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Re: Last-minute discussion, questions and tips about the HHD exam :)
« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2016, 12:11:56 pm »
I've probably doubled up here on some already-answered questions, soz :P

Also EDIT about poly and monounsaturated fats - this is directly from examiners reports and I think where I originally got info from:

Monounsaturated: lowers the level of low-density lipoprotein without lowering the level of high-density
lipoproteins, which reduces the risk of build-up of plaque in blood vessels, thus decreasing the risk of
cardiovascular disease.

Polyunsaturated: provides essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) for the body. Omega-3 is important for
blood circulation for protection against heart disease and for joint mobility. Omega-6 is important for
maintaining a healthy immune system and for normal functioning of the brain, spinal cord and retina of the
eye, regulation of blood pressure and blood clotting, and has a greater lowering effect on triglycerides.

There's a question I have that's been constantly itching me, and it's the 4 mark "explain how ___ impacts on global health and sustainable human development."
I've been told to just answer global health, and then SHD the normal way I would, but in my mind that would equal an answer of 8 marks. I've also been told that "you get 2 marks for global health and 2 for SHD" but honestly this didn't quite help me at all. Do I just ignore my head and do it anyway, or is there a secret here?

Just answer both briefly (Global health: ____ Sustainable human development: ____).  Sometimes they do have 2-mark SHD questions - just don't go into much detail and make the links quickly. :)

I always get confused with questions like these because how do we know if they are asking us for a specific program or if they are asking one to make one up? ???

My take on this:

If a question says 'describe a program COULD X implement', then make it up.  If it says, 'describe a program X HAS implemented', then a real one is needed.  That's just from taking exactly what the questions say haha, though from memory exam reports support that.

They won't ask you for specific programs, ever.  Rather, they might say 'Describe a program that an Australian NGO [or the Australian government] has implemented in a developing country', because that is testable information you should know (you can pick your NGO).

EDIT: Although it may come under fats more generally. They may actually be a good point to be aware of regarding polyunsaturated fats in particular.

Oh hell, I wrote the stuff in that link didn't I. :-\  Yeah, I learnt the omega 3/6 stuff just as part of explaining the role of polyunsaturated fats, but they'll never ask you specifically about them, I don't believe.

And tbh with mono and poly fats, I found that the internet disagreed all over the place, which is why info in that link may be shaky.  I can't remember what the exam report says one year (searching the pdfs isn't working lol) :/

Two questions
1. Could someone give a couple of examples as to what types of questions WHO priorities could involve?

- list WHO priorities
- describe WHO priorities
- explain their impact on SHD/GH/HS/HD
- describe how 1-2 priorities are evident in case study
- the 6-marker interrelationship question

Thanks! Also I've mainly been using the passing on knowledge to future generations as a link to sustainability, would you have any other good links just so I have some variety?

Yeah, you can just chuck in the words 'environmental sustainability', 'economic sustainability' or 'social sustainability' (plus explain how they link).  Alternatively, you can use the affordable/equitable/appropriate thingos.

Often it's just common sense.  For instance, something free won't be sustainable because it has to be funded from somewhere, and something expensive won't be because no one'll be able to access it... whereas if the program generates money itself, that's sustainable (affordable and economically sustainable.  Or if a pump is built, then that's a fairly one-off cost rather than ongoing (like sending bottled water would be) so it's sustainable, but make sure that there's a way they'll fund or maintain repairs.  Or if something relies on a supply of trees or fish, that may not sustainable (environmentally sustainable), as they may run out.

Don't know if that makes sense - the idea is that often it's as simple as understanding what it means for something to be sustainable and explaining that.

So do I just link to human development/global health?

Yep, Steph's got it perfect.  Basically you're just explaining why we need the goal, what big problems in health or human development it'll fix.

Note: they may ask you for two specifically different reasons why it's important, and they may say 'apart from ____ [e.g. burden of disease]'.  I emphasise this because in two previous years they've done this and only 4% got 2 marks on the question in both cases.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2016, 12:16:14 pm by heidiii »
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Re: Last-minute discussion, questions and tips about the HHD exam :)
« Reply #31 on: November 02, 2016, 12:25:19 pm »
HI would someone mind reading my response for the question "how does universal health coverage promoties SHD" and let me know how i can improve it and possibly what marks i woulg get for this response?

By providing universal health coverage, individuals in communities a likely to experience improvements in physical health at a result of the absence of infirmity. By having treatment which reduces illness and disease individuals have better functioning immune systems and sufficient energy to go to work or to seek education where they can develop their literacy and numeracy skills (Social sustainability).Once a person is educated they can pass on their knowledge and enhance the skills and knowledge of their own children. These skills allow individuals to “enhance their capabilities” and seek more meaningful employment which allows them to “lead more productive lives” and have a “decent standard of living”. With more people being physically healthy and contributing to their countries economy through taxation (economic sustainability) the government is able to provide more education opportunities, access to healthcare and social protection. This ensures that future generations can “develop to their full potential”, increasing their self-esteem and confidence in their capabilities and future, and contribute to their countries sustainable human development.



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Re: Last-minute discussion, questions and tips about the HHD exam :)
« Reply #32 on: November 02, 2016, 12:44:26 pm »
Do you need to know a definition for the determinants??
Don't worry about scores that you can't change  because there are so many more productive things you could do

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Re: Last-minute discussion, questions and tips about the HHD exam :)
« Reply #33 on: November 02, 2016, 01:00:24 pm »
HI would someone mind reading my response for the question "how does universal health coverage promoties SHD" and let me know how i can improve it and possibly what marks i woulg get for this response?

By providing universal health coverage, individuals in communities a likely to experience improvements in physical health at a result of the absence of infirmity. By having treatment which reduces illness and disease individuals have better functioning immune systems and sufficient energy to go to work or to seek education where they can develop their literacy and numeracy skills (Social sustainability).Once a person is educated they can pass on their knowledge and enhance the skills and knowledge of their own children. These skills allow individuals to “enhance their capabilities” and seek more meaningful employment which allows them to “lead more productive lives” and have a “decent standard of living”. With more people being physically healthy and contributing to their countries economy through taxation (economic sustainability) the government is able to provide more education opportunities, access to healthcare and social protection. This ensures that future generations can “develop to their full potential”, increasing their self-esteem and confidence in their capabilities and future, and contribute to their countries sustainable human development.

That's good, I'd give 6/6!  Tiny notes: you don't have to put " " round quotes from definitions, and I'd try and link to/mention the stimulus (universal health coverage) again somewhere in the middle. :)

Do you need to know a definition for the determinants??

Since they're in VCAA's list of definitions, I reckon yes, but I reckon you can just put them all in this mould (so they're easy to learn just by common sense!):

Factors related to ____ that impact on health, e.g. ___

- Biological: factors related to the body that impact on health, e.g. give a few random examples
- Behavioural: factors related to our actions and patterns of living that impact on health, e.g. ____
- Social: factors related to society and our social environment that impact on health, e.g. ____
- Physical: factors related to the physical surroundings in which we live/work/play that impact on health, e.g. ____
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Re: Last-minute discussion, questions and tips about the HHD exam :)
« Reply #34 on: November 02, 2016, 01:42:47 pm »
When a question ask you to describe the interrelationship between health and sustainability we link it to either social/economical/envrionmental sustainability right?


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Re: Last-minute discussion, questions and tips about the HHD exam :)
« Reply #35 on: November 02, 2016, 01:55:24 pm »
When asked to explain (for 2marks) either the WHO priorities or UN or DFAT would it be sufficient to say something like "Universal health coverage ensure that all people have access to medical treatment regardless of culture, gender, and financial circumstances" 
or would we have to provide something along the lines of
"The WHO priority Univeral health coverage ensure that all people have access to medical treatment regardless of their ability to pay. An example of this is the WHO providing impoverished communities in Africa with medical assistance and treatment to combat disease and illness such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and measles; regardless of the families or individuals ability to pay for the services"


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Re: Last-minute discussion, questions and tips about the HHD exam :)
« Reply #36 on: November 02, 2016, 02:00:58 pm »
SORRY! asking so many questions.
for the SDGS if we are asked to provide a description and why it is important can we just used general knowledge or are we expected to know specifics?
Thank you!


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Re: Last-minute discussion, questions and tips about the HHD exam :)
« Reply #37 on: November 02, 2016, 02:25:46 pm »
Hey guys!!
Would we be asked for similarities and differences between the biomedical and social model of health?
If so, could someone help me out with similarities?
i have two:
1) they both share the aim to improve the health of populations -> i feel like this is vague though.
2) they both increase life expectancy/quality of life/HALE through treatment an diagnosis of illness (biomedical) and through prevention (social)

and what about the Ottawa charter and the social model?


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Re: Last-minute discussion, questions and tips about the HHD exam :)
« Reply #38 on: November 02, 2016, 03:08:34 pm »
When a question ask you to describe the interrelationship between health and sustainability we link it to either social/economical/envrionmental sustainability right?

Yes, esp if you combine it with 'passing on to future generations' :)

When asked to explain (for 2marks) either the WHO priorities or UN or DFAT would it be sufficient to say something like "Universal health coverage ensure that all people have access to medical treatment regardless of culture, gender, and financial circumstances" 
or would we have to provide something along the lines of
"The WHO priority Univeral health coverage ensure that all people have access to medical treatment regardless of their ability to pay. An example of this is the WHO providing impoverished communities in Africa with medical assistance and treatment to combat disease and illness such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and measles; regardless of the families or individuals ability to pay for the services"

Your first example feels a bit sparse and the second one would get full marks, but you don't *have* to do the 'The WHO priority...' thing at the start :)

This is what my sort of answer would look like, but this isn't 'the right way' - yours was equally good! :)

Universal health coverage aims to ensure that all people have affordable access to medical treatment regardless of culture, gender, and financial circumstances, by developing more efficient health systems, well-trained health workers and access to essential medicines/technologies.

SORRY! asking so many questions.
for the SDGS if we are asked to provide a description and why it is important can we just used general knowledge or are we expected to know specifics?
Thank you!

No worries at all!

You can use general knowledge of why [gender equality/safe water/no hunger/employment/etc] is important (link to specific ways it'll improve H/HD from the current poor state).  You should've learnt about this in the 'factors that influence health status section' so you don't have to learn each one specifically here.

Hey guys!!
Would we be asked for similarities and differences between the biomedical and social model of health?
If so, could someone help me out with similarities?
i have two:
1) they both share the aim to improve the health of populations -> i feel like this is vague though.
2) they both increase life expectancy/quality of life/HALE through treatment an diagnosis of illness (biomedical) and through prevention (social)

and what about the Ottawa charter and the social model?

I think you could be asked that, yes, and I think your second one is great, though you don't have to mention the difference (through diagnosis and prevention).  They're not likely to ask for two similarities, rather one similarity + one difference.

Ottawa Charter and social model aren't really very different, since the OC came directly from the SM, but you could mention how their priorities/key areas are different.
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Re: Last-minute discussion, questions and tips about the HHD exam :)
« Reply #39 on: November 02, 2016, 03:23:40 pm »
When asked to explain (for 2marks) either the WHO priorities or UN or DFAT would it be sufficient to say something like "Universal health coverage ensure that all people have access to medical treatment regardless of culture, gender, and financial circumstances" 
or would we have to provide something along the lines of
"The WHO priority Univeral health coverage ensure that all people have access to medical treatment regardless of their ability to pay. An example of this is the WHO providing impoverished communities in Africa with medical assistance and treatment to combat disease and illness such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and measles; regardless of the families or individuals ability to pay for the services"

There's a description of each priority in last year's examination report. i just learnt them. is that fine?


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Re: Last-minute discussion, questions and tips about the HHD exam :)
« Reply #40 on: November 02, 2016, 03:54:21 pm »
There's a description of each priority in last year's examination report. i just learnt them. is that fine?

Ooooooh yes, that's perfect!  I need to pinch those ;)
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Re: Last-minute discussion, questions and tips about the HHD exam :)
« Reply #41 on: November 02, 2016, 03:57:09 pm »
Thanks Heidi!!  ;D

Hey guys!!
For part a of this question from the 2014 exam, i chose access to education.
is this a good response for bii?

With increased access to education, more people are likely to gain access to contraceptive methods and safe sex education such as the use of condoms. Hence, the levels of HIV/AIDS is likely to decrease. As a result, life expectancy can rise on a global scale whilst global mortality and morbidity rates are likely to decrease.   


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Re: Last-minute discussion, questions and tips about the HHD exam :)
« Reply #42 on: November 02, 2016, 05:24:49 pm »
Hey guys do I need to know advantages and disadvantages of the ottawa charter for health promotion as well as Vichealth?

Thanks in advance


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Re: Last-minute discussion, questions and tips about the HHD exam :)
« Reply #43 on: November 02, 2016, 05:31:32 pm »
Do we need to know the roles of the state govt (as well as the local and federal govts) for example
- Delivery of health services
- Regulatory responsiblities

Or can we just write 'take care of the delivery of public hospitals, psychiatric hospitals', etc.?
And do we need to know all five of the roles of the fed. govt.? (Administration of Medicare, Administration of PBS, quarantine, funding & regulation)

Thanks everyone so much!! :)
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Re: Last-minute discussion, questions and tips about the HHD exam :)
« Reply #44 on: November 02, 2016, 06:03:15 pm »
Do we need to know the roles of the state govt (as well as the local and federal govts) for example
- Delivery of health services
- Regulatory responsiblities

Or can we just write 'take care of the delivery of public hospitals, psychiatric hospitals', etc.?
And do we need to know all five of the roles of the fed. govt.? (Administration of Medicare, Administration of PBS, quarantine, funding & regulation)

Thanks everyone so much!! :)

Based on past exam questions i would say it would be best to know at least two for each. Just to be safe :) at least thats what im doing