Hello! Do you by any chance have some suggestions for The Left Hand of Darkness related texts? (no films, as I am doing Pan's Labyrinth as well) Hey, Joelle F-J!
Definitely got yourself a challenge there with that pair of prescribed texts for finding related texts but it's not impossible
I have previously recommended Shirley Jackson's
The Lottery and any of the short stories from Angela Carter's
The Bloody Chamber for people doing Re-Imagined Worlds so you might want to check those out! Some poems that I think will also work well with
The Left Hand of Darkness include Christina Rossetti's
Goblin Market and any of the poems from Margaret Rhee's
Love, Robot .
There are also some wonderful contemporary short films like Lily Darragh Harty's
The Fringes or Catherine Bonny's
Colony that might allow for some great connections to be drawn with your prescribed text too but do check if your teacher recommends it since they are technically the same medium as
Pan's Labyrinth. I've linked them below for you to have a look at!
Hope they help in some way and let us know what you end up deciding to go with!