There really isn’t a “best” ATAR combination as it’s very much a personal thing.
Things you need to consider (I’m taking it you’re a Victorian doing VCE, based on your previous posts):
- you need to take an English subject (so one of the above: English, EAL, English Language or Literature).
- you need to take at least 3 other subjects and pass a total of 16 units for your VCE
- take subjects you require as prerequisites for future uni courses e.g. if you’re deadset on taking undergrad med in Victoria, you’ll need to take Chem. Heads up: Many STEM and commerce courses will require Methods or maths of some description.
- take subjects you enjoy (rather than for scaling). Trust me - VCE is a marathon and doing subjects you hate will feel like fingernails on a chalkboard (apart from English, which is compulsory).
- some combinations of subjects e.g. all 3 maths, may not be able to count in your top 4 subjects, so beware of those.
- occasionally there are subjects which have other prerequisites e.g Algorithmics and Specialist have methods as a prereq.
- study design will be your best friend in terms of figuring out what subjects look interesting to you. Google “VCE Study design” or “VCAA study design” - note: they may not cover 2022 or onwards yet but the content generally is very similar between study designs. (Link is
Edit: small addition of study design link from VCAA.