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Author Topic: Best way to cram 6 subjects in 6 days?  (Read 4668 times)

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Best way to cram 6 subjects in 6 days?
« on: October 07, 2016, 01:09:17 am »
Hey guys!

So as we all know, there's only a dreaded 6 days left till Paper 1 starts (woo) and even though I've definitely studied, I still feel like I know absolute zilch. I think I haven't been using my preparation time effectively, although I am trying my best to work consistently! I've been feeling extremely burnt out and on good days I only really get one past paper out (that is, completed, marked etc) and it's really bothering my how unmotivated I am since I've been studying 12 years just for these final exams and in the final sprint I'm just sitting there while everyone races past me. Right before the trial period, I wasn't too motivated and stressed then either but I still managed to get 2 past papers out a day and that was INCLUDING school time. It's extremely frustrating to see myself let myself down like this and honestly I swear every second I'm pushing myself but nothing's coming out? It's just disappointing to see that the one thing holding back the person who cares so much and wants to excel is themselves. I just want the HSC to be over but I don't want it to be over if I did poorly in all my exams but I'm not exactly putting in the effort either? Sorry this has been a massive wreck of a post but I can't sleep at night cause I'm so concerned for myself, which makes me tired in the morning and then I try and push myself harder because I can't sleep yet if i haven't done shit D: and then I put everything off with a 2 hour youtube binge. And the cycle doesn't stop (and what sucks is that I work best in the morning and sleeping at 1 or 2 am makes that downright impossible) and I'm so worried.

Anyhow, the point of all this was, what do you guys think is the best way to study for my 6 subjects (English Adv, Phys, Chem, Bio, Maths X1 and Maths X2) in the 6 days? Obviously English is first and that takes 'priority' but everything is quite soon after as well. So I'm the type of person who likes to memorise for English (i've done this for 3 years and I don't think I'll change tactics last minute) and all I've got down so far is AOS essay, so how do you think i should allocate my time? I've been dedicating everyday studying so no schedule is no rigorous as long as it fits 15 hours (I need 9 hours of sleep yo) so yeah, thank you I'm so stressed and annoyed at myself at the same time. Also, does anyone have any tips of self-motivation? The HSC is a marathon right? Right now it feels like I've sprained both of my ankles and it's the final 100 metre sprint. Please help :/



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Re: Best way to cram 6 subjects in 6 days?
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2016, 09:28:56 am »
I would easily say that my motivation levels during HSC stuvac were significantly lower than for the trials. I was actually bothered to do heaps during the lead-up to the trials, but day 1 of HSC stuvac was just no.
Whilst I left YouTube there because a) there's some educational videos on YouTube and b) I need some fun time before sleep, I disabled a fair bit of social media platforms to add focus.

Some things you might want to consider could be mixing up the study atmosphere. Two of my friends invited me to the library and that helped me quite a fair bit; I was forced into studying. That's how I survived doing 2 past papers a day despite the increasing levels of boredom.

You seem like you're one of those high aiming students, so that might play a part in feeling like you don't know enough. You probably know heaps, just that the few gaps left are all you really think about. Find some leftover time to fill in these gaps without really interfering with the cycle of past papers.

Gotta admit though, these traps are why I don't memorise essays. You definitely shouldn't bother changing tactics at the last minute as you say, but then the question becomes how did you memorise them during the trial study period, as opposed to this stuvac


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Re: Best way to cram 6 subjects in 6 days?
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2016, 09:51:32 am »
The HSC is a marathon right? Right now it feels like I've sprained both of my ankles and it's the final 100 metre sprint.

Wow this is actually so accurate
HSC 2016: SOR 2, Adv. English, Ext. 1 English, Chemistry, 2U Maths, Hospitality
6th in NSW for SOR 2

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Re: Best way to cram 6 subjects in 6 days?
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2016, 12:16:36 pm »
Hey guys!

Massive respect to you for reaching out Neutron! ;D

Lack of motivation and personal drive is really common at this stage of the HSC. Just know that you aren't alone. There are thousands of students in the same boat as you right now. Exacerbated by a procrastination source like Youtube, not a good mix!

I think you should start by removing your problem sources; lack of sleep and Youtube. Download an app like Self Control and block yourself from Youtube in your working hours (9-9 or whatever). Then, give yourself one hour on Youtube at night, every night, do it at the same time every time. You do nothing during or after that Youtube binge. You have your hour, then you sleep. This is sort of what I did in my HSC. I had my working hours (usually 9-9 with breaks), then I had a 1 hour chill session, then I slept. The chill session at night stripped the stress and helped me sleep, I reckon it will do the same for you too! Physically blocking your procrastination sources until the end of the day works really well :)

In terms of study, my advice is really simple. You do know your stuff, it's in there, so you need to focus on feeling prepared and being ready to regurgitate that knowledge. So:
- Memorise your essays for English over this weekend. Jump onto our feedback boards and get feedback on a couple, polish them, have them done by Sunday. From there, read them aloud/write them out to get them locked in, however you did it for Trials.

Then, just past papers. Do English past papers on Monday-Wednesday, a Paper 1 every morning and a Paper 2 every afternoon. It will suck, but that's only 4 hours of work, you can do that. Upload one of the essays you struggled with as photos to ATAR Notes, get feedback, try it again in the evening.

After English, just start doing other past papers in rotation, one at a time. One in the morning, one in the afternoon, use the evenings to revise stuff you didn't remember from the papers that day. Just get yourself into a routine, and keep moving.

The determination has to come from you. It will suck, but pain is temporary man, I know you can do it! ;D


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Re: Best way to cram 6 subjects in 6 days?
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2016, 12:17:45 am »
Would it be better to study subjects that are upcoming first and neglect the ones that are later on? In my case i have english modern and maths in the first 2 weeks then i have a 10 day break till economics and chemistry.


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Re: Best way to cram 6 subjects in 6 days?
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2016, 01:06:27 am »
Would it be better to study subjects that are upcoming first and neglect the ones that are later on? In my case i have english modern and maths in the first 2 weeks then i have a 10 day break till economics and chemistry.

Hey hey! That's probably a long enough break to warrant leaving Economics and Chemistry, but I wouldn't ignore them entirely! Just do a little bit on them both every couple of days, just to keep them churning in the back of your mind until the first lot of exams are done ;D


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Re: Best way to cram 6 subjects in 6 days?
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2016, 10:47:21 am »
Massive respect to you for reaching out Neutron! ;D

Lack of motivation and personal drive is really common at this stage of the HSC. Just know that you aren't alone. There are thousands of students in the same boat as you right now. Exacerbated by a procrastination source like Youtube, not a good mix!

I think you should start by removing your problem sources; lack of sleep and Youtube. Download an app like Self Control and block yourself from Youtube in your working hours (9-9 or whatever). Then, give yourself one hour on Youtube at night, every night, do it at the same time every time. You do nothing during or after that Youtube binge. You have your hour, then you sleep. This is sort of what I did in my HSC. I had my working hours (usually 9-9 with breaks), then I had a 1 hour chill session, then I slept. The chill session at night stripped the stress and helped me sleep, I reckon it will do the same for you too! Physically blocking your procrastination sources until the end of the day works really well :)

In terms of study, my advice is really simple. You do know your stuff, it's in there, so you need to focus on feeling prepared and being ready to regurgitate that knowledge. So:
- Memorise your essays for English over this weekend. Jump onto our feedback boards and get feedback on a couple, polish them, have them done by Sunday. From there, read them aloud/write them out to get them locked in, however you did it for Trials.

Then, just past papers. Do English past papers on Monday-Wednesday, a Paper 1 every morning and a Paper 2 every afternoon. It will suck, but that's only 4 hours of work, you can do that. Upload one of the essays you struggled with as photos to ATAR Notes, get feedback, try it again in the evening.

After English, just start doing other past papers in rotation, one at a time. One in the morning, one in the afternoon, use the evenings to revise stuff you didn't remember from the papers that day. Just get yourself into a routine, and keep moving.

The determination has to come from you. It will suck, but pain is temporary man, I know you can do it! ;D

Yep I already have selfcontrol downloaded and everything (Y) but the thing is, I'm having trouble sleeping at night as well. So I'll be in bed at 12 but then roll around for 3 hours (no joke) and I think I sleep at around 3-3:30. So that's 3 hours of my day gone cause then i just end up sleeping in. I'm not sure whether it's because I'm stressed or what but it's not like I do a lot of work. I think i work best between 7am-10am but me not being able to sleep makes that working period nearly impossible. And between 12pm-6pm for some reason, time just flies and before you know it I haven't done anything productive. Like I'm definitely at the library but idk why but even just marking a past paper can take me 2 hours (doing the paper would be 4-5) and before you know it, my whole day's gone again and all i have is 1 paper done. :/

So is your recommendation that I spend every moment (or pretty much every moment) I have now until English, on English? Cause Biology's 4 days after and X2 is the day after Bio rip :/ Also, do you have any english past papers lying around? I only have a few :/ Thanks!



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Re: Best way to cram 6 subjects in 6 days?
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2016, 11:09:37 am »
Yep I already have selfcontrol downloaded and everything (Y) but the thing is, I'm having trouble sleeping at night as well. So I'll be in bed at 12 but then roll around for 3 hours (no joke) and I think I sleep at around 3-3:30. So that's 3 hours of my day gone cause then i just end up sleeping in. I'm not sure whether it's because I'm stressed or what but it's not like I do a lot of work. I think i work best between 7am-10am but me not being able to sleep makes that working period nearly impossible. And between 12pm-6pm for some reason, time just flies and before you know it I haven't done anything productive. Like I'm definitely at the library but idk why but even just marking a past paper can take me 2 hours (doing the paper would be 4-5) and before you know it, my whole day's gone again and all i have is 1 paper done. :/

So is your recommendation that I spend every moment (or pretty much every moment) I have now until English, on English? Cause Biology's 4 days after and X2 is the day after Bio rip :/ Also, do you have any english past papers lying around? I only have a few :/ Thanks!


It is up to you to really work hard to improve those patterns. Only you know your sources of procrastination, only you know your study strengths/weaknesses, play to them. But don't necessarily think that sleep ins are bad or long hours are good. Try to work WITH your body and mind to keep it happy (within reason). If it wants sleep, let it have sleep. If you can't sleep at 12pm anyway, maybe add some light study there? Go with the flow :)

Jump on here for extra past papers for a heap of subjects! I do recommend focusing fairly heavily on English, ideally I would say to do English every morning, and then either Bio or MX2 every afternoon (or something similar). Then you've got the week off to get prepped for the next set of exams ;D