Regarding the exam on a general level, how do you/did you chose what you would memorise historian's interpretations for?
At the UniMelb VCE Winter School a lecturer recommended 2 for each thing listed on the study design, but this just seems overwhelming. Especially since I haven't really found many sticking due to knowing the confines of both of my AOS1 SACS (e.g. for Source Analysis we were told 5 possible topics the SAC could be one, so I memorised a couple of quotes for each).
I'm doing America and China if that is of any help.
Really any help regarding memorising historians would be fantastic!!
Hi there madic! So, not sure how useful my advice will be given I did Revs with the old study design, but I'll try my best.
Can only speak for China, but the historian's interpretations/quotes I remembered were selected by my teacher, and there was generally about 3-5 quotes per block of years (i.e. for China: 1949-1953, 1954-1957, 1958-1961, 1962-1965 and 1966-1976).
My teacher's tips was to just remember a small quote that you could incorporate into your response - no need to remember a really long quote that will be hard to insert into your sentence
In terms of tips for memorisation - writing out the quotes a lot can help, I also put the quotes in a powerpoint (with the stem of the quote showing and me needing to press the spacebar to show the rest of the quote) and went through that heaps of times

Associating the quote with a picture helped as well. It worked even better if the picture was a bit quirky or silly

You'll also find that as you write more and more practice pieces, the historian's interpretations become an automatic thing you remember. And, if all else fails, as long as you remember the general gist, that's better than nothing.
Really, there's no magic number of interpretations to remember - just make sure you know enough for you to be writing good quality responses
Oh, and I narrowed down the amount of interpretations I had to remember by going through all the past exams of the study design and predicting what time period the question I needed historiography (d. response of doc study for me, not sure what it's like on the new study design) for would be. Probably a bit hard with a study design that's only 2 years old though, unfortunately.
Hope that this helped!