ATAR Notes Practice ExamsDoing practice exams is one of the best methods for exam preparation, but free practice exams can be hard to find! That’s why we’ve created these ATAR Notes Practice Exams for a range of VCE’s most popular subjects.
Download Free VCE Practice ExamsWe have uploaded all of the practice exams to the ATAR Notes Forums, where you can download them 24/7, and for absolutely no price.
It’s important to note that you will need to be logged in to your ATAR Notes account to see and download the attachments. If you do not currently have an ATAR Notes account, you can create one for free by following this link.You can download the practice exams at the links below:
Biology Units 3&4💯
Chemistry Units 3&4💯
Further Maths Units 3&4💯
HHD Units 3&4💯
Legal Studies Units 3&4💯
Maths Methods Units 3&4💯
Psychology Units 3&4About the Practice Exams⭐ We had such a high demand for practice exams at our
free lectures recently, and we didn’t want anybody to miss out. These exams are brand new!
Solutions to the exams have also been included in separate attachments.⭐ The exams were carefully created by
TuteSmart tutors as a gift from us, to you.
⭐ The exams are fully updated and relevant for the current study designs at time of writing.
Where to Get More VCE Help⭐ Ask any questions you have in our
online VCE community.
⭐ Check out our
VCE study + revision videos.
⭐ Best prepare for SACs and exams with
Complete Course Notes,
Topic Tests, and
Text Guides.
⭐ Study from anywhere – get unlimited access to the best VCE study guides online with
⭐ Considering tutoring for your subjects? Check out
TuteSmart: smarter VCE tutoring.
We really hope you enjoy these free VCE practice exams and solutions. Remember: if you have any questions, feel free to let us know – you are always welcome in the ATAR Notes community, and we would love to help! 💙
Alright, we already know that ATARNotes is
NOT the place for asking for illegal materials (so to those few users that do, please stop asking for them), however, that doesn't mean that you won't be able to sit practice exams for your subjects.
Free resources to try:VCAA: Your first port of call for official past exam papers.
Engage Education: Numerous free exams for a wide variety of subjects.
TSFX: You may need to join their "VCEdge Online" program (free of charge), but they have numerous exam resources for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Methods and Spesh.
iTute: and Many exams for maths and physics.
KBT: Attached
here. Exams for chemistry (link thanks to Mr. Study).
ATARNotes user produced exams:
Thelson VCE Unit 4 Chemistry Trial ExamPsych:
Hyland 2011 Psychology Unit 4 ExamMethods:
Puffy (Paulsterio + Luffy) 2011 - Maths Methods - ATARNotes Trial ExaminationMethods:
Cosine's Exam 1 for Methods!Methods:
LLeong VCE Units 3&4 Mathematical Methods Practice ExamMethods:
Methods 1 Created Practise ExamMethods:
Hancock's 2nd Practise Methods Exam 1Spesh:
Puffy 2011 - Specialist Maths - ATARNotes Trial ExaminationSpesh:
Specialist Practice Exam 1English:
Lauren's Free Original Practice Exams for English 2014 and
Free Original Practice Exams - 2015HHD:
HHD practice SAC and examHHD:
yearningforsimplicity's HHD Unit 3&4 exam! :)Your school: They should have an ENORMOUS amount of exam resources (whether hard-copy or soft-copy) from companies such as NEAP, STAV, Heffernan, MAV, TSSM, TSFX, Insight, Kilbaha, Chemology, etc. Not all schools have all of these, but they should have enough. If they don't (and remember to ask teachers, library staff and raid your school portal/intranet/etc. first), tell them to get off their lazy backsides and purchase them for you (they probably will)!
If you have any other legal sources, post them in this thread and I'll update this main post!