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RMIT Subject Reviews and Ratings
« on: January 05, 2014, 09:33:55 pm »

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Total: 12 reviews
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[b]Subject Code/Name:[/b] [url=insert link here]SUBJECT CODE SUBJECT NAME[/url]  Please insert the handbook link for the subject, and replace SUBJECT CODE SUBJECT NAME with the appropriate details

[b]Workload:[/b]  (specify how many lectures, pracs, tutes ect. and their duration)

[b]Assessment:[/b]  (Outline the various assessments which make up the subject and how much each counts for)

[b]Lecture Recording Enabled:[/b]  Yes, with/without screen capture etc.

[b]Past exams available:[/b]  Yes, how many?  No.  Was there a sample exam?

[b]Textbook Recommendation:[/b]  What must you buy?  What is "recommended"?  Do you need it?


[b]Year & Semester of completion:[/b]

[b]Rating:[/b]  Out of 5

[b]Your Mark/Grade:[/b] (Optional)

[b]Comments: [/b] Give your overall opinion of the subject, lecturers, assessment etc. and a recommendation, plus anything else which you feel is relevant.

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« Last Edit: November 04, 2019, 06:47:14 pm by AngelWings »
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Re: RMIT Subject Reviews and Ratings
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2014, 12:35:05 am »
Subject Code/Name: BIOL2374 - Principles of Human Biology 


3 x one hour lectures
1 x one hour tutorial
4 x ~ 2 hour Pracs (though everyone normally finishes early)


These are MC quizzes that happen at the end of week 5,8 and 12. It basically just there to make sure you are learning the material, as with all tests are. They are ~ 25-30 questions long.
Quiz 1 - Tests your knowledge on the basic anatomy as well as all the different cells and organs in your body. Defence (the immune system) is also tested.
Quiz 2 - These tests your knowledge about movement, transportation and communication in the human body. Waste is also tested.
Quiz 3 - This test includes the rest of the topics: Support, genes and genetics, Vertebrate body plan and sex, growth and development.

Pracs - 10%
These happen depending on whether your course is odd(wks: 3,5,9,11) or even(wks: 4,6,8,10). The pracs are in small groups not individually.
Prac 1 - Will test your knowledge in identifying the different bones and joints in the human body as well as the different terminology used to describe them.
Prac 2- Tests you knowledge about waste in the the human body, how it is made and how it is excreted......this prac is not a pretty sight *shivers*
Prac 3 - Relatively normal. This prac is about movement and support (diffusion basically).
Prac 4 - Pretty cool, this is where you get to touch cadavers. Basically there are ~3 tables in the lab each with its own cadaver. The cadaver has all these labels attached to most of the muscles/bones and your job will be to identify each of them.
I found what I thought was a gall bladder once.....turns out it was a tumor  :-\

The Dreaded Group Assignment - 20%
To make it worse its in the form of a poster (-.-), though this depends on the individual. Basically, you create a group of 4-5 people and select a topic from the list given (my groups was cannabis' effect on the brain..don't ask why). Once you select your topic you have about 3-4 weeks to complete it. Now this poster should not be taken lightly (as my group did), the poster should not be like a poster you would make in high school with neat fancy borders, awesome looking headings etc, the lecturer does not care about that because this is a scientific poster. All he wants to see is detailed info with some graphs.

Final examination - 60% NOT A HURDLE
When I did the exam there were no short answer questions...just 100 multiple choice. But apparently that was a first for my year so it may or may not be the same for the years to come.

Lecture Recording Enabled: 

Yes, the lecture is recorded with screen capture.

Past exams available:
Maybe 1 or two, which is a similar trait that most health science courses have in common. Besides the limited past exams, you can do the quizzes as many times as you want

Textbook Recommendation: 
You should definitely get 'Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach (either 5th or 6th edition)', this textbook is pretty much made for this course, as it covers every topic.
Pocock and Richards The Human Body: An introduction for the biomedical and health sciences, Oxford is recommended to get (I just borrowed it from the library), it gets your head around the detailed parts of the human anatomy and physiology.

Other than textbooks, obvious things such as lab coats and safety glasses must be bought (if you don't have them already).

Dr. Jeremy Keens
Dr. Bruce Byrne

Year & Semester of completion:
2013 semester 1


Your Mark/Grade:
     91 (HD)

Did you do biology in year 12? Well it doesn't matter, because your mind will be blown from week 2. This course makes you learn all the major bones and tendons and organs of the human body in about 3 weeks then moves onto the next topic. Its pretty crazy. But, if you hang in there it will get easier. The topics down the track are topics that are familiar in VCE biology. The work load is alright, its not too demanding. I kid you not, but the lecturer Jeremy Keens is actually a pretty cool hippy (not being rude, he calls himself a hippy of modern day science). His lectures are always hilarious (which made me go to all of them). The other lecturer Bruce Byrne is actually kinda intimidating at times.
The 100 MC final exam was a killer for me. The most MC I have ever done in an exam was 45 and that was in VCE psychology.
I guess for this subject, don't go in thinking its going to be a piece of cake since its a biology subject, it won't end well, trust me, the only reason why I ended up with a HD in it was because I left a $50 in the exam paper..nah im kidding, I just really worked my butt off made sure I was never too far behind in terms of the workload.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 10:03:50 am by literally lauren »
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Re: RMIT Subject Reviews and Ratings
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2014, 01:33:34 am »
Subject Code/Name: BIOL2272 - Biology of the Cell

3 x one hour lectures
No tutorial but there are tutorial questions uploaded every week with the answers being uploaded the week after.
4 x two hours pracs


Mid-semester test - 20%
It is in week 6 and tests all your knowledge in: cells & organelles, Biomolecules, Proteins and Nucleic acids, transcription and translation.

Pracs - 20%
There will be 4 pracs that will be on the following:
Cells-tissues histology
Cell replication
Genetics (dry prac)
Enzyme activity

Online tests/quizzes - 20%
These occur throughout the semester, there is no particular pattern, the lecturer just puts them up whenever.

End of semester examination - 40% NOT A HURDLE
The exam is out of 80 marks with 50 of those marks being MC and the other 30 being SA. There will be 4 different topics in the SA section. Each topic has 2 different questions in which you can only pick one of them to answer, so in the end you will answer 4 questions one from each topic in the SA part.

Lecture Recording Enabled: 
Yes, with screen capture

Past exams available:
A practice mid semester test is available  but other than that....there is nothing.

Textbook Recommendation: 
Well actually, the lecturer (Ian Darby) made a textbook specifically for 'Biology of the Cell', so that is highly recommended to be bought, though if you did 3/4 VCE biology then getting a textbook is practically useless.

Dr.Ian Darby
Dr.Samantha Richardson
A/Prof.Terry Piva

Year & Semester of completion:
2013 semester 1

Rating:  Out of 5

Your Mark/Grade:

100 (HD)

I will be really honest here...this subject is just like 3/4 VCE biology. If you did 3/4 biology then you can practically just look over those notes (minus the evolution part) and still get a HD. There are just some slight parts like learning a new function for CAMPs but nothing too extreme. The first topic you learn are the different organelles of a cell, then you move onto biomacromolecules, transcription/translation, genetics, cell cycle, mitosis,meiosis, metabolic pathways and finally cell types.
The lecturers, well, I don't know, they felt like year 8 teacher to me. They weren't entirely mean but they weren't funny either, they just seemed to teach and then leave so nothing worth talking about.
In terms of assessment, well I liked the idea of a mid-sem test, it increased my chances of a higher mark. But I just thought of those tutorials questions as weird, its like they thought of having tutorials but cbf teaching them so they just upload the questions and answers and make us correct them ourselves. hmmm. But I actually loved this subject, it seemed so nice compared to my other uni subjects which forced me to stay up late hours at night.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2014, 02:07:27 pm by MagicGecko »
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Re: RMIT Subject Reviews and Ratings
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2014, 02:18:34 am »
Subject Code/Name: MATH2160 - Engineering Mathematics A 

3 x two hour lectures
1 x one hour tutorial


In-class tests - 30%
Each test is worth 5% so screwing up one test is not the end of the world. The test happens every second week in place of the tutorial. Ok I will be honest with you, there is possibly no way in which you can do bad in these tests(unless you have a social disorder of course) because unlike your normal tests, for some reason you can just walk over to someone else in the class and say 'hey help me on this one' and they will help you and everyone starts helping each other and there are also tutors that help you if you need help in the test and HOLY sugar I wish it was like this during my SACS in VCE! But yes, the in-class tests are like free marks.

Online tests - 20%
These tests only open once you have covered a major topic. There are 4 major topics in engineering math A and they are: Trigonometric functions, Complex numbers, differential equations and integration. Just like with the in-class tests these are worth 5% each. And also like the in class tests, since these are online you can choose to do them in groups or by yourself, whichever suits you best.

Final examination - 50% NOT A HURDLE
The exam is split into MC and SA and worth 80 marks. There are approximately 25 MC and the rest are SA.

Lecture Recording Enabled:
No, there is absolutely no lecture recordings so if you don't go to a lecture well.....make sure you get the notes form someone else.

Past exams available: 
Yes, there are too many actually I didn't even get through them all by the time the exam came around.

Textbook Recommendation: 
'Engineering Mathematics (fourth ed) by Croft, Davison, Hargreaves, Flint' is the recommended book but you can just go over your old methods or spesh book if you have one.

Dr.Robin Hill
Kosta Gerontzos

Year & Semester of completion:
2013 semester 1


Your Mark/Grade:
94/100 (HD)

I honestly cannot distinguish between the lectures and the tutorials for this subject mainly because the lecturer (Kosta Gerontzos) taught just my program. But Kosta was really fun, he actually bought two big cheesecakes on our last tute (random but it tasted good).
Just a bit of advice but even though with this subject you can get high marks easy in tests by asking others, it would be best if you don't do that every time, maybe once or twice is ok but its important that you learn to become independent in your learning which is what university will soon be like.
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Re: RMIT Subject Reviews and Ratings
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2016, 09:33:14 pm »
Hi , do you think the math component would be too difficult for someone who only got mid 30s for Methods 3/4 . Thanks


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Re: RMIT Subject Reviews and Ratings
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2016, 11:05:40 pm »
Hi , do you think the math component would be too difficult for someone who only got mid 30s for Methods 3/4 . Thanks
If the university lets you take it (i.e., there isn't a specialist math prereq), then you'll be okay so long as you rock up to class and try hard to learn it :)
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Re: RMIT Subject Reviews and Ratings
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2017, 06:55:18 pm »
Subject Code/Name: ECON1030 Business Statistics

Workload: 1x one hour tutorial, 1x two hour lecture

30% = Online tests x 4. Your top 3 results for these tests are counted.
20% = Project/Assignment, you can do this in a group but it can be done solo. Fairly straightforward.
50% = MC Exam

Lecture Recording Enabled:  Yes with screen capture

Past exams available:  Yes, they provide a lot of past exams

Textbook Recommendation:  No mandatory or prescribed books. They may refer to a certain book occasionally but don't bother with it.

Lecturer(s): Jian He, Yonatan Navon, Peter Sivey, Sivagowry Sriananthakumar

Year & Semester of completion: Sem 1 2017

Rating:  4/5

Your Mark/Grade: HD

Comments: This is basically further maths, it is incredibly easy. You can skip tutorials, though the (my) tutors are good and the material covered in tutorial is quite thorough.

Not much to say about this subject, it's fairly straightforward. Plenty of sample/practice exams and very thorough tutorial material, go through most of it and it should be an easy HD.


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Re: RMIT Subject Reviews and Ratings
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2017, 07:10:57 pm »
Subject Code/Name: ACCT2033 Financial Accounting and Analysis 

Workload:  1x one hour tute, 1x two hour lecture

30% = 3x online tests
20% = group project, comprised of two parts
50% = exam

Lecture Recording Enabled:  Yes, with screen capture

Past exams available:  Yes, only one.

Textbook Recommendation:  Financial Accounting: reporting, analysis and decision making 5th edition. Questions from the book are covered in the tutorials and detailed answers are on LMS

Lecturer(s): Does anyone even care about who the lecturers are?

Year & Semester of completion: Sem 1 2017

Rating:  2.5/5

Your Mark/Grade: HD

Subject content is boring, but fundamental to accounting. It can be hard to initially grasp, but once you get the hang of it you'll be pumping out T accounts and financial statements in no time.

Online tests are fast (10 or 20 minutes, 10 questions), but they reuse questions from other sources. Just copy paste the questions into google and you'll find the answers. Moderate difficulty.

You must choose your own groups. Part 2 of this assignment is a huge pain in the ass because you need to use university software (MYOB) to complete it, meaning you (and by extension, your group) have to come to uni. I had an extremely negative experience with this assignment with regards to group member schedules and excuses so I would recommend just doing everything yourself, the assignment is not much work and can be done solo.

The exam is short/long answer questions. Make sure you know how to do statements of cash flows (direct & indirect method) as this will be on every exam. Other financial statements may or may not appear. There will be 2 or 3 marks on the dumb crap taught to you in lecture 1/2 that noone cares about.

Tutors try to go through the questions in the textbook but you can just look at the detailed answers on the LMS. You may have to come to tutes to hand in/receive assignments though.

It may be a good idea to get the book but you'll live without it.


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Re: RMIT Subject Reviews and Ratings
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2017, 07:22:28 pm »
Subject Code/Name: ECON1010 Macroeconomics 1 

Workload:  1x one hour tute, 1x two hour lecture

10% = Online test (x1)
40% = Assignments x2
50% = MC Exam

Lecture Recording Enabled:  Yes, with screen capture

Past exams available:  No

Textbook Recommendation:  Principles of Macroeconomics: Australia and New Zealand Edition (2015). You don't need the book.

Lecturer(s): My dog

Year & Semester of completion: Sem 1 2017

Rating:  2/5

Your Mark/Grade: HD

Do not bother with tutorials, unless you're really struggling. The tutors are disinterested and robotic.
The assignments are rather annoying. They word questions poorly and can be hard to interpret. Staff are not helpful.
The exam is fairly easy, a 50 MCQ test.

Do it if you have to, but I wouldn't recommend this subject.


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Re: RMIT Subject Reviews and Ratings
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2017, 09:48:59 am »
Subject Code/Name: GEOM1022 Physical Geography

Workload: 1x2hr lecture and 1x2hr practical per week

-2x Class Test (20%) 40%
-Essay (Blog format) 30%
-5x Practical Exercise (6%) 30%
-3xTutorial quizzes [Not assessed]

Lecture Recording Enabled:  Yes, with screen capture

Textbook Recommendation:  A Geography Textbook from highschool or Physiography of Victoria: An Introduction to Geomorphology - Sherbon

Lecturer(s):Colin Arrowsmith, Jim Boyd (He took the plate tectonics section) and a guest lecture by Lucas Holden

Year & Semester of completion:Semester 2 2017

Rating: 3 Out of 5

This course isn't hard at all and is quite straight-forward. As long as you put in the effort to understand the content and not bludge it.

Colin and Jim are extremely hard to listen to due their accents and deep voices. So I would recommend coming into the lecture theatre just for the better audio quality. If you can get them a microphone to use then your life will be made easier. They aren't mandatory or compulsory to attend though if you already understand the concepts and content they are presenting. If you don't understand them already go to the lecture as the slides are extremely bare bones. Oh also Colin loves putting pictures from his trip into the Powerpoints, it is useful to know the places he mentions like the mountains for plate movement as he asks for specific locations on the test.

Speaking of tests, the revision sheet he gives you is pretty much what he'll ask you to do. If you can remember and know how to do the stuff on it then you'll succeed and pass the tests relatively easily.
The practical exercises aren't ideal due to them being this year starting at 8:30am, but I highly advise doing them as soon as possible. As he gives you the answers to them in those sessions.

His consultation hours are very open & broad, I would advise shooting him an email to book an appointment. Just in the off chance he isn't available when you come to see him. But he is very helpful in making sure you get your questions answered and solving any issues you have.

The class is a mix between Environmental students, Surveying & Geospatial students as well as a few Postgraduate students and students taking this as an elective as well. You can take that for what it is.
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Re: RMIT Subject Reviews and Ratings
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2018, 06:34:09 pm »
Subject Code/Name: Financial Accountability and Reporting

Workload:  1x  two hour lecture, 1x one hour tutorial

30% in-class tests - form a group and cooperate on a test. You share the same mark, so make sure you don't group with retards.
20% group assignment - form a group and create a video presentation, analyzing a financial report with set assignment questions.
50% exam

Lecture Recording Enabled:  Yes

Past exams available:  Limited past exams available, but other revision is provided

Textbook Recommendation:  Lecturers/Tutors will try to push the book as necessary; don't bother. You can easily HD this without the book.

Lecturer(s): Giulla Leoni, other dudes were kinda forgettable

Year & Semester of completion: Sem 2 2017

Rating:  4/5

Your Mark/Grade: HD

I specifically mentioned the lecturer for once because she was decent. The other lecturer is also great but I stopped going to lectures after that. Just kidding, I never visited or watched a single lecture. Giulla does put effort in though and even makes a facebook group so she deserves an honourable mention.

The tutorials are dependent on the tutor you get (like always) - some tutors will give you the answers on the class tests and ask for good ratings on the student survey in return (classic RMIT), others are more strict and aren't as half-assed. If you're looking to get easy good marks look for the former tutor. It might also be fun to report the tutors for corruption or something at the final survey. The tests themselves are fairly simple if you've actually bothered to go through the lecture material.

The assignment is a weird one. You prepare an answer to preset assignment questions analysing a company of your choice, but it has to be done via video presentation. It's fairly simple and takes maybe 30m-1hr to prepare an answer (assuming equal portion of work), followed by maybe 1 hour of filming/editing. If your group members are incompetent it's still easy to prepare the answers for every question by yourself (maybe 3 hours at most), but make sure you at least group with coherent members who can be understood when recorded.

The exam is piss easy. I believe it was entirely short answer.

I know I said "easy" a lot but there is honestly very little content in this subject, and all of it is fairly simple to understand. Assuming you've at least done 1 fundamental accounting subject, it should be a breeze.


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Re: RMIT Subject Reviews and Ratings
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2018, 06:54:29 pm »
Subject Code/Name: ACCT1056 - Auditing 1 

Workload:  1x two hour lecture; 1x one hour tute

Individual Assignment - 20% - Answer questions in a essay like format
Group Presentation - 30% - Oral presentation
Exam - 50%

Lecture Recording Enabled:  Yes

Past exams available:  Yes

Textbook Recommendation:  Gay and Simnett Auditing and Assurance Services in Australia 6e McGraw Hill - the group presentation is based on the questions/concepts/case studies within the book, so unfortunately you need it. Note that, in the first few tutes, students will be spreading around PDFs of it so make sure to be social.

Lecturer(s): Duc Phan

Year & Semester of completion: Sem 2 2017

Rating:  4.75/5

Your Mark/Grade: D

Comments: Despite this being my worst grade I give it high points because the lecturer, Duc Phan, puts in huge effort into the subject. Some key notes about it:

-It can often be a "wooly" - or qualitative subject. Combined with the massive amount of content, I would recommend grinding out a few questions here and there to iron out your knowledge.
-THERE IS A LOT OF CONTENT. Every weekly lecture has at least 60+ slides on it, and they are packed with information.
-As mentioned earlier, Duc puts a lot of effort into the subject and each week has a lot of supplementary learning materials.
-The group presentation isn't too difficult; students get to decide on which week they want to present (first come first served). I would recommend being the 2nd/3rd presenter so you can get it out of the way early (and stop coming to tutes), but you still can use the earlier presenters as a model.
-The individual assignment is deceptively hard. Try to find people to compare the assignment with. Make sure to cite your textbook and RTFQ.
-Do not be deceived by the easy first few weeks - from week 3/4 onwards, the subject becomes significantly harder and catches many off guard.


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Re: RMIT Subject Reviews and Ratings
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2018, 07:04:23 pm »
Subject Code/Name: ECON1020 Prices and Markets 

Workload:  1x two hour lecture, 1x one hour tute

20% weekly tests - best 5 are chosen out of 8
30% group assignment divided into 20% written, and 10% video presentation (basically just voice over a powerpoint)
50% exam - multiple choice

Lecture Recording Enabled:  Yes

Past exams available:  Yes

Textbook Recommendation:  Literally did not see a single person with the book. Easy HD without it. Also found it on google in like 5 seconds, but I never used it.

Lecturer(s): Bunch of dudes with strong accents

Year & Semester of completion: Sem 2 2017

Rating:  1.5/5

Your Mark/Grade: HD

The weekly tests are a joke. If you make an error, they show you the correct answer and you get to try again. If you fail to get 100% with that, then they only take your best 5 anyway so you have multiple chances to fuck up.

The group assignment is like every other one; match with idiots and you'll hate it, but it's straightforward if you get competent people. It's not particularly hard and the content is actually somewhat interesting - you choose a macroeconomic topic/phenomenon and make a presentation on it.

The exam is a piss easy MC one. I did not even study for it and after calculating backwards, realized I got 90+% on it.

You'll probably see a lot of non-Business students in this subject, as many Engineering students take it as part of a double major/degree with Business.


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Re: RMIT Subject Reviews and Ratings
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2018, 07:15:24 pm »
Subject Code/Name: ACCT1064 Cost Accounting 

Workload:  1x two hour lecture, 1x one hour tute

25% in class group test - around week 4-5
25% in class group test - around week 8-9
50% exam

Lecture Recording Enabled:  Yes

Past exams available:  Yes

Textbook Recommendation:  You can do without it. PDF can be easily found online though. I actually used the textbook here for revision.

Lecturer(s): Donald Trump

Year & Semester of completion: Sem 2 2017

Rating:  2/5

Your Mark/Grade: HD

The content is very quantitative and logical; it is simple to grasp but may take a bit of grinding because most questions you'll encounter are very huge and may be overwhelming. Practice is very important in Cost Accounting, so it's one of the few subjects where the book isn't compulsory but I would recommend finding a PDF to grind questions on. The exam is moderate in difficulty.

The tests usually revolve around concepts covered in the previous weeks. The actual content can be somewhat challenging but should be fine if you've kept up with content.

However, I have a major bone to pick about the tutes/tests. Cheating is RAMPANT amongst students who take this subject. This is because many tutors do not give a fuck, and allow students to cheat easily. Many take pictures of the test and send it to their friends. They had to alter the questions between tutes this sem after the staff caught on. All in all it's a shitshow and poor effort from the coordinators, and unfair to the honest students. Try to get a tute with a lazy-looking tutor, and group with that scummy/lazy guy who's likely to cheat and give you the answers.


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Re: RMIT Subject Reviews and Ratings
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2019, 02:48:38 pm »
Subject Code/Name: HWWS2192 PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES FOR CAREER PRACTITIONERS (1) - soon to be re-worked to HWWS2192 Practices in Career Design

Workload: No compulsory lectures or classes. Sporadic ~90-minute, optional recorded webinars (mostly centred on assignments and other discussion). Can complete 100% online. Content primarily delivered via readings online, across seven modules (each with sub-modules):
> Module 1: Adopting a professional approach
> Module 2: Working ethically
> Module 3: Connecting to clients and colleagues
> Module 4: Acknowledging diversity
> Module 5: Acquiring career development theory and knowledge
> Module 6: Managing information and resources
> Module 7: Understanding work and learning in the context of career development

Each module includes "Learning Notes", where you need to reflect or answer questions based on the learning material.

Three main assessments. Each of them is just pass/fail - no specific grades or marks.

> Assignment 1: Develop a learning contract
600 - 900 words. Need to select a sub-competency of one of CICA's professional standards to work on throughout the semester (page 11). For example, I chose:

2a Source, understand and apply credible, reliable labour market information that is free of bias.

Then had to develop goals to develop that sub-competency throughout the semester, and strategies related to those goals. I developed six strategies. Module 1 of this unit relates largely to goal-setting etc., and should be read before doing this assessment.

> Assignment 2: Undertake and report on the learning contract
600 - 900 words. I really struggled to get it in this limit (initially had 3k+ words). Need to undertake the strategies from assignment above throughout the semester. Assignment 2 requires an assessment of how you performed, and the extent to which you developed the sub-competency.

> Assignment 3: Summary of learning
1,500 - 2,000 words. Need to explain your understanding of each of the seven professional competencies, the extent to which you developed it through the semester, and how you can work on it in future.

Lecture Recording Enabled: No lectures. Optional (interactive) webinars recorded.

Past exams available: No exams.

Textbook Recommendation: No textbooks. All materials available online.

Lecturer(s): N/A

Year & Semester of completion: Semester 2, 2019

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Your Mark/Grade: Pass (only pass/fail)

Comments: I didn't really know what to expect from this course but enjoyed it overall. Pretty flexible in terms of times etc. - within reason, you can set your own deadlines for each of the assignments. Liked not having lectures and just working my way through the course material online via the modules. Found some of the learning notes a bit cumbersome at times. Module 5 took significantly longer than the rest (focused on theoretical underpinnings and approaches). Didn't mind the content of the module but would have allocated more time in hindsight (typically just got through one module per weekend - this one took its toll a bit). Found the word restrictions on assessments frustratingly low. Overall pretty happy. Course leaders were more than happy to support and assist wherever needed.

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.