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Author Topic: English Creative Piece  (Read 5617 times)

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English Creative Piece
« on: July 24, 2016, 12:36:10 pm »
Hey Guys, can anyone give me feedback on my creative?

The ball pounded loudly on the ground and echoed throughout the gym, the green escape doors roared furiously.
“Tre! Glad to see you’re in early. We have a new player for tonight’s game, as the captain, I wanted you to be the first to meet him. This is Jeremy, the new point guard”
I rolled my eyes, grabbed a towel and wiped the river of sweat pouring down my face
“I’m the captain and the ONLY point guard this team needs.” I shouted angrily
I picked up my bag, trudging into the locker room, filling the quiet gym with the echo of my heavy footsteps. A sigh of anger departed me as I stormed into the showers, ready for the arduous school day ahead of me.
The deafening excitement for tonight’s big game echoed throughout the hallways, the entirety of this stinking school, coming to the big game, to watch me, the star of the team play.
A banging reverberated throughout the hallway as the doors to each class room were shut emphatically. First period had begun, arriving at my class; I ripped open the door, still angry Coach had the audacity to put some new kid on tonight’s roster. In my position!
I strode in to class; peering around at familiar faces, already slouching on their desks, eager to get the day over with.
That new kid…
He’s in my seat!
Still filled with rage, I marched over to the scrawny kid, grabbing him by his tattered shirt as the class cheers on. I look into the eyes trembling before me and yell, “Move!”
I dragged my eyes over to the short, stubby teacher sitting on the edge of her desk.
“I’ll see you in detention this afternoon”
“But I have the big game on tonight! I’ll miss practice!”
My life was ruined; my big night was ruined…
I paced over to coach’s office after detention, peering in through a cracked glass pane in the middle of the large blue door.
Jeremy was in there…
“Oh Tre, nice of you to join us”
“Coach I had deten…”
“I don’t care what you had, you’re on the bench tonight, and Jeremy is replacing you in the starting lineup”
‘’But coach…”
“But nothing, you’re late”
I stood there in shock, infuriated. He’s been here for one day. One day, and already he’s ruined my life.
Coach and Jeremy shuffle past me on their way out of the office.
“Jeremy this, Jeremy that”, I thought to myself, why is coach so in love with this kid? What makes him so special? I’m the special one around here!
Not noticing where I was going, I bumped into coach’s desk and the light from his computer illuminated the tiny room, blinding me for a second. He was still logged onto his email and my curiosity got the best of me, I decided to snoop around.
I didn’t really come across anything too interesting apart from a few subscriptions to Zoo magazine. It wasn’t until I found one titled “Jeremy Jones” sent from the headmaster of another school, I became interested.
As I began to read the email, the abnormality of Jeremy’s world seeped in.
“Jeremy Jones
Father died in a work related incident 3 years ago… 
Has attended 5 different schools since…
Mother struggles to support family…”
I closed the email and stumbled out of the office in shock.
The locker room was rowdy and boisterous. The noise reverberated off the walls, echoing throughout the gym where the crowd waited anxiously. After putting our new uniform on, the team departed the locker room and I led the way out, anxious for the big game.
As we were getting ready to play, Coach realized Jeremy was nowhere in sight. I sprung to my feet, hoping he would just let me play instead. But he wanted Jeremy, and he demanded that I go and find him. When I returned to the locker room I could hear a faint whimper in the distance and as I got closer I could tell who it was.
“What are you doing? You’re supposed to be on the Court!”
“I, I, I… don’t have any basketball shoes to play in”
Just as I was about to ask why not, I remembered what I had read earlier on… I began to untie my shoe laces, not sure what I was doing and before I knew it, I could feel the cold cement tickling the bottom of my feet.
“Here, take mine, I have a spare pair from this morning”
I had the ball in my sweaty palms with ten seconds left, the score, 82-80. My heart pounding louder than the ball against the stained wooden court. With three seconds left, I was crowded by the defense.
Jeremy was open…
I launched the ball across the court towards him and with two seconds left, he got into position and took the shot. It seemed like an eternity, and then, the ball, like a snowflake, dropped softly into the net. The buzzer sounded and we won, the school roared with excitement.
He approached me after the game with his arms outstretched and my shoes in his boney hands,
“Nice pass, but I believe these are yours”
I smirked a little and strode past him towards the exit,
“Keep them, I’ll see you at practice tomorrow morning”


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Re: English Creative Piece
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2016, 08:39:18 pm »
Hey Guys, can anyone give me feedback on my creative?

Hey there maarkiiee! Thanks for posting your creative! However, you do need 5 ATAR Notes posts for every piece you'd like feedback on (5 posts for 1 creative, 50 posts for 10 creatives, etc). I'd be happy to give it some feedback!! Just reach this threshold and let me know when you've done so!  ;D (you can read full rules on essay/creative marking at the link in my signature below)

PS - Next time you need a Creative marked, ou can post it here, but this one is cool to stay separate!  ;D


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Re: English Creative Piece
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2016, 08:32:00 pm »
Hey guys!, I have a prepared creative piece already for my upcoming exams but my teacher hinted the creative writing stimulus will be about a place and mines about a personal experience! I reaaaaaally need someone's help to give me ideas on how to change mine so I will be able to link the stimulus into it thanks heaps in advanced!  :D :)
Fear sits heavy in your gut like an anchor pinning you down a vessel. Your mind tries to ignore this feeling, but your stomach refuses to settle. Suddenly, you are disturbed by violent screams coming from your much-loved mother. Fear renders you rigid.The door of your room bursts open and before you know it you have been picked up by strange men in uniform and are being aggressively dragged out of your house and thrown into a corroded truck with several other terrified teenagers. You roar out to your mother until your voice is hoarse. She is weeping on the floor head buried into the dirt. All you could do is watch; watch your life change irrevocably in the click of a rifle reload. Gone. Your family is now a memory.
Tears burn down your cheeks, streaking the dirt. You hear a boy across from you ask why we are captured. An official speaks “you are now one of us, fighting in war, and you will do as we say otherwise you will be killed”. You only heard stories of these events; little did you know you would experience this at such a young age. You are forced to accept your reality, death otherwise awaits. The truck stops and your heart sink into your stomach and can’t believe your eyes. Thousands and thousands of adolescent children are being prepared to battle in war for a cause that is not known.  You are about to become a child soldier.
Lumps choke your throat the moment an intense grip embraces onto your arm. An officer injects a syringe into your bloodstream and you question while panicking what this was and he whispers “nothing to worry about, I have chosen you to be all mine”. Blankness descends, breathing quickens. Feeling lightheaded, you collapse into the soldiers arms, carrying you into a confined, dark room. your mind is hazy and oblivious of what this man is about to do to your sacred, untouched temple. He enters, while forcefully digging himself into you, although you lay in complete paralysation. Your temple has been dramatically vandalized and deprived of purity and goodness which will never be able to repair itself from this horrid occurrence. Several hours have past and you gradually wake up to agonizing pain and maps of blood pattern the ground and your head a fog from the drugs. you then come to a realization that your transition has transpired. Get ready for duty, child soldier. 
Months have passed and the persistent consumption of illegal substances has you addicted and day by day desensitized to the severity of the civil war. You have fallen pregnant since the incident and have been robbed of your childhood. One of the officers forces you to trek an exceedingly arduous journey with desert like circumstances in exploration of nearby water springs. You were on the verge of death. Your mouth was so parched that you could barely swallow saliva. The harsh conditions are too extreme for you to continue and arrive back empty-handed, trembling with fear awaiting your punishment for not accomplishing your duty. You begin to suffer stomach pains and plead the father of your child to lead you to hospital. He intends on taking you to receive hospitalised treatment. Upon arrival, you are requested by the nurse to lie down and as her complexion whitens with alarm you hear "your baby is dead". the nurse speaks in urgent tones to a cluster of doctors. Like synchronised swimmers they swivel their heads in unison to look at you. Lifted. Wheeled. Airborne. Before next nightfall you've been de-tubed, cocooned in sheets and covertly transported to an airbase. 
Arriving in a new shiny land where you will encounter your unfamiliar family for the first time. The moment you paced into their home, you envision flashbacks of your biological parents before all these catastrophic events unfolded. Like a bungee rope, your heartbeat yo-yo's in your chest and it snaps when you realise you've farewelled your relatives. 
Your foster mother in the pristine kitchen preparing food upon your arrival. Your heart skips a beat the moment she turns around. You stare in disbelief. You cannot comprehend with what your eyes are witnessing. “MUM!” you shriek out as you frantically sprint and firmly latch your arms around her as if informing her to never let go. “Oh, my baby” she sobs gripping onto you so tightly. “How did you get here?”  You ask her, confused. 'I couldn't continue living life there with my only child missing with the civil war making the living conditions appalling, I decided to begin a new chapter here'.  Oh mum, I believed I would never see you again, I'm so grateful we found each other. Me too my sweet daughter.
Rediscovering my family in this new land makes my soul soar. Hello Australia, goodbye child soldier.


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Re: English Creative Piece
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2016, 09:02:39 pm »
Hey guys!, I have a prepared creative piece already for my upcoming exams but my teacher hinted the creative writing stimulus will be about a place and mines about a personal experience! I reaaaaaally need someone's help to give me ideas on how to change mine so I will be able to link the stimulus into it thanks heaps in advanced!  :D :)

Hello! To get feedback on an essay or creative (like, complete feedback) then you need to make 15 posts on ATAR Notes to access that! You can read more in the link in my signature below :)

But, I can offer some ideas about place and personal experience.
Could you perhaps integrate a memory of a place? Perhaps, a motif about wishing that they were in their "happy place." Off the top of my head, I can't think where there would be a place in the stimulus for place...perhaps something about the planned nature of discovery, resulting in the discovery of a place? Perhaps, exploring new places can prompt discovery? if it doesn't specify that it is a LOCATION place, you can interpret it to be a "mental place." Like, you've opened your mind to explore new places in ideologies, beliefs, etc.

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Re: English Creative Piece
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2016, 08:35:16 am »
Hey guys!, I have a prepared creative piece already for my upcoming exams but my teacher hinted the creative writing stimulus will be about a place and mines about a personal experience! I reaaaaaally need someone's help to give me ideas on how to change mine so I will be able to link the stimulus into it thanks heaps in advanced!  :D :)

Fear sits heavy in your gut like an anchor pinning you down a vessel. Your mind tries to ignore this feeling, but your stomach refuses to settle. Suddenly, you are disturbed by violent screams coming from your much-loved mother. Fear renders you rigid.The door of your room bursts open and before you know it you have been picked up by strange men in uniform and are being aggressively dragged out of your house and thrown into a corroded truck with several other terrified teenagers. You roar out to your mother until your voice is hoarse. She is weeping on the floor head buried into the dirt. All you could do is watch; watch your life change irrevocably in the click of a rifle reload. Gone. Your family is now a memory.
Tears burn down your cheeks, streaking the dirt. You hear a boy across from you ask why we are captured. An official speaks “you are now one of us, fighting in war, and you will do as we say otherwise you will be killed”. You only heard stories of these events; little did you know you would experience this at such a young age. You are forced to accept your reality, death otherwise awaits. The truck stops and your heart sink into your stomach and can’t believe your eyes. Thousands and thousands of adolescent children are being prepared to battle in war for a cause that is not known.  You are about to become a child soldier.
Lumps choke your throat the moment an intense grip embraces onto your arm. An officer injects a syringe into your bloodstream and you question while panicking what this was and he whispers “nothing to worry about, I have chosen you to be all mine”. Blankness descends, breathing quickens. Feeling lightheaded, you collapse into the soldiers arms, carrying you into a confined, dark room. your mind is hazy and oblivious of what this man is about to do to your sacred, untouched temple. He enters, while forcefully digging himself into you, although you lay in complete paralysation. Your temple has been dramatically vandalized and deprived of purity and goodness which will never be able to repair itself from this horrid occurrence. Several hours have past and you gradually wake up to agonizing pain and maps of blood pattern the ground and your head a fog from the drugs. you then come to a realization that your transition has transpired. Get ready for duty, child soldier. 
Months have passed and the persistent consumption of illegal substances has you addicted and day by day desensitized to the severity of the civil war. You have fallen pregnant since the incident and have been robbed of your childhood. One of the officers forces you to trek an exceedingly arduous journey with desert like circumstances in exploration of nearby water springs. You were on the verge of death. Your mouth was so parched that you could barely swallow saliva. The harsh conditions are too extreme for you to continue and arrive back empty-handed, trembling with fear awaiting your punishment for not accomplishing your duty. You begin to suffer stomach pains and plead the father of your child to lead you to hospital. He intends on taking you to receive hospitalised treatment. Upon arrival, you are requested by the nurse to lie down and as her complexion whitens with alarm you hear "your baby is dead". the nurse speaks in urgent tones to a cluster of doctors. HERELike synchronised swimmers they swivel their heads in unison to look at you. Lifted. Wheeled. Airborne. Before next nightfall you've been de-tubed, cocooned in sheets and covertly transported to an airbase. 
Arriving in a new shiny land where you will encounter your unfamiliar family for the first time. The moment you paced into their home, you envision flashbacks of your biological parents before all these catastrophic events unfolded. Like a bungee rope, your heartbeat yo-yo's in your chest and it snaps when you realise you've farewelled your relatives. 
Your foster mother in the pristine kitchen preparing food upon your arrival. Your heart skips a beat the moment she turns around. You stare in disbelief. You cannot comprehend with what your eyes are witnessing. “MUM!” you shriek out as you frantically sprint and firmly latch your arms around her as if informing her to never let go. “Oh, my baby” she sobs gripping onto you so tightly. “How did you get here?”  You ask her, confused. 'I couldn't continue living life there with my only child missing with the civil war making the living conditions appalling, I decided to begin a new chapter here'.  Oh mum, I believed I would never see you again, I'm so grateful we found each other. Me too my sweet daughter.
Rediscovering my family in this new land makes my soul soar. Hello Australia, goodbye child soldier.

Hey jelin_queen! While Elyse is right that you need to have 15 posts per essay marked (don't worry just answer or ask a few questions, make your first post and youll get there in no time) I'll be happy to provide some feedback- Consider it like a trial version, only not nearly as good :)

I am loving the 2nd person you have used throughout!! Normally it does not work for people but you have nailed it on the head!
I really like the concept and the way it is going, I can really picture it in my mind. However I got lost (around about where I wrote here above in your piece) towards the end, did you run out of time and try to wrap it up quickly? The conclusion was way too clichčd in my opinion, you do not want an amazing story ruined by something as cheesy as family reunion in the middle of a civil war.
You havent exactly elaborated on the mother either. Was she the one at the start? The foster mother/biological mother takes away from your essay.

I love as well how you didnt mention discovery the whole time yet made a discovery at the same time blatantly obvious and vastly complex.
AND the whole I am pregnant and then a few lines later the baby is dead does not do it any favours. Why was this needed in there? We dont know the baby, the way it is described she doesnt even want it, so what purpose does it serve?

Some great ideas here. An amazing creative that was let down by a weak ending. Remember you already have discovery in there, reunion does not have to be a part of it! Not all stories have to have a happy ending.
Also, you can do more than just a short story. Maybe a sequence of letters would have been more practical than the mother suddenly arriving?

Food for thought :D


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Re: English Creative Piece
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2016, 02:44:41 pm »
Thank you for the feedback and ideas Studybuddy7777 and elysepopplewell :)


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Re: English Creative Piece
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2016, 03:29:49 pm »
Studybuddy7777, I added in the idea that she had an unwanted baby as it was forced upon her but I wanted from that the concept of ' bad experiences can lead to positive opportunities or experiences' to be incorporated in my story, but if it doesn't work well then I will scrap it out.
what would be a better way to conclude this story? where should I take it?
thank you once again :)


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Re: English Creative Piece
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2016, 06:06:01 pm »
elysepopplewell I have reached 15 posts :)


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Re: English Creative Piece
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2016, 07:41:42 pm »
Studybuddy7777, I added in the idea that she had an unwanted baby as it was forced upon her but I wanted from that the concept of ' bad experiences can lead to positive opportunities or experiences' to be incorporated in my story, but if it doesn't work well then I will scrap it out.
what would be a better way to conclude this story? where should I take it?
thank you once again :)

To me (and by all means get other's opinions such as elyse's) it just sounds so almost "convenient" that the baby died. She couldnt look after it, didnt want it, the baby wouldntve wanted a mother like that, nor the guerilla guy (lol).
And is the positive that her baby died so she didnt have to worry about it anymore, or is it a negative?

Also, i would not incorporate the mother unless it was through letters (A series of them). Just makes the reader go like.. How did that happen? (How did she find her, how did she get there) why did they take her, and isnt that convenient? This is the second time in just a few lines that things have just managed to work out perfectly for her. And now everything is okay now despite her past.

I'll just emphasise one more point: Your story does not have to end happily. Life rarely does. And second person seems to reflect "real life" the most of the 'persons' (1st, 2nd, 3rd, attached, detached).

Hope I could help and glad i helped so far!

PS. I would send a PM to elyse that you have now got the required post count to get your essay marked (be sure to include any revision you may make though :))


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Re: English Creative Piece
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2016, 12:19:33 am »
thank you heaps for your help studybuddy7777 :)


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Re: English Creative Piece
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2016, 06:47:59 am »
That is no problems jelin_queen
(PS You have enough posts to get an essay marked :))


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Re: English Creative Piece
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2016, 02:11:09 pm »
elysepopplewell I have reached 15 posts :)

Super happy to give you proper feedback! Just let Jamon or I know if you'd prefer your essay marked first or the creative. If one is more pressing, choose that one :)
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Re: English Creative Piece
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2016, 03:30:55 pm »
Hi elysepopplewell
I would like my creative to be marked first thank you  :D


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Re: English Creative Piece
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2016, 08:40:53 pm »
Hey guys!, I have a prepared creative piece already for my upcoming exams but my teacher hinted the creative writing stimulus will be about a place and mines about a personal experience! I reaaaaaally need someone's help to give me ideas on how to change mine so I will be able to link the stimulus into it thanks heaps in advanced!  :D :)

Great! I'll take a look at this one now :)

The comments are in the spoiler in bold font :)
Fear sits heavy in your gut like an anchor pinning you down to? a sinking? vessel. Your mind tries to ignore this feeling, but your stomach refuses to settle. Suddenly, you are disturbed by violent screams coming from your much-loved mother. Consider using "mum" instead of mother. Mother is rigid, quite sophisticated, borderline pompous. If you want to create a more fun and casual (relatable) relationship between mum and the reader, then mum is a better option than mother. If you want to keep that distance, then by all means stay with mother.Fear renders you rigid.The door of your room bursts open and before you know it you have been picked up by strange men in uniform and are being aggressively dragged out of your house and thrown into a corroded truck with several other terrified teenagers. You roar out to your mother until your voice is hoarse. I really love your use of "roar" here - super powerful :)She is weeping on the floor, her head buried into the dirt. All you could do is watch; watch your life change irrevocably in the click of a rifle reload. Gone. Your family is now a memory. I think you should bring this down by dropping a line. Maybe put "gone" and "your family is just a memory" on two different lines, with considerable spacing between to emphasise the drama. Eg:

..your life change irrevocably in the click of a rifle reload.

Your family is just a memory.

*story continues...

I think pairing the two sentences in the middle there works really well, but spacing between them could work too. It's just about playing with your form to enhance the suspense and emotion that the reader is experiencing. And trust me, right now I am really engaged!

Tears burn down your cheeks, streaking the dirt. You hear a boy across from you ask why we are captured. An official speaks for you. New line for new dialogue. “you are now one of us, fighting in war, and you will do as we say otherwise you will be killed”. You only heard stories of these events; little did you know you would experience this at such a young age. You are forced to accept your reality, death otherwise awaits. The truck stops and your heart sinks into your stomach and can’t believe your eyes. Thousands and thousands of adolescent children are being prepared to battle in war for a cause that is not known.  You are about to become a child soldier. Maybe we could break this up, again with the purpose of heightening the drama? Perhaps something like: "You are a child. Now you are too, a soldier." I think that this way you're giving the reader the respect to connect the two themselves, which I think has more of a meaning than just feeding it to them. Let the reader come to their own conclusion and it will be more impacting!
Lumps choke your throat the moment an intense grip embraces onto your arm. An officer injects a syringe into your bloodstream and through panicked breaths, you question while panicking what this was. and he He whispers “nothing to worry about, I have chosen you to be all mine”. Dialogue needs to be on a new line. Blankness descends, breathing quickens. I like that you don't identify the breathing here as being my breathing. It adds a more universal adrenaline to it! Feeling lightheaded, you collapse into the soldiers arms, carrying you into a confined, dark room. your Your mind is hazy and oblivious of what this man is about to do to your sacred, untouched temple. He enters, while forcefully digging himself into you, although you lay in complete paralysation. Your temple has been dramatically vandalized and deprived of purity and goodness which will never be able to repair itself from this horrid occurrence. Several hours have past and you gradually wake up to agonizing pain and maps of blood pattern the ground and your head a fog from the drugs. you then come to a realization that your transition has transpired. Get ready for duty, child soldier.  This section confused me because I thought temple was the head, then I started thinking that temple was a euphemism for a genitalia and I'm being assaulted...then I think it's the head again? The "enter" part really threw me here. Consider rephrasing this :)
Months have passed and the persistent consumption of illegal substances has you addicted and day by day desensitized to the severity of the civil war. You have fallen pregnant since the incident and have been robbed of your childhood. Ok now she's pregnant, I don't know if the temple is a temple on the head or if it is a euphemism? One of the officers forces you to trek an exceedingly arduous journey with desert like circumstances in exploration of nearby water springs. You were on the verge of death. Your mouth was so parched that you could barely swallow saliva. The harsh conditions are too extreme for you to continue and arrive back empty-handed, trembling with fear awaiting your punishment for not accomplishing your duty. You begin to suffer stomach pains and plead the father of your child to lead you to hospital. He intends on taking you to receive hospitalised treatment. Drop a line here for a change of scene.Upon arrival, you are requested by the nurse to lie down and as her complexion whitens with alarm you hear "your baby is dead". the nurse speaks in urgent tones to a cluster of doctors. Like synchronised swimmers they swivel their heads in unison to look at you. Lifted. Wheeled. Airborne. This short succession deserves its own line I think! Before next nightfall you've been de-tubed, cocooned in sheets and covertly transported to an airbase. 
Arriving in a new shiny land where you will encounter your unfamiliar family for the first time. The moment you paced into their home, you envision flashbacks of your biological parents before all these catastrophic events unfolded. Like a bungee rope, your heartbeat yo-yo's in your chest I think the heart itself yo-yoing is stronger than the heartbeat doing it!and it snaps when you realise you've farewelled your relatives. 
Your foster mother is in the pristine kitchen preparing food upon your arrival. Your heart skips a beat the moment she turns around. You stare in disbelief. You cannot comprehend with what your eyes are witnessing. “MUM!” you shriek out as you frantically sprint and firmly latch your arms around her as if informing her to never let go. Dialogue = new line.“Oh, my baby” she sobs gripping onto you so tightly. New line for new speaker. “How did you get here?”  You ask her, confused. New line for mum again.'I couldn't continue living life there with my only child missing with in the civil war making the living conditions appalling, I decided to begin a new chapter here'.  Oh mum, I believed I would never see you again, I'm so grateful we found each other. Me too my sweet daughter.
Rediscovering my family in this new land makes my soul soar. Hello Australia, goodbye child soldier.

I'm just going to comment on the story as a whole now, and point out which bits I enjoyed and which areas can be improved. I've gone over and edited a few grammatical things, as simple as adding in an extra word here or there so that it all makes more sense. Each time a new person speaks in dialogue, you need to start a new line (a grammatical thing, not something I've made up).

Your writing is really lovely in terms of expression and revealing the story. I was very engaged, the second person involvement was very effective and I was super engaged the entire time.

As I mentioned, the temple thing was confusing. In hindsight, I now think it is a euphemism, which is great. But it needs a bit more work to make that more clear, but at the same time, still strong in imagery (without being too full on). It also makes me wonder about this girl's experience in the resistance army. Was she just a sex slave? Or was she also on the front line? I'd like to know about this just so that I can empathise with the experience a bit more. I expected lots of guns and fighting, but there wasn't a lot of that. Which isn't at all unpleasant, I think the story took a much greater turn, but I'm still curious about her being assaulted because that was her place in the army, or if it was on top of daily fighting/training.

The only other thing that confused me was the description of the foster mum, and then suddenly the biological mum appears. I just didn't quite make that connection. I'm going to propose a few alternate endings for you, just for the purpose of enhancing the discovery a bit. Could you fast forward, and suddenly I'm a humanitarian aid worker? I'll discover ethnographically, politically, emotionally, physically, etc. And I'll be on the front line as a nurse, helping a young woman who has been impregnated by the LRA? Or, I could be brought to Australia, studying diplomacy, human rights, or social work - and then there are more discoveries there about breaking a cycle. The reason I'm suggesting these is because I'm so engaged the entire way through the story, and then the ending becomes convenient? As though a perfect circle is made that is almost too perfect for realism. I'm sure this kind of thing happens, I have no doubt. But I think a story that ends with the victim channelling her trauma into power offers more opportunities for discovery, and provides a tiny little extra segment that might be easily adapted to the syllabus. What do you think?

Overall, this is a really awesome piece. I think the "you" narration is extremely engaging and well thought out. I also think that, at the beginning especially, you rock the expression! I am truly transported, immediately. This story is great!
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 08:51:38 pm by jamonwindeyer »
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Re: English Creative Piece
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2016, 05:57:23 pm »
thank you so much for your help! Elysepopplewell