I thought it would be necessary to include a new general guide for those who wish to have a high study score in psychology.
Here is a general guide in succeeding in psychology.
1. Get yourself a copy of the current study design.
http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/vcaa/vce/studies/psychology/psychologysd2010.pdfThis will serve as your main resource to keep you on track of what you should be studying, and the topics that you will cover.
2. For each dot point of the study design, take it apart,
brainstorm. Writing this in another notebook or just typing up these notes will consolidate information (however studies suggest handwriting can be linked to consolidation more than typing notes).
Ask Questions! Don't be that one person in class that thinks, 'I've got this, it's easy.' I know psychology can be easy in a clear view, however it is more beneficial to apply your knowledge to everyday life. An example of the unit three and four topics such as memory and learning link to student life, as well as stress during year 12.
Think Outside The Box! This can be anything from listening to podcasts, reading relevant information like recent psychological studies, and making your own practice exam.

I had a thread around here somewhere of videos from the big bang theory. two and a half men, etc, related to learning!
Always discuss topics with classmates and the teacher. I love to talk about psychology, I find a lot of the information interesting and very engaging. You can be exposed to information from a different perspective.
6. Remember, you have
two exams! This gives you a lot more time to study for each one, especially if Psychology is your only mid-year, (thus allowing you to maintain attention towards it).
Practice, Practice, Practice! Practice exams are perfect for testing your knowledge. Try to aim for at least one a day at least two weeks before the exam.
Use your resources! Books, practice exams, *coughs* moderators.

P.S. please do not message me asking for practice exams. I unfortunaly don''t have any at the moment.
Most of all, good luck, psychology is a rewarding and useful subject, where information can be applied to everyday life in a variety of beneficial ways.
Below are some other students advice.