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Author Topic: faaaaantastic, the journey is over!  (Read 36070 times)

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Re: faaaaantastic, the journey is almost over!
« Reply #45 on: August 30, 2017, 08:33:31 pm »
you've never heard of catholic studies the subject, or the activity? hahahah
yeah the activity..sorry should have made that clearer! It sounds like a really productive and interesting way to unwind :P


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Re: faaaaantastic, the journey is almost over!
« Reply #46 on: August 31, 2017, 05:02:10 pm »

this is my 200th post!! i remember wanting to get an essay marked, and thought that 25 posts would be so hard to get, but then the teacher came back and marked my essay so i just spent time on here because it was fun, and met so many cool people in the process!!!

goooooooood day friends. i'm in a really weird but happy mood and that's kind of odd because i had mostly crap subjects today (who am i kidding, i only like two of my subjects) but anyway hi! tomorrow i have a day off so that's probably a reason for my good mood - gives me a day off, and extra time to work on my subjects!

period 1 - maths // i haven't felt this clueless about maths in ages. i don't understand the second 'part' of loan repayments and i'll look at it later with a clearer mind, but i just don't get it. we finished series today, which is such a relief because this topic was such a bore. we start probability next week, and will probably finish it just before school ends, leaving time for revision :-)

period 2 - legal // one of the funniest lessons today. although legal is just banter now, my teacher is really good with answering questions in class, and marks essays super quick so it's good to hand heaps of those in.

period 3 - english // i hate english with a passion and am so glad for it to be over by october. i spent a solid hour trying to write a thesis statement for discovery which would cover as much as possible, but i really struggled, as evidenced through the hour i spent trying to write it. every time i wrote one it sounded exactly like another person's thesis statement - that is, sample essays - and it was super frustrating. i now understand the purpose of the discovery essay which is more conceptual than text-based, so hopefully using themes from the rubric will make my essay more towards discovery than the plot.

period 4 - pc // pc = pastoral care. basically, it's roll call, and we have one period every week just for this, and it can be time for an assembly, study period or just random activities. this period was an assembly talking about graduation events (september 18!!!!! very exciting) and how they're going to happen. just a reminder for myself here to book the graduation dinner!!!!!! haven't done that oops

period 5 - business // i'm getting a lot more comfortable with asking questions and understanding content in business so yay. it's pretty much doing past papers and asking questions, so all in all a pretty chill lesson. people were turning in extended responses like woaahhhhh i haven't done that at all so i really need to get on that. although i did well in both the business report and essay in trials, i don't like being too confident (usually leads to crap marks later) so i'll have to hand a couple of them in.

hand in updates: creative - i've done nothing since tuesday, so i'll have to write a bit more to get up to 800-1000 words so it's ready to be submitted. nazi ideology essay - figured out a structure!!!!! not so much doing it thematically but separating the paragraphs into two ideologies, then putting events in those paragraphs. i'm confident this will work out, but i'll see what happens when i hand it in.

also, check out the unsw open day thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we can arrange times to meet up, and i'll be happy to go wherever you are. i'll be there around 11.30-4ish, see you there!

hope you all had a great day.

fantasticbeasts x
« Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 05:04:36 pm by fantasticbeasts3 »
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Re: faaaaantastic, the journey is almost over!
« Reply #47 on: September 02, 2017, 07:23:55 pm »

happy 1st of september (hogwarts!!!!!!!!!!!) - also marks the day albus severus (what a stupid name still can't get over it) goes to hogwarts. 19 years later indeed.

was a little dead yesterday, and just managed to finish maths homework before it hit 12am, and pretty much had a full day. i still feel so tired because dumb me decided to watch suits until 2.30 and lost track of time. that hopefully explains why there's no entry.

today was the unsw open day, and i (sadly) didn't get as many freebies as i wanted, but it was quite productive so i'm pretty happy. i originally freaked out real bad about not getting the atar for my desired course (92, 93 guaranteed entry rip) and today cleared up a few things. my aim was international studies/media (pr and advertising), so i'll probably take the media course next year, then transfer into a double with international studies. there was also the suggestion of doing an arts degree but it's so generic.

also met a few pretty cool people, which was lots of fun - maybe i'll meet more if there's a meetup! i can't remember who asked how i could write so much, but really, i have so much on my mind that it's way easier to type (not today though)

hope you all had an amazing day.

fantasticbeasts x
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Re: faaaaantastic, the journey is almost over!
« Reply #48 on: September 03, 2017, 08:13:46 pm »

pretty standard sunday today. woke up at 8.45 because i had to go to church, came home, ate, and had a nap for a good 2 hours. woke up, ate again (my life involves a lot of food), then sat down, prepared to do work, but didn't get around to it, because stress is overwhelming, and watched suits instead. i'm now up to date.

currently doing a business past paper, and my biggest issue is the short answers (75% of marks lost in my trials were from this section!!!! unbelievable) so i've been doing those, and i think i'm understanding why i'm doing so bad in them, thanks to the marking guidelines, which i hadn't really checked before.

i plan to finish off my creative, because i promised myself i would do it before the end of the week, so i'm seriously cutting it close, and have to work on english a looooot before hsc because it wasn't my worst exam, but i was in a much better place last year, and would really love to get back where i was. maybe i'll actually start on another modern essay as well, i'll see. i just want to finish these short answers, and the creative for today.

since i've finished suits, i know i can't start a new show before the hsc, and i can stop stress watching (like stress eating, hahaha) it and work on a schedule everyday until graduation to see what i can do every night revision wise. we start probability in maths tomorrow and that shouldn't be too bad (apparently it's all year 10 stuff? not that worried).

hope you all had a great day! (happy father's day also, but i don't think there's any dads here hahahah)

fantasticbeasts x
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Re: faaaaantastic, the journey is almost over!
« Reply #49 on: September 04, 2017, 05:22:54 pm »

i had a really awesome day (except for english) and am so excited to tell you about it!

period 1 - legal // i'm laughing thinking about this lesson... anyway, the year 11s have prelims today, and provisions were in the same building as our class, so we were meant to have a room change, but no one knew. we sat there, wondering why there wasn't a teacher for about 10 minutes before starting our work. we then get an email from our teacher, with a past paper attached. my friend emails our teacher, saying who's away (we'd assumed he wasn't here by now) and gets a reply a minute later, asking where we were. as we go down the stairs, our teacher's there and it was so funny because he was looking at us like we were dumbest people ever... and i quote "what the hell were you doing up there?"

period 2 - modern // another revision lesson. we got our in-class source analyses back, with grades (we don't get exact marks which is so annoying) and i got an A yay! i was so unproductive because i'm still stuck on that stupid nazi ideology question that i just can't get past. hopefully i can get it done today, i'd like to hand it in tomorrow. AND GUUYYSSS the girl who i was complaining about for not trying in modern did (another) source analysis in class today and asked for help!!!!!!! so so so so happy and tried to listen in on a discussion about the nazi ideology question i was having with my friend so woooooooooooooopppppppppppppppppp

period 3 - maths // it is so refreshing to finally understand maths after loan repayments. probability is great because it's actually understandable and there's not a lot we have do on it which is amazing.

period 4 - english // we do this weird rotation thing, so now we're on module rotations. also, i picked up my reading task this morning, and got a 12/15???? so irritating because when it comes to an exam, i get 9-10/15 and i do the whole thing in exam conditions so ugH but i'll keep doing them because i am so confused as to why my marks are all over the place.

period 5 - catholic studies // went to a nursing home this lesson. i've been a couple of times before for this school program thing but old people are so cute and even though you don't understand what they're talking about, they keep talking (i'm pretty sure this lady was bitching about the guy next to her?) and old people are just adorable. we're going to see kindergarten kids in the primary school next lesson, and i love kids so that's going to be good :-)

newest episode of itv victoria came out today!!!!! the romance is a bit overhyped in this series ngl but the guy who plays prince albert is soooo dreamy like i just cry inside every time he's on screen. tried to restrict my instagram story posting... but can't stop won't stop

hope you all had a great day!!!

fantasticbeasts x
HSC 2017: English (Standard) // Mathematics // Modern History // Legal Studies // Business Studies
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Re: faaaaantastic, the journey is almost over!
« Reply #50 on: September 05, 2017, 06:13:51 pm »

considering i slept really early last night (9.45), i'm still really tired now and am finding it really hard to do work.

period 1 - english // had a sub today, so i did other work and helped out a friend with business :-) also spent the other half of the lesson looking for gifts for the history extension class's teacher, as i had been there for most of the year before dropping. we're having a cute breakfast thing next week :-)

period 2 - modern // that stupid question i swear every time i walk into another lesson to try and complete it there's always something else i find i have to add. i know it's highly unlikely they'll ask a similar question, but i do need to brush up on my ideology knowledge.

period 3 - business // last double business today!! spent the hour doing work hahahah so it wasn't unproductive. :-)

period 4 - study // my friend and i spent the whole hour creating designs for the history extension gift. it's pretty much a bunch of inside jokes and i'm really excited to see how it'll turn out. no work done this lesson whoops

period 5 - business // i spend a lot of time daydreaming now because my mind is so absent and tired a lot of the time so i didn't do too much in this lesson.

hope you had an awesome day - all the love,
fantasticbeasts x

HSC 2017: English (Standard) // Mathematics // Modern History // Legal Studies // Business Studies
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Re: faaaaantastic, the journey is almost over!
« Reply #51 on: September 06, 2017, 09:35:04 pm »

today was a bit of a downer - just people not being the best, and so close to the end of the school year. not in the mood to try and solve problems, and girls are just so bitchy... like.. please... stop...

period 1 - study // spent the first half reviewing feedback for my creative, and seeing what changes i could make. now that i think about it, i could've replied to the feedback post in this period, but i must've had a few things on my mind. always happens. spent the remainder of the lesson writing, then restarting that ideology essay. got about a page done in that half hour which is strange because i usually take ages to write a hand-in essay.

period 2 - english // on that weird rotation thing, and we're on my favourite module - war poetry! kind of ironic because my favourite subject is modern, and my best and favourite module is war poetry. the revision is always good so i'm going to do an essay next lesson (not the whole thing) but i really need to start trying to prioritise english because abandoning it didn't do any good in trials. doesn't help that i'm not at all keen on english.

period 3 - catholic studies // by far, the best part of the day. spent the period in the primary school with the kindy kids!!!! they are so cute, and it made me think that i probably wouldn't mind being a early childhood educator. maybe if the whole uni thing doesn't work out, i've got another thing to fall back on :-)

period 4 - maths // thought i'd be cruising through probability, but as it turns out, venn diagrams are a pain.

period 5 - modern // rather productive this lesson! did a bit more of my essay, and helped a friend out with hers and understanding the content. :-)

today was the last after school maths revision lesson, and it was really good because i think i've got a grasp on annuities and loan repayments now! going over stuff again really sets what you know in stone :-) i get really tired after these lessons, and i finished the modern essay in about half an hour so i'm pretty happy with that! now onto more maths homework - let's hope i don't get too stuck on those venn diagrams. the last day of lessons is a week from tomorrow :-))))))))

all the love,
fantasticbeasts x (almost signed off with my actual name)
HSC 2017: English (Standard) // Mathematics // Modern History // Legal Studies // Business Studies
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Re: faaaaantastic, the journey is almost over!
« Reply #52 on: September 06, 2017, 09:48:48 pm »
fantasticbeasts x (almost signed off with my actual name)


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Re: faaaaantastic, the journey is almost over!
« Reply #54 on: September 08, 2017, 07:38:22 pm »

themes of the day: tired, happy, but so over people at school

period 1 - english // nothing to say, except for super boring. wrote 5 introductions for one essay question, and didn't like any of them so i'll have to work on that. just over a month to go until i'm done with english forever!

period 2 - pc (pastoral care) // very very very very cute lesson. got hsc prayer packs from kids at the primary school next door. we also have a year 7/year 12 buddy program so spent time with them, and it was refreshing to talk to people who aren't stressed, hahaha. last year in some pc period we wrote letters to ourselves, and it's so weird to see how much my goals have changed? i had a totally different career path idea at the beginning of last year.

period 3 - legal // oh man i'll definitely miss legal. spent the lesson in a conversation with the class and teacher and that's pretty much it.

period 4 - business // talked about life with the class and teacher. didn't do anything else.

period 5 - early leave // went to the city to buy a present for my modern (who also teaches ancient) teacher with a couple of friends. also got emails for uow early entry - i have interviews for both courses i applied for, however, i don't think i want to go there anymore. i'd rather go to unsw and do a 'crap' course then do an internal transfer. wollongong is too far away and i don't think i'd be prepared to travel a lot. mum reckons i should go anyways but i need to have them on my uac preferences and i've deleted all of them whoooops. any advice?

hope you all had an amazing day,
fantasticbeasts x (almost signed off with my real name again)

edit: decided to go on a bit of a social media detox! i've felt kinda crap lately and i think no social media (or a reduction of it, at least) will help in improving my mental health :-) i've left my main instagram (harry potter account) and snapchat active, because streaks.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 10:18:39 pm by fantasticbeasts3 »
HSC 2017: English (Standard) // Mathematics // Modern History // Legal Studies // Business Studies
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Re: faaaaantastic, the journey is almost over!
« Reply #55 on: September 10, 2017, 12:22:29 pm »

not an "actual" entry because i have lots to do (and i haven't started) but it has just sunk in that i have 4 more days of classes in high school? like... what... time has really flown this year.

we have a fun day kind of thing on friday which i'm really excited about, then we graduate next monday??

gifts for teachers are starting to come through and it's just SO WEIRD. we started with these teachers last year and now it's the end of this journey and wow i won't miss school a whole lot but yea finishing is bittersweet.

all the love,
HSC 2017: English (Standard) // Mathematics // Modern History // Legal Studies // Business Studies
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Re: faaaaantastic, the journey is almost over!
« Reply #56 on: September 10, 2017, 12:27:48 pm »

not an "actual" entry because i have lots to do (and i haven't started) but it has just sunk in that i have 4 more days of classes in high school? like... what... time has really flown this year.

we have a fun day kind of thing on friday which i'm really excited about, then we graduate next monday??

gifts for teachers are starting to come through and it's just SO WEIRD. we started with these teachers last year and now it's the end of this journey and wow i won't miss school a whole lot but yea finishing is bittersweet.

all the love,

ONLY 4 MORE DAYS? :O I have 9 days :3

ikr? it's just so surreal :')

Definitely agree with the bittersweet(ness?) of it all :)
Life is weird and crazy as heck but what can you do?


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Re: faaaaantastic, the journey is almost over!
« Reply #57 on: September 10, 2017, 12:42:48 pm »
ONLY 4 MORE DAYS? :O I have 9 days :3

ikr? it's just so surreal :')

Definitely agree with the bittersweet(ness?) of it all :)

yea, 4 more days!!! i finish thursday :-)
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Re: faaaaantastic, the journey is almost over!
« Reply #58 on: September 11, 2017, 05:31:37 pm »

themes of today: open heart, open mind + 3 days to go!!!!!!

period 1 - maths // an average maths lesson - finishing probability tomorrow :-)

period 2 - business // procrastinated the entire lesson. could've done more work, but that failed whoops

period 3 - modern // gift-giving story time! period 2 was ancient, so at the end of that period, a couple of girls from modern came to give the gift to our teacher and AW he's soooo cute. he wasn't expecting a gift at all, and when we said we collaborated (that is, modern and ancient) he looked so happy and grateful and i'm actually going to miss him so much - by far, he's one of my favourite teachers, and one of the best at the school. moving on to the actual lesson - at the beginning, he thanked us for the gift, and then proceeded to give us tips for studying hahahahahah then i procrastinated the rest of the lesson so i mean....

period 4 - legal // played kahoot the entire lesson. we started off with legal multiple choice, then moved on to random kahoots. the gift we've ordered for our teacher came today!! very exciting

period 5 - early leave // oh my goodness gracious i spent a solid hour looking for the newly released episode of this show i'm watching. an hour. i was peacefully watching the show, then the end came and it was so horrible like THE DOG DIED. THE DOG FRICKEN DIED. that is all.

i have so much to do now so i'm going to leave this entry here. had a really awesome day and the light at the end of the tunnel is right there.

all the love,
fantasticbeasts x

edit: it just hit me i'll never have to do maths again? it'll just be really basic stuff and i will never have to touch a scientific calculator again wow
« Last Edit: September 11, 2017, 06:28:00 pm by fantasticbeasts3 »
HSC 2017: English (Standard) // Mathematics // Modern History // Legal Studies // Business Studies
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Re: faaaaantastic, the journey is almost over!
« Reply #59 on: September 11, 2017, 06:19:41 pm »
i have so much to do now so i'm going to leave this entry here. had a really awesome day and the light at the end of the tunnel is right there.

all the love,
fantasticbeasts x

Keep working toward your goals; it sounds like you're doing great! :D

How excellent are good teachers?

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