformation in the period from 1945 to the present, and why? What were its international implications?
4. What was the most significant cultural transformation in the period from 1945 to the present, and why? What were its international implications?
5. What was the most significant turning point in the period from 1945 to the present, and why? What were its international implications?

Final thoughts

The World Since WWII is a brilliant and highly rewarding subject which really teaches you all about how our present world became the way it is. While it is a history subject, it is also highly political and I'd also recommend it for anyone wishing to major in politics / international relations. It was hands down the best subject I did in semester 1 (though as a history/politics nerd I might be biased), and in my honest opinion I'd really just recommend it to anyone and everyone.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2019, 06:12:29 pm by hums_student »
2019-21: Bachelor of Arts (Politics & Int'l Relations / Economics)


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Re: University of Melbourne - Subject Reviews & Ratings
« Reply #734 on: June 24, 2019, 01:33:37 pm »
Subject Code/Name: ECON10004 Introductory Microeconomics

   • Lectures: 2 x 1 hr per week
   • Tutorials: 1 x 1 hr per week

   1. Online multiple choice test (5%)
   2. Assignment 1: 750 words (10%)
   3. Assignment 2: 1,250 words (15%)
   4. Tutorial participation (10%)
   5. Final Exam (60%) - hurdle

Lectopia Enabled:  Yes, with screen capture

Past exams available: Plenty in the library, many more posted on LMS during SWOTVAC, though not all are completely relevant as the course content was changed for 2019.

Textbook Recommendation: 
Principles of Microeconomics by Joshua Gans, Stephen King, Gregory Mankiw, Martin Byford. The newest edition is 7th ed, but any would do (I got by with 3rd ed.)
Case studies and Applications by Jeff Borland (not really needed)

Lecturer(s): Phil McCalman, Tom Wilkening

Year & Semester of completion: 2019 Semester 1

Rating: 2 Out of 5

Your Mark/Grade: H2A (79) so close yet so far


Intro Microeconomics is compulsory for all economics majors, as well as all 1st-year commerce students in general. It also seems to be one of the most popular choice for breadth, though these poor unfortunate souls usually begin wishing they did beer tasting instead by week 3.

The subject covers four main topics, which are:
   1. Competitive markets
   2. Welfare + government intervention
   3. Theory of the firm
   4. Game theory

Some of the content repeats VCE Economics, however as someone who didn't do 3/4, I found it relatively easy to catch up. The content is quite intuitive and isn't overly difficult, though the same cannot be said about the maths.


Micro has two lecturers: Tom, who in the first lecture, prepared 23 slides of legit content written in Times New Roman; and Phil, who had 13 'Welcome to Commerce' slides written in Comic Sans. Phil was more engaging, but he also had a tendency to use PhD-level jargon despite having other choices of vocab available. On the other hand, Tom kept things clear, simple, and straight-to-the-point. I personally preferred Phil, but I was one of the few who did.


I have a bunch of grievances regarding tutes. For every tute we had a sheet of in-tutorial work, where we were supposed to attempt the questions ourselves before the tutor goes through answers. These were horribly organised. We either got so little questions that class ended half an hour early, OR we got so many tasks that the tutor literally whizzed through the answers at the speed of light without explaining what was really going on as there wasn't enough time. Also, answers for tute worksheets were never made available to students, not even before the exam.

In 2019, the commerce department introduced 'Tophat', an online platform used to mark tutorial attendance and to set pre-tutorial work. The app costs money, but has free access zones in the Baillieu Library, FBE Building, and the Spot. Don't buy it as it's a waste of money.

My tutor was Farzana. Despite being somewhat hard to understand due to her accent, I thought she was a great tutor.


The first assessment is an online MCQ test. There were 8 questions and weighed 5% of the final grade. While it's not worth much, it's a good revision of the first weeks and it's a good opportunity to fill any gaps before moving on later weeks.

Assignment 1 is worth 10% and covers equilibrium, elasticity, taxes and welfare. The most important thing is to keep in mind the word limit when writing, because it's only 750 words but there's quite a lot of explanations involved.

Assignment 2 is worth 15% and covers theory of the firm and price discrimination. Assignment 2 was much harder than the first one, and a lot of people lost marks for simply not handing it up on time because they underestimated how much work was required.


The exam is worth 60% and you must pass the final exam to pass this subject. It's 2 hours, with 15 minutes reading time, and is split into 3 sections:
   - Multiple choice (30 marks, 10 questions)
   - Short answer (30 marks, 2 questions)
   - Extended response (60 marks, 2 questions)
In 2019, two questions from MCQ were straight-up COPY AND PASTED from previous exams, so it's definitely worth doing as much practice exam questions as you can to prepare.

IMO 2 hours was just enough to complete the exam so you must be really good with time management in order to finish the paper. The exam was insanely hard, meanwhile students tend to collude on assignments, hence most of us weren't prepared on answering exam-style questions individually under timed conditions.

Final thoughts

Intro Microeconomics is not the most interesting subject. The content is intuitive but the maths is slightly more difficult. Don't collude too much on assignments as it'll backfire during the exam. It's probably one of the more useful breadth subjects, but the subject isn't a cruise.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2019, 11:02:08 pm by hums_student »
2019-21: Bachelor of Arts (Politics & Int'l Relations / Economics)