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Re: The truth game
« Reply #240 on: January 13, 2013, 12:15:32 pm »
Cadbury-Marvellous Creations. This is my favourite range of Cadbury chocolates...so yummy!!!

What was your favourite cartoon as a kid?
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Re: The truth game
« Reply #241 on: January 13, 2013, 07:44:37 pm »
The Simpsons (it probably still is :P).

What is your opinion on gender reassignment surgery (aka sex change)? Answer must have a minimum of 25 words.
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Re: The truth game
« Reply #242 on: January 13, 2013, 07:56:38 pm »
I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea for a number of reasons, yet if it is what someone wants, and it'll make them a happier and healthier person both mentally and physically, then I guess there should be no real issue; assuming of course that the procedure(s) are carried out by trained and certified medical professionals :)

In 50 words or less, what are your thoughts on the Israel-Palestinian conflict?
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Re: The truth game
« Reply #243 on: January 13, 2013, 08:38:36 pm »
I am not too knowledgable about all this politics stuff, but I will try to answer it as best as I could. I and most would believe that this whole conflict is wrong, I mean Israel in the first place has truly no right to invade Palestine, kill and harm the innocent and then declare that the land belongs to them. In short, the Israelis should hand the land back to its original owners, the Palestinians.(this way I believe is most likely to be the only way in which this damaging conflict may finally be resolved harmoniously). To put what I said in a more clear perspective, imagine yourself stealing this new and precious iPhone you always wanted off a person. This as a result, makes you feel guilty and the person whose iPhone was stolen is so saddened that he lost his precious phone. The obvious and best way you can resolve this is by handing the iPhone back to its original owner. Sorry for the large word count but yeah these are my thoughts of this conflict.

In your eyes,what is the cutest thing/animal/character?

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Re: The truth game
« Reply #244 on: January 13, 2013, 09:05:48 pm »
Peacocks are the most amazing creatures! Especially albino peacocks. Their feathers look like cotton balls. They are just super cute!

What is the best board game?


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Re: The truth game
« Reply #245 on: January 13, 2013, 09:10:44 pm »
Peacocks are the most amazing creatures! Especially albino peacocks. Their feathers look like cotton balls. They are just super cute!

(Image removed from quote.)

What is the best board game?

Wow that is a cool bird

Best board game =pictionary

What would you do if you failed your vce?


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Re: The truth game
« Reply #246 on: January 14, 2013, 02:25:07 pm »
What would you do if you failed your vce?
I'm not too sure what 'fail' means, so I'm going to tackle a few different scenarios.

Failing, as in not satisfying the criteria to pass the VCE:
So to pass VCE you must complete 16 units. This must be 3 units of an English subject, where at least one must be Units 3 or Units 4 (So out of Unit 1, 2, 3, 4 English, you have room to fail one of those). You also need to pass 3 units 3/4 studies. So basically, you'd be needing to do at least 4 subjects and pass units 1, 2, 3 and 4 to satisfy the VCE. If you fail one of those, you'd need to take another subject etc.

In this case we have no year 12 certificate and would imply doing pretty damn poorly across the board in most subjects. There's the option of repeating VCE and the subjects you failed, I'd probably take this.

Failing, as in not satisfying the criteria to receive an ATAR:
To get an ATAR you need to pass Units 3 and 4 of an English subject and then get a study score for all of these subjects. So in this case we still have a Year 12 certificate, but not an ATAR to get into uni.

So let's say I failed Unit 4 English. I think I would just repeat that English subject.

Failing, as in receiving a low ATAR:
Let's quantify this as an ATAR less than 30. This probably means bombing out on VCE exams and probably is the most realistic way I would have "failed".

In this case I wouldn't touch VCE again, I already put in the effort to study and VCE isn't that stimulating to be honest. There's those uni pathway courses that I could have considered (e.g. Monash College, MIBT and similar stuff to what RMIT and VU offers with doing a TAFE-ish kinda course before). That's if I still wanted to go to uni, which would most likely be the case.

Otherwise, my ultimate back up option probably would have been is to consider just doing a TAFE course on the side and trying to get into the workforce - in which case would probably be IT since that's probably the only relatively employable skill I currently have.

Question: Do you think the world would be better off without money? Why?


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Re: The truth game
« Reply #247 on: January 18, 2013, 03:09:01 am »
Question: Do you think the world would be better off without money? Why?

I don't think we could have a world without money really. Money used to be tied to a redeemable amount of gold but its value is based on its ability to buy you things. It's just a way to represent value. If we had no money, we could trade or barter with thing but that doesn't seem very efficient of flexible. There might of been a time where everyone put things into a big communal chest or something and just shared all they had, much like you share things with your family but i dont know how well that'll work in a modern technological society.

Even your labour and skills have some kind of value, thats why people are willing to pay for them.

So, we'll never do away with value or probably even currency nor will we get rid of peoples desires for things, even if they don't necessarily need them (70" plasma's and sports cars for example).

The real problem is how that value is spread around. Our whole economic system is based on the fact your employer makes more, probably much more, off your labour than he pays you. Some might think there's an inherent problem with that, especially in the cases of those making very little. Our money and costs should be shared to a degree, just like a family. Those who have no job get some money to get back on the feet, the poorest in our society get extra help, those who can afford to chip in more do. The problem isn't so much money or value but how it's used and distributed.

Question: My ship is badly damaged. I removed the damaged parts and replace them with new parts. Over the course of a few days of non-stop work, the ship is repaired. However, it was so badly damaged, that every single part had to be totally new. Is it still the same ship?

I dont like to waste things so i then used to the old parts to make a completely new ship from scratch, it looked exactly like the old one.

Are either of these the original ship?

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Re: The truth game
« Reply #248 on: January 25, 2013, 12:17:54 am »
Short answer: No.

Long answer: Obviously, everyone will have a different answer, but this is mine. I will define the repaired ship as the original ship if it has never been wholly rebuilt, if it looks mostly the same and if it is made of mostly the same material.

The first option: You are basically saying that you get rid of the old ship (by removing all the damaged parts, which was the whole ship) and rebuild it with new parts to look the same. Since the material is different, this ship is not the original ship.

The second option: This is unlikely, as you say the ship is badly damaged, so the salvaged, undamaged parts would not be enough alone to build a new ship from scratch. Anyway, let's ignore this. Although the same material is used and the new ship looks exactly the same, it has already been wholly rebuilt (refer to definition). Therefore, this is also not the original ship.

If you had the spend the rest of you life alone except for a celebrity of your choice, who would you choose and why?

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Re: The truth game
« Reply #249 on: January 25, 2013, 12:31:41 am »
Depends who you define as a celebrity and if they can be living or dead. It's a really hard question. I think Emma Watson and Kirsten Stewart are kind of cute but i doubt that'll last me for the rest of my life, who knows if they're interesting. That's if you mean someone who's in movies or TV.

If it isn't that, then, i guess someone who's lived a really interesting life or knows a lot about something i'm interested in. Maybe someone like Barrack Obama or many other people who i'm totally mental blanking on right now. That's assuming they still have to alive. If they weren't maybe one of the great philosophers or religious teachers.

Then again, how long could we keep talking through interesting stuff, 10 years max? Maybe just someone really awesome i'd naturally go well with, like to hang out with and have fun with. Someone who understands who you are.

What is one belief people hold that surprises or shocks you the most?

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2011-15: Bachelor of Science/Arts (Religious studies) @ Monash Clayton - Majors: Pharmacology, Physiology, Developmental Biology
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