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Struggling with Chemistry :(
« on: March 22, 2016, 10:50:04 pm »
Hi everyone,

I'm feeling really down about Chemistry 1/2 this year. I know a lot of you on here are doing 3/4 chem, so I thought maybe you could give me advice.
I just don't seem to understand the concepts well. We are doing the mole formulas right now - empirical formula, molecular formula, molar mass, percentage abundance, etc. It's like I've heard it so many times, but it just won't stick in my brain. If I don't understand a problem, and I ask my teacher to explain it, I understand why he did the steps he did (well, most of the time anyway :(), but when I try to do it, I just don't know where to start or what to do or sometimes what the question is even asking. I got a pretty bad score on one of my prac write-ups which was done in test conditions, and now I have a chem test on Thursday and I am SO worried. I feel like I want to drop chem, but it's too late now, and besides, my dad won't let me because he works in chemistry. I'm so lost and upset, please help!!! :'(
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Re: Struggling with Chemistry :(
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2016, 12:11:16 am »
Hi everyone,

I'm feeling really down about Chemistry 1/2 this year. I know a lot of you on here are doing 3/4 chem, so I thought maybe you could give me advice.
I just don't seem to understand the concepts well. We are doing the mole formulas right now - empirical formula, molecular formula, molar mass, percentage abundance, etc. It's like I've heard it so many times, but it just won't stick in my brain. If I don't understand a problem, and I ask my teacher to explain it, I understand why he did the steps he did (well, most of the time anyway :(), but when I try to do it, I just don't know where to start or what to do or sometimes what the question is even asking. I got a pretty bad score on one of my prac write-ups which was done in test conditions, and now I have a chem test on Thursday and I am SO worried. I feel like I want to drop chem, but it's too late now, and besides, my dad won't let me because he works in chemistry. I'm so lost and upset, please help!!! :'(
hey, here's my thoughts (from someone who did 1/2 last year and is doing 3/4 now)
it's okay if you don't understand stuff at the time...as long as you learn it before exams- u can make up for it...plus you aren't doing 3/4 so it's not the hugest deal. if u enjoy chem, and you want to keep the science road open- i'd say keep it. I get how you don't have any idea how to do it, but when someone shows you, you kinda get it. that happened with me recently...what i did was i went through every question with either a tutor/teacher, then went through the solved examples...i didn't do them...just went through carefully looking at every question- we are doing tritrations btw...learn the method. after that i found that i got a better idea of it so did a different set of questions by myself and they were fine. i feel like you maybe don't get the concept? you need to have a good conceptual understanding of every single step- understand why/how of every step and how it will help achieve what u want, i.e., the unknown concentration etc. Chem 1/2 starts from basics, however by looking at the 3/4 course, they pretty much teach everything you need, so i wouldn't be too fussed if you aren't solid with 1/2 (i know ppl who finished with an av for chem in the 50s (1/2), and are now in high 80s in yr 12 (3/4)! so keep at it...work really hard...and if you enjoy chem don't drop it, especially since it opens a lot of doors...if you have any chem questions, just pop it up on AN, there are many ppl willing to help (including me)....hope this helps....and remember - conceptually understanding every step is key :)
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Re: Struggling with Chemistry :(
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2016, 10:35:59 am »
Hey there,
So I totally know how you feel, I was exactly the same in 1/2 last year! I really liked Chem in Year 10 and was so sad to realise how different VCE Chem is to what I thought it would be. My advice to you is - if a month on from when you posted this you're still struggling - do as much practice as you can, but seriously don't get too bogged down in all the formulas now. By 3/4 it will all be second nature to you, it's like going back and looking at a maths exam from the year before and wondering why you found it so hard when it's all so easy in comparison to the harder stuff you're doing now. You use mole a lot, so so so much that in Year 12 you'll just use it without even really thinking about what you're doing, you're so used to it. I even remember my teacher saying last year that everyone struggles with the mole concept at first but by Year 12 you'll have been exposed to it so much, it won't be an issue. Here's a story. My problem was, I got too bogged down in it all and thought I couldn't do it, that it was too hard, and I started to resent Chem. Like absolutely hate it. I DESPISED IT. I would wake up and look at my timetable, see Chem first period, and I wanted to vomit. I hoped that the school would burn down. Not kidding. My first Unit 1 sac was okay but the second sac got me thinking, "should I really be doing chem?" It wasn't even that bad. 69%. And my school makes hard sacs. But then the Unit 1 Exam rolled around, which I hardly studied for because I didn't think Chem was for me. It's like I needed the 56% as a reassurance that I should drop Chem. So I did. I made the decision to drop it and all the way through Unit 2 I was cruising through, knowing that my marks didn't matter because thank god, I would finally be rid of chem. 40%, 40% and 60% on Unit 2 sacs. I'm not joking. I didn't care anymore. I actually felt really bad because when I got the last sac back my teacher told me "well done, that's an improvement from the last two" and I felt SO BAD that I told myself I had to study for the Unit 2 exam because I didn't want to let him down. That guilt and also the fact that I had mandatory chapter questions to hand in forced me to study for Chem and I found myself actually... enjoying studying chem? because I'd already hit rock bottom, right? I did so much study for Chem it wasn't funny, about 7 practice exams which was ridiculous because I had 6 other exams to study for... and then... 57% on the exam. Well, it was an improvement from Unit 1, right? But in the holidays I started regretting dropping it. Apparently 3/4 was so different to 1/2, it was more practical and that a lot of people found it easier. So Day 1 of Year 12 I marched to the careers counselor and demanded to do Chem 3/4. She laughed at me, hounded me with questions about how I did in 1/2 (which I may have lied about... but she couldn't stop me from doing it anyway) and yelled at me for making my decision this late before giving me a form and then I was *magically* placed into a class. Now I'm averaging high 80s on sacs/tests and Chem is... my favourite subject? Yes. Yes, it is. I actually look forward to class now. Because I work really hard for it and it pays off! The moral of the story is: don't let this happen to you! Do as much practice as you can and you'll familiarise yourself with all of the different formulas and how to use them. I can't stress that enough, practice. I thought I was above that, and I didn't do it, then I was all like "blah chem isn't for me blah blah I'm so bad at it" when all I had to do was PRACTICE. Do textbook questions. Checkpoints. Exam papers. Trust me, you'll get it. Anyone can be good at chem, all you have to do is work hard and you'll get there. And maybe you'll actually start to love it in the process. But honestly, sticking through 1/2 chem is worth it. And everyone bitches about unit 2. Just get through it. 3/4 is amazing, at least that's how I'm finding it so far. And it's totally doable as well. So don't lose hope! Try your hardest, practice as much as you can, and you'll understand it better. Trust me. I wish I'd done that in Year 11. And if you don't get the results you want? That's okay too. But don't give up! Just work even harder. Hard work pays off. Chem is an amazing subject, and it's worth it all in the end. Good luck!


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Re: Struggling with Chemistry :(
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2016, 03:41:46 pm »
yo shit There are 2 thesi (the plural of thesis - is it thesisis or thesie omg what's the plural Literally Lauren I call upon you. I doubt you'll respond tho coz why on earth would you be in a chemistry thread rite?) that i haven't read so this might have been discussed.

In 1/2 chem most of the time i was like wtf is this and what the shit is that - and i go into a sac and get really good results. - Not coz my knowledge is so in-depth but mainly because the sacs are as shallow as the teaching they provide (hehe). You aren't meant to have a deep, sophisticated understanding of chemistry. It's really shallow, so whilst you feel confused for the majority of the time your sac results won't reflect your confusion because chemistry is an extremely shallow course...

Like half of unit 3 is literally making a calibration curve and reading stuff out of your data book :P
Fuck you english your eyebrows aren't even good
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Re: Struggling with Chemistry :(
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2016, 04:23:57 pm »
Like half of unit 3 is literally making a calibration curve and reading stuff out of your data book :P

The other half of unit 3 is just relearning Unit 1/2 material imo.


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Re: Struggling with Chemistry :(
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2016, 05:44:47 pm »
hey cuz,
okay so I did chem 1/2 in year 10- and it is in fact the most difficult of the sciences! I was so bad at mole theory until someone gave me this:     n= m/M=N/NA
n= moles      m=mass in grams     M=molar mass (from periodic table) 
N=number of particles (atoms, ions, molecules, etc)        NA= avogadro's constant (6.02x10^23)
so whenever you have a value, just sub it in this formula. eg. find the number of atoms in 100 g of copper
so it wants N, and I have m (100g) and i can get M from the periodic table- I can find n (number of moles)  with these.
=1.57 moles= N/6.02x10^23
=9.48 x10 ^23 atoms


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Re: Struggling with Chemistry :(
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2020, 08:04:22 pm »
Hi, I am doing unit 3 and 4 of chemistry and I am struggling. I am not sure you can even call it that. I got really bad on my first SAC and I even did bad on my test. I am really feeling down and I done have the courage to tell my parents my score. I cant even drop it as they wouldn't want me to and my best friend is acing Chemistry.