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Revolutions or Philosophy?
« on: December 05, 2012, 11:31:45 pm »
Hi everyone.

I am a bit confused as to which of these subjects I should do. I will be doing these by distance ed because my school doesn't offer them, and will also be doing them as unit 3/4 while in year 11. I am not concerned about having to catch up because I find both of these subjects very interesting, and know I can do well in both as long as I stay focused throughout the year.

I wish I could do both, but I have all my other subjects decided and only have one free spot.

To people who have done both of these subjects (or only one...), which would you recommend? Which subject is more interesting? Also, would it be difficult doing through distance ed?

2013: Literature
2014: English, Revolutions, Psychology, Biology, Methods


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Re: Revolutions or Philosophy?
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2012, 12:53:11 am »
In my opinion,

Revolutions involves history work and looking into the 'nitty gritties' of the past as well as discovering the purposes as to why revolts were held, from what I hear you delve into the mysteries of the past and identify the works of history which involves much research and work to get good marks. However, this is what makes History interesting and the main reason why people decide to take up History: Revolutions is because of their love for past and understanding such works of Karl Marx and the Communist revolt among various other works.
If you love history and you enjoy the working and research then History would be a good option to choose.

Philosophy is a subject which mixes elements of history and logic from ideologies of various philosophers, through analysis of texts as well as forming your own opinions and demonstrating validity through use of logic, Philosophy studies thoughts and beliefs, throughout the Philosophy course you literally study wisdom through reading and discussing various texts.
Philosophy really makes use of logic and reasoning and that's ultimately how people score well in Philosophy, being able to express your views and analyzing, evaluating the views of philosophers - thinking independently. Philosophy is the study of wisdom and really helps to keep people on their feet in terms of expression and independent thinking, If you like this sort of subject which requires in-depth analysis/evaluation and forming your own independent ideas; Philosophy is for you.

Good luck, make sure you select the subject that you think you will do best at/you will enjoy the most and what you believe will benefit you most in the coming future!
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Re: Revolutions or Philosophy?
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2012, 03:30:02 am »
I only did Revolutions this year (2012). It's a lot of reading, as there are multiple viewpoints for almost every event. John1995 has described the course well, and to give you an idea of workload, reading alone takes quite a large portion of your time, as you're reading two textbooks (one for each revolution), and excerpts from numerous historians. It's manageable, though, and many people in my class maybe did only 5-6 hours a week (they'd probably hit a study score between 25-35).

John1995 has really laid out the two options for you well, and now it's just up to you to decide what you think you'd be most passionate about (and best at).

Good luck, and keep us all posted!
Monash Arts/Law