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June 11, 2024, 10:05:55 pm

Author Topic: A Spoonful of Sugar- insanipi's PharmSci journey  (Read 65082 times)

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Re: A Spoonful of Sugar- insanipi's PharmSci journey
« Reply #90 on: May 17, 2018, 02:49:29 pm »
A cafe and a cafeteria? You have so many options! ;D
I say not enough! :P
(I mean if you're asking for a recommendation- the focaccias (especially the chicken and avo one) at the cafe are great haha!)

I also managed to embarrass myself not once but twice when emailing lecturers today. :-[
Today went downhill after my quiz this morning, I guess haha!
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Re: A Spoonful of Sugar- insanipi's PharmSci journey
« Reply #91 on: May 17, 2018, 03:04:35 pm »
I also managed to embarrass myself not once but twice when emailing lecturers today. :-[

What happened? :(

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.


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Re: A Spoonful of Sugar- insanipi's PharmSci journey
« Reply #92 on: May 17, 2018, 03:13:55 pm »
What happened? :(
There's a few scheduled echo360 recordings that are missing and:
1) I emailed one lecturer about a "lecture" on Wednesday next week... I got a reply back saying the lectures were on Thursday and Friday... Turns out I misread my timetable and it is a tute :-[
Even worse as that lecturer is one I just had as well and he brought up the timetable topic- eek!
2) I emailed another lecturer about a lecture I'm now sitting in that isn't actually being recorded and said 17/3 instead of 17/5 and he asked if I was talking about the right year. :-[
2017-2019: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Formulation Science)
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Re: A Spoonful of Sugar- insanipi's PharmSci journey
« Reply #93 on: May 17, 2018, 03:15:00 pm »
There's a few scheduled echo360 recordings that are missing and:
1) I emailed one lecturer about a "lecture" on Wednesday next week... I got a reply back saying the lectures were on Thursday and Friday... Turns out I misread my timetable and it is a tute :-[
Even worse as that lecturer is one I just had as well and he brought up the timetable topic- eek!
2) I emailed another lecturer about a lecture I'm now sitting in that isn't actually being recorded and said 17/3 instead of 17/5 and he asked if I was talking about the right year. :-[

That sucks - easy mistakes to make, though!

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Re: A Spoonful of Sugar- insanipi's PharmSci journey
« Reply #94 on: May 17, 2018, 03:19:33 pm »
That sucks - easy mistakes to make, though!
Very true

Also I wish the cafe was open later as well- I'm here until 9 (for games club stuff), and I'm stuck with only a single noodle cup left from my stash
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Re: A Spoonful of Sugar- insanipi's PharmSci journey
« Reply #95 on: May 18, 2018, 12:58:27 pm »
Later today I have a lecture on occular drug delivery. I was just previewing the slides and here's one of the videos we're going to watch: https://youtu.be/HRM9LaPnbUw (Caution! Not recommended for those who are queasy!)

Will give a proper update tonight sometime :)
« Last Edit: May 18, 2018, 05:34:21 pm by insanipi »
2017-2019: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Formulation Science)
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Re: A Spoonful of Sugar- insanipi's PharmSci journey
« Reply #96 on: May 18, 2018, 08:19:33 pm »
Back again!

This week's been a whirlwind of ups and downs uni wise! It's been challenging time wise, with lots of things due/needed to be done in a space of a few days! I had one of my lab proforma, an abstract writing task and an online Moodle quiz due on Tuesday, two tutes on Wednesday, another quiz, and a panel discussion, and games club Dungeons and Dragons night duties on Thursday.
I've been having less sleep, but that's a side-effect of having too much to do!

I'm a lot happier about organic chemistry after my tute on Wednesday, I think I understand it a lot more now! The questions for the tute set kept me up late at night, which was a big mistake, but oh well!
Analytical chem's going alright, we're looking at Gas Chromatography and Mass Spec with some industry guy from the Medicines Manufacture Innovation Centre (which happens to be on campus, haha!), he's fairly engaging, and I think I've taken in more in the past two lectures than every other lecture for that unit- oops! Biochemical pharmacology is getting tough- I've already been put through a tough abstract writing task, and I have another one to go next Tuesday (I'm praying that it's easier because I have another prac that afternoon too!), and a prac report worth 15% due on Monday morning, but I'm currently stuck on what on earth to write for my study design- which is apparently different to my procedure/method- eek!
Biopharm is bloody brilliant- I did well in my quiz last week, and I think I smashed that panel discussion, and I just had that ocular drug delivery lecture, which was a blast (and well worth the travel in for just that lecture haha!).

Next week I have 2 prac exams, an abstract writing session and 2 quizzes- then I'm done for the semester (bar the SWOTVAC/exams)! Uber excited about that!

I'm also listening to these two podcasts- one's an interview from my ocular delivery lecturer Ben Boyd (on one of his other projects- I understand most of it due to my studies this semester!), and the other's about the Synchotron!

Anyways, I'm going to have a chill night tonight before having an early start tomorrow with my brother's cross-country, before volunteering at Red Cross in the afternoon!

Until next time,
Lou xo
2017-2019: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Formulation Science)
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Re: A Spoonful of Sugar- insanipi's PharmSci journey
« Reply #97 on: June 01, 2018, 01:29:42 pm »
Don't mind me- I'm just rambling! ;D
(Also YouTube decided to let me choose from 3 derpy-looking thumbnails, so naturally I chose the least derpy-looking one haha :') )

(At the time of posting, my laptop is still going... long sigh :') )

Good luck everyone else that has exams coming up and have a grouse weekend <3
2017-2019: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Formulation Science)
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Re: A Spoonful of Sugar- insanipi's PharmSci journey
« Reply #98 on: June 01, 2018, 02:17:02 pm »
What does an angry moose sound like? 🤔

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.


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Re: A Spoonful of Sugar- insanipi's PharmSci journey
« Reply #99 on: June 01, 2018, 02:23:46 pm »
What does an angry moose sound like? 🤔
Something like this (Except a little more angry sounding aha :') )
2017-2019: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Formulation Science)
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Re: A Spoonful of Sugar- insanipi's PharmSci journey
« Reply #100 on: June 06, 2018, 04:45:31 pm »
Hey y'all!

So... SWOTVAC's over- which means that my first exam (biochemical pharmacology) is tomorrow morning!
I've done more than enough study to make sure I can cover most if not all of the learning outcomes that I could be tested on, however I'm honestly scared that I'll blank out on the specifics that I should remember to full-mark questions, because this exam is going to be super reliant on my memory!
I hope it goes better than I actually hope it will, but let's see how it works out!

I've done 2 of the 3 short-answer sections of the past exams for this unit I planned to do today, and I plan to do the last run through before I just completely disconnect from my studies for the night, because I value sleep more than last-minute study! ;D

My parents have also been really nice in the past two days, making sure that I'm actually eating enough (i.e. mum taking me out to get food for lunch- including a beautiful pad thai today <3), and making sure I take a couple of breaks from study by forcing me to come pick up my younger siblings from school! My parents are also forcing an excursion to Healesville Sanctuary on Monday, for some "time-out" away from studies (they don't want me to stress nearly as much as I did last semester- that was a disaster and a half aha :') ), and I'm actually excited for it, so I better make sure I'm on top of my studies prior to going! :)

Currently, I'm taking a small study break, blasting some classic Aussie bangers which is driving my other sister absolutely nuts right now but it is so worth it! ;D

See y'all on the flip side!
Lou :)
2017-2019: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Formulation Science)
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Re: A Spoonful of Sugar- insanipi's PharmSci journey
« Reply #101 on: July 15, 2018, 09:37:19 pm »
Even though there's a week of break left, I'm still waiting on a timetable (as my faculty don't let us use allocate :'( "given the small nature of the faculty and cohorts in the faculty in general.") (Yes, the class timetable is up, but it doesn't cut the mustard tbh :'( )
This post sums up all my frustration rn

Other than that, I'm pretty happy that I passed everything, even though I seemed to have lost wayyyyy too many marks than I should have on some exams, although I'm very glad I don't have to deal with the beast that is last semester's organic chemistry subject again. :')
I'm also lowkey waiting for moodle to tick over to my sem2 subjects, as the class timetable suggests that I may have a lab first day back, and because I don't exactly have access to my desk for 3/7 days next week I kind of want to get my pre-labs and pre-readings done beforehand... but the chances of that happening are pretty slim!

I'm also excited to finally start my specialisation- formulation science- which starts off with two units this semester: one entitled formulation chemistry; and the other called colloid chemistry. I'm also taking a third chemistry unit (computational chem) as my "elective" unit this semester, and looking at last year's guide, it looks like a bit of fun! (my options were spectroscopy, molecular cell biology or that; and I'm not the biggest fan of the other two! :-[ )

I also have only 2 "core" subjects remaining- one being the molecular pharmacology (this semester) and another analytical chemistry one next year!

I'll quit rambling now, but catch y'all later! :)
2017-2019: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Formulation Science)
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Re: A Spoonful of Sugar- insanipi's PharmSci journey
« Reply #102 on: July 23, 2018, 05:15:46 pm »

So it's the first day back! I was pretty excited to see my friends from uni again, but was totally not ready for actual uni. But maybe that's because I'm still mentally in holiday mode, even more so as I recently came back from a trip up to Sydney (which was amazing- considering the people I was around and the things I got up to when I was there haha!)

My timetable is decent, however slightly brutal- it timetabled me a 3 hour formulation chem lab this afternoon, which wasn't optimal but it does mean I have a week until my next lab- which will be a 4-hour molecular pharmacology one. (These clearly alternate, haha!)

I also had my first computational chem lecture today and I found it really interesting! It started to get into the quantum mechanics, so it started to feel like I was back in a physics classroom! (This unit is extremely small- only about 30 of us are in it, out of the entire cohort!)

I also had a formulation chemistry lecture today, which was pretty dry, but I'm hoping that it'll become less dry as the semester progresses! Interestingly though, my lecturer said the quote I have in my personal text and I found it funny after he told us that nothing is cheap. He kept using the word cheap after telling not to aha :))

I'm also looking forward to starting my colloid chem and molecular pharmacology stuff- as I have no idea what those units are really atm!

This is sure to be a wild ride of a semester though, with 4 lab-heavy subjects and a couple of massive projects that I have to complete for some units, but I have all the support I need to get through this next semester!

Have a fab start of this week y'all

Lou xo
2017-2019: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Formulation Science)
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Re: A Spoonful of Sugar- insanipi's PharmSci journey
« Reply #103 on: July 24, 2018, 11:37:54 am »
So I have a massive break rn due to an early committee meeting so I decided to go to Barkly Square (local shopping centre near uni) and stock my locker up! Here's a look at it rn! ;D

2017-2019: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Formulation Science)
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Re: A Spoonful of Sugar- insanipi's PharmSci journey
« Reply #104 on: July 24, 2018, 11:51:02 am »
So I have a massive break rn due to an early committee meeting so I decided to go to Barkly Square (local shopping centre near uni) and stock my locker up! Here's a look at it rn! ;D

(Image removed from quote.)

I'm noticing a trend!

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.