How Does This Section Work?
This section aims to be a one stop shop for feedback on any HSC response, for any subject. Be it a Creative writing piece, a Legal Studies essay, a long response for HSC Physics - You can post it here and get some feedback to help you improve it.
Let's face it - Usually the feedback we get from teachers is, well, not quite helpful. A correction of grammar here, a "More detail" there. Sometimes it is pretty clear they haven't even read the whole thing. Often we come away from the feedback with more questions that we had to begin with! And hey, if your overworked teach has 150+ posts to mark over a weekend, you can't really blame them. This section aims to rectify that feedback and supplement it with something better and more detailed.
Click here to post your response as a new topic in this board.
Use the convention: "[SUBJECT]: [ESSAY TOPIC]", for example, "English Advanced: Mod A Essay" or "English Standard: Great Gatbsy" or "Legal: Crime Essay!", or similar. Just something that makes it easy for people to see what your response is about! Who Gives the Feedback?
Well, it's your peers! Or tutors. Or graduates. Our awesome ATAR Notes community. Anyone is welcome to give feedback on any response at any time - Ultimately every little piece of help is going to make you better. We
strongly encourage everyone, no matter how "good" you think you are at a given subject, to help your peers and get help in return. Collaboration is the best way to learn!
Some of our moderators are
expert markers. Literally, they've marked hundreds of responses for students over several years and helped all of them improve their marks. Our moderators will sit down with your essay for a solid half an hour, reading every line and giving you detailed comments throughout about what works, and what doesn't. We'll give you suggestions about how to improve it, and link you to any awesome resources on the site that we think will help you make the response fantastic.
This feedback has already helped hundreds of students boost their marks. Here is what one user said:
We just got our half yearly results back for our discovery paper 1 and I really just want to say thank you so much, because my discovery essay got 20/20!! Although I really did luck out with the question (It was "Discoveries can offer new understandings and renewed perceptions of ourselves and others. - Discuss" or something with that rubric line) I really wouldn't have been able to write anything to get that mark without your help!! English has been an endless struggle for me, and you've seriously really helped me. I cried like a baby for a few minutes (let me paint you a picture - 2 classes packed into one room, me, on the floor, crying. yep.)How do I get my essay marked by a moderator?
The detailed feedback provided by our moderators takes a long time. Thirty minutes to an hour... Hypothetically, if someone were being paid $30 an hour, that's a cost of $15 per essay,
at least. That's how much you should be valuing the essay marking. It's not a 'cheap' or less valuable service just because it's free. Remember that. Our moderators like giving feedback as a just and rightful reward for those helping us grow. Our way of saying thank you.
This said, we don't have unlimited amounts of time to devote to marking, so we have a post exchange policy to make sure the most deserving members of the community get that feedback:
Every 30* posts on ATAR Notes merits you one essay/response marked by a moderator.
In other words, if you've made 150 posts, you're entitled to have five of your essays marked. If you've made 300 posts, you're entitled to 10 of your responses marked. You get the idea... Essay marking isn't just for everyone. It is for those who are a part of the community, engaging with the community and helping us make the forums a cooler and more helpful place for all
Note: These posts have to be real, actual contributions. It is very obvious when you are just posting the bare minimum to cheat the system,
just to access this service. That's not what this is about, and people doing that ultimately take up time we could be spending marking and ruin the system for everyone else.
This is about rewarding contributions to the community - This includes asking questions, answering questions, engaging in discussion, contributing resource. Shit posts like "thanks", "haha", "wow", "this is a good one", "this is helpful" do NOT contribute, and we'll ignore those posts or delete them as necessary. 30 posts might seem like a lot, but trust us - If you get involved in discussion, it builds up faster than you'd think!
Once you have enough posts, to get an essay marked, just post it in this section as normal, and include a little request to have a moderator mark it! We'll let you know if you are eligible and get you feedback asap. You might even get feedback from your peers
as well!Ultimately, you guys drive this system. We want everyone to be posting their responses, everyone to be giving and receiving feedback, and the people who do that the most will accrue the required posts and be rewarded with the additional feedback from our moderators/lecturers. It's a totally community driven initiative.What subjects have free essay marking?
You can ask for feedback for any subject you like, and hopefully one of your peers can help! If you are after feedback from a marker, we can help with:
- English Standard/Advanced
- English Extension 1
- English Extension 2
- Business Studies
- Modern History, Ancient History and History Extension
- Legal Studies
- Studies of Religion
- Visual Arts
- Drama
The old marking threads have been moved to a read only archive - Feel free to have a browse right here Thanks for reading and getting involved! If you have any questions about essay marking, post them below!