There was that hertz question, like only one question on networking (
) and everything on PDAs/laptops/phones. I think they're just going to tie it in with the design specifications of the software a lot more, that's all.
I think. Haha.
I got it all finished with 20-30min to spare...
might have rushed some questions and I felt like I was repeating myself on a few things. Maybe I was, maybe I was meant to? I wouldn't know - I spent most of that spare time trying to work out that algorithm :?. Looking back I probably would have been better off looking over everything else. I know I messed up that data type question too - integer, 1D array, 2D array, yeah? That's not what I wrote for the latter two, but it makes sense. Don't think it'll be another 49 here, unless I somehow managed to get everything else perfectly... :roll:.
A 40's probably still quite possible dude. You could've got ~42 last year dropping up to 15 marks in the exam, and you guys seem to think it was harder, which could mean even more lee-way, so it's not all bad!