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Author Topic: Make Your First Post!  (Read 293143 times)

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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #780 on: August 19, 2019, 08:05:36 pm »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)

I'm currently in year 11, and I'm doing English Advanced + Extension, Mathematics Advanced, Ancient History, Legal Studies, German Continuers, and Software Design & Development. Next year, however, I'm planning on doing English Advanced, Mathematics Advanced, Ancient History, Legal Studies, German Continuers + Extension, and History Extension.

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)

I might cop a little bit of backlash for this, but I really wasn't a huge fan of Frozen. I don't know, the entire plot just didn't really fit with me and I couldn't understand the stupid decisions that the characters made. Just my opinion though...

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).

Nothing's better than a trusty old cricket bat!

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)

I'm really passionate about the law and our legal system here in Australia, so I'd love to study law. I'm also really interested in politics and would love to eventually get involved in the Australian political sphere. Of course, my number one priority is just to be content with where I currently am in life, and where I'm going.

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).

Yikes. Well, I really love public speaking, and that has become a massive part of my life over the past year, getting involved in Model United Nations, Mock Trial, and whatnot. I'm really passionate about being able to help people get out of really sticky situations, and genuinely just love being able to learn in a free society. Looking forward to seeing where things go!


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #781 on: August 19, 2019, 08:33:19 pm »
What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
I'm currently in year 11 and I am at the moment studying Ancient History, Drama, English Advanced, Maths Advanced, Modern History, and Studies of Religion II. Next year I'm hoping to drop maths and pick up history extension.

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
I passionately hate Finding Nemo. I know so many people love the movie and the plot, but whenever it was wet weather in my primary school we were always forced to watch it. I get bored of things and start to hate them if it gets repetitive and that was the case with this movie.

 3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
To be different my weapon of choice would be my dance shoes cause they are made of fibreglass and hurt like anything if you accidentally kick yourself with them. In some cases, they can even cut you.

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
I do not know what I want to be when I finish school. I love history. I love design. I love the concept of refurbishing old homes. Although my future is undecided, I wish to become a person who has an impact on those around me. I'm not gonna say I'll be the change in the world because it takes more than one individual, but I want to make a difference to someone. That is what I want to achieve in my lifetime.

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
My life has not been like everyone else that I know. I have already lost many family members and friends to our dear friend, death. Although this hasn't knocked me down just yet. I have previously, alongside my dad, held a Guinness world record as well as become accredited as a dance teacher for Irish dance and become an international competitor.  I've won multiple history competitions and have always strived to be the best I can. I come from a family that is way into cricket. You may know one of my relatives, Sir Donald Bradman? Although I am not a fan of cricket I am still quite competitive with my two older brothers who have both completed school. I've had my ups and downs in life and have battled my way through the beginnings of my life and now i am about to take an adventure through the middle of the story. It is an unexpected journey.


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #782 on: August 19, 2019, 09:14:31 pm »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
Year 11. Extension Maths, Extension English, Biology, Chemistry, Music 2

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
Coraline. It's a good movie but I watched it when I was like 7 and it still haunts me to this day. Can't watch a single horror movie.

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
Some sort of gun?


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #783 on: August 21, 2019, 09:49:29 am »
Hiii, my name's Camille and I'm new here :)

1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
I'm currently in Year 11, and I'm doing English, General Maths, Psychology, Legal Studies, Health and Human Development and VET Community Studies!

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
Us 😭, I feel like that movie lowkey had some sort of symbolism but I found the overall movie boring cos it was just so slow and it just wasn't thrilling enough :(

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory)

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
I want to be a person who helps people and have made a great difference in their lives. I want to be able to stand out in people's lives, whether that would be helping them through rough times or simply helping them with school work or assessments. I want to be able to live a simple life after uni and to be happy with my job :)


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #784 on: August 21, 2019, 12:13:10 pm »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
I'm currently in year 11, studying units 1&2 in psychology, biology, chemistry, general maths, English and 3&4 HHD

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
I hate the movie 'a bugs life' it was the most boring movie I think I have EVER watched.

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
I honestly don't know, I'm such a clutz probably wouldn't last for long so maybe a group of friends who can keep me safe.

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
Career-wise I want to be a nurse practitioner, but generally, as a person, I want to be someone who makes the little difference in someone's day.


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #785 on: August 21, 2019, 08:49:19 pm »
So many new people! I would greet all of you individually but I'd be here all night! Hello and welcome to AN (that's what the cool kids call ATAR Notes) all of you, it's great to have you here.

Here's a link to the general forum rules and help if you're struggling to get around. (These are pretty important).

If you're looking to ask and answer questions about VCE, pop over here.

If you're interested in HSC, rock on over here.

If you're a Queenslander, head over here. There aren't too many resources for QCE as of yet, but you'll find some VCE resources to be very similar.

There are also threads for the younger year levels - just go to the main page and scroll down to your respective Education Discussion board and you'll find year 9 and 10 discussions. The more you navigate, the easier it gets.

Feel free to explore and get used to it all! I moderate games and creative threads, so if you would like to join in some sweet procrastination, here's a link to the games and general chats. Otherwise the Notes tab is at the top of the page.

If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me or other moderators or admins. We have green, blue or red squares on our profiles. Enjoy your stay. :))
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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #786 on: August 21, 2019, 11:43:31 pm »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
I am currently in year 11, completing two year 12 subjects including legal studies and accounting. My other year 11's include business management, English and further maths.
2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification.
To be honest, I rarely tend to watch English movies as I love Bollywood too much, however, out of all the English movies I have watched, I dislike American Beauty due to the weird turn of events and the fact that it is just a 'messed up' film. Unfortunately, we had to watch it in English and therefore, analyse it. I DON'T RECOMMEND watching it.
3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice?
Having watched world war z, I have realised that weapons are of no use considering zombies multiply. Instead, I would most likely just get food (brains) to distract them and run and lock myself in a place I think is safe.
5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say?
If I wrote an autobiography summing up my life, the title would definitely be 'a boring overachiever who stresses too much'.
I have spent my whole life believing that school is extremely important (each to their own I guess) so I have always invested my time and efforts (and money due to all the tutoring I get) into my studies. Thus, my social life is technically hanging by a thread. However, I have come to a realisation that whilst I live a boring life, the hard work has really paid off. I started to notice this in year 5 where I won a medal for humanities, got the Kwong Lee Dow scholarship last year (and the only one to get it) as well as being one of the four selected to speak to Parliamentarians about whether the upper house should be abolished (I disagree if anyone is wondering). Further, I tend to get the results I want, if I put in the sweat and tears (lots of them because I always have mental breakdowns) to my work. And I'm ranting about myself again, but essentially, I live a boring life which revolves around getting good grades. But I do love my life if anyone was concerned because, at the end of the day, I achieve the things I want to achieve.


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #787 on: August 24, 2019, 08:29:44 am »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
I'm currently in year 10 doing two year 11 subjects, bio and methods
2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
 Probably 'War for the Planet of the Apes'. It's not that I hate it, I just went into the movies to watch it with a friend and we didn't realise it was apart of a series so we were soooooo confused ahaahahahaaha
3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
Ummmm a cricket bat? not too sure but seen it in the movies and I feel like an ammo based weapon wouldn't be great cause you have to carry tonnes of stuff around with you


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #788 on: August 24, 2019, 06:27:23 pm »
Hey all,

1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
Year 11 in 2019, I currently study Further Mathematics 3/4, Mathematical methods 1/2, Chemistry 1/2,  History 1/2,
VSL Spanish (LOTE) 1/2, English 1/2

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
1990 thriller film Arachnophobia gave me nightmares for a week after watching it with my dad when I was about 9 years old. Imaging the 1000s of tiny baby spiders and the huge mama spider terrified my 9 year old core. Still get goosebumps thinking about it lol. No wonder I hate spiders!
I find it laughable re-watching and realizing that it wasn't that bad! haha
3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
Pepper spray them all!! lol And perhaps a zombie bite antidote would come in handy!!

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
I would love to be a chemical/environmental engineer and perhaps even a lawyer. I would love to advocate for sustainable energy and reducing our carbon footprint significantly to combat global warming and climate change. I am passionate about recycling and waste management  also educating youth and kids about advocacy for change. I also am a big supporter of being environmentally friendly and protecting our oceans and planet. In my career I would love to be a change maker and help make a greener more sustainable and accountable future. I also would like the opportunity to extensively travel and work overseas. I would see that a huge accomplishment for myself. I am  very passionate about justice and I gravitate towards law and have a global understanding/perspective. I am a rep for the Melbourne Sealife Aquarium Ocean youth program and my local council's waste management committee and was also apart of my schools STEM Academy and language immersion program,.  I cant wait for what the future brings...

5. If you had to summaries your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
Filled with lots of ups and downs with parents/family breakdowns,trauma, financial hardship and stress.
Can be hectic and challenging and times. But you must persevere no matter what you have to face and manage what you can.
Also filled with many memories and joy. Good always balances with the bad
Never take things for granted because one day you might wish you had appreciated it a bit more.
Live, love life to the fullest each day and never lose optimism for change.  ;D


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #789 on: August 24, 2019, 08:47:29 pm »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects?
I am in Year 10, and I study English, Maths Methods, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Psychology (soon to be Maths Specialist)
2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification.
I don't passionately hate any movie that I can think of right now ahah
3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice?
I don't know? A gun I guess, because if I had a knife or something I would have to be close to them.
4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve?
I would like achieve a high ATAR so I can work in medicine, so I can help as many people as possible.
5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say?
I would say that I have been through many problems, but have come through with a positive attitude. I am currently employed as a casual-time worker, I play the violin and have a love for books.

Bri MT

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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #790 on: August 24, 2019, 08:51:35 pm »

Hey! Welcome to AN :)

I've wanted to be a marine biologist for as long as I can remember and am also passionate about the environment :). Definitely agree that looking at conservation issues from a multi-disciplinary lens is important - and it's something I love about my course (Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours) )

As part of one of the science units (uni subjects) I'm taking atm we looked at how the biggest impacts on the environment (eg. having less children, plant based diet, flying less) are discussed far more infrequently in school textbooks than relatively low impact actions (eg. changing lightbulbs, reusable shopping bags) so it's especially great that you're able to see some outside perspectives early on.

In your post you talk about having a global understanding (something I'm definitely still working on!) - how have you developed this?

1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects?
I am in Year 10, and I study English, Maths Methods, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Psychology (soon to be Maths Specialist)
2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification.
I don't passionately hate any movie that I can think of right now ahah
3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice?
I don't know? A gun I guess, because if I had a knife or something I would have to be close to them.
4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve?
I would like achieve a high ATAR so I can work in medicine, so I can help as many people as possible.
5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say?
I would say that I have been through many problems, but have come through with a positive attitude. I am currently employed as a casual-time worker, I play the violin and have a love for books.

Welcome to the forums! :)

Love the subjects you've picked - if you swap out English it's identical to my subjects during VCE. What types of books do you read?


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #791 on: August 25, 2019, 10:11:16 pm »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
I'm currently in Year 11, and I'm currently studying Psychology, Chemistry, English, Methods and Specialist
2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
Hmmm, there isnt any movie I actually hate. I just watch movies and take it all in  ;D
3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
A long stick, because you can use it to whack those zombies, and if one attempts to bite you, you can use it to defend your self from their bite
4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to ? (Optional)
I've been to the hospital every year, and because of that, I want to be able to help others in a medical setting. I'd would love to create the newest vaccine that will save lives!
5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
a bumpy roller coaster, cause life is everything :~}. But to those who want some advice, do extra curriculars! They really do help.

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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #792 on: August 25, 2019, 10:15:17 pm »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
I'm currently in Year 11, and I'm currently studying Psychology, Chemistry, English, Methods and Specialist
2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
Hmmm, there isnt any movie I actually hate. I just watch movies and take it all in  ;D
3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
A long stick, because you can use it to whack those zombies, and if one attempts to bite you, you can use it to defend your self from their bite
4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to ? (Optional)
I've been to the hospital every year, and because of that, I want to be able to help others in a medical setting. I'd would love to create the newest vaccine that will save lives!
5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
a bumpy roller coaster, cause life is everything :~}. But to those who want some advice, do extra curriculars! They really do help.

Welcome to the forums! :)

Given your interest in the medical field, did you study biology early or is this something you're planning on picking up later?


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #793 on: August 26, 2019, 05:06:35 pm »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
my school doesn't have yeah levels, fun fact, but I'm an equivalent year 10 student. I take 1/2 biology, 1/2 English language and 1/2 drama.

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
GROUND HOG DAY. Probably because I was to young and was traumatised by the sad scene (no spoilers), but considering the significant character development, and creative (if not necessarily unique) story line, I have now convinced myself I should give it another try. What were we talking about again?

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
Scissors. Hear me out. Unless the zombies are close enough for me to stab them with my scissors, I'm definitely running away. Plus scissors would be useful in other situations as well. And I never specified what size scissors.

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
I want to be someone who puts 110% of my effort in, and someone with an optimistic outlook on life. In terms of achievements, I want to study medicine and become a surgeon. (not sure what type yet)

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
Oh I've got a couple of secrets, but I'm a hard working kid, a bit of a nerd, who likes weightlifting and tennis.


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #794 on: August 26, 2019, 05:31:29 pm »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
my school doesn't have yeah levels, fun fact, but I'm an equivalent year 10 student. I take 1/2 biology, 1/2 English language and 1/2 drama.
That sounds really interesting! When you say 'equivalent year 10 student', do you mean that they make classes based on ability, or is there some other factor I'm completely unaware of?

Also, Welcome to the forums ;D
« Last Edit: August 26, 2019, 05:33:52 pm by SlowandSteady »
QCE Class of 2023 :D