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Author Topic: Cartographer? Do you work with Archaeologist? -zofro's journal on GeoSpat Sci  (Read 18169 times)

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The answer to the title is sadly no. But yes, it is a real quote said to a classmate of mine about what our course was about.

Anyway, I doubt this journal will fly and I’m honestly still getting used to ATARNotes. It been like 8-9 months, since I've used this account... I know there is actually a life outside of a computer ;).
I hope I don’t make some huge errors in terms of formatting and presentation. If I did please let me know and how to improve it, as like I said I’m a huge noob with ATARNotes.

But enough fluff, my name is zofromuxo. I finished VCE last year and currently studying Geospatial Science at RMIT university.
I’m loving my course and hope to show people how awesome this course is and get more people to join this or Surveying, particularly Surveying (not that surveying your most likely thinking of it is more like the image below
As there is a huge shortage for surveyors in the industry that is only going to get bigger, so if your worrying about a job at the end of your degree. It might be time to switch courses and join me and my fellow cohort on our epic journey on cursing Google Map for poor map design and jumping for joy at seeing a tripod with a Total station. 

Why am I doing this?
  • I guess to give people an insight into a course not many people will hear or think about. We all know what law, teaching, arts and other common cited courses are. But Geospatial Science? What is that? I hope to break down myths and teach you all something
  • I'm also doing this to improve my writing skills, as I’m sure if your still reading. You may have recognised that I have extremely poor grammar and punctuation (If any of my English teachers were reading this now, cue “Vietnam flashback” meme)
  • I hope your still planning to read this journal and if you have any questions regarding my course, work being done, something Geography related or anything. I’m more than happy for you to ask and I’ll respond as soon as I can.

Also, if any of you mention that Google Maps is the best map in the world. I will forever harass you into changing that opinion. Seriously Google Maps isn’t the best map in the world. The is called Melways (Every Melbournian knows what I’m talking about, I hope… if not then I what have you been doing. This map is called the "bible" of maps and is a Melbourne icon, it put Melbourne on the map :P ). 

Table of Years
Year 1: Is that like building and designing rockets?
Year 2: Cartographer? Do you work with Archaeologist?

Year 3: Any Geospatial Science students here?

Year 4: Wow your degree is useful for mapping out all those outbreaks! Don't you say?

« Last Edit: August 26, 2020, 01:08:28 pm by zofromuxo »
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2017, 05:46:23 pm »
Yesssss this is the best. Seriously looking forward to reading your updates - thanks for starting this thread!

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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2017, 06:28:43 pm »
This is awesome!

My brother is actually doing his final year of Surveying at RMIT, and one of my best friends from high school is doing first year Surveying this year! Seems to be a pretty cool course. I honestly wouldn't have known that it even existed if my brother wasn't doing it, though!

Really looking forward to reading your updates :D


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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2017, 06:47:13 pm »
This is fantastic, very much looking forward to hearing about this unique course.
✌️just do what makes you happy ✌️


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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2017, 09:22:51 pm »
This is awesome!

My brother is actually doing his final year of Surveying at RMIT, and one of my best friends from high school is doing first year Surveying this year! Seems to be a pretty cool course. I honestly wouldn't have known that it even existed if my brother wasn't doing it, though!

Really looking forward to reading your updates :D

That's fantastic to know and also a little scary. I do hope you don't tell your best friend about this thread,if they go to RMIT, it wouldn't be too hard to figure out who I am.
i'm sweating much like that gif now, I don't have mom's spaghetti either... please have mercy
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2017, 09:27:24 pm »
That's fantastic to know and also a little scary. I do hope you don't tell your best friend about this thread,if they go to RMIT, it wouldn't be too hard to figure out who I am.
Haha your secret is safe with me ;) You'd probably know her, anyway! So it's reciprocal haha.


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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2017, 04:14:48 pm »
Yesssss this is the best. Seriously looking forward to reading your updates - thanks for starting this thread!
No worries, I will try my best to impress you Joesph and hopefully show Geography is more then a "colouring book subject"   :P.
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2017, 04:16:54 pm »
No worries, I will try my best to impress you Joesph and hopefully show Geography is more then a "colouring book subject"   :P.

Haha, I have no doubt it's more than that. :P

I am admittedly pretty ignorant about the degree, though, so looking forward to... becoming less ignorant hah.

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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2017, 04:28:35 pm »
Sunday, 03/09/2017  (Weekends, where blackholes exist and disciplined & motivation disappears into thin air).

My last day before my mid-semester breaks ends. I got to hand it to RMIT, the break really is in mid-semester unlike a lot of universities. This is something that RMIT has done well, although then again NAS has been pretty good though, but then again we just got the Allocate+ timetable system to replace STS so maybe I shouldn’t give too much credit to them.

Has my break been enjoyable? Somewhat, but then again, I’m kind of a workaholic so I guess in a “normal” sense it wouldn’t be. But what can I say, work is work and if your passionate about it, then you’ll enjoy it no matter what. Although as I say, that my 1,000-word report begs to differ. But I’ll shoehorn that away with the powers of procrastination :P.

But despite that I did really get a lot of work done, which is great since I have time to do my report properly and not half-ass it like my last one. I mean I only have self to blame for thinking dot point format would fly under a report, I know I’m an idiot we can establish that.

I’ll stop self-depreciating, as from the looks of things the quota for this is filling to the brim. But on to the good stuff now, my library has finally sent me the email that Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky can be picked up from Swanston Library. Which is fantastic since I’ve always wanted to read it and Russians come second to none in literature. Honestly, like if you ever get a chance, read Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy and Solzhenitsyn their books are amazing. Although fair warning, if you aren’t ready to throw your life into chaos and have multiple existential crises then it isn’t an appropriate time to read these books. If you unsure if you can handle it, then read 1984 and Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell as well as Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. 1984 and Brave New World will amaze you on how accurate both Orwell and Huxley were about their vision of a dystopian future and then slowly fill you with dread on how the world will progress into the nightmare depicted in that book. I can still remember myself shaking after finishing Brave New World and re-reading the ending to understand how futile it was for the John. The parallel to the ending passages of the book to the victims of online shaming on Twitter.

I know this entry isn’t exactly per say about my course, but once class starts I promise I will guide you all on my journey into untapped land that is Geospatial Science and a bit of Surveying. 

What i'm studying for the rest of semester two
Physical Geography, Introduction to Physical Modelling, Spatial Information Science Fundamentals and Applied Geospatial Techniques
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2017, 08:23:00 pm »
Monday, 04/09/2017 (A new day, back to work and research).

I decided to leave early today despite not having my Physical Geography lecture at 12:30am. As I wanted to begin research on my 1,000 word report and also get work done… because as much as I love reading Reddit, it isn’t going to keep my grades up. I got a bit delayed because I got to my stop, I realised I left my myki in my coat pocket and not in my wallet. That was awkward….

I arrived at RMIT and went to Swanston library to get my books on hold. As soon as I found Crime and Punishment , it was extremely in poor condition. Which disappointed me, such a classic piece of literature being in a poor state pisses me off a lot, I guess that is what happens when you start taking reading seriously like I have this year. I then went up to a secret corner and got to work on my report. I began planning and then reading GIS and Crime Mapping to give me an overview of crime prevention with the use of GIS.

I learnt some interesting things on how GIS has been used, but also that a lot of the issues involved with it still exist such as such as technical issues, getting officers to use it and understand but also how to use the data sources in a meaningful way. This remind of my lecturer’s catch phrase regarding maps: “What is the purpose?”, which I also keep to heart as without purpose then you are useless, just wandering around and half-assing everything.

I then attended my physical geography lecture, we were introduced to climatology. Which was interesting in that I learnt some more depth on the topic in terms of ocean currents, but also how temperature variation can occur in various locations on the same latitude. 
I then spent my 45 minutes break before my introduction to physical modelling lecture looking up career events I could go to and discussed with my friend potentially going to one next week instead of the next physical geography lecture .

Introduction to physical modelling lecture was alright, however I nearly fainted during the class due a lack of energy from eating my lunch at 11:00pm today, my physical geography lecture starts at 12:30pm and ends at 2:30pm…. Lunch break why? I went to Rice Workshop in Empormium and has an unadon (fried eel on rice), it was a good snack and only costs $9.90, well worth it and doesn't break the typical university's student bank, not that it concerns me too much since I saved like a Scrooge in high school and primary school.

I also began to read Crime and Punishment and the introduction was wow, amazing and fascinating. The history regarding Dostoyevsky and how his life in prison and being in deep debt at the same while making this book as it is, was something I didn’t realise and was shocked by how he achieved both the volume he was able to produce in Crime and Punishment .

Also I’m having a developing obsession on listening to Stellar (a kpop band) music, I might have to do with the recent changes and reliving the good times. But that isn’t important yet…. 
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2017, 10:42:54 am »
Tuesday, 05/09/2017 (You reap what you sow or something like that)
I love having a designated off day... i can do whatever I want in this case being research for my report.

I have this terrible habit where work can not be done in my house . I blame the mechanisms of habit creation.

I went to my local library and went off into doing 50 minutes, focused study sessions with 10 minutes breaks. It is like a Podomoro technique, but putting my own flair on it.
After 3 sessions, I then decided to head on over for some lunch at the local cafe. Where I saw some worker getting roasted and creamed over washing hand by a council officer.. needless to say I'm not returning there. I got a Parma Rama : A toasted sanga with ham, chicken parma, cheese, tomato sauce. It was alright.

I then was going to work on my elevator pitch for an upcoming network event, but proceeded to launch into a 50 minute rant on the why is university the norm post.. Good use of time.. I then had to leave to take the bus home and proceeded to get battered by cold winds and rain because winter is still on and it isn't spring yet :/ I love Melbourne's weather, 10/10..

Anyway, sorry for the late post. I will try to hopefully get these out on the day by next week, as i'm out and about in the late hours for the remainder of this week.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 11:27:56 am by zofromuxo »
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2017, 11:56:15 am »
Wednesday, 06/09/2017 (Networking events the death of a university student)

2 days before getting shrekt
So I saw a networking event on my university's job website and I thought oh looks interesting, oh the co-founder of Smiling Mind is going to be there, I can learn the origins about it. Only $30, people under 35 looking to start their careers and wanting to be future leaders. Seems legit, give me a ticket.

The day of getting shrekt and going through Hello darkness, my old friend .
I'm walking towards the event feeling good, I’m going to make some connections and learn about some industries and best of all there is going to be some serious university students.
Suss alert #1 : It was held in a prestigious looking lawyer building, oh it did say it would be held in a lawyer building, probably to vet out all the non-serious university kids.

I take the lift and getting out of that lift, my social anxiety kicks in, loss of confidence and wondering how to get out without anyone noticing.
Suits, Lawyers, 25 year olds, no university students, corporate.... oh shit, fuck me. I don't belong here.... my heart dies on me, I feel numb, I become passive, i'm sweating and mom's spaghetti won't save me even if I had it... what do I do?

I get an orange juice and talk with a Chinese business-women, who is equally awkward about networking with these lawyers and corporate workers. We discuss about university, being an Asian means doing accounting, law and health. I fumble my words a little, I feel too awkward. I can read that she does as well and leaves to talk to two workers from a clean energy policy firm.

I'm now left to dry and even worse there is more people and I’m just leaning on a table trying to look cool and just observing the nuances of Professional networking in the corporate world . The Chinese business-lady ushers me in and I end up connecting with the two workers from the energy firm. We discuss Tesla and the South Australia deal, what they do, their distaste for all the complicated jargon of their industry and ask about my degree. I joke about making some maps for their company and then a mindfulness representative swoops in on the female worker and the male worker talks to an AGL representative. I'm left alone again, I then decide to take all the canapes I can because I paid $30, I may as well enjoy all the food I can never eat again.

The panel talks start, I sit alone because I'm intimidated by these people. The panel topic was about mindfulness and resilience in the workplace... yep I don't belong here.
The panel event is alright, I learn some interesting things from the co-founder of Smiling Mind on starting the company and the other panellist gives applicable advice on how to manage the stigma of mental illness.

Afterwards, I sit there and think about maybe I should leave now. I have had loss and staying any longer will not give me a return, you’re just indulging in the sunked cost fallacy . I'm grateful, I don't leave why? I end up talking to one of the committee members who works as a lawyer at the host's building, we talk about him migrating to Australia, learn about the networks, I learn about law and he also praises me for having the guts to come.
Then two female workers for a private health insurance firm for the defence force come over, one of them is a RMIT student and we just discuss about it and I also learn about their company. I thanked them on the work their doing as I know a few war vets that love what them and companies do.

I then leave with the female workers and the workers from the energy policy firm earlier and end up getting ask for a LinkedIn ( If you don’t have this, you’re a fool, get it and add me :D ) connection by the female worker from the energy policy firm.

So yeah. This was a positive experience in the end, at the start it was terrible and nerve-wrecking. But I'm grateful I stayed, would I recommend someone to do this event?

No, I got lucky with some of the attendees. I only talked to 5 of them out of the 45-50 attendees that went to this event .

PS: If you want a full break-down of this event and everything I went through, reply below…
#Edit: Now with improve readability
« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 02:41:12 pm by zofromuxo »
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2017, 10:35:38 pm »
Friday, 08/09/2017, (” You’re Gonna Carry That Weight”. )
Sometimes the stress just gets to you, no matter what you do.

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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2017, 10:05:22 pm »
Sunday, 10/09/2017, (Discipline not Motivation drives you)
Sorry for the late updates, I have been busy doing my research essay on crime mapping and finishing assignments like a madman.

So far, the research stage of my essay is done and now I need to get writing to it, I hope I can write something coherent in 1,000 words (Why is this limit a thing :/).

Physical modelling is kicking my ass and I’m mostly likely not going to finish Topic 6 this week  :(.

I’m also still frustrated over helping a fellow classmate for one of my class and as a result they got a higher mark then me. I’m so livid over it. I’m currently waiting for the work to come back so we can compare. I mean how does that even happen…

Yeah, I’m mad and frustrated from sad and stressed as detailed in my last entry.
But that’s a good thing because now I can channel it into my university work and stay disciplined to get it done.

I’m also frequenting the forums a lot more and posting a lot, which could be good or bad. I’m unsure to be honest, I might slow down depending what people do with my “advice”.

I’m also still trying to figure the mystery of the HSC moderator’s profile pictures, there has to be a correlation between their photos and being a moderator. I will find the answer to this no matter what it takes. 

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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2017, 10:20:19 pm »
I'm also still trying to figure the mystery of the HSC moderator’s profile pictures, there has to be a correlation between their photos and being a moderator. I will find the answer to this no matter what it takes. 

It's just a coincidence...  ;)
Life is weird and crazy as heck but what can you do?