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VCE Global Politics Question Thread
« on: May 16, 2017, 10:33:07 am »

What is this thread for?
If you have general questions about the VCE Global Politics course or how to improve in certain areas, this is the place to ask!

Who can/will answer questions?
Everyone is welcome to contribute; even if you're unsure of yourself, providing different perspectives is incredibly valuable.

Please don't be dissuaded by the fact that you haven't finished Year 12, or didn't score as highly as others, or your advice contradicts something else you've seen on this thread, or whatever; none of this disqualifies you from helping others. And if you're worried you do have some sort of misconception, put it out there and someone else can clarify and modify your understanding! 

There'll be a whole bunch of other high-scoring students with their own wealths of wisdom to share with you. So you may even get multiple answers from different people offering their insights - very cool.

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« Last Edit: February 26, 2020, 03:26:32 pm by PhoenixxFire »

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Re: VCE Global Politics Question Thread
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2017, 10:47:42 pm »
To those who are proficient at writing essays for GloPol: how is it meant to be structured in general, and by extension how are the 20 marks allocated?
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Re: VCE Global Politics Question Thread
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2017, 08:09:57 pm »
About the structure and marking criteria for the essay question in the Global Exam, I haven't looked into it properly yet but even though the study design has changed a bit I think that there will be some advice in the Examination Reports for previous exams. So you can look on the VCAA website at past exams and examiners reports.
The usual advice I think is to have a contention or position, structure the essay in paragraphs, do an introduction and conclusion however basic, use key terms and provide evidence (specific stats/dates/comparisons/examples) where you can, and (the most important) make sure that you actually answer the question that they are asking.
Hope that helps. I'm doing 3/4 too so I'm no expert.
2017: English, Psychology, Legal Studies, Further Maths, Global Politics.
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Re: VCE Global Politics Question Thread
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2017, 01:02:33 am »
Here's a neat essay marking rubric.
2016 (Scaled): Methods (45)
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Re: VCE Global Politics Question Thread
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2017, 11:27:16 am »
Seeing as there doesn't seem to be much activity in this section of the forums, nor is there a useful resources thread, I figured I should just chuck this link in here. Basically, this is the link to the quizlet flashcards I used during year 12. Definitions of all of the key terms in the course can be found there, I found these really helpful and they saved me in a few exam questions.


Hope this helps!


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Re: VCE Global Politics Question Thread
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2017, 12:53:11 pm »
Seeing as there doesn't seem to be much activity in this section of the forums, nor is there a useful resources thread, I figured I should just chuck this link in here. Basically, this is the link to the quizlet flashcards I used during year 12. Definitions of all of the key terms in the course can be found there, I found these really helpful and they saved me in a few exam questions.


Hope this helps!

Legend! These look fantastic. :))

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Re: VCE Global Politics Question Thread
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2017, 08:54:07 am »
Hello there,
Does anyone know of any revision lectures for Global Politics?
2017: English, Psychology, Legal Studies, Further Maths, Global Politics.
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Re: VCE Global Politics Question Thread
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2017, 10:56:15 pm »
Hello there,
Does anyone know of any revision lectures for Global Politics?

I know it's a bit late now, but just for any future Global students - there is CPAP (it was pretty good!) and TSSM also holds one.


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Re: VCE Global Politics Question Thread
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2017, 09:56:08 pm »
Thanks, and for future students there was also a Social Education Victoria 2017 Global Politics Units 3&4 VCE Exam Revision Lecture, which my teacher booked our class into. It cost $40 and was on the same day in October as the CPAP lecture.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2017, 09:57:59 pm by Notarobot »
2017: English, Psychology, Legal Studies, Further Maths, Global Politics.
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Re: VCE Global Politics Question Thread
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2017, 10:04:50 pm »
I know it's a bit late now, but just for any future Global students - there is CPAP (it was pretty good!) and TSSM also holds one.

CPAP is good if it's still run by Lou Spanos, who was the chief assessor in the past. Can recommend.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2017, 10:47:18 pm by occidit »
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Re: VCE Global Politics Question Thread
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2017, 10:11:13 pm »
Hello Global Politics Students

Your exam is on Monday, so here are some of my quick tips for anyone interested.
**CAREFULLY READ THE QUESTIONS. Global Politics is one of the most difficult subjects in terms of questions because they can be so diverse and require so much knowledge. It is quite easy to read the first couple of words in a question and jump into a pre-written response. This will destroy you. Examiners HATE pre-written responses that dont answer the question. Read each question carefully, and figure out EXACTLY what it's asking. Take 10 seconds to plan - think, what targeted evidence supports this idea, THEN go for it. If you cant come up with evidence, apply theory, or quotes or come back to the question later.

**ANSWER QUESTIONS HOW VCAA WANT YOU TO. Sorry people. Doing well in Global Politics is not just about your knowledge. The Examiners dont have time to check every piece of evidence you use, so if it appears legitimate, it'll give you marks (I attributed a quote to a Chinese writer by the name of "Wang" because I forgot his actual name). Doing well in Global Politics is about ANSWERING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE QUESTION.
For example, in a 6 mark EVALUATE question, you need to talk about the POSITIVES (Supported by 1 or 2 pieces of evidence) AND the NEGATIVES (Supported by 1 or 2 pieces of evidence). Failing to talk about the NEGATIVES as well as the POSITIVES will earn you a maximum of 3/6 marks. In my first practise exam I got 49/80 (Highest in my cohort), partly because I didnt answer Evaluate questions correctly, and lost 50% of the marks on all those questions. 
A generic structure - For most questions: 1/ Provide a definition of a key term mentioned, or a mini introduction in the 1st sentence (For 1 mark). Then mention your evidence or ideas in the following sentences. If the question is worth 4 marks, then you need to earn 3 more marks, so you need to have 3 or 4 things in the response that the examiners can TICK in their MIND and give you the marks for. Quotes are an automatic tick, as is correct terminology, and detailed analysis of evidence, and correct knowledge. 

**MANAGE YOUR TIME - Regardless of your knowledge, not considering how you're going to divide up your time will not get you above 40. My time division was as follows:
Reading Time - 7.5 Minutes skimming questions, 7.5 minutes thinking about the essay.
Writing Time - Section A (18 Minutes per AOS). Section B (3 Minutes Essay Planning, 45 minutes for Essay Writing, 9:30 minutes per body paragraph, 7 minutes for introduction and conclusion) 

**NAIL THE ESSAY INTRODUCTION - The Essay is what distinguishes the 30+ students from the 40+ students. Section A can be answered to a satisfactory extent by anyone who puts in the effort, does the research and memorises the definitions. Section B, the essay, will make all the difference, because many students struggle with it (I always did as well).
The INTRODUCTION needs to be strong, BECAUSE IT IS WHERE MOST EXAMINERS MAKE UP THEIR MIND. The examiners have hundreds of scripts to mark in a short space of time. They dont have time to properly consider all your evidence.Typically,  STRONG INTRODUCTION = >15/20, WEAK INTRODUCTION = Max 16/20. 

**KEY TERMINOLOGY - Know those definitions. Soft Power, Sovereignty, Multilateralism, all those complex words - if you use them, you shouldn't really fall lower than a 30.

**RELAX - Nerves will destroy your study score. Go into that exam room calmly. You know your stuff, you've been preparing for the exam for months; relax and it should all click into place. There is ALWAYS one question on the exam which is DESIGNED TO THROW STUDENTS. Last year, it was the question 4 of Global Actors. I looked at it and had no clue. I came back to it later. I defined what a TNC was. Then I came up with a contention and supported it with evidence. Just think LOGICALLY, and DONT STRESS when it appears.

Best of luck on Monday  :D  - Global is one of the most challenging subjects, but one that will reward you greatly if you know your stuff. 
2016: Global Politics [47]

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Re: VCE Global Politics Question Thread
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2018, 10:11:18 pm »
Hey, I know this thread's been inactive for a while but does anyone know if ATARNotes have course notes for Global or Australian Politics 3/4 (or in the process of writing one maybe??) I haven't been able to find one, though I know global politics isn't exactly the most common subject  ;D but I found the course notes for my other subjects pretty helpful so it'd be great if there was one for global as well.
2019-21: Bachelor of Arts (Politics & Int'l Relations / Economics)


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Re: VCE Global Politics Question Thread
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2018, 08:45:38 pm »
Hey, I know this thread's been inactive for a while but does anyone know if ATARNotes have course notes for Global or Australian Politics 3/4 (or in the process of writing one maybe??) I haven't been able to find one, though I know global politics isn't exactly the most common subject  ;D but I found the course notes for my other subjects pretty helpful so it'd be great if there was one for global as well.

No there isn't any course notes for poltiics from ATARnotes. I would say this is because of the variety of options teachers can choose to teach for the subject. For example, in Unit 3 AOS1 you need to talk about 2 non-state actors and 1 transnational corporation which can vary heaps. As well as in AOS2 you can choose an Asia-Pacific state from the list given. I think writing a full set of notes on every TNC and NSA and state basically would be way too much for anyone to do, even though it is annoying noot having set notes like for the other subjects. If you wanted to get some notes, the forum's on here have some really decent sets of notes you can look through andpotentially make your own notes from based off of what majority of people include and find to be the msot important to study for this subject.
2016: Legal Studies (35)
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Re: VCE Global Politics Question Thread
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2018, 12:24:09 am »
Hey, I know this thread's been inactive for a while but does anyone know if ATARNotes have course notes for Global or Australian Politics 3/4 (or in the process of writing one maybe??) I haven't been able to find one, though I know global politics isn't exactly the most common subject  ;D but I found the course notes for my other subjects pretty helpful so it'd be great if there was one for global as well.

Hey there, I've written some notes that helped me throughout Year 12 along with some exam tips that I relied on! PM me if you're interested :D


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Re: VCE Global Politics Question Thread
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2018, 02:28:30 pm »
Hey there, I've written some notes that helped me throughout Year 12 along with some exam tips that I relied on! PM me if you're interested :D

Could you upload them to our notes section for Global Politics? Sounds as though they'd help a lot of people! ;D

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.