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Author Topic: SnekiSnek's Journey Journal  (Read 19321 times)

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Re: SnekiSnek's Journey Journal
« Reply #45 on: February 28, 2022, 10:30:00 pm »
Hello friends!
A few things have happened since my last update and most surprising is me providing an update in a somewhat time appropriate fashion! I had my first breakdown of Year 12 last week in a Macca’s car park so not quite sure what to make of that but I feel like it has reset me in terms of motivation. I have basically caught up on all the psychology notes since the start of term and also caught up in Literature. Next week is going to be hell week as I have my psych, physics and lit SACs all during the week and psych + physics are on the same day back to back. My preparation for psych is reading the notes and completing practice questions just to make sure that everything sticks to memory whereas for physics I am really unsure where to start with my revision as we do not do many questions in class and mostly cover the theory. My physics teacher assigns little to no homework and I have completed a few edrolo questions on each topic but that is basically the extent of what I do for physics. I haven’t been able to write my practice SAC for Lit because I can’t seem to think of how to word my essay and the reasoning I want to get across. I have never been a big fan of comparative essays especially when they are comparing a play to the film adaption.

A small issue I have with classical studies is that, because I do it via VSV, I can only try to communicate with my teacher through email or by instant messages on the website and she has not replied to any emails or messages I have sent throughout the term. I don’t know what to do about it as I need clarification for last week’s work but have heard radio silence however she has marked my work from two weeks ago. Is it worth bringing it up with the teacher at my school in charge of VSV or should I just leave it and attempt my best on the work?
Literature, Methods, Further, Chemistry, Legal Studies, Psychology, Classical Studies, Physics

beep boop

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Re: SnekiSnek's Journey Journal
« Reply #46 on: February 28, 2022, 11:15:46 pm »
Hey SnekiSnek!
A small issue I have with classical studies is that, because I do it via VSV, I can only try to communicate with my teacher through email or by instant messages on the website and she has not replied to any emails or messages I have sent throughout the term. I don’t know what to do about it as I need clarification for last week’s work but have heard radio silence however she has marked my work from two weeks ago. Is it worth bringing it up with the teacher at my school in charge of VSV or should I just leave it and attempt my best on the work?
I think that you should tell your teacher in charge of VSV, the communication issues you have with your VSV teacher. Your education should be at the forefront and it seems your teacher is being callus and is frankly ignoring you. Its a unit 3/4 subject and I'm surprised there are teachers like this out there.

All the best,
beep boop
class of '22
'21: viet sl [36], bio
'22: psych, methods, spesh, chem, eng lang
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder and proximity makes the heart want to barf."-Mr K, Never have I Ever
yr 12 stuff :)


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Re: SnekiSnek's Journey Journal
« Reply #47 on: March 01, 2022, 10:42:38 pm »
Hey SnekiSnek!I think that you should tell your teacher in charge of VSV, the communication issues you have with your VSV teacher. Your education should be at the forefront and it seems your teacher is being callus and is frankly ignoring you. Its a unit 3/4 subject and I'm surprised there are teachers like this out there.

All the best,
beep boop

Thank you for the advice beep boop! I did indeed email my supervisory teacher today as I never seem to be able to find her around the school (she's a very busy woman) and ironically I have not heard back from her either about the matter however she sent me an email about something else completely unrelated. Still no word from my Classical teacher and I hope this doesn't continue all year because I really enjoy the subject and am hoping that my passion will lead to a decent score but it will be hard without any teacher feedback
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Re: SnekiSnek's Journey Journal
« Reply #48 on: June 14, 2022, 06:44:46 pm »
Wow guys it’s been a while since I have updated my journal, I don’t know if anyone is still interested in what is happening in my life but without further ado let me post a giant update to encapsulate the last three months.

Subject Updates:
Literature: Honestly Lit is going so much better than I expected it to go, two SACs down and the third is next week. My A Taste Of Honey essay was horrible, I didn’t know where I was going with it and I would rank it as probably the worst essay I have ever submitted but somehow managed to scrape a B+ on it. We moved onto Dracula for our creative and I loved that so much, it is one of my all-time favourite novels so being able to do that for weeks was amazing. I scored an A on that SAC and I was really happy with the piece I was able to write for it. Right now, we are doing A Ladies Paradise and I just finished the book today after putting it off for way too long and the novel was more enjoyable than I thought it would be. I feel like I am going to find it easy to apply a Marxist and feminist lens to the novel as it is very in your face about how the themes are portrayed.

Classical Studies: For the two SACs that I have done so far, I have received the results back for one and I got 42/50 for the passage analysis. I’m not sure how to gauge how well I am doing as, honestly, this just feels like Literature but reskinned with Ancient Greek texts and more of a focus on sociohistorical context. The other SAC, a comparative essay, I feel somewhat confident with but I don’t know for sure until I get my results back. We’re moving on to looking at statues and vases so I’m not sure what the next SAC will entail. Overall, I really like Class Studies and the content that I am learning even though I don’t think it will relate to what I want to do in the future at all.

Psychology: For both SACs I have gotten high 90s and the content is pretty straightforward and easy to understand. I really bludge through this class as my teacher just talks through powerpoints and that is the extent of the work that we use to learn (besides Edrolo) so I don’t know how well I am going to feel prepared for the end of year exam. Most of my revision is reading the relevant textbook chapters either the night before or morning of a SAC day and doing a few practice questions for anything that involves models. Our teacher is away at least once a week and the other psych teacher has been unwell with covid and the flu so our classes are very behind where we should be so there is going to be a lot of SACs within a short period of time.

Chemistry: I have been scraping through Chemistry doing the bare minimum because Unit 3 was ridiculously boring in my opinion. I got 70s on the two SACs and am around ranked 2-3rd in the class but I haven’t been paying attention in class or doing any of the work besides a few questions sporadically. For Unit 4, I am already finding it more interesting and am going to try harder to do better on the remaining SACs and the exam in order to compensate for my lack of effort in the first half of the year. I have the first organic chemistry SAC on Friday and I am feeling confident on this one as I have done the assigned questions and 100% on the practice SAC we did today.

Physics: Only three of us are passing physics and I’m lucky enough that I am one of those three because my prior methods knowledge came in clutch for a few of the SAC questions on both SACs. I understand the content really well when we are learning it and it is the only subject that I am consistently completing the homework for but as soon as I get into a SAC, I panic and use the wrong formulas and can’t remember how to apply my knowledge. My teacher is super knowledgeable and passionate about the subject (he did it at uni and only recently graduated) so I guess that’s why I like the subject. Have the research SAC this week and I’m hoping I can write a decent explanation about how Tesla coils work in order to get a good grade.

As a side note: I’ve decided that I want to pursue physics at university and do a bachelor of science with a diploma of mathematical sciences or a bachelor of mathematical physics. Hope I can get in even though I didn’t do specialist 😊
Literature, Methods, Further, Chemistry, Legal Studies, Psychology, Classical Studies, Physics

beep boop

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Re: SnekiSnek's Journey Journal
« Reply #49 on: June 14, 2022, 10:21:46 pm »
Hi SnekiSnek!

Good to see you here again! If you don't mind me asking, did you sort out your communication issues with your VSV teacher?

Are you planning anything for the upcoming holidays?

beep boop
class of '22
'21: viet sl [36], bio
'22: psych, methods, spesh, chem, eng lang
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder and proximity makes the heart want to barf."-Mr K, Never have I Ever
yr 12 stuff :)


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Re: SnekiSnek's Journey Journal
« Reply #50 on: June 15, 2022, 01:48:46 pm »
Hi SnekiSnek!

Good to see you here again! If you don't mind me asking, did you sort out your communication issues with your VSV teacher?

Are you planning anything for the upcoming holidays?

beep boop

Hey Beep boop!

Yes I did manage to get in contact with my teacher eventually! Turns out the email address we were given for her was outdated and that was why she hadn't received any of my messages. Of course there was some other drama where they lost one of my SACs lol

I am planning on catching up on some notes during the holidays as well as play some video games because it has been a hot minute since I've been able to. What are your plans?
Literature, Methods, Further, Chemistry, Legal Studies, Psychology, Classical Studies, Physics


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Re: SnekiSnek's Journey Journal
« Reply #51 on: June 18, 2022, 10:50:14 pm »
(Small little update here to try and bully myself in being consistent with posting for the rest of the year)

My Chemistry SAC did not go as well as I thought it would and I am pretty sure that the inventor of the IUPAC naming conventions is rolling in their grave right now based on how I named some of the molecules.

For Physics, I am really not sure how well I am going to score because I feel like my explanations of some of the key concepts (yay electromagnetic induction!) were a little muddled and hard to follow. I can explain the concepts orally but being able to write it down in a way that makes sense is super difficult for some reason.

Today I really wanted to write my practice Lit essay as the SAC is next week but I am having a complete and utter brain breakdown at the moment and can't word what I want to say properly
Literature, Methods, Further, Chemistry, Legal Studies, Psychology, Classical Studies, Physics

beep boop

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Re: SnekiSnek's Journey Journal
« Reply #52 on: June 21, 2022, 09:28:42 pm »
I am planning on catching up on some notes during the holidays as well as play some video games because it has been a hot minute since I've been able to. What are your plans?

I'm gonna binge watch some shows I've missed out on and patiently waiting for the new minions movie.

Hopefully I can get the rest I need these holidays.  ::) ;D
class of '22
'21: viet sl [36], bio
'22: psych, methods, spesh, chem, eng lang
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder and proximity makes the heart want to barf."-Mr K, Never have I Ever
yr 12 stuff :)


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Re: SnekiSnek's Journey Journal
« Reply #53 on: July 20, 2022, 01:33:45 pm »
So uh I got covid the first week of holidays and it has completely wiped me out, all that planning to do a bunch of schoolwork over the holidays? Yeah that did not happen. So I am still very behind on Unit 3 notes for all my subjects and I don't know when I am going to get time to catch up again.

Anyways a few more SAC results:

Chem: Didn't do that badly to be honest in comparison with everyone else and the errors were just silly little mistakes so I feel like I understand the content reasonably well

Physics: 19/22 on the SAC!!!! This has been the best result I have gotten for physics all year and I did a lot better than the next person so feeling pretty great about it right now

Literature: No result yet

Classical Studies: Got another decent score and about on par with what I expected

A lot of stuff went down on the last week of school that really affected my motivation and mental health, so the Lit sac probably wasn't that great, but I am slowly recovering
Literature, Methods, Further, Chemistry, Legal Studies, Psychology, Classical Studies, Physics