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Stefan K

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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #225 on: October 06, 2016, 08:08:44 pm »
Hi, I'm new to this and I'm posting just half my essay and would mainly like to know if it makes sense and if there is a good amount of depth in my analysis. I would really appreciate it as I struggle with AOS the most :)
Thank you.

How does a discovery transform the lives of individuals?

A discovery allows the transformation of an individual’s perception of life through a renewal of their previous perception as they would have initially had limited knowledge and by gaining a better understanding of a certain concept. “The Tempest”, by William Shakespeare and “The Good Morrow”, by John Donne explore how a discovery transforms an individual when it comes to knowledge about others and the world.

Through the course of Prospero’s self discovery journey, he experiences events which heavily transform his perception of himself and of others. As Prospero reflects his past experiences to Miranda, he displays an absence of mind about the responsibilities of his dukedom; “From mine own library with volumes that I prize above my dukedom”. The comparison of his library to his dukedom displays Prospero’s lack of understanding as a leader as he praises his books above all else. Following the masque, he realises “We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.” The metaphor compares the shortness of human life to waking and sleeping as he slowly realises that everyone will eventually die, including his magic as it is insubstantial. Prospero is realising, through this confronting discovery, his selfishness and absence of mind as he is slowly undergoing his transformation in search of his humanity. The magical servant Ariel, challenges Prospero’s humanity when describing Gonzalo’s suffering by saying, “His tears run down his beard like winter’s drops from eaves of reeds…If you now beheld them, your affections would become tender…”. The Simile describing Gonzalo’s tears shows that human emotions are real but also their compassionate power is able to move Prospero as Prospero says “And mine shall”, foreshadowing through a contemplative tone, his renewed perception of himself as he is challenged to consider the need for getting revenge. Prospero decides that he will not just be compassionate but get rid of his magic as he declares: “I’ll break my staff, bury it certain fathoms in the earth and deeper than did ever plummet sound I’ll drown my book.” The strong verbs convey his determination to get rid of his magic as he has realised that magic has prevented him from regaining his humanity. Thus, Prospero’s discovery of his true self has made him have a better understanding of himself and of others as he realises that magic has prevented him from being compassionate and a leader.

Similarly, in The Good Morrow, the persona’s understanding is transformed since they discover more about the concept of love as they too see a spiritual connection emerge between their souls. “My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears”, shows that the lovers feel a deep connection and that they show this emerging within each other’s eyes, foreshadowing the interweaving of the souls. The assonance of the ‘i’ sound also parallels this idea. The two lovers thus discover that they are about to experience a deeper connection, transforming their knowledge of the concept of love and the way they feel about each other. “And now good morrow to our waking souls…Let us possess one world, each hath one, and is one.”, personifies the souls as living beings, as the lovers have such a deep connection for one another that they become intertwined into one entity. “Waking” also has connotations to awakening to this new experience as this further emphasises the better understanding which has occurred between the couple as the lovers 'wake' up to a new way of experiencing love. The couple’s lives have thus been transformed as they discover that they can experience love spiritually through by joining their souls together.


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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #226 on: October 06, 2016, 08:42:08 pm »
For the AOS essay, if the question is lets just say asking us to write about 'discovering something for the first time or rediscovering
something that has been lost, forgotten or concealed', can our essay also talk about the willingness of characters to discover. Obviously, the main focus will be to answer the Q, but like can it still discuss other points from the rubric?

Stefan K

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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #227 on: October 06, 2016, 09:06:27 pm »
Hi Fizzy.123

Yes I believe you can. Because a character can be willing to discover something for the first time or they can be willing to discover something that has been concealed. So yes, if it asks you about how a discovery is displayed through a character discovering something for the first time, for instance, you can agree with it and add your opinion by saying that they can be willing to discover something for the first time.

Hope this helped :)


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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #228 on: October 06, 2016, 11:02:54 pm »
For the AOS essay, if the question is lets just say asking us to write about 'discovering something for the first time or rediscovering
something that has been lost, forgotten or concealed', can our essay also talk about the willingness of characters to discover. Obviously, the main focus will be to answer the Q, but like can it still discuss other points from the rubric?

This is the perfect way to approach an essay! By bringing forward something original as well as the essay question, you're in for a really rich discussion and a way of showing the marker that you totally understand what discovery means! :)
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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #229 on: October 06, 2016, 11:26:31 pm »
This is the perfect way to approach an essay! By bringing forward something original as well as the essay question, you're in for a really rich discussion and a way of showing the marker that you totally understand what discovery means! :)

Nice Advice, Ill try and adapt to that too.. I wanted to also ask, when writing the creative, at the top should we mention which stimulus we chose?
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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #230 on: October 06, 2016, 11:34:24 pm »
Nice Advice, Ill try and adapt to that too.. I wanted to also ask, when writing the creative, at the top should we mention which stimulus we chose?

In my opinion - no need! Some students at the lectures told me that their teacher suggested they do this, but it isn't required of you according to the actual exam paper nor anything I've seen published from BOSTES.  I tend to think that your use of stimulus should be strong enough that they know which one you've chosen (well, that's the aim!). So, I didn't write my stimulus at the top, and it's not something BOSTES recommends, so I suggest not doing it because it'll waste your precious writing time :)
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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #231 on: October 06, 2016, 11:36:40 pm »
In my opinion - no need! Some students at the lectures told me that their teacher suggested they do this, but it isn't required of you according to the actual exam paper nor anything I've seen published from BOSTES.  I tend to think that your use of stimulus should be strong enough that they know which one you've chosen (well, that's the aim!). So, I didn't write my stimulus at the top, and it's not something BOSTES recommends, so I suggest not doing it because it'll waste your precious writing time :)

I went to your english lecture and I remember you mentioning you chose the balloon and wall one, that seems really hard to talk about without actually mentioning a balloon lifting a wall. Is that how you approached it?
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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #232 on: October 07, 2016, 09:28:46 am »
I went to your english lecture and I remember you mentioning you chose the balloon and wall one, that seems really hard to talk about without actually mentioning a balloon lifting a wall. Is that how you approached it?

I used it as a metaphor. I talked about how my protagonist rose above her circumstances with strength beyond reality, similar to the balloon lifting the brick wall. Once I had established it, I went on forward just referring to this strength that defied all odds. :)
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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #233 on: October 07, 2016, 10:22:20 am »
This is a first draft of one paragraph for the AOS essay. It's based on one my prescribed poems Flames and Dangling Wire but i was really just wondering if my analysis makes sense and is conceptual enough?
Thanks so much:)
Year 12 2016 (94.20)
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Hua Fei

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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #234 on: October 07, 2016, 12:44:37 pm »
Hi there! Just wanted to get some feedback on my AOS essay - would be great if you could (I'm not good at writing essays). Please mark it as harsh as possible.
Thank you very much for your help!

“The seeker embarks on a journey to find what they want and discovers, along the way, what they need.”
How accurately does this statement reflect the ideas that discoveries can offer renewed perceptions of ourselves and others?
In your response, make detailed reference to your prescribed text and ONE other text of your own choosing.

Discoveries can offer renewed perceptions of others and ourselves. In the play, The Tempest (1611) by William Shakespeare, it is the careful planning of revenge by Prospero and Ariel’s advice that leads Prospero to gain a new understanding and renewed perceptions of himself and others. For Alonso, it is the supposed death of his son that takes him on a journey where he is confronted by Prospero and repents for his wrongdoings. In the poem, Ariel (1965) by Sylvia Plath, the speaker gains a renewed perception through a discovery which is necessary for her to survive. In both texts, the seeker embarks on a journey to find what they want and along the way, they discover, what they need and lack, allowing them to gain a different perspective, and hence, a renewed perception of themselves and the others around them.

A transformative journey is one where the individual gains a new understanding or a new perception. This is portrayed by Prospero in The Tempest where initially, he felt vengeful towards Alonso and his brother, Antonio, when he uncovered their shocking betrayal. At the beginning of the play, pathetic fallacy is used where Prospero’s chaotic emotions are mirrored by a “Tempestuous noise of thunder and lightning” (the very first stage direction), emphasising Prospero’s thirst for revenge. Prospero’s perception of Antonio changes from a dear brother to that of a traitorous one when he is confronted with Antonio’s unexpected betrayal; “That a brother should be so perfidious – he, whom next thyself all the world I loved” (1, ii), expressing Prospero’s grief and pain which fuelled his rage. In Act 4, Scene 1, Prospero calls off the masque for Ferdinand and Miranda when he recalls Caliban’s plot to kill him and tries to calm the couple by explaining to them that the masque was all an illusion through the metaphor; “We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep” (4, i), highlighting the impermanence of human life. The simile in the next act where Ariel reports to Prospero of the king and courtiers’ state and expresses compassion for them; “His tears runs down his beard like  winter’s drops from eaves of reeds”, makes Prospero question himself with “Shall not myself, one of their kind, be kindlier moved than thou art?” Ariel’s declaration moves Prospero and he struggles with his conscience to forgive the suffering wrong-doers. Ultimately, it is Ariel that teaches Prospero of humanity and forgiveness – to believe and follow the path of “virtue” than “vengeance”, deepening Prospero’s humanity by making him overcome his nature and feeling merciful towards his enemies, gaining a renewed perception of himself and the others around him.

Anaphora used by Prospero; “I’ll break my staff, / Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, / […] / I’ll drown my book.” (Act 5, Scene 1), highlights Prospero becoming a mortal and throwing away his art. The impermanence of life has led Prospero to choose forgiveness than vengeance as if he had chosen vengeance, he would be resentful for the remainder of his life. Choosing forgiveness allows him to approach different aspects of life, for example, freedom (he frees Ariel and the spirits under his control) and reconciliation with the king of Naples through his daughter’s marriage. Prospero embarks on a journey to exact revenge but along the way, he discovers his human side with the help of Ariel, gaining a new understanding and a renewed perception. On the other hand, Alonso griefs for his son’s supposed death and embarks on a journey to find him but along the way, he discovers that Prospero is alive and is confronted by his betrayal leading him to feel guilty and remorseful. In this way, Alonso understands his wrong doings and gains a new perspective which allows him to gain a renewed perception and accepting Miranda as the future queen.

In comparison to Prospero’s control of power evident at the beginning of the play (as he raises powerful storms), the speaker is powerless in the poem Ariel, depicted by her inability to calm the horse in stanza 3; “The furrow / Splits and passes, sister to / The brown arc / Of the neck I cannot catch.” The alliteration of the sharp ‘k’ sounds in the last half makes the reader visualise the sharp jerkiness she must be feeling while riding the horse. The consecutive use of enjambment fastens the pace, expressing her fear at the sudden uncontrollable gallop. Only glimpses of the surrounding world are captured by the speaker whilst riding; “Pivot of heels and knees! […] Thighs, hair; / Flakes from my heels.” These fleeting moments symbolise the impermanence of human life, making her reconsider the world around her as she is confronted by death and soon realises how fleeting life is. “Flakes from my heels” symbolises the speaker in letting go parts of herself that dragged her down as well as other constrictions on her life, signifying the speaker’s new birth whilst the consonance of ‘f’ sounds put forward the idea of the fragility of life. The use of the word ‘Pivot’ by Plath holds connotations of this moment being the speaker’s central turning point in life – because of this sudden journey, her understanding of the world is transformed by the close of the poem as she reconsiders her prior knowledge. In stanza 7, we see the speaker let go of everything weighing her down and becoming free “I unpeel – / Dead hands, dead stringencies”, and becoming one with the movement of the wild horse, learning to channel the power of the horse and face death, as depicted by the metaphor “And I / Am the arrow / Suicidal and at one with the drive”. By the end of the poem, the speaker has let go of the thoughts of being in danger as well as feeling fearful and confronts death head on.

Ariel is written in free verse with an irregular but frequent rhyming scheme. Where the rhyme will occur next is unpredictable, similar to the movement of the horse, reinforcing its wild behaviour. First person and present tense is maintained throughout the poem depicting Plath’s own experience with her horse called Ariel whilst the present tense builds suspense and heightens the thrill. The title of the poem also has other connotations – Ariel in Shakespeare’s 1611 play, The Tempest. “Substanceless” at the beginning of the poem also alludes to the airy spirit, Ariel in the play who is a compassionate spirit that acts as a catalyst for Prospero’s change. Similarly, in the poem, Ariel’s wild ride becomes a catalyst for the speaker’s change from fear to acceptance of death by understanding that a human life in finite through experiencing a life and death situation. By the end of the poem, the speaker also learns how to channel the wild horse’s energy correctly, and thus, gain control and insight about the world around her which arise through her new understanding that death can occur at anytime, anywhere.

Both texts illustrate a seeker embarking on a journey to find what they want and discovering along the way, what they need through their exploration of intensely meaningful and confronting discoveries that offered renewed perceptions of themselves and others. Hence, it is evident that William Shakespeare’s The Tempest (1611) and Sylvia Plath’s poem Ariel (1965) both explore the concept of discoveries offering renewed perceptions of ourselves and others, to a large extent.


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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #235 on: October 07, 2016, 12:53:43 pm »
Hi there! Just wanted to get some feedback on my AOS essay - would be great if you could (I'm not good at writing essays). Please mark it as harsh as possible.
Thank you very much for your help!

Hey Hua Fei! Welcome to the forums!! ;D

Thanks for posting your essay, but unfortunately you need 15 posts on ATAR Notes for every essay/creative you'd like marked! This is to ensure that the markers have time to give proper feedback to active members of the forums; one line feedback doesn't help anyone ;) hang around the forums for a bit, ask questions and maybe answer them, and you'll build up the post count really quick! ;D


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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #236 on: October 07, 2016, 02:36:29 pm »
Hey guys

I would appreciate if you could mark my AOS essay out of 15 please! Thanks in advance. :)
« Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 10:22:54 pm by dylan862 »


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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #237 on: October 07, 2016, 02:52:26 pm »
Hey guys

I would appreciate if you could mark my AOS essay please! Thanks in advance. (Hoping I have made the 15 posts as I don't know how to check)

You have indeed!! You are on the list :)


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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #238 on: October 07, 2016, 05:17:12 pm »
Hey Guys!,

Was wondering if we re upload our essays which have already been marked but we are just implementing comments which the mods have given us, does it still cost another 15 posts?
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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #239 on: October 07, 2016, 05:17:57 pm »
Hey guys

I would appreciate if you could mark my AOS essay please! Thanks in advance. (Hoping I have made the 15 posts as I don't know how to check)

Dylan on the left under your username!
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