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English Extension 2 Question Thread
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:31:08 pm »
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Hey there!

I'm that student who would have done Extension 3 English if it existed. I graduated in 2015 and Extension 2 was my equal highest scoring subject. I cannot express to you what it was like to see that I got 47 in this course. I do have my reaction on video, but we'll save that for a rainy day. I was stoked. Absolutely stoked. The subject that everyone said is "soooo subjectively marked" (perhaps so) somehow turned in my favour. My major work has a wisp of my soul in every word.

I wrote a creative short story. My concept was based on the idea of their being a perpetual difference between appearance and reality. My setting was 1952 America. I chose my setting because I studied After the Bomb (Cold War era) in Extension 1 English. I played with the ideas of Oedipus Complexes, Stockholm Syndrome and Cognitive Dissonance. I can honestly say that before I began my major work, I couldn't have given you a proper answer if you asked what each of those meant.

I've created this thread as a public Q&A. I'm going to be working on a few bigger posts in a kind of "guide form" so if there is anything you want in that content, private message me or comment below. Because I did do a creative, I'm limited in telling you about the other media forms you can submit. However, I will give you my best effort to answer questions as they come, in a very informative way. Why? Because I know how few resources there are out there for this subject. I was in your shoes, last year! If you are in a school where lots of people do Extension 2, you should be stoked. I was the only one who completed the course in my cohort, and I met with my teacher for one hour every fortnight. But hey, it didn't hurt that 47/50. So because I was clawing the internet for more resources, I'm hoping to be that resource for you.

Message me privately if you need to, I will never not reply to them. But I encourage you comment publicly so that everyone can share the experience and response with you!

« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 12:38:02 pm by brenden »
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Re: 47 in Extension 2 English: Ask me anything!
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2016, 09:09:21 pm »
Hey! I'm loving my E2 course and really enjoying the creation process of my major work. When did you finish your work by? When did you finish you first draft by? Could you give some tips for the process? Thanks x


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Re: 47 in Extension 2 English: Ask me anything!
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2016, 11:29:41 am »
Hey! I'm loving my E2 course and really enjoying the creation process of my major work. When did you finish your work by? When did you finish you first draft by? Could you give some tips for the process? Thanks x

Hey there, friend! I love that we're chatting on two different threads now haha.
Okay, so this is a goo question because everyone wants to know if they are behind or infront or what. I was the only student in my cohort to do Ext 2 so I had zero comparison of progress. So, by the end of this term I'd suggest that you want to be approaching half way in terms of word count. Obviously you have to halt your progress for half yearlies a little. I'm wary in saying where I think you should be at only because every creative mind works with a different process. However, I will speak from my experience. So by this stage I had my creative piece introduction kind of layed out, I had a lot of research ready but I was still constantly researching and reading and learning more, organically shaping my major work. After half yearlies I thought, okay, I've got to pump out some words here. No matter how shit they are, I need words. I can fix it later.

So this mentality built up my word limit and forced me to push through writer's block. Then I spent term 2 equally editing what I had so far and finishing my story. By the June holidays, I had completely finished my work and I really couldn't have left it any later. I mean, best case scenario is that you are three quarters or more complete. In saying this, I was only sitting on half way.

Spend term two going through the motions, updating your journal/log, reading more, editing more, writing more, getting more feedback and doing whatever other internal assessment your teacher set.

So, if I had to put this roughly it would look like this:

Term 4 - reading, reading, researching, reading, reading, developing concept, reading, reading, researching, writing everything in your journal.
Summer holidays - consolidating this knowledge or beginning the writing process.
Term 1 - writing. At this stage you are still researching, but keep writing. Only stop writing for half yearlies. Even then, try keep writing if you are behind. But don't let Extension 2 take over your other studies at this point - wait for the time near submission for that craziness to happen haha.
Term 1 holidays - try be half way. Better yet, be 3/4 of the way.
Term 2 - you probably have a lot of assessments at this point. So you've just got to power through and get words on the page.
Term 2 holidays - editing, editing everything. Also, be writing up a good version of your reflection statement.

Now...if you are reading this thinking "omg I'm already so behind" please don't! This is an idealistic schedule, but every writer/producer knows that schedules aren't always adhered to. Do your best.

My advice: When creativity strikes, WRITE. Drop everything. Because if you suffer writer's block, it's hard to push through.

My other advice: Use your journal. Log absolutely everything in there. Print off your drafts and stick them in with a date. Print off timelines, research, write down quotes, draw your thoughts. Do whatever! Just keep it logged. Keep your thoughts together, because it is easy for them to run wild...

Ask any more questions you have!
Throughout the year I want to focus on putting out some great content for Extension 2, because I know there is a gap in terms of resources for the topic! So every question a student asks, the more direction I have to know what you need! :)
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Re: 47 in Extension 2 English: Ask me anything!
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2016, 10:14:46 am »
Yes, I know hah!  :) I would just talk to you on one thread but I figure it might be helpful for others to see the feedback too.

That sounds pretty okay, I'm chugging along on that kind of schedule. We're at the beginning of week 3 and currently I've written probably a quarter of my word count. I literally sat in front of my computer for hours on the weekend and codlin write anything, just deleted everything I typed. Major writers block. Usually I have the problem of writing too much but on this I can't seem to write enough!

Thanks again, Brianna.


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Re: English Extension 2 Question Thread
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2016, 12:27:55 pm »
Hey, I think that the E2 course is quite enjoyable and i am finding that i am running well with my schedule in regards to my major work however i was hoping that you may possibly have some guidance for the report that is due? Any help is greatly appreciated in relation to where to start, exactly what boxes should i be ticking in writing the report and any other bits and bobs that could help.
Thankyou, Emily


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Re: English Extension 2 Question Thread
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2016, 11:02:10 pm »
Hey, I think that the E2 course is quite enjoyable and i am finding that i am running well with my schedule in regards to my major work however i was hoping that you may possibly have some guidance for the report that is due? Any help is greatly appreciated in relation to where to start, exactly what boxes should i be ticking in writing the report and any other bits and bobs that could help.
Thankyou, Emily

Hey there!

I believe most reports follow the instruction of being based on independent research/investigation? If yours is the same, I suggest you ensure you talk about:
-Research into form (seriously, do not underestimate the importance of this bad boy)
-Research into concept
-Research into context

Then don't forget that you can categorise the research you did into organic research, structured, in class, out of class, etc.

You can start by simply mind mapping or listing the main features of your research into the above categories. Make sure that each important feature of the investigation is followed by an evaluation. You will have done research that you won't mention in your report because it was not significant enough - and that is totally, totally fine. You have limited words. You need to make sure that you are making a clear correlation to your major work as it stands currently, and your independent research. Be reflective, but be formal.

Make sure you evaluate what research/independent investigation means to you as a composer of a text. Is research integral? Was it a starting point or is it a continual process? Is it continuing to reshape your work or did it just give you that initial clear image?

When I submitted my own report, my feedback was that I should have made it more similar to how an official reflection statement would be. I did well in the report, but my teacher was hoping to receive more so she could help me more for my reflection statement. So have a read of as many of them as you can, look at the criteria for them, and then adapt it to your report. The reason for this is, the report is supposed to be preparation for your reflection statement. It is getting you into the reflective mindset early on so that you can get feedback about how you handled something so personal to the creative process, in a formal way.

Congratulations on feeling like you're running on schedule with your major work! Term 2 is tough. Get as much of it done as possible so that you optimise your editing time - that is where the magic happens.

Let me know if you have any more questions...keep me posted! :)
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Re: English Extension 2 Question Thread
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2016, 04:55:21 pm »
I used real newspaper articles throughout my short story to set different scenes. I've italicised and quoted them, putting the publication date and newspaper under neath, but should I submit an addition bibliography or foot note? Cheers x


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Re: English Extension 2 Question Thread
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2016, 08:29:56 pm »
I used real newspaper articles throughout my short story to set different scenes. I've italicised and quoted them, putting the publication date and newspaper under neath, but should I submit an addition bibliography or foot note? Cheers x

Hi there! This sounds super interesting! I'd 100% make a point of it in your reference statement, which removes the need for it to be in your short story! You could consider an appendix if it meant that your reader would have a chilling realisation post-reading, but otherwise, the reflection statement should suffice!
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Re: English Extension 2 Question Thread
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2016, 07:52:43 pm »
Hello Elyse!!

I am currently in the stage of polishing and editing my Major Work. I cannot believe how fast time has gone and I have about a month until submission!!!

One problem is that I'm struggling to cut down the words... the word limit for short stories (my form), as you know, is 6000 words... and I have gone from 8500 down to 6500, where I am stuck at the moment.

Did you have this sort of problem for your Major Work, and if so, do you have any tips for sticking to the word limit?

Thank you in advance,


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Re: English Extension 2 Question Thread
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2016, 09:07:27 pm »
Hello Elyse!!

I am currently in the stage of polishing and editing my Major Work. I cannot believe how fast time has gone and I have about a month until submission!!!

One problem is that I'm struggling to cut down the words... the word limit for short stories (my form), as you know, is 6000 words... and I have gone from 8500 down to 6500, where I am stuck at the moment.

Did you have this sort of problem for your Major Work, and if so, do you have any tips for sticking to the word limit?

Thank you in advance,

Wooohooo! Congratulations on being so close to the end! I hope you feel AMAZING because you deserve it. EVERY EXTENSION TWO STUDENT DESERVES IT.
You've made an enormous cull already - so good on you for doing that without shedding too many tears!

Okay, this is tedious, but this is how I ended my editing process. I went through every, single, sentence, word, by, word, and made sure that there was not a single word that was the weak link in the sentence, or a single sentence that let me down. I cut out about 200 words by doing this. I mean, meticulously looking at every single word and every connotation of that word. This helped with not just cutting down, but also make what remained far stronger (I'd substitute words for other words as well, not just culling the lot).

So you can cut, like, 200 words like this. If you're daring!

Then you're still a little over. So this is where you need to touch the plot a bit. So consider changing the order of a paragraph or too, or deciding if that reflection paragraph is necessary, or is that setting the scene paragraph necessary? By showing your work to a few people, you should ask them what part bores them. Ask them to be super honest and to reveal what the most boring part of the text is. Then, get rid of it. Or, at the least, cut it in half and make the remainder less boring. I know it's harsh! And asking for too many opinions is dangerous because you just can't please EVERYONE! Even though you want your piece to do exactly that. So, be wary with asking people for opinions, but at the same time, that can be an extremely valuable tool!
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Re: English Extension 2 Question Thread
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2016, 04:11:29 pm »
Wooohooo! Congratulations on being so close to the end! I hope you feel AMAZING because you deserve it. EVERY EXTENSION TWO STUDENT DESERVES IT.
You've made an enormous cull already - so good on you for doing that without shedding too many tears!

Okay, this is tedious, but this is how I ended my editing process. I went through every, single, sentence, word, by, word, and made sure that there was not a single word that was the weak link in the sentence, or a single sentence that let me down. I cut out about 200 words by doing this. I mean, meticulously looking at every single word and every connotation of that word. This helped with not just cutting down, but also make what remained far stronger (I'd substitute words for other words as well, not just culling the lot).

So you can cut, like, 200 words like this. If you're daring!

Then you're still a little over. So this is where you need to touch the plot a bit. So consider changing the order of a paragraph or too, or deciding if that reflection paragraph is necessary, or is that setting the scene paragraph necessary? By showing your work to a few people, you should ask them what part bores them. Ask them to be super honest and to reveal what the most boring part of the text is. Then, get rid of it. Or, at the least, cut it in half and make the remainder less boring. I know it's harsh! And asking for too many opinions is dangerous because you just can't please EVERYONE! Even though you want your piece to do exactly that. So, be wary with asking people for opinions, but at the same time, that can be an extremely valuable tool!

Thanks so much Elyse!! I've yet to receive some drafts I've asked people to read so I might get on with the first suggestion for now :)


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Re: English Extension 2 Question Thread
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2016, 05:34:02 pm »
Thanks so much Elyse!! I've yet to receive some drafts I've asked people to read so I might get on with the first suggestion for now :)

Great! Just be aware that you can't lose sight of your own vision for your piece. Scrutinise all of your feedback so that you take on things that enhance your work to your vision, and not just the vision of others. Own it! Good luck! :)
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Re: English Extension 2 Question Thread
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2016, 07:11:06 pm »
Major works are due a week from now, but my teacher is looking for a final copy on Monday (rip). My draft got a 16/20 with limited feedback and I can't find anyone else to read it. Do you have any ideas for getting a fresh perspective of my own work/general adjustments to improve my mark?  :-\


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Re: English Extension 2 Question Thread
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2016, 07:15:54 pm »
Also does anyone actually know how ext2 is scaled?


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Re: English Extension 2 Question Thread
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2016, 07:48:45 pm »
Also does anyone actually know how ext2 is scaled?

I can help there! ;D

Some statistics from 2015:

Average Raw Mark: 80/100
Average Scaled Mark: 73/100

~25% of students get a Band E4 result

The scaling EX2 is interesting because the marks are shifted heavily towards the Band E3/E4 range, given that a reasonably large proportion of students get an E4, the scaling isn't amazing in that range. For example, a 95 in Advanced English actually scales better than a 95 in EX2 (how bizarre).  In the Band E3 range, it swings back in front. For example, a mark of 40-41 (in Advanced,  80-82) range compared in the three:

Advanced Scales 81% to 66%
Extension 1 Scales 80% to 66%
Extension 2 Scales 82% to 74%

So in that range, far superior ;D on the whole EX2 scales reasonably well, better than EX1 and History Extension, but not as good as Maths Extension 1 :)