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Author Topic: Make Your First Post!  (Read 293356 times)

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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #900 on: September 03, 2020, 01:02:38 pm »


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #901 on: September 03, 2020, 01:50:50 pm »


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #902 on: September 03, 2020, 01:59:02 pm »


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #903 on: October 05, 2020, 07:24:01 pm »
1. What state & year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
Victoria, Yr 11 and I'm currently studying Bio, Chem, Spesh, methods, English and Glo-Pol

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
I need to watch a lot more movies because I have honestly not seen enough movies to hate on them.

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
100% a flamethrower


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #904 on: October 05, 2020, 08:53:18 pm »
1. What state & year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
I'm in Victoria and currently a year 11 student! Right now I'm doing biology, chemistry, maths methods, english mainstream, French and global politics.

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
Hmm, I'd have to go with Sixteen Candles. Some things may have been acceptable at the time, but watching some scenes of it now makes me go 'ugh.'

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
Slingshot? I mean, you could turn a lot of things into ammo and if I had good aim, it could be pretty deadly.

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
All round, I just want to be a welcoming person and someone who's assertive and confident in their ideas. Regarding achievements, I'd love to one day own an apartment, travel the world and be able to speak French!

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
Right now, confusing and somewhat scary with so many changes and options for the future. But I'm also excited for what's to come, so life right now's filled with opportunities I'm ready to take on :)


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #905 on: October 05, 2020, 09:59:56 pm »
1. What state & year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
I'm in Victoria and currently a year 11 student! Right now I'm doing biology, chemistry, maths methods, english mainstream, French and global politics.

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
Hmm, I'd have to go with Sixteen Candles. Some things may have been acceptable at the time, but watching some scenes of it now makes me go 'ugh.'

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
Slingshot? I mean, you could turn a lot of things into ammo and if I had good aim, it could be pretty deadly.

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
All round, I just want to be a welcoming person and someone who's assertive and confident in their ideas. Regarding achievements, I'd love to one day own an apartment, travel the world and be able to speak French!

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
Right now, confusing and somewhat scary with so many changes and options for the future. But I'm also excited for what's to come, so life right now's filled with opportunities I'm ready to take on :)

Hi abigaildawn! :)

Welcome to the forums! ;D
Your variety of subjects sounds interesting and I like your answer to question 5

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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #906 on: October 05, 2020, 10:02:32 pm »
1. What state & year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
I live in Victoria and currently in year 11 and doing specialist maths, maths methods, business management, accounting, english and physics.
2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
To kill a mockingbird
3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
A magic pen


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #907 on: October 06, 2020, 07:18:17 pm »
1. What state & year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
I am currently studying in year 11 in Queensland with my subjects consisting of English, Mathematical Methods, Biology, Chemistry, Psychology.

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
What a decision it is to choose one when there are so many that could be deemed horrible? Film, media and television have been gateways for promoting dangerous activities, horrible violence or plain stupid stuff. The "Friday the 13th" franchise is a collection of regurgitated dumb plot lines and cringe-worthy acting. Personally I haven't seen all the films from the franchise, but who would, when you could buy a Halloween costume more frightening?

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
Logically, weapons would definitely prove useful due to their abilities to eradicate zombies, but what about something else? Perhaps a mirror would be effective in scaring a zombie into believing it was someone else in the reflection, and attacking it? Then, while it is distracted, other weapons are used.

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
One of the most philosophical questions we all ask ourselves is "What is the meaning of life?" I once heard someone say that the meaning of life is to give someone else's life meaning. This quote encompasses what I want to be as a person and what I want to achieve. I would like to have a meaningful career in the medical field where you are always helping people other than yourself. Usually people are requiring your assistance at their worst. Being able to help in a significant way would provide such a rewarding feeling - this would symbolise the meaning of life, helping others above yourself.

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
Well 2020 has definitely been a strange year - the unexpected Covid-19, lockdowns and social distancing. But during this time, I think we have all had time to reflect on our lives and invest time into things we've always wanted to do, but didn't ever have the time until now. As the world slowly resumes to normal, I think I have learnt a lot along the way. Lessons of showing courage and motivation in the face of adversity, the benefit of trying new things and going outside your comfort zone, the importance of friendship and spending time with those who matter to you and finding your purpose is what I have learnt on this journey through life so far... I have taken opportunities while also rejecting some and learning along the way. I've passed things, I've failed others, I have been successful, sometimes I haven't. But it's about how you react when something doesn't go your way and what you do to change it. This pandemic has made us all look differently at how we live and it has made me think how to do things unconventionally, to not overcommit, put yourself first, but always be open to change.  :)


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #908 on: October 09, 2020, 04:58:24 pm »
Hi! I have just discovered these online threads/forums and am excited to use this platform during the rest of my VCE and beyond!  :D

1. What state & year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
    I am currently year 11 studying VCE. This year I am studying Literature 1/2, Chemistry 1/2, PE   
    1/2, Maths Methods 1/2, French 1/2 and Health & Human Development 3/4. Next year I plan on
   doing 3/4 English, Methods, PE, French and Chemistry.
2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
     I have never really thought about this but lets be honest, "Cats" was pretty disappointing,   
     especially considering the amount of money spent and the massive build up and expectation
     leading up to its release.
3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
     The ever-reliable Peashooter  :P
4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
     I strive to be someone who is kind and compassionate. I want to positivley impact the lives of 
     those around me and aim to do so in my future career, whatever it may be and reach my full     
     potential as an individual.
5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
     My family will always be my number 1. I enjoy spending time with them as well as my friends   
     and pets. Sport has always been a big part of my life and try my best to make the   
     most of living in whatever I do. 2020 has particularly opened my eyes to the many reasons that   
     I do what I do.


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #909 on: October 10, 2020, 07:31:00 pm »
1. What state & year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
Victorian year 11, Subjects are English, Math Methods, Psychology, Religious Education - Choir, Visual Media and Visual Communication and Design
2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
I have to be honest I hate Pulp Fiction with a passion, Tarintino created a movie that was long, boring, and nonsensical and was praised for it (A very unpopular opinion I am aware but I am very passionate)
3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
A baseball bat would look cool but not be very practical, I am also a huge scaredy-cat so I couldn't even get close enough to get a good wack in. A cross bow would probably be a second choice, still looks cool and doesn't require close physical distance.
4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
I just want to make a difference, whether in one persons life or many I just want people to think of me and remember how I. helped them grow.


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #910 on: October 13, 2020, 07:17:29 pm »
I think I'm starting to get the hang of this! :)


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #911 on: October 15, 2020, 07:45:52 pm »
What state & year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects?
I study in Victoria, Australia and am currently studying in Year 11 at Collingwood College. I am currently studying English Language, Maths General, Business Management, Legal Studies, Psychology and Chinese. Next year I will hopefully be studying English Language, Maths General, Business Management, Legal Studies and Psychology.

What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification.
A movie I passionately hate is Twilight as it was not what I expected and the acting was not up to standard that I expected. The plot line was also a bit confusing and hard to follow along as there was no solid storyline as it just seemed to be about vampires and werewolves. I realised after watching it and reading parts of the book that it was not particularly for me and not in my interests at all. There was also significant amount of hype around movie which could also be why I had heard mixed responses about it.

In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice?
If I were stuck in the event of a zombie apocalypse my weapon of choice would be a a baseball bat with nails on the top as this would be very convenient, easy to handle and would not need to worry about other material factors such as bullets.

Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve?
As a person I want to be someone who is successful in my own ways by being content as I have high interest in Business and Fitness. I am still determining what pathway I would like to take after Year 12 and I am aware that it is not the end all be all but I am looking to do things I am interested in. I would also like to become more independent not only in school but also for myself and socially by owning things of my own. I want to work very hard and achieve everything I can and work in a field that I am passionate bout and that makes me happy.

If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say?
I am currently 16 years old nearly 17 and live in the north-city suburb of Collingwood, Melbourne. I have lived here all my life and study at Collingwood College which is my local school. I have studies there since primary school and I am very familiar to the area. Some of my hobbies are basketball, hanging out with friends and watching movies. I have been very focused on school and school and the importance of education is very important to me so I spend a lot of my time study or spending time at school. I also have a part-time job which I am very grateful for which also helps me gain new skills and gives me a bit of financial independence as well. This year has been very different for me leading up to where I am now, especially with COVID-19 and all the effects its had. I have adjusted to the new way of schooling and maintaining the essential necessities I need to remain competent during these hard times while remaining safe. I am looking forward to going back to the environment before and being able to go out see my friends and everything go back to normal.


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #912 on: October 16, 2020, 11:10:56 am »
1. What state & year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
Qld, Year 11. Subjects are English, General Math, Psychology, Biology, Legal Studies and Health.
2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
I am not a huge movie fan so I haven't seen one I passionately hate however I dislike horror movies.
3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
I feel a flamethrower would be pretty effective.

Jazmin Ward

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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #913 on: October 16, 2020, 03:34:46 pm »
1. What state & year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
I'm currently studying in year 11 in Queensland. My subjects are Chemistry, Physics, Mathematical Methods, Specialist Mathematics and English.

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
I hate the movie Mamma Mia with a passion because my little sister watched it on repeat so much when she was younger that I just got absolutely sick of it.

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
I don't really know that much about zombies but maybe a handgun so as that I don't need to be super close to the zombies to take them out.

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
I want to help and be there for people when they need it the most. I want people to view me as someone who is compassionate and successful. I want to achieve this by studying medicine and hopefully becoming an amazing and reliable doctor.

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
Challenging but I have always been lucky to be surrounded by a wonderful family.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 03:36:38 pm by Jazmin Ward »


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #914 on: October 18, 2020, 02:45:17 pm »
1. What state & year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)

yr 11 victorian student - studying methods 3/4, spesh, further 3/4, physics, chem and english

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)

j watched 'Her' last night and dont get me wrong, it's an awesome film but lowkey brought tears to my eyes sooo it's gross. i hate it.

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).

definitely a lightweight axe j simply bc anything that requires ammo will eventually be useless once the ammunition runs out. n say u can have infite ammo there's no way u can carry enough for ur entire lifetime yk. besides it'd be fun chopping down zombies' heads with an axe.